Toxicidad de Las Ranas Venenosas Panameñas.

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Toxicity of Panamanian Poison scurry into leaf litter when pursued: January to March 1966, seven popu-

at other places there are distinct ar- lations (representing all basic ground-
Frogs (Dendrobates): Some
boreal tendencies, with the individ-tals colors save black) for toxicity. Al-
Biological and Chemical Aspects
singing and foraging at heights up to though intrapopulational variation in
Abstract. A small Neotropical frog, 6 m and more. Even different demes color is normally slight, the dorsal
Dendrobates pumilio, undergoes inter- of a single insular population vary in color in a population on Bastimen-
populational variation in color, degree extent of arborealism. That there is tos Island ranges from pale green to
of toxicity, size, and habits. Differences an interpopulational shuffling and red; samples of green and reddish
in body coloration encompass the visible combining of these various attributes orange frogs from this population were
spectrumt froim red to blue, as well as suggests that but a single species is in- tested separately (Table 2). For each
achroimatic black and white. There are volved. All populations are tenta- sample 11 or 12 frogs were pithed and
wide variations in the degree of toxicity, tively allocated to Dendrobates punmilio immediately skinned; the skins were
but these variations are not correlated Schmidt, 1858 (2); this species exhibits extracted three times with five volumes
with supposed warning colors. Extracts relatively little variation outside of of 80 percent buffered methanol (pH
of skin yield two toxic compounds Panama, an area from which it ranges 7.4). The methanol extracts were con-
characterized as steroidal alkaloids with north in the Atlantic lowlands to centrated, and portions were assayed for
molecular formulae C9H3,.NO) and Nicaragua as a red-bodied frog (3). In toxicity after subcutaneous injection
C,:iH3,,NOQ. The rapid rate of diver- northwestern Panama, many of the into 20-g white mice (NIH, general
gent evolution among populations of populations occupy similar microhabi- purpose). The time of death as a func-
this frog may result from isolation and tats, and it is difficult to think of tion of concentration is shown in Fig. 1
chance restriction of original heterozy- selective agents that can produce such for the reddish orange Bastimentos
gosity, with subsequent selection acting extreme variations in color. sample. The amount of toxic principle
on different and greatly limited mix- To learn whether the various popu- that causes death in 9 minutes was
tures of alleles. lations also differ with respect to arbitrarily assigned the value of one
toxicity and, if so, to determine if standard dose. After the mice were
Many amphibians produce irritating higher degrees of toxicity are associated injected, they had locomotor difficulty
and unpleasant skin secretions that, in with the brighter or supposed warning with partial paralysis of the hind limbs.
some cases at least, provide partial de- colors, we tested, in the period from Piloerection, salivation, extensor move-
fense against predation; compounds
isolated from such amphibians often
possess remarkable pharmacological Table 1. Examples of pharmacologically active compounds from amphibians.
activity (Table 1). Some vividly pig- Minimum
mented frogs in the Neotropical family Compound Genus Activity
lethl dose*
Dendrobatidae are generally presumed (mg/kg
to be poisonous and, hence, to have
warning coloration. Certainly, the only Nitrogenous bases
Batrachotoxin Phyllobates (4, 5, 22) Cardio- and neurotoxin 0.002
dendrobatid heretofore investigated in Samandarine Salamandra (6), Centrally active 0.3
detail has bright coloration, and also Psecldophryne(7) convulsant
an extremely active poison, batracho-
(tarichatoxin) Taricha (8) Neurotoxin 0.008
toxin (Table 1). Recent discovery, in Compound A
northwestern Panama, of an extra- (Cl:H3,NO2) Dendrobates Nerve-muscle activity 2.5
Compound B
ordinary populational complex of the (C,H.3NO.) Dendrobates Nerve-muscle activity 1.5
genus Dendrobates raises some interest-
ing questions related to natural selec- Indole-alkylamines
Serotonin Blifo (9), Vasoconstrictor 300
tion and toxicology (1). Leptodactylus(10)
In the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro Dehydrobufotenine Blufo (11) Convulsant 6
and on the adjacent mainland of Almi- O-Methylbufotenine Blufo(12) Hallucinogen 75
rante Bay and Chiriqui Lagoon, no Phenolic and catechol amines
fewer than 16 populations of small, Norepinephrine Btlfo (13) Hypertensive agent 5
Candicine Leptodactylus (14) Cholinergic agent >10
rotund Dendrobates exhibit astonishing
Leptodactyline Leptodactylus (15) Cholinergic agent 10
geographic variation in color. The basic
dorsal color is red, orange, green, olive Imidazole-alkylamines
Histamine Leptodclctylls(10, 16) Local irritant 13,000
green, blue, or black; venters are yel- Spinaceamine Leptodactylus (16)
low, red, white, or blue; the limbs are Carnosine Eleutherodactylus(17)
frequently black or blackish; the dor- Bufogenins and bufotoxins
sums are unicolored, speckled, boldly Bufotalin Bufo (18) Cardiotoxin
spotted with black, or, in one instance, Bufotoxin Btlfo (18) Cardiotoxin 0;4
black with whitish longitudinal marks. Kinins
These frogs differ not only in color and Bradykinin Raan (19) Local irritant
pattern but in size, in habits, and, less Physalaemin Physalaemus (20) Hypotensive agent
Other kinins Ascaphus (19),
noticeably, in their cricket-like voices. Phyllomedusa (19)
Average body length varies from about Proteins
17 to 20 mm. Individuals at some Hemolysins Trituruts(18) Hemolytic agents 0.002
localities confine their activity to within : For comparison, the minimum lethal dose of curare and strychnine is 0.5 mg/kg; that of sodium
several inches of ground level and cyanide is 10 mg/kg. The compounds were administered to mice subcutaneously.

