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Tarea 3 - Listening week 5


STUDENT: Julio Cesar Cotrina Llamocca

AULA: 110

Sus respuestas en un documento de e a word - we write the 10 questions - -

-- we listen and write the correct answer.

1. Which speaker is going to study this weekend?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

2. Which speaker is going to visit family?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

3. Which speaker hopes to rest this weekend?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

4. Which speaker will see a film this weekend?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham
5. Which speaker will go somewhere for food?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

6. Which speaker plans to meet a friend?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

7. Which speaker is going to play a sport?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

8. Which speaker is going to work all weekend?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

9. Which speaker will go for a walk in the countryside?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graham

10. Which speaker is going to play video games?

a) Jason
b) Fred
c) Sandra
d) Susan
e) Graha

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