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turn him away completely, or simply limit the effects

CONSUMER’S GUIDE TO available to the character.
Remember! Magick Items are a privilege – not a right
Depending on the level of Magick in your campaign
setting, or rather how much Magick is readily available, Not all effects will be available to just anyone wander-
you may have experienced the problem of setting a ing in from the streets either. If the client has the vast
price on Magick items that your players may want to sums demanded for the construction of a Magick
purchase to enhance their chance of survival in the Item, the Sorcerer or Rune Smith will generally be
grim, perilous world of Warhammer. willing to create the item for said client. However,
some Magick Effects may require a certificate of ap-
proval from both a Wizard Guild authority as well one
A LITTLE TREATISE ON THE or several Cult authorities; this would be the case with
AVAILABILITY OF MAGICK any Necromancy effect, where a certificate would have
to be obtained from both the Wizard Guild and the
The actual pricing guide presented below is based on Temple of Morr, before any manufacture would
the idea that it is possible to have Magick items cre- commence.
ated specifically tailored to the wishes of a specific Also, abilities and Spell-like effects that a manufacturer
person i.e. rather than relying on finding items in for- may suspect could be used for assassinations or similar
gotten ruins and dangerous crypts, a character will be shady business will most likely cause the manufacturer
able to contract a Sorcerer for the creation of a new to deny producing an item with such effects – or he
Magickal items made specifically for him according to may simply tell the character that the level of power he
his wishes. asks for cannot safely be manufactured into an item.
This point of view also assumes that a matrix of stan-
dardized Magickal effects can be created and recreated Finally, since the Colleges of Magick enjoys a great
by any capable and experienced manufacturer of deal of favouritism from the Imperial authorities, it is
Magickal Items. Rather than researching new and ob- not unreasonable to expect that they will report any-
scure powers for an item, the Sorcerer or Rune Smith one they find suspicious to the proper authorities for
allows the character to choose from a catalogue of ef- further consideration (the proper authorities being
fects that has been proven to be stable and keep work- such agencies as would offer potential threats to the
ing time and again. Much like the Spells that are gen- Empire, a “comfy chair” and D6+2 hours of torture at
erally available, these effects are stable and trustwor- the drop of a hat).

Other effects than those proscribed can of course be TIME TO DELIVERY

made manifest in a Magick Item, but the effects of
these are less known and may be highly dangerous. Although most characters would probably like to have
their all-new Magick Items delivered instantly, that is
Note that no availability is presented for the Con- not going to happen.
sumer’s Guide as it left entirely to the discretion of
the GM to decide if a particular effect is available or All items that are not regular stock (and regular stock
not. Magick Items are in essence very expensive and in this case is the stash of old Magick Items brought
rare items, and should not be dictated by the availabil- back to civilisation by other adventurers, mercenaries
ity assigned to common items. and suchlike) have to be manufactured first. Materials
Also, note that a particular enchantment might not be for the physical manufacture as well as anything spe-
available as the Sorcerer or Rune Smith in question cial needed to enchant the items must be readily avail-
has run out of stock of the ingredients needed to cre- able; the manufacturer must have available time for
ate the Magick Effect. the construction of the item and so on. Many factors
Another factor in deciding the availability of certain affect the actual delivery of a new Magick Item, and
item powers is also the impression the character makes characters expecting next day delivery are in for a sur-
on the Sorcerer or Rune Smith. If he behaves in a prise.
manner the manufacturer does not like, he is likely to

The time it takes to construct a Magick Item depends chantments are to add +10 to I, +1 to Dam, add the
of course, largely on how complex a piece of work it Resist Fire special ability and make it a Bane Weapon
will be. A sword with a +1 Dam bonus will be infi- vs. Dragons. This particular weapon will demand (4 +
nitely easier to construct than a sword with numerous 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 14) 14 days of Thogin’s time – and
bonuses and Spell effects. cost the buyer a hefty sum of money.

