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Valentin Lopez

Author: Rosemary Border

Trama: suspense and horror

Chapter 1 & 2

It was Christmas Eve, there were fourteen in the house and everyone
wanted to play and have fun, except Jackson. They wanted to play hide
and seek but Jackson didn't. Why not? they asked him, and he told them
the story of the last time he played. They were playing in a house where a
girl was killed, and a girl didn’t know the house well, when she opened a
door she jumped because she thought there were no stairs, but if there
were... This girl broke her neck and died, finished the story, Jackson says
to play a game called "Smee". Jackson explained the game and they liked

Then a man named Tim Voice arrived, and Jackson told another story. 5
years ago Jackson went to celebrate Christmas with his Sangston cousins
in Surrey. We were twelve, all young. Jack and Violet were the oldest and
their son Reggie was the youngest.Reggie said to play "Smee", we said yes
and he explained the game to us. He warned us not to play in the dark
because ten years ago at a party they played hide-and-seek and a girl
broke her neck looking for a place to hide, opened a door, didn't see the
stairs and fell.We started playing and the lights went out, after more than
ten minutes searching, I found "Smee" on some stairs, then the others
arrived. We counted and we were thirteen, impossible, we were twelve
playing. We forgot about that and went back to the living room.Chapter 3

At this time Perhaps was smee, Violet Sangston found him when he was
searching for a hiding place. The game didn’t last long. Violet felt cold and
wanted her chaquet so her husband went up to their bedroom to fetch it.
As son as he’d gone, reggie touched him on the arm, because he had to
tell Jackson something horrible has happened.

Reggie went to his bedroom to search a hiding place and he found a deeps
clothes cupboard, he thought that Perhaps “smee” was there. He opened
the door and touched somebody’s hand, he whispered but there was no
answer, he thought that he found smee. Reggie felt that something was
wrong, so he turned on his electric torch and there was nobody there, and
nobody could get out of the cupboard because reggie was satnding in the

Chapter 3

At this time Perhaps was smee, Violet Sangston found him when he was
searching for a hiding place. The game didn’t last long. Violet felt cold and
wanted her chaquet so her husband went up to their bedroom to fetch it.
As son as he’d gone, reggie touched him on the arm, because he had to
tell Jackson something horrible has happened.

Reggie went to his bedroom to search a hiding place and he found a deeps
clothes cupboard, he thought that Perhaps “smee” was there. He opened
the door and touched somebody’s hand, he whispered but there was no
answer, he thought that he found smee. Reggie felt that something was
wrong, so he turned on his electric torch and there was nobody there, and
nobody could get out of the cupboard because reggie was satnding in the

Chapter 4

jackson had started to play a new game of smee, but he felt that
something was wrong, as if there was a spirit in the house.

Jackson had counted thirteen people instead of twelve, and he had

imagined that he touched someone's hand in an empty closet.

Jackson didn't care and started the game again, but he felt that no one
was enjoying the game anymore.

At first he stayed with the group searching but later he went alone.

When he went up to the first floor, Jackson felt human knees, someone
was sitting in a corner of one of the seats by the window, behind the

He moved the curtain and touched a woman's arm.

-Smee? jackson whisper

There was no answer, so he sat next to him to wait for the others. Then he
whispered... What's your name?

-Brenda Ford

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