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Question 1 Question 2

“Typhoon Paeng happened when I was “We were also affected here in Midsayap at
in Midsayap because at that time when the boarding house where I stayed because
it struck it was October 28 or 27 and it there was also flooding there and we can’t go
was the night of my pageant when out very much because the water is up to our
Typhoon Paeng happened, so I didn't knees in our boarding house but then that
have first hand experience of the time we didn't felt the effect very much
typhoon in Alamada because I was here because the flood just subsided
in Midsyap.” immediately.”

“I’m from Alamada ma’am, barangay “The number one that I received from LGU
Mapurok. I have lived there for so long was load so that you can call. Our SK
since birth. When the Typhoon Paeng Chairman and our barangay captain gave us
came, I was so scared to the point that I free loads of sim cards to those people who
thought our house will be destroyed were there in order to fasten the
and I can feel that it’s the end of the communication and to have emergency calls.
world.” After the typhoon, they gave us water and
the RHU team came and they asked us if
there is any injury or experiencing fever or if
RSPNDNT 2 there are any other health issues.”

“What I felt was super freaked out and “Five kilos of rice and three kilos of sardines
our personal things were missing from and our relatives with a little cash and clothes
our house and the other things were were bought from us.”
RSPNDNT 3 wet.”

“I was nervous because the typhoon “From the government, we received canned
was so strong, miss.” goods and rice. From our relatives, they
offered us a house.”

"That time when the typhoon struck, I "When typhoon Paeng came, first we called
was doing my household chores, I felt our relatives and it was good because there
so nervous because the disaster is very was still a little signal so our phone was
tremendous, the wind is very strong charged so there was no low bat but we really
and our house is surrounded by many talked to our relatives and then asked if we
trees so I am very scared and also my were okay and also from the government
family that our house might be overrun itself gave they are a little help, right those in
because the acacia tree is too big. So cellophane, rice, canned. With that, it can
it's very traumatic for our part because really help those who are there who are the
you know the typhoon Paeng is a super same as you who were devastated. that can
typhoon I think it will bring lightning, help for one savings on food that really helps.
the winds are very strong and I can And also the government especially the
insist that the neighborhoods have their municipality of Alamada said that next time
roofs coming off so we are very nervous to prevent the flood especially in barangay
on our part and also very sad for others Mapurok because they are also the ones who
who feel that way." will be affected by the flood so they are told
that the garbage in the next time should be
RSPNDNT 5 thrown in the right trash can to prevent clog
the drains. Then the river should be the water
flow, so the government can check the risk of
backflow or what, because that is also the
cause of floods sometimes."

“It is very bad for us here in Barangay “We received help from the government, rice,
Pacao because many houses were noodles, canned goods, and aside from the
affected by typhoon Paeng.” government, we also had my relatives who
gave us food, clothes, that's what they gave.”


"So in our area, the effects of the "In our case, usually there is nothing like that,
typhoon are not really visible. So in the our municipality focuses on other barangays,
area of the barangay Mapurok, it is very mostly food, water and anything else that can
affected because it is very close to the help, so it is given to other barangays because
RSPNDNT 7 river, so there are more people affected more people are affected there."
by the typhoon."
“Typhoon Paeng was one of the “Our house is very close to the river, so of
tragedies that happened in our course we were worried because we don't
barangay. After Typhoon Paeng know what to do, but with the help of our
happened, we were still nervous and neighbors, we helped each other to move out
we were worried because it might from our area and the LGU aslo sent help to
come back to our place anytime." our barangay.”


"It was just raining hard. It was scary, "When it comes to relatives, maybe it's just
but I know that we were not affected at moral support, the neighbor's house is far
all." away, so they say there's no point, but to the
government, they'll just give you canned food
like sardines, and a kilo of rice."

"When there was a storm, the rain and "From the government, they have five kilos of
the wind were very strong." rice given to us."

“After the typhoon paeng, every time it “So during that time, since everyone was
rains, we all worry because what if it unprepared, there was no stock, we didn't
was just like when paeng struck. It have anything prepared at our house, so
really left us traumatized because we fortunately our neighbors were also our
were unprepared during that time.” relatives, so during that time, if they have
food, they gave it to us so that we could
survive those days when we couldn't get out
because of the typhoon.”
“I felt depressed that time because of “Aside from monetary support, most
the unfortunate thing that happened to especially our relatives and family, they gave
us. It was depressing not only for me encouragement that this will all pass by. Our
but also to other people as well government also provided monetary
because of the situation in our area.” assistance to help people survive somehow
RSPNDNT 12 and also provide relief goods.”

