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The word “decorum” in Iluna Johanson’s post means …

A. behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety

B. decorations used for big celebratory events

C. safety regulations put in places where there are kids

D. the quality of being engaging in social settings

E. the act of being extremely careful

2. According to Janis Saks, …

A. Schools should reinstate uniforms because they promote equality.

B. School safety is more important than uniformity in terms of dress code.

C. Students will find a way to bully each other despite being in uniform.

D. Individuality ought to be celebrated even in inappropriate ways.

E. Boys should be taught to keep their hands to themselves at school.

3. What is the overall tone of the thread regarding school uniforms?

A. Disdain

B. Upset

C. Encouraging

D. Indifferent

E. Disapproving

4. Who argues that school uniforms are not only irrelevant to learning but also not always affordable?

A. Iluna Johanson

B. Joel R.

C. Unci Narynin

D. Ira Smith

E. Janis Saks

5. Which of the following submitted the most irrelevant post?

A. Iluna Johanson

B. Joel R.

C. Unci Narynin

D. Ira Smith

E. Janis Saks

Text 1

Mental health treatment via telehealth is here to stay, and may even increase in use post-Covid-19. People are
needing therapy more than ever before. There has been a significant increase in anxiety, depression, and suicidal
thoughts in the months since the pandemic, according to a Centers for Disease Control study. The greatest increase
was found in those aged 18-24.
In addition to anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts, there has been an increase in substance abuse and domestic
violence. For those who cannot leave their homes or choose not to risk virus exposure by venturing out, counseling
via telehealth has provided a much-needed service.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a talk therapy that is designed to be short-term. “Cognitive distortions”, or
destructive self-talk, is discussed, along with challenging those beliefs. “Homework” is frequently assigned in CBT,
in order to make the sessions more effective and to extend the therapeutic alliance past the hour-long session.

Several literature reviews have found efficacy and satisfaction with online CBT. A review of 17 studies found that
online CBT for depression may be more effective than face-to-face counseling. Participants were equally satisfied
with either type of CBT. Online CBT was also found to be more cost-effective for clients than face- to-face therapy.

Another literature review of studies regarding online CBT found that it leads to significant decreases in symptoms of
anxiety and depression. Online CBT was also found to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy in treating panic
disorder. Online CBT was also significantly effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and
specific phobia.

Text 2

There are many different types of therapy, and while they may use varying techniques or approaches, they all share
the common goal of improving your mental health. Therapy helps you learn how your own mind works. It allows
you to navigate your feelings, build healthier habits, and change your mindset so that your life looks more like you

Many people are resistant to the idea of participating in therapy when they first start struggling with their mental
health. It's common to dismiss therapy as "just talking to someone" and make excuses – I already have friends to talk
to; I won't be able to open up to a stranger; I can just take medication. It may seem like therapy can't possibly be
effective in reducing the symptoms of a mental health condition, but a lot of scientific evidence backs the process.

Over the last few decades, advances in neuroscience have uncovered that life experiences affect our brains—this is
called neuroplasticity. When our senses are activated, when we learn something new, when we face stressful
situations, or when we have many other kinds of experiences, our brains can change in structure and function. In
part, this means that events or external stressors can lead to mental health struggles, but it also means that some
experiences, including therapy, can help modify brain structure and function into a healthier state. Studies
consistently show that behavioral and emotional interventions work just as well or even better than medication to
treat various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Beyond the brain changes generated by therapy, therapy also works long-term simply because of the skills it gives
people. Through therapy, people learn about themselves and can continue using this insight as they face new

6. According to Text 2, people who participate in therapy would be able to …

A. function more properly and perform better at work

B. build healthier habits and navigate their feelings

C. build a life that is considerably more productive

D. change their mindset and be more compassionate

E. navigate their feelings and change their minds

7. Which of the following best restates the statement “For those who cannot leave their homes or choose
not to risk virus exposure by venturing out, counseling via telehealth has provided a much-needed
service.” in Text 1 Paragraph 2?

A. Counselling via telehealth has provided a much-needed service for those who cannot leave their homes
or choose not to risk virus exposure by venturing out.

B. Counselling via telehealth has provided a much-needed service due to the risk of virus exposure by
going out.

C. An essential service such as counselling via telehealth has been made available for the ones who
cannot leave their homes.