970 SCIENCE, VOL. 156

with the alkaloid reagent potassium to those caused by crude methanol ex-
iodoplatinate. tracts, except that the salivation and
Further purification of compounds piloerection were now minimal.
' 2.0
A and B was carried out with column The ultraviolet absorption spectra of
z. chromatography on neutral alumina. compounds A and B showed only end
1.0 Compound A was eluted with chloro- absorption, while the characteristics of
form; compound B was eluted with a the infrared spectra precluded the
I . I . I 1 . I
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 mixture of six parts chloroform and presence of carbonyl groups, double
TIME (minutes) one part methanol. Approximately 1.5 bonds, or the oxazolidine group of the
Fig. 1. Assay of toxic principles in skin mg of each substance was isolated by salamandra alkaloids (6). The nuclear
extract of Dendrobates pumilio (reddish this method. The estimated minimum magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra
orange frogs of Bastimentos Island), show- lethal dose as judged by subcutaneous (CDC13) showed peaks at 5.5, 4.0, and
ing relationship of dose (subcutaneous in 2.82 8 (parts per million) and a gen-
mice) to survival time. Each point is an injection of the compounds in mice is
average of three trials. 2.5 mg/kg for compound A and 1.5 eral profile suggestive of a steroid ring
mg/kg for compound B. One standard system with two angular methyl groups.
dose (Fig. 1) corresponds to 100 ,ug of The mass spectrum of compound A
ments of the hind limbs, and, finally, a mixture of equal parts of compounds (Fig. 3) indicated a molecular ion
clonic convulsions and death occurred. A and B. The purified compounds of C1,H33NO2 (calculated molecular
Apparent irritation at the site of injec- elicited pharmacological effects similar weight, 307.251; found molecular
tion was observed at the lower dosages,
but was not noted at higher doses. Al-
though methanol itself is toxic at suffi-
ciently high dosage, controls that were
injected with methanol showed no ill
While there is considerable inter-
populational range in toxicity, there is
no apparent correlation between toxicity
and the color of the frogs (Table 2).
Thus, the reddish orange frogs and the
green frogs of the Bastimentos popula-
tion are equally toxic. Dark blue frogs,
difficult to see under shaded forest con-
ditions, are considerably more toxic
than several samples of conspicuous
red frogs. When all populations are
considered, there is no obvious correla-
tion of either coloration or toxicity
with environmental factors or behavior.
At least two principles are involved
in the toxicity, and these were partially
purified in the following manner. Con-
centrated methanol extracts from 20
skins were partitioned between ten
volumes of 0.1N hydrochloric acid and
ten volumes of chloroform. The non-
basic chloroform extract contained pig-
ments and other compounds, including
cholesterol, but was not toxic. The
aqueous acid was adjusted to pH 9 and
extracted twice with two volumes of
chloroform. Most (70 to 80 percent) of
the toxicity was found in this basic
chloroform extract. The aqueous layer
was not studied further. Figure 2 shows
a thin-layer chromatograph of the basic
chloroform extracts obtained from
populations sampled in this study. The
relative toxicities of crude extracts
from these same populations (Table 2)
are comparable to the amounts of com- Fig. 2. Thin-layer chromatography (silica gel-G; solvent was a mixture of 50 parts
pounds A and B seen in the partially methanol, 5 parts chloroform, and 0.5 part 6N ammonium hydroxide; detection with
iodine vapor) of compounds A and B in partially purified skin extracts from samples of
purified extracts (Fig. 2). Compounds Dendrobates pumilio. The sample designations (1-8) correspond in order with the
A and B, detected through use of iodine populations listed in Table 2. Concentrated samples with the equivalent of 5 mg of
vapor (Fig. 2), could also be detected skin were chromatographed.
