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The orthotic management of spina bifida children

present status—future goals

N . C. C A R R O L L

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

All spina bifida children should have functional " N o n a m b u l a t o r s — T h e s e patients a r e wheel­
goals established for t h e m . These goals will vary chair-bound b u t usually can transfer from
with t h e severity of the m o t o r a n d sensory chair t o bed.
deficit, a n d with t h e child's developmental
threshold. I n establishing such goals it is con­ "Nonfunctional a m b u l a t o r s — W a l k i n g for
venient t o g r o u p the children according t o these patients is a therapy session at h o m e , in
neurosegmental level: thoracic, u p p e r l u m b a r , school o r in t h e hospital. Afterwards they
lower l u m b a r , a n d sacral. use their wheelchairs t o get from place t o
place t o satisfy all their needs for transport­
Children with spina bifida tend to be delayed
in their developmental l a n d m a r k s : (a) h e a d
control, (b) creeping, a n d (c) a m b u l a t i o n
" H o u s e h o l d ambulators—These patients walk
(National A c a d e m y of Sciences, 1973). They
only indoors a n d with a p p a r a t u s . They a r e
should be reared in a milieu which is intellect­
able t o get in a n d o u t of their chair a n d bed
ually a n d physically challenging. Every effort
with little if any assistance. T h e y m a y use t h e
should be m a d e t o " n o r m a l i z e " their lifestyle.
wheelchair for s o m e i n d o o r activities a t h o m e
These children benefit from a sense of achieve­
a n d school, a n d for all activities in t h e
ment. Mobility is essential if the child is going
t o attain social m a t u r a t i o n a n d educational,
vocational a n d avocational goals. G o a l -
" C o m m u n i t y a m b u l a t o r s — T h e s e patients
orientated p r o g r a m m i n g requires a co-ordinated
walk i n d o o r s a n d o u t d o o r s for most of their
t e a m effort, with the patient the most i m p o r t a n t
activities a n d m a y need crutches o r braces, o r
m e m b e r of the team.
b o t h . They use a wheelchair only for long
F r o m birth t o h e a d control, the goals a r e t o trips o u t of t h e c o m m u n i t y . "
correct deformities, avoid contractures, en­
courage development t h r o u g h mobility a n d I n a study of 68 spina bifida children aged 12
protect anaesthetic skin. a n d over, D e Souza a n d Carroll (1974), found
T h e goals from the time of head control t o that the eventual a m b u l a t o r y status w a s
creeping are t o achieve a sitting balance, prevent primarily dependent o n (1) the neurosegmental
deformities, protect anaesthetic skin, encourage level of the lesion, (2) the m o t o r power within
the use of h a n d s bilaterally, improve eye-hand a given neurosegmental level, (3) the extent a n d
co-ordination, improve upper-limb strength, degree of the orthopaedic deformities, (4) age
improve interaction with a b r o a d e n e d environ­ a n d stature, (5) t h e design a n d effectiveness of
ment a n d improve mobility. the orthosis, (6) intelligence, (7) motivation,
A s regards ambulation, spina bifida children (8) spasticity, (9) obesity, a n d (10) possibly sex.
can b e classified by functional level into n o n - T h e goals for a child with a thoracic n e u r o ­
a m b u l a t o r s , nonfunctional a m b u l a t o r s , house­ segmental level w h o has progressed t o t h e p o i n t
hold a m b u l a t o r s a n d c o m m u n i t y a m b u l a t o r s where he is ready t o a m b u l a t e are (1) g o o d
(Hoffer et al., 1973). sitting balance, (2) a m b u l a t i o n at least d u r i n g
first decade, (3) ability t o d o transfers, (4)
wheelchair propulsion, (5) self-care, (6) social
acceptability, (7) schooling, (8) access t o environ­
ment. A s a n adult, the patient should learn t o
drive a n automobile.
T h e goals for a child with a n upper, l u m b a r , A child with a thoracic or upper l u m b a r lesion
neurosegmental level w h o h a s progressed t o t h e m a y have difficulty in dragging himself from
point where h e is ready t o a m b u l a t e a r e similar point A t o point B . W e frequently prescribe a
t o t h e goals for a child with a thoracic neuro­ prebracing mobility a i d called a Caster C a r t
segmental level. However, o n e would h o p e that (Fig. 1) for such a child (Carroll, 1974). T h e
the child with t h e upper, l u m b a r , n e u r o ­ Caster C a r t m a k e s it easy for t h e child t o m o v e