“After Typhoon Paeng hit our area, I “So it's a basic advice from our parents not to
guess I felt something like I was go out just like that situation. We just prepare
devastated because of course a lot of for what might happen.”
infrastructure was destroyed here in
RSPNDNT 13 the barangay but so far it's okay

“We had a hard time because our area “That time, the government gave relief goods
was really not that affected, but it really and then the neighbors helped each other
felt like a typhoon has passed through and then every week they gave relief goods
our area because it was very difficult for and went around the area to see if other
us to go out and we also lost households needed anything.”

“At that time, I felt very down because “There were a liitle aid from the government,
we did not expect that the typhoon will then there is also a little bit from our parents
be that strong and damage the typhoon who gave us our basic needs, especially food,
caused, so at that time the only thing in of course because of the typhoon we don’t
our mind is that we want our family to have anything like clothes so for the children
be safe then we are thinking about how who’s with us at home, our government
we can recover.” officials also gave them a little help.”

Question 3 Question 4
“From the government, I don't know “We were not able to prepare anything
because there wasn't much impact there because I was very busy since I was
in the lower dado and they weren’t much preparing for school.”
affected there. I stay in barangay
Pigcawaran, I always live there. They
were not affected there as well. I only
saw posts on Facebook and I just heard
on the news that barangay poliyagan on
the Ricaan side was really affected
because the impact of the typhoon there
was very strong. Usually when there is a
typhoon, they are the ones who are
affected the most.”

“My worst experience back then, I was so “Based on my experience, we are not
scared because I was just peacefully really prepared because first of all, the
sleeping and then suddenly right after I canal was clogged because of the
woke up, the flow of the water was so garbage. That's why the water was
fast but not really high after that, we did flowing exaggeratedly. I did not prepare
not sleep. Until the morning the water anything because as I've said, I was
was so high that we left with no choice asleep and the declaration of the state of
but to go up to the second floor of our calamity was early in the morning that
house. At that time I feel that our house we did not even notice, they declared
is not steady and can easily be that it was already signal number three
destroyed.” at two AM in the morning. So, that’s the
main reason why we are not prepared.”

“Trauma” “We did not prepare because we didn’t

expect that it would be a strong

“The wind is so strong that our house is “We didn't prepare anything because we
shaking so much that we are nervous.” didn't expect the typhoon to be so
"My experiences are really traumatic "Aside from that we are also watching
because it feels like can we still live? like news on TV that there is a storm coming.
that, thinking that the wind is so strong so, we are in the countryside in Alamada,
that everyone is afraid, especially if you we are trying are best to prepare in case
are close to the tree." of calamities so with that if there is rain
or typhoon coming, we have already
prepared our things and we put them in
cardboard or wrapped in cellophane or
rices that can get wet or we have put the
things on the second floor so that water
does not reach them. And also there
should be a first aid kit at home for those
who get injured or a flashlight that
should be inside the first aid kit. So that's
what we're preparing for if there's a

“We're very nervous because the “For us, of course, we thought that it was
typhoon Paeng suddenly hit and I'm so only a typhoon that we could handle, but
nervous now when I hear the word it's not bad, because it's always raining
typhoon.” hard and the water is rushing from the
mountain, so if our place is high there's
much higher than our’s. so suddenly it
rained so many people were affected
and we were one of the affected because
we were staying here near the

"My experience is that we were at home "In our case, no one was really prepared
together and then we just watched as it was raining well at that time, so no
outside and then the rain was so strong one expected that it would be so strong
that the trees fell down." that it would affect the barangay so
“After a few years, our area was hit by a “Before the typhoon started, we had
typhoon again. We were very worried. already heard on television that a
We also experienced carrying our things typhoon was coming to our area, so we
to our car, the wind and rain were very had already prepared the things we
strong. I also had the experience of needed, including food that we could
sleeping in the barangay because that's take with us. We were listening to the
where our evacuation area is.” news on the radio because at that time
we already lost electricity.”