19 MAY 1967 971

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Fig. 3. Mass spectrum of compound A from Dendrobates pumilio (AEI-MS-9 mass spectrometer, direct inlet, 70 ev).

weight, 307.251), whereas compound ing that molecular data are not inher- where the individuals show a decided
B yielded a similar spectrum with one ently better than any other kind for tendency towards arborealism. This is
additional oxygen in the molecular the classification of animals. Another the only instance yet discovered where
ion C19H33N03 (calculated molecular nitrogenous substance, tetrodotoxin, two populations occur virtually together,
weight, 323.246; found molecular provides an even better example, as it where a marginal habitat (swamp forest)
weight, 323.244). The nitrogen and is more complex and it evolved sep- is utilized by one population, and
one oxygen atom are part of a car- arately in a family of fishes and in one where the color variation exceeds even
binolamine function as deduced from a of salamanders (8). The biological func- that of the frogs of Isla Bastimentos
CH2NO fragment and from the facile tion and significance of such toxic com- (Table 2, first two samples). The over-
conversion of both compounds to pounds are not, however, always easily lap of ventral colors suggests some
0-methyl ethers with methanolic hydro- demonstrated. genetic exchange, but the correlation of
gen chloride. The NMR spectrum The insular populations of Dendro- two color types with different habitats
(CDCI3) confirms this carbinolamine bates pumilio probably originated dur- indicates that natural selection is op-
grouping with 1 proton at 5.5 8 units. ing a postglacial rise in sea level, erating and maintaining the differences.
Two protons in the NMR spectra repre- whereas the equally numerous main- Whether selection works directly on
sented by a multiplet at 2.8 8 in con- land populations are possibly separated either color or toxicity is not known,
junction with the large fragment C2H30 by areas of swamp forest, a habitat not but theoretical considerations suggest
for both compounds A and B suggests usually occupied. The regional popula- that it should. Bright hues, at least of
the presence of a -CH2-NH-CHOH- tion is thus broken into local units by diurnal animals, generally only evolve
CH2- grouping, while a multiplet due terrestrial conditions and by straits of when positive selective values are con-
to one or two protons (compounds A open water. This is true of other orga- ferred. That brilliant coloration is rare
or B) at 4.0 8 suggests the presence nisms too (for example, Phyllobates in the mostly color-blind Mammalia
of one or two secondary alcohol groups. lugubris, another dendrobatid), but contrasted with the fact that vivid
Acetylation of compounds A and B only in D. pumilio have the isolations colors are important in many flower-
afforded neutral N-acetyl derivatives resulted in extensive change. That ran- bird, insect-bird, and intraspecific bird
with, respectively, 1- and 2-0-acetyl dom events in the founding and in the coactions convincingly supports this
groups as shown by their mass spectra. density fluctuations of small populations generalization. Most birds are thought
Compounds A and B seem thus to be have played a part seems likely; but to have color vision, and some doubt-
related in structure to the toxic alka- there are factors which suggest that lessly include small frogs in their diets;
loid samandarine (C,9H31NO2), first selection is also in force. On the main- in the presence of avian predation it
isolated from the European fire sala- land near Chiriqul Grande, a popula- is unlikely that small diurnal frogs
mander and more recently reported in tion of red frogs having either red or would evolve bright coloration unless
an Australian anuran (Table 1). Alka- blue venters occupies ground slightly for the function of advertisement.
loids of the samandarine type are elevated from adjacent swamp forest; a Thus, a warning role seems the most
examples of convergent chemical evolu- population of green frogs having blue likely function of bright coloration
tion in diverse amphibians, demonstrat- or yellow venters occurs in the swamp, when it occurs in diurnal frogs, al-
though coloration might also serve for
intraspecific recognition in view of evi-
Table 2. Relative lethality of skin extracts of frogs from various populations of Dendrobatespumilio. dence (21) that some frogs possess color
Relative vision. Individuals from each population
Locality General description* lethait tested for toxicity were found to secrete
an unpleasant tasting, toxic, milky fluid
Isla Bastimentos Reddish orange; white; spotted 5.2
Isla Bastimentos Pale green; white; spotted 5.0 when injured or when pressure was
Mainland near Isla Split Hill Dark blue; powder blue; unicolor or speckled 4.2 applied on the skin. The substance re-
Cayo Nancy Bright red; same; unicolor 1.0
Isla San Cristobal Bright red; same; speckled <.5 sponsible for the taste was lost in puri-
Near Almirante, mainland Dull red; red; unicolor <.5 fication, but small quantities of the puri-
Isla Shepherd Olive green; yellowish; speckled <. 5 fied toxic principles cause the human
Isla Colon Green; yellow; spotted <.2
throat to tighten; the substance batra-
* In order: Dorsal color; ventral color; presence or absence of dorsal black spotting (large) or chotoxin from a Colombian dendro-
speckling (flecks to small spots). t Standard doses contained in methanol extract of 100 mg of
wet skin. (Frogs averaged 80 to 100 mg skin per individual frog in the eight samples.) batid (Phyllobates) (4, 5, 22) is more
