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De Jesus, Darid Jienne B.

Consumer Behavior

MKA22 March 21, 2023



Answer the following questions briefly but concise.

1. Explain consumer affect and cognition, behavior, and environment. Why do marketers need to
consider all three in developing strategies?

The relationship between affect and cognition, behavior, and environment has been a topic of interest in
psychology for many years. But as for a marketing insight, we can safely assume that these three play a
major role in considering creating value and sale from consumers. Consumer affect is defined as
emotional experience that an individual has in response to their environment, which can range from
positive to negative. Cognition, on the other hand, encompasses the mental processes involved in
perception, memory, and thought. Behavior refers to the observable actions an individual takes in
response to their environment, while environment is the physical and social context in which the
individual exists.

It is important to note that affect, cognition, behavior, and environment do not operate independently of
each other. Rather, they are interrelated and can influence each other in complex ways. For example, an
individual’s behavior can influence their environment, which can in turn affect their affective experience
and cognitive functioning.

In conclusion, the relationship between affect and cognition, behavior, and environment is complex so
much so that it continues to be the subject of ongoing research in studying consumer behavior.
Marketers need to consider these three factors in marketing to create a successful campaign in creating
value for the potential consumers. Understanding these interrelationships can be useful in improving
individual outcomes and promoting healthy functioning in a variety of sales.

2. Explain the relationship between consumer environments and marketing strategy.

Consumer environments is the study of the elements that influence individuals’ purchasing decisions,
including environmental, psychological, and societal factors. Marketing research refers to a business’s
overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products
or services. The relation between these two aspects is that they both study the consumers’ preferences,
intentions, needs, and wants.

3. Why must marketing strategies ultimately influence overt consumer behavior to be successful?

Marketing strategies offer a lot of ways in providing tactics in attaining potential customers and in
communicating the product or service to the target audience. Therefore, marketing strategies ultimately
influence overt consumer behavior because the overt behavior of consumers are the only behavior
marketers can directly observe. It is also where the money is made by means of purchasing and profits.
4. What are the four levels at which consumer analysis can be conducted? Offer one example of how
consumer analysis could aid marketers at each level.

Consumer analysis can be conducted at four levels:

Cultural level - this level examines how culture, values, and beliefs affect consumer behavior.

Example: A marketer could analyze the cultural values of a specific target market to understand how they
view different products and what values they prioritize in their purchasing decisions. For instance, some
cultures value family and community, and this may influence their preferences for family-oriented
products such as games and activities.

Social level - this level looks at how social groups and networks influence consumer behavior.

Example: A marketer could analyze how social media influencers affect the purchasing decisions of their
followers. By identifying the types of influencers that resonate with their target market, a marketer can
tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Individual level - this level focuses on the personal characteristics of the consumer, such as their
personality, lifestyle, and attitudes.

Example: A marketer could use psychographic analysis to identify the personality traits of their target
market, such as whether they are introverted or extroverted, to understand how they prefer to be
approached with marketing messages.

Psychological level - this level examines the psychological processes that influence consumer behavior,
such as perception, learning, and motivation.

Example: A marketer could analyze the motivation of their target market to understand what drives them
to purchase certain products. By identifying their target market's motivations, a marketer can create
marketing messages that resonate with them and increase the likelihood of conversion

5. Offer two examples of how a change in marketing strategy led to changes in your affect, cognition,
behavior, and environment.

As a student, I think marketing strategies can really help influence my purchasing power now that I have
been studying consumer behaviors. An example of a change in marketing strategy leading to changes in
affect, cognition, behavior, and environment:

I encountered a clothing brand has used to target young women with highly sexualized ads that
emphasized thinness and beauty. However, in response to changing consumer preferences and social
trends, the company shifted its marketing strategy to focus on inclusivity and body positivity, featuring
models of diverse sizes, races, and gender identities.

Affect: The new marketing strategy could make consumers feel more positive and accepting of their
bodies, as they see models who look more like them represented in the brand's advertising.

Cognition: Consumers might begin to associate the brand with values such as inclusivity and diversity,
leading them to develop a more positive perception of the brand overall.
Behavior: The new marketing strategy could influence consumers to make different purchasing decisions,
as they might be more likely to buy from a brand that aligns with their values and beliefs.

Environment: The shift in marketing strategy could change the overall environment of the fashion industry
by setting a new standard for diversity and inclusion, inspiring other brands to follow suit.

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