"One day it was raining very hard and the "Actually I saw on TV that there was a
wind of course felt a bit creepy but typhoon coming but I didn't expect its
throughout for the whole duration I was effect to be that big. Actually, I'm not
just creepy but when I started using my prepared, I just thought it was just a
cell phone it just disappeared." normal typhoon, but maybe it's because
of climate change that it has a strong
effect, so that's it."

"The rain and wind are very strong." "We didn't prepare because we didn't
expect the typhoon to be so strong and
our barangay is not very prone but the
typhoon was very strong."

“It's really scary because anytime we feel “So during that time, none of us
like we're going to be hit by a tree since expected that this typhoon would come
our place is like a forest and every side to us because our area is quite high, so it
has a lot of trees especially coconut trees will not be subject to a typhoon, so not
so with the intensity of the rain we feel everyone expected that it would be
like our house is going to be hit by a strong, so were unpreprared and there
coconut anytime. This is our experience were no heads up or announcements
during that time.” stating the intensity of the typhoon so
we were all unprepared, like foods, first
aid kit, and what else we didn't prepare.”
“Our experience that time was a very “Actually, I know that there is an
heavy rain, like it was so unexpected. We upcoming typhoon since we do stay
didn't expect it to be so impactful, the updated on the news but we just didn't
typhoon paeng was so strong that we expect it to be that strong like we
were shocked, rattled, and most expected a typhoon but we weren't
especially we were all scared.” prepared for how strong and how it's
really a disaster and the effects brought
by typhoon paeng.”

“Literally, of course it's raining and so far I “Actually, it was not a typical preparation
think we didn't even panic because I just like we were super prepared, but when
prepared myself for what might happen.” we heard the news that there was a
typhoon, we were able to immediately
prepare things for safety, of course the
most important of all is food.”

“During the typhoon, it really made us “Actually, we were not able to prepare
rattle, of course the wind was strong, much because we were busy and then
then the rain was strong, then we were we weren't in our own place because we
not aware of it because it was sudden, so visited our relative in another place.
we just stayed in our house and prayed.” When we came back a few days ago,
there was a typhoon, but we were
always ready at our house, we had
medicines and canned goods that are
always ready.”

”The typhoon was very bad because we “As usual, here in the Philippines,
didn't expect it and because of course we typhoons are common, but even if we
were inside the house, we thought it was say we are prepared,, no matter how
just raining. After a while, we were prepared we are if we don't expect how
shocked because the wind was very strong the typhoon is it will still lead to
strong and the water are rising ver nothinh so at that time it's like we can
quickly and it seems that someone is say that we're not unprepared and we
calling us from the outside that we should didn't prepare much because we don't
go out immediately for safety purposes have enough equipment of course if we
so that's why we came out then we just prepare it seems like it's difficult on our
looked at our house as one of the ones part of course.”
that were washed away in the flood then
all our hard work was gone and
everything seems to be lost.”
Question 5
“The water level was high that time, the
water has reached up to our knees, so it was
difficult for people to pass."

“In terms of death, there are none, but in

terms of casualties, there are many, that’s
because of the corn crops, rice, ghad it was
very damaged. The fishes were popped off in
the fishpond due to the overflowing of
water. The corn there was not much
anymore. There is a current that was cut off
because of the wind speed. Then after that in
the morning, a lot of slippers, pails, and
other things were missing. And our bridge
was a floating bridge supported by a drum,
so the drum was found near the Barongis.”

“It's not really that bad because it's behind

us. It’s just that the water reached the house
of our neighbor and their pigs were washed
away and our neighbor's house was

“It wasn't very strong because we weren't

really hit by the typhoon, but we heard that
the house was badly damaged and the roofs
were blown off.
"To be honest, it’s very severe. It's pitiful
especially those houses that are made of
concrete like wood. So, that's why it's so
serious, it's such a tremendous situation
because the house has been destroyed and
it's going to cause more problems financially
and of course mentally because it's really

“If I were to describe the Paeng typhoon, it

would be too much. Many of us were
affected, houses were destroyed, animals
were washed away, so it was one of the
worst typhoons we have ever experienced.”

