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Made by:

•Nicolas Chavez
•Mariana Villalba
•Deivy Zuñiga
we will name some of the causes
Social and economic inequality: Economic inequality and lack of access to land and
natural resources have been deep-rooted problems in Colombia. This has led to
tensions between different social and economic groups, as well as the emergence of
movements and armed groups seeking a redistribution of wealth and power.
Political Struggles and Partisan Violence: Since the beginning of the 20th
century, Colombia has experienced periods of political violence and infighting
between parties. These political conflicts have often been exacerbated by
ideological polarization and competition for control of government.
1964 1970 2002
The armed conflict in Since the 1970s, drug
Colombia began in the 1960s trafficking has been a key Re-election of
and intensified with the factor in Colombian
President Álvaro Uribe,
presence of drug trafficking violence. Drug cartels have who launches the
groups and paramilitaries. The financed armed groups and “Democratic Security”
Revolutionary Armed Forces corrupted politicians
military offensive
of Colombia (FARC) is
Signing of the "Peace Agreement"
between the Government of
Colombia and the FARC
The peace agreement signed
in 2016 put an end to the
armed conflict but there
are still challenges to
Armed groups in Colombia have been responsible for much
of the armed conflict in the country due to their involvement in a variety of
violent activities and their political and economic objectives. Some of the
most influential armed groups that have contributed to the war in Colombia
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia): Founded in 1964
ELN (National Liberation Army): Founded in 1964
Self-defense groups / Paramilitary groups: At the end of the 1990s
BACRIM (Criminal Bands): After the demobilization of the AUC in the 2000s
Victims: More than 260,000 victims including displaced, disappeared,
wounded and dead, both civilian and military.
Economy: Economic costs exceed 300 billion dollars in the last half
century. Investment, tourism and development have been hampered by
Forced displacement: Colombia has one of the largest internally
displaced populations in the world. Armed violence has forced millions
of people to leave their homes and communities in search of safety in
other parts of the country or abroad.
The importance of dialogue: Dialogue es essential
to resolve conflicts and to achieve peace in the
The importance of cooperation: International
cooperarion has been essential to overcome the
war in Colombia

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