D. Counselling via telehealth is vital because of those who cannot risk virus exposure by going out.

E. Due to fear of risking virus exposure by venturing out, counselling is now conducted only via

8. According to Text 2, the following statements about therapy are TRUE, EXCEPT …

A. People can understand how their mind works through therapy.

B. Therapy can help alter the structure of the brain over time.

C. Therapy equips people with skills to help them overcome challenges.

D. Therapy does not truly work until one is on medication as well.

E. Therapy is claimed to be more effective in treating various mental health conditions.

9. According to Text 1, why is “homework” assigned often in CBT?

A. It helps make CBT sessions work more effectively.

B. Most patients request to be given homework.

C. CBT only works if patients are given homework.

D. Patients are more prone to night terrors without it.

E. It helps make patients more disciplined in attending sessions.

10. What is the relation between the two texts?

A. Text 1 talks about the advantages and disadvantages of therapy which is discussed in Text 2.
B. Text 2 negates a claim made about the benefits of therapy elaborated in Text 1.

C. Both texts talk about therapy, but Text 1 focuses on online therapy whereas Text 2 focuses on the
benefits of therapy in general.

D. Both texts explain how therapy works but, Text 1 focuses on how online therapy works whereas Text
2 focuses on why therapy is important.

E. Text 2 further explains why a form of therapy mentioned in Text 1 will outperform other forms in
terms of effectivity.

Dhara Meghani, PhD, has spent years working with children, pregnant women and new mothers, learning
about how their backgrounds can affect their development as parents. But after giving birth to her first
child, she saw first-hand how new parents’ demanding schedules keep them from getting the mental
health support they need. And for some new moms, the need is great for mental health care: About one in
nine women experience symptoms of postpartum depression, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.

In response to that need, in 2016 Meghani joined colleague and fellow new mom Paulina Barahona, MS,
to create Parentline San Francisco, a free telebehavioral health service specifically for new parents. It is
based out of the University of San Francisco (USF) clinical psychology program where Meghani is an
assistant professor and core faculty member.

Pediatricians and pediatric nurses direct patients—usually new parents who are worried about their
babies’ behaviors or who are experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety—to call the Parentline
voicemail number. Then, within 24 hours, USF psychology doctoral students return the calls and schedule
times parents can speak with a clinician, either via phone or Zoom, a web video conferencing platform
that is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Parentline Colorado is also free for patients, paid for by a grant for the first year. In future years, the
program will offer sliding-fee schedules and allow patients to use Medicaid. And like the patients, the
doctoral students and clinicians participating in Parentline enjoy the same flexibility benefits that
telehealth services provide. “Psychologists, we have a tendency to think about our clinical appointments
being one time a week, 50 minutes long, but when you’re offering these services on Zoom or over the
phone there is an option to really be flexible in a way that’s helpful rather than hindering,” Vozar says.

She adds that the doctoral trainees love being able to offer Parentline services from anywhere, as long as
they have access to good WiFi and are in a location that guarantees privacy and confidentiality. Barahona
says the next steps for Parentline include sharing some of the data they’ve been collecting on new parent
experiences and possibly launching Parentline in more areas.

11. Adapted from: How Psychologists Are Using Telehealth To Reach New Patients (Good Practice
Magazine (American Psychological Association Services Inc. Winter 2020 Edition))

A. A lot of women are in need of mental health support after they give birth to a child due to their
demanding schedules.

B. Dhara Meghani, PhD was the first woman to witness how new parents struggle to get proper mental
health care.
C. One in nine women experience heavy depression after they have just given birth to a newborn baby.

D. Postpartum depression can be treated by consulting with the Centers of Disease Control and

E. A lot of women are only in need of mental health support after they have given birth to a child.

12. Which part of the passage first talks about the creation of a free-of-charge health service for new
parents based out in San Francisco?

A. Paragraph 1, sentence 3

B. Paragraph 2, sentence 1

C. Paragraph 2, sentence 2

D. Paragraph 3, sentence 2

E. Paragraph 4, sentence 1

13. Which part of the passage first talks about the creation of a free-of-charge health service for new
parents based out in San Francisco?