"I can say that it's a bit bad for the poor
people, there are animals that have been
swept away in the river, their houses that
have been swept away and covered with
water, so for me the flood is quite severe."
“Our barangay is one of the most prone to
floods because of course we are close to the
river and I can say that typhoon Paeng is one
of the worst tragedies in our area because
many people and houses were affected,
there were also paddy fields that were
washed away and the vehicles cannot pass
because the road is bloacked and there were
also many farmers who became
disheartened because of course they have
nothing to harvest, they have nothing to
earn a living from.”

"It's not really like it's actually bad, but it's far
worse than before, it's just that it's hard to
get to the roads if you travel or have a
motorbike because of course it's very muddy
and some barangays have the worst effect of
the typhoon, but since we're in the higher
area, it is not that much worse."

"The rain water was about to enter our

house and then the wind was so strong that
the branches fell on the road. The tricycle
cannot pass."

“Many trees have fallen especially in our

area because there are many coconut trees
next to us. Then it was very difficult to go out
because the road was blocked with trees.
There are also houses that have been
destroyed and then it was very diffuclt to
pass on the road because it is muddy.”
“The typhoon was so bad that it made us
speechless. The aftermath of the typhoon
was many trees fell, many houses were
destroyed, most especially those whose
houses were not made of concrete, many
animals died. It was devastating."

“Actually, there were parts of the barangay

where the water overflowed from the flood,
but thankfully, in our part, our house was not

"The rain was so strong and then there were

trees that fell and roof that flew. If I will rate
the typhoon about 7 out of 10."

“The typhoon was worse than we expected,

ma'am, because in our barangay, only a few
purok still have foundations or houses left,
because you can see that in our area, there
were landslides, floods, and even trees fell
down. There are still some who have injuries
during the typhoon they are trying to get
their things that can be saved a little and
maybe they hit a tree or something. So it was
very bad, ma'am, the water is already so
deep that a person cannot pass.”
Question 1 Question 2
“I was not traumatized by what “The government did not give us any support
happened because our barangay was as we were not that affected and they
not that affected. I was able to priotized those who has suffered more than us
overcome my experience through and those who needs help more. We made
forgetting what happened as what I use of the advices from our relatives so that
RSPNDNT 1 said earlier that we were not affected we won’t feel disheartened because of what
that much.” happened.”

“Actually, I’ve been thinking about “Our relatives said that we should stay in our
those times for three days. What if home in Barangay Kitacubong so that the
there’s a typhoon again? To be honest, I casualties will be evicted. My father agreed
did not really adjust immediately, I’m that we should stay there because the flood in
an easy going person, if what will our barangay was really severe. But the best
happen, happens. But I cannot really advice that we had was the RHU. They said
move on in our corn crops because that we should not stay in the water that
there are not that many anymore. For came from the flood, because right after the
me, I think I am not really affected. But, rain there are still floods, so their advice was
for my parents, they are really the ones to avoid going out because it is very prone in
who were affected. They regretted that Malaria, and that we should drink vitamins.
their crops were worth nothing due to And if possible, we should not drink cold
the Typhoon.” water, we should sterilize it because our
water source was also broken.”


“We helped each other in our “Only moral support”

RSPNDNT 3 barangay.”

“Actually, I didn't have anything to “I really applied it like for example they're
overcome. It was just a relief because going to say something like "hey, it's okay
the typhoon is over, that's how I feel.” that your things got lost and wet, just keep
going” you shouldn't be down on yourself
because you got hit by a typhoon.”

“When the typhoon hit us, I overcame “To my relatives, they gave me messages that
it, but actually after that typhoon, I I should be careful not to neglect myself, so
went to Davao because I visited my with that, we did it so that there would be no
aunt, so I overcame that here. I'm problem in the end. And in the government,
unwinding here and it seems that my it's our right to clean the surroundings,
trauma in Alamada is less because I especially the garbage cans that can cause
walked to Davao, so that's it, but my floods. It was raised that we spread it in our
family who was left there, they were area in Camansi that there should be good
busy cleaning, you should be as people who are not stubborn like that,
RSPNDNT 5 prepared as you are now, you'll be actually in our place there is a task force for
more prepared next time.” that in case of calamity everything is well

“So far, I haven't been able to overcome “For me, why did I apply for it? I just prayed to
it because of course our house was the Lord that we don't have another typhoon
destroyed, we were also one of the because of course it's very painful for us
victims of it, our properties were because we lost our supplies, our plants were
RSPNDNT 6 washed away, my livestock was also destroyed. And to my relatives, just keep
washed away, so it's like a pain to me.” moving on, just try again and trust in the

“It seems like we're recovering fast, “I just used it when we were young in
because we're not really affected, so elementary school, there are seminars in the
what we did was help out in other municipality, the topics are what are the basic
barangays, like our clothes that we things we should do that will help us in the
don't use anymore, the groceries, we typhoon and just always be ready.”
gave them there so at least we could
RSPNDNT 7 help them.”