All manufacture of Magick Items begins with prepara-

tion; construction of the physical vessel (be this a ring, WHAT CAN AND
sword or some other item), making sure that the ele-
ments needed to construct the item are in stock, men- CANNOT BE DONE
tal preparation for the Sorcerer or Rune Smith so he is The following is a number of rules applying to Magick
100% focused on the task ahead and numerous other Items and their uses, and is mostly meant to keep
minor tasks. This will take 4 days and is base amount characters from building up world destroying items
of time needed. In the case of a standard 0 ability and generally abusing the system.
Magickal weapon (WFRP, p188) this is the number of
days needed to make the weapon Magickal and also • Once an item has been created it cannot have
the number of days needed to bring a weapon to the extra enchantments or abilities added to it. A
state where it is ready to receive further enchantments complex and unique Magickal pattern has been
if the weapon is not merely going to be a standard 0 created for the item, and any attempt to re-
ability weapon. weave that pattern will meet with failure and
most likely destroy the item as well.
After the basic Magick item level has been achieved, a Note that this is true both for newly manufac-
number of days will be added to the manufacture time tured items as well as items discovered during
according to the number and complexity of the abili- campaigning. This is meant to keep characters
ties to be added. from constantly upgrading and improving one
See the chart below for an overview of the number of item until it becomes a Harbinger of Doom.
days it will take to add each type of enchantment. • Enchantments cannot be transferred or copied
to another item. Once the Runes have been in-
Time to Delivery Chart scribed and the enchantments cast, the
Enchantment # of Magickal pattern is locked and cannot be al-
days tered any further.
Ability, characteristics +1 day • No more than 10 abilities can be created for
Spell, level 1-3 +1 day any one item. The knowledge of creating more
Spell, level 1-3 specialized +2 days powerful items have been lost to the ages, and
Spell, level 4 +3 days only the most ancient of Dwarven Rune
Spell, level 4 specialized* +4 days Smiths would have an inkling about how such
Spell, level 5 +5 days super-powerful items can be created.
Spell, level 5 specialized* +6 days
Ability, special** +4 days
Ability, bane weapon +5 days WORDS OF CAUTION
Magick Points, per increase +1 day
AP, per increase +1 day Magick Items can give characters an extra edge in their
* All non-Battle Magick is considered specialist, i.e. Necromancy, attempt to survive the harsh reality that is the World
Daemonology, etc of Warhammer. However, be careful when allowing
** All abilities in WFRP pp188-190, except for Additional Dam- characters to acquire Magickal Items. Some characters
age and Characteristic Gain are considered Special Abilities. are liable to abuse them and can suddenly reverse the
Also, note that “Ability, Special” also covers the creation of enchanted whole power balance in the campaign with a few well
ropes, boots, arrows and purses. used items.
Magick Items should be fun to use and add to the he-
An example: Hugin Steeltemper, the resident Master roic nature of characters – they should not cast a
Smith on the Nulner Wizard Guild has been commis- shadow on everything else in the campaign.
sioned to craft a Magickal two-handed axe. The en-

Spell rings* Energy jewels

Feature Cost (in GC) Number of Magick Points Cost (in GC)
Level 1-3, once per day 1,000 /level
1-5 25 /Magick Point
Level 1-3, twice or more per day +1,500 /time
6-10 50 /Magick Point
Level 4, once per day 4,500
11-15 100 /Magick Point
Level 4, twice or more per day +6,750/time
+5 thereafter 200 /Magick Point
Level 5, once per day 8,500
Level 5, twice or more per day +9,600 /time
Level 1-3, Specialized, once per 1,800 / level
Rings of Protection
Level 1-3, Specialized, twice or +2,700/time Protection Given Cost (in GC)
1 AP 1,000
more per day
2 AP 3,500
Level 4, Specialized 8,100
3 AP 5,500
Level 4, Specialized, twice or 12,150 /time
4 AP 7,500
more per day
5 AP 9,500
Level 5, Specialized 9,000
Level 5, Specialized, twice or +10,200 /time
* Spell rings that run out of Magick Points can be recharged at
more per day the cost of 500 GC per 5 Magick Points
Constant +2,500 /level
Constant, twice or more per day +3,750 /time
Holding Powers
Weapons Feature Cost (in GC)
Feature Cost (in GC) Holding (500 Enc) 100
Standard 0 ability 1,000 Lightness (500 Enc) 75
1 ability* (+1/+5 characteristics) +800
or per +1 Dam
Multiple choice of the same ability x2 Cost/Time Magick Pockets
Special ability +4,500 Feature Cost
Bane Weapon + 6,500 Accessibility+Holding (2000Enc) 1800 /Pocket
Dwarven Rune** +8,500 Lightness 400 /Pocket
Minor death Rune N/A Cut/Weather/Fire Proof 100 /Pocket
Major Death Rune N/A
Spell ability See Spell ring
*includes doubling of ranges on missile weapons
**can only be inscribed by a Dwarven Rune smith
Feature Cost (in GC)
Booster (+1/+10) 175
Additional Boost x2 cost/time
Special Ability (Walk on Water, Fire 250
Feature Cost (in GC)
+1 extra AP* 2,500 per AP
Special ability +5,500
* Up to a maximum of 5 AP

Field of Magick Cost (in GC)
Level 1-3 Battle Magick* 200 /Level
Level 1-3 Specialized* 400 /Level
Level 4 Battle Magick* 400
Level 4 Specialized* 800
* Note that Spells requiring difficult-to-get ingredients
will cost more

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