segmental level would learn t o b e a household a b o u t a n d explore his environment. H e learns
ambulator. t o use his h a n d s t o m a n i p u l a t e t h e wheels. H i s
O n e of the goals for a child with a lower, skin is protected.
l u m b a r , neurosegmental level is t o m a k e h i m W h e n a child with a thoracic o r upper,
a c o m m u n i t y a m b u l a t o r . H e should b e capable l u m b a r , neurosegmental level demonstrates
of crutchless standing a n d self-care; h e should that h e is frustrated with sitting a n d that h e
be able t o go t o a regular school; a n d h e wants t o stand, we prescribe a Standing Brace
should b e motivated t o b e self-reliant. as shown in Figure 2 (Carroll, 1974). This is a n
T h e child with a sacral level, neurosegmental
lesion should b e c o m e a c o m m u n i t y walker with
minimal bracing.
T h e spina bifida p r o g r a m m e at the Ontario
Centre for Crippled Children includes a n
information class for t h e parents of pre­
schoolers, a multidisciplinary clinic, a n d an
orthotic clinic. I n t h e information g r o u p
parents a r e taught h o w t o avoid contractures,
t o encourage development t h r o u g h mobility,
and to protect anaesthetic skin. T h e spina
bifida clinic is conducted with a neurosurgeon,
a n orthopaedist, a n d a urologist in attendance.
T h e orthotic clinic is attended by a n o r t h o ­
paedic surgeon, a n orthotist, orthotic tech­
nicians, physiotherapist, occupational therapists,
nurses, a n d social workers. A child is presented Fig. 2. Standing Brace.
at the orthotic clinic when he requires orthoses
t o help h i m achieve t h e next developmental inexpensive prefabricated orthosis which gets a
threshold. Most of t h e children a r e 10 t o 18 patient upright without delay. It is m a d e of a
m o n t h s old. T h e child's specific functional loss tubular frame t o which p a r t s a r e riveted. T h e
is determined, goals a r e established for t h e
fitting can be completed in u n d e r t w o h o u r s a n d
present a n d future, a n d decisions a r e m a d e as
the patient c a n stand without crutches. H e can
t o t h e role of physiotherapy, surgery a n d
m o v e without crutches by pivoting. H e can use
orthoses in his p r o g r a m m e .
crutches t o achieve a swing-to o r swing-through
gait. A s a preliminary device it enables t h e
clinic t e a m t o assess t h e child in standing.
W e believe that these children should stand
a n d walk even if later in life they will give u p
their orthoses for wheelchairs. W h e n they stand,
their horizons are broadened, their lower limbs
are less osteoporotic a n d they have fewer
fractures, their bladders drain better, bowel
function is improved a n d their cardiovascular
system is stimulated by t h e increased physical
activity. Upper-limb strength is increased.
Some of t h e children with a n upper, lumbar,
neurosegmental level have been fitted with a
Fig. 1. Caster Cart. Reciprocating G a i t Brace (Carroll, 1974). This
device, by m e a n s of a gearbox, harnesses the Practically all o u r children with instability of
power of hip flexors on one side t o p r o d u c e hip the ankle-foot complex are fitted with a vacuum-
extension o n t h e opposite side. W i t h t h e formed polypropylene insert (Carroll, 1974). If
assistance of crutches, a reciprocal gait is knee stability is a p r o b l e m , a polypropylene
possible by activating one hip flexor at a time. insert can be attached t o a polypropylene thigh
Swing-through gait is achieved by activating b o t h support by m e a n s of side hinges.
hip flexors at the same time t o keep the legs Orthoses in the research a n d development
rigid. This orthosis is aligned so that it allows stage at the O n t a r i o Centre for Crippled
crutchless standing. It is h o p e d that dynamic Children are as follows:-
stretching of the hip flexors will prevent p r o ­
gressive hip-flexion contractures. W e have Plastazote shoes—to protect deformed in­
experienced gearbox maintenance p r o b l e m s sensitive feet.
with this orthosis. Trunk-suspension systems—to prevent scol­
Children with a total paraplegia, i.e. thoracic iosis, pelvic obliquity, a n d ischial pressure
neurosegmental level, progress from the standing sores.
brace t o a P a r a p o d i u m (Fig. 3), (Carroll, 1974). Curb-climbing wheelchairs—to b r o a d e n the
n o n a m b u l a t o r ' s environment.
Stand-up wheelchairs—to enable a n o n -
a m b u l a t o r t o assume a n d maintain a standing