“After the typhoon, it took us a week to “One of the reasons that I was able to
recover. I only overcame this incident by overcome this incident was because of the
having a positive mindset.” support and advice of those around me, it
was easier for me to overcome because I
applied their advices and I also used it to do
the right thing.”
“Actually I just talk with my parents “Actually for my relatives, they give moral
about moral supports and have a support, I just apply for it, but when it comes
conversation but they don't feel really to the government, of course we eat the
scared about the typhoon.” canned goods and rice that they gave, since
it's hard to walk downtown because the
RSPNDNT 9 typhoon is strong.”

“I overcame it by going to church why? “I used it so that when the next typhoon
We panicked a lot since it rained.” arrives, we are ready with the family, like
what should be in the backpack to carry the
things that should be used in the event of a
RSPNDNT 10 typhoon.”

“I only overcame it because of the “I just took it as, "Don't panic” because every
support of my family, "Just trust that time I panic, of course, other people in the
we will not be harmed." Then the good house will also panic especially because I am
thing is that there was still electricity at with older people so everytime I panic, they
that time, we didn't have a blackout, so will panic as well. Stay calm and listen to the
we had a contact outside in our area, so announcements and what the barangay
RSPNDNT 11 when we ran out of stocks, we had a captain will say.”
contact outside to deliver our needs

“Just trust in God. Everything happens “Their advice served as an encouragement to

for a reason, that's the only reason I'm move forward because without it, of course it
holding on to like it's going to end, will be difficult to move forward, it will be
we're all going to overcome it and I'm difficult to move on from what happened and
just thankful that everyone in my family without their advices, I believe I will still be in
is okay, that's the most important thing. shock until now. So because of their
Even though everything’s been broken encouragement that, "It's okay, everything
and destroyed, as long as we are will be okay", I was able to move forward.”
complete, so it is bearable because we
have each other to support one
RSPNDNT 12 another.”
“So, of course, as I am still a student “Specifically, for our government, of course,
right now, so one of the things I did was they did not just gave advices but they also
to continue my studies so that I could gave subsidies. Because of that, it’s like my
forget what happened in our spirit has been lifted because of course we
barangay.” were hit by a typhoon and there’s something
RSPNDNT 13 you can accept and someone ti help us it was
as if it has become an inspiration to move

“We prayed and then we just made “Their advice was that we shouldn't panic, so
sure that our family was together in one of course we were nervous because of the
house and then we were always alert to rain and wind were strong, but we just stayed
what was going to happen trough social calm, then prayed and then prepared.
media as it was the trend social media Prepare what we need in case we need to
at that time and they also reported on evacuate.”
social media.”

“Maybe what runs in mind that time is “We used it as an opening for us to realize
that everything that happens in our life that we are not alone and there are people
has a purpose. We are in this situation who are willing to help us. We used those
and the Lord will not give us something advices as an inspiration that, “We do not
that we cannot handle, maybe he has a need to give up.” Those advuces inspired us
purpose and he put us here to test us. more and motivated us. We can survive this
We were just thinking at that time how chanllenge because there are people, there
we can sustain the children and our are government officials, there are our
family and how we can eat for us to be relatives even if they are just stranger people,
strong, to have the strength to stand on our compatriots who are willing to support
our toes again.” and help us so that we can get back up

Question 3 Question 4
“Well, for me, my only experience was “Our barangay weren’t affected that
that the water was a little high up to my much so I think it's alright that we didn't
knees, but it was not a very traumatic prepare.”
experience and it was normal to
experience that so I was able to forget it
because I was also busy that time.”