A. Paragraph 1, sentence 3

B. Paragraph 2, sentence 1

C. Paragraph 2, sentence 2

D. Paragraph 3, sentence 2

E. Paragraph 4, sentence 1

14. Which of the following is FALSE about Parentline?

A. It offers flexibility to its working doctoral students and clinicians.

B. It’s provided in several places like San Francisco and Colorado.

C. Parentline was founded by Dhara Meghani and Paulina Barahona.

D. Parentline uses Zoom as its platform for consultations.

E. Parentline is hesitant about expanding and launching in new areas.

15. The word “hindering” in paragraph 4 sentence 4 has the opposite meaning to ....

A. constraining
B. holding back

C. inhibiting

D. making way

E. sabotaging

Read the text below and choose the correct answer to the following question

(1) Flavor is actually what people refer to as taste, according to Dr. Bruce Bryant of Monell Chemical
Senses Center. Flavor is made up of three components: taste, olfactory sense, and trigeminal sense. Tastes
that people sense are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami, and even fattiness in some cases. Your olfactory
senses work with tastes to produce the sensations people think are one-dimensional. For example: fruit
will be either sweet or sour, but the “fruitiness” comes from your nose smelling your fruit, and your nose
is what allows you to tell the difference between a peach and a pear, not your tongue. Your trigeminal
system perceives spiciness awareness. Your trigeminal system detects pain through nerve endings
sensitive to pain, temperature, and touch.

(2) With your trigeminal system, scientists think that some people are simply born with pain receptors
less sensitive, but they lack research to back this up. Researchers do know that exposing children to more
spicy food at a young age can desensitize nerve endings, making them more tolerable to spicy foods. For
example, Mexican parents give children packets of sugar with red chili powder, which builds up their
spice tolerance. This causes the nerve endings in the mouth to die off, therefore allowing a high tolerance
to spicy foods from a lack of nerve endings.

(3) PENN STATERS (Pennsylvania State University) did research to find a link between personality
traits and a passion for spicy food. Scientists have found that personality is a factor for whether or not
people like spicy foods and how often one eats spicy food. Researchers Nadia Byrnes and John Hayes
from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences found data that “suggests chili liking is not merely a
case of increased tolerance with repeated exposure, but rather that there is an affective shift towards a
preference for oral burn that is not found in chili dislikers”. This means some people just prefer an oral
burn over other people. UPenn (University of Pennsylvania) researchers had earlier linked chili liking to
thrill seeking, and SUNY (The State University of New York) Stony Brook researchers found a
relationship between chili liking and sensation seeking to be a more formal measure of personality. Both
UPenn and SUNY Stony Brook’s studies were found to be very weak, with neither study looking at

(4) In the PSU (Penn State) study, they used updated measures of sensation seeking questions that
avoided gender and age based questions. They also used a four-point scale rather than a simple yes/no
scale to be more precise. The PSU study consisted of 97 males and females ranging in age from 18 to 45
who filled out a food-liking questionnaire. On the questionnaire, participants rated the intensity of
different taste sensations after sampling six things including capsaicin (the active component of chili
peppers, and the spice used in the study) with water. Later, they took a survey including personality
questions, as well as were asked how often they consume chili peppers. Overall, this study confirmed that
liking or disliking spicy foods is not only determined by one’s sensitivity to capsaicin but that personality
factors do exist and influence the affective response to the initial “burning” of capsaicin. The study also
concludes that there were significant positive associations found between sensation seeking and the liking
of spicy meals, though some relationships varied in strength.
16. The passage mainly discusses …

A. Spiciness that is not within the spectrum of flavors

B. The reason why people have different preferences on spicy food

C. A research about spicy food and people’s personality

D. Three different components of flavor

E. People’s obsession with spicy food

17. The word ‘flavor’ in paragraph 1 has the opposite meaning to ….

A. Taste

B. Blandness

C. Savor

D. Appetite

E. Numbness

18. What is the result of the PSU research?

A. People who like spicy food prefer an oral burn over other people.

B. Some people are naturally born with less sensitive pain receptors.

C. People’s preference on spicy food is caused only by their sensitivity to capsaicin.

D. There was zero association between sensation seeking and the liking of spicy meals.

E. People’s personality influences their preference on spicy food.

19. Why does the author mention a Mexican habit in paragraph 2?

A. To provide an example for people’s habit and culture on consuming spicy food

B. To support the idea that consuming more spicy food increases people’s spicy preference

C. To provide a hypothesis to be proven scientifically by further research

D. To prove that frequently consuming spicy food builds up people’s spicy tolerance

E. To promote a lifestyle for people who want to increase their spicy tolerance
20. What is the author’s opinion about the passage?

A. There was no author’s personal opinion presented in the passage.

B. People who prefer spicy food are more likely to not enjoy bland meals.

C. People who don’t eat spicy food possess less personality traits than those who enjoy it.

D. More research is needed to study people's preferences on various kinds of flavors.

E. Spicy food is more popular among youngsters than among elderlies.

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