Early in this paper, goals were listed for

children with varying neurosegmental levels.
H o w often are these goals a t t a i n e d ? D e Souza
a n d Carroll (1974) found that in the second a n d
third decades, c o m m u n i t y a m b u l a t i o n was
achieved by 53 per cent of children with a sacral
neurosegmental level, 30 per cent of children
with a lower l u m b a r level, 10 per cent of children
Fig. 3. Parapodium. with an upper l u m b a r level, a n d n o children
with a thoracic level. O u r great challenge for t h e
This device supports the spine during b o t h future is t o have these children continue t o
sitting a n d standing a n d is aligned so that the a m b u l a t e when adult, n o t just during the first
child can stand without crutches. A swing-to or decade.
swing-through gait can be achieved by the use T h e third most i m p o r t a n t factor in deter­
of crutches. T h e P a r a p o d i u m is constructed mining a m b u l a t o r y status is the extent a n d
from a prefabricated kit which has the following degree of the orthopaedic deformities (De Souza
design features: stability, low weight, adjust­ a n d Carroll, 1974). It is incumbent o n the o r t h o ­
ability for growth, quickness of assembly, ease paedic surgeon, therefore, t o ensure t h a t t h e
of alignment, ease of maintenance. W i t h the spina bifida child under his care has the spine
P a r a p o d i u m the shoe is " p a r t of t h e child," n o t balanced over t h e pelvis a n d hip, the h i p
p a r t of the brace. Crutchless walking can be balanced over the knee, a n d the knee balanced
facilitated by attaching a pivot-walker o r swivel- over a plantigrade foot. O u r orthoses m u s t have
walker platform t o t h e footplate. Special- the following design characteristics: they m u s t
p u r p o s e attachments can be designed a n d be effective, comfortable, lightweight, low in
m o u n t e d easily. Crutchless standing m a k e s it cost, durable, cosmetically acceptable, easy to
easier for the paraplegic child t o engage in manufacture, easy t o maintain a n d adjust for
activities such as tossing a ball, dialing a tele­ growth, easy t o apply a n d remove, a n d they
p h o n e , reading from a b o o k in front of a class, m u s t u o t impede any of t h e activities of daily
opening a bottle, or p o u n d i n g a nail at a work­ living (Carroll, 1974).
bench. T h r o u g h research we m u s t develop a m e a n s
In t h e last couple of years we have been of avoiding abduction, flexion a n d external
making more and more use of polypropylene. rotation contractures of the hip, while still
maintaining a position favouring h i p stability. need total mobilisation of medical, paramedical,
W e need better t r u n k supports. A s yet we d o n o t engineering a n d c o m m u n i t y resources t o meet
have g o o d multiaxial h i p joints. W e must these challenges.
develop a m e a n s of maintaining directional
stability for limbs t h a t a r e in below-knee braces.
T h e fourth m o s t i m p o r t a n t factor in deter­
mining a m b u l a t o r y status is the age a n d stature CARROLL, N . C . ( 1 9 7 4 ) . The orthotic management of
the spina bifida child. Clin. Orthop. 102, 108.
of t h e patient. A s yet w e d o n o t have a satis­
DE SOUZA, L . J . and CARROLL, N . C . ( 1 9 7 4 ) .
factory m e a n s of getting a tall, heavy paraplegic Functional ambulation in the braced spina bifida
from a sitting t o a standing position. W e need child (submitted for publication).
urinary-collecting devices for b o t h males a n d HOFFER, M . M . , FEIWELL, E., PERRY, R., PERRY, J .
and BONNET, C . ( 1 9 7 3 ) . Functional ambulation in
females. W e m u s t assess t h e feasibility of patients with myelomeningocele. J. Bone and Joint
externally powered braces for a m b u l a t i o n . W e Surg., 5 5 A , 1 3 7 .
need suitable stair-climbing aids. O u r architects NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ( 1 9 7 3 ) . The child
need t o b e educated s o t h a t environmental with an orthopaedic disability—his orthotic needs
and how t o meet them. Report of meeting,
barriers are removed from t h e community. W e Annapolis, November 1 9 - 2 1 , 1 9 7 2 .

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