972 SCIENCE, VOL. 156
active and numbs the mouth. The sensi- References and Notes
Retrograde Amnesia Produced by
1. C. W. Myers (1965), C. W. Myers, J. W.
tivity of buccal tissue to such secretions Daly (1966), in papers read at meetings of Intraperitoneal Injection
should offer these frogs partial protec- the Amer. Soc. Ichthyologists and Herpetolo-
of Physostigmine
tion against certain kinds of predators. gists, Lawrence, Kansas, and Miami Beach,
Florida, respectively. C.W.M. thanks William
Conseqently, within a species that tends E. Duellman, who shared in the discovery
of some of the populations in a trip to
Abstract. Intraperitoneal injection of
toward bright coloration and which is Archipielago de Bocas del Toro. Tomas physostigmine in rats produced a retro-
likely the prey of diurnal birds, selec- Quintero rendered valuable assistance on each
of several trips.
grade amnesia of a trained task of
tion might result in a combination of 2. 0. Schmidt, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. 14, 250 escaping shock. This amnesic effect was
aposematic coloring and a high level of (14 in reprint), Taf. 2, Fig. 13 (1858), a U-shaped function of the length of
Taxonomic notes: E. R. Dunn, Occas. Pap.
toxicity. Therefore, the chaotic inter- Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 5, 393 (1931), put the interval between initial training and
into the synonomy of pumilio the name
populational variation of color and Dendrobates typographus Keferstein, 1867, injection. In all cases, retraining oc-
toxicity in D. pumilio seems at first which has been resurrected for Costa Rican curred 30 minutes after injection. A
populations by E. H. Taylor, Univ. Kansas
paradoxical. Some of the hues seem Sci. Bull. 35, [1] 633 (1952). Taylor had ample substantial effect was produced by
cryptic and others flamboyant, and the reason for believing that the original figure
of D. pumilio "shows a species that could physostigmine if its application was
various populations appear to be evolv- scarcely be regarded as . . . typographus," made 30 minutes after training; there
but discovery of the new Panamanian popu-
ing different ways of life. Conceivably, lations indicates that a single, highly variable
was no effect if application and tests
any protective aspects of the toxic com- species is involved, especially if one allows were made 1, 2, or 3 days after the
for a certain, obvious crudity in the execu-
pounds might be secondary, with the tion of Schmidt's illustrations. Also, Dendro- original training. When the substance
true physiological function entirely un- bates galindoi H. Trapido [H. Trapido, Fieldi- was injected and the rats were retrained
ana, Zool., Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus. 34, 181
relatedto toxicity. (1933)], type locality Bastimentos Island, is 5, 7, or 14 days after the original train-
With all its intraspecificdifferences- for present purposes placed in the synonomy
of D. pumilio. These various epithets (pumi- ing, a substantial effect again appeared.
as in appearance, habits, and chemi- lio, typographus, galindoi) are available for These results are similar to those re-
cal composition of skin-Dendrobates subspecific names, if one wishes to determine
for which populations they are applicable ported in experiments in which another
pumilio is the most variable species of and then coin names for every additional anticholinesterase, diisopropyl fluoro-
population; but a static subspecies concept
vertebrate known to us. A tentative does not seem to us well suited to the phosphate, was applied intracerebrally.
hypothesis would contain the several dynamics of the situation.
3. Norman J. Scott, Univ. of Southern California,
The data demonstrate a similar pattern
interacting factors that must be in- kindly supplied information on color varia- of change of the amnesia with time,
tion of D. pumilio in Costa Rica, on the basis
volved, namely, isolation and small of populational samples from five localities
and they substantiate the view that
population size, inherent variability, spaced nearly the length of the coastal plain. neither the place of application nor the
Individual frogs all have reddish bodies, but
chance, and selection. A map of At- there is an interpopulational trend from red brain lesions caused the reported
lantic-side Costa Rica and Panama to reddish orange and, in a southward direc- amnesia.
tion, a correlated increase in the amount of
reveals that opportunities for isolation black spotting on the dorsum. The frogs in
are greater along some of the flooded northeastern Costa Rica are sparsely dotted
Recently Deutsch, Hamburg, and
with black and have bright blue (rather
coastal reaches of the latter country than black) hind limbs. Dahl (1) and Deutsch and Leibowitz
than elsewhere. This partly explains the 4. F. Mirki and B. Witkop, Experientia 19, 329
(2) produced an amnesia in rats by in-
chaotic variation of D. pumilio in 5. J. W. Daly, B. Witkop, P. Bommer, K. jecting an anticholinesterasedrug, diiso-
northwestern Panama; the variation in Biemann, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 87, 124
(1965). propyl fluorophosphate(DFP) into their
Costa Rica (3), on the other hand, 6. C. Schipf, Experientia 17, 285 (1961). cerebrums.Physostigmine,another anti-
7. G. Habermehl, Z. Naturforsh. 20, 1129 (1965).
seems largely clinal in nature. Presum- 8. H. S. Mosher, F. A. Fuhrman, H. D. Buch- cholinesterase,intraperitoneallyinjected
ably the predecessor of existing popu- wald, H. G. Fischer, Science 144, 1100
into rats (3) and intravenously injected
lations had a high mutation rate and 9. V. Erspamer, Pharmacol. Rev. 6, 425 (1954). into dogs (4) inhibited trained intra-
harbored tremendous genetic variabil- 10. - , M. Roseghini, J. M. Cei, Biochem.
Pharmacol. 13, 1083 (1964).
cranial chemical and electrical self-
ity, making the frog potentially ca- 11. F. Mirki, A. V. Robertson, B. Witkop, stimulation behavior. I have attempted
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 83, 3341 (1961).
pable of adjusting to diverse conditions 12. V. Erspamer, T. Vitali, M. Rosenghini, J. M. to confirm Deutsch's finding that the
in a forest environment. Either the Cei, Experientia 21, 504 (1965). amnesia is due to an upset of choli-
13. F. Mairki, J. Axelrod, B. Witkop, Biochim.
chance fragmentation of this stock, or Biophys. Acta 58, 367 (1962). nergic balance and to confirm the pat-
the chance founding of new colonies 14. V. Erspamer, J. M. Cei, M. Roseghini, Life tern he reported.
Sci. 2, 825 (1963).
in a geographic mosaic, resulted in 15. V. Erspamer, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 82, Similar procedures were used in both
small populations each of which 431 (1959).
16. - , T. Vitali, M. Roseghini, J. M. Cei, experiments. Male rats (Holtzman
possessed a unique and greatly limited Experientia 19, 346 (1963). strain, 300 to 350 g) were trained to
17. J. W. Daly and H. Heatwole, ibid., 22, 764
mixture of alleles on which selection (1966). escape shock in a Y-maze by running
could operate. There was consequent 18. H. Michl and E. Kaiser, Toxicon 1, 175 to the illuminated arm. The safe side
adaptation of different populations not 19. V. Erspamer, in Hypotensive Peptides, E. G. was varied randomly from trial to trial.
only to different micro- and macro- Erdos, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, New York, Each trial ended when the rat sucess-
habitats, but seemingly even to differ- 20. - , A. Anastasi, G. Bertaccini, J. M. fully found its way to the safe side.
ent ways of avoiding predation. Cei, Experientia 20, 489 (1964). He was allowed to remain there for 30
21. W. R. A. Muntz, J. Neurophysiol. 25, 712
JOHN W. DALY (1962) and Sci. Amer. 210, 111 (1964). seconds before the next trial began.
22. Phyllobates aurotaenia new combination,
National Institute of Arthritis originally described as a Dendrobates by Training was concluded when the rat
and Metabolic Diseases, G. A. Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London performed ten consecutive trials cor-
1913, 1029, plate CIV, Fig. 1 (1913), and
Bethesda, Maryland called P. bicolor in recent chemical literature rectly.
CHARLES W. MYERS (4, 5). J. M. Savage, Univ. of Southern Cali- After the rats were trained, they were
fornia, examined the type of aurotaenia and
Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, confirmed our belief that the name belongs kept in the home cage for a variable
with Phyllobates.
Apartado 6991, Panama, R. de P., and 23. Preparation of this paper was supported in period before being injected with phy-
Museum of Natural History, part by NIH grant GM 12020. sostigmine (0.4 mg/kg). The different
University of Kansas, Lawrence 13 January 1967 intervalsbetween the initial training and
19 MAY 1967 973

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