“So how do I cope up with my experience “First and foremost, we should accept
in Typhoon Paeng? What happened is like the fact that we cannot do anything
time heals everything, before I can't anymore. That this will not come back,
accept that things like this are happening. and this what happened after that
After 1 week, the LGU held a seminar on incident. Then, after that, we have a class
how to prepare for the typhoon, then they but I did not go to school for two days
gave us a post trauma assessment as because we don’t have any money and
long as we were given an assessment we are still busy. Somehow our profs
based on how we felt, it was like we were understand why I did not go to school
being guided by how we felt about the because of my situation and they also
typhoon, then after that, what should we have that experience. So, they gave time
do. They gave us advice that if you still to the other students. What I did in my
can't move on from what happened to home was sitting down in my chair,
your farm, the Department of Agriculture thinking that life is not always sweet in
is there to help your farm to get everything. By that, it is not really easy to
insurance, so it seems that maybe the accept everything but we should slowly
support of the LGU of Alamada to us accept the reality. Time will come, you
because the effect on the agricultural already saw the improvements after the
plantation there in us is severe.” Typhoon Paeng, you will feel relief and
the pain that you experienced lessened
because of the improvements from what
happened. “

“Trust in God” “None because we are not prepared at

that time”

“I started clean, of course, the “You should be really alert in your

surroundings were wet, but I just self- surroundings if there's going to be a
destructed on things.” flood or if you're going to do anything.”
“So, as I've said, I went to Davao the next “We were actually prepared because we
day. So, I overcame it here in Davao, I did watched the news when the typhoon
not recognize that I experienced such a arrived to make landfall in Alamada, so I
tremendous calamity. I just prayed.” can say we were prepared because
nothing happened to us, so our gear got
wet because of the strong wind, but we
were the others. Our neighbor's house
was totally wet and then the house was

“I was nervous, ma'am, because it was so “That's what I said to you, we just tried
bad, I was stressed, but despite what to stand again since we lost our
happened, I just relied on the Lord. Only property.”
the Lord can help us.”

“Let’s just help our family and then pray “So since we didn't prepare, that's all we
and don't panic.” did, we just entered the house until
there was no warning from the
municipality that we were going to move
to a certain place, we had to be ready
that time since we’re not that really
prepared. So, just be ready and listen to
the radio and of course, the internet if
it's still available.”

“I learned a lot from my experience "I overcame it in a way that it made me

because of the events that I will never realize the importance of news on TV and
forget in my life. I overcame it because of radio. Because through that I will be
the support of the people around me and more aware of what will happen next
my experiences as well that I can use in and we can prepare."
the near future.”
“When it comes to food, we eat what is “Of course, through my experience,
given to us from the government, but maybe I'm not prepared. Maybe the best
emotionally not that I was so affected but thing to do is being prepared when it
in the whole experience maybe just relax comes to the typhoon, because of course
and being optimistic about the situation.” we are not expecting the worst, and
therefore we should expect the worst
when there is a typhoon coming.”

“That's how I overcame it after the “When we’re not prepared, what we do
typhoon, we kept on stalling with my is to be prepared. If there is a typhoon,
family so that we can reduce this we have to do what we must do, like
depression that we felt.” electricity, because at that time, we
don't have electricity, we had a blackout,
so we must have a generator.”

“Just believe and listen. I just overcame “I only overcame it through maybe
with it by thinking that I should always be support from my family. After the Typoon
prepared for whatever happens.” Paeng incident, we always stock up on
everything, whether it's food, water, or
medicines, because after that, it left us
traumatized, so it made a mark on us
that we should always be prepared.”

“Actually, it was very hard to overcome “Just listen. Because that time when
that experince because it was Typhoon Paeng struck there are also
traumatizing, but I was able to overcome rescuers. We were not prepared on what
it as time goes by because time heals, and to do, so we should be alert as we listen
it's also good to see that our barangay to the instructions of the professionals on
has improved, that we’ve survived.” what to do.”
“Most of all, prayer, because that is very “Of course, at first, I panicked, but I only
important. That's all we can do.” overcame that with the help of my family
because of course they were there to give
advice on what to do. The advices and
support from our local barangay units
helped me iin doing what should be done
during and after the calamity.”

“Our place does not usually expeience “We immediately thought of an

many typhoons because of course North alternative that should be done because
Cotabato is not a sea so it was a new of course we are not prepared for the
experience of strong typhoons there but strong typhoon but thank God because
we overcame it because we made that we are in the same house, we are
experience as a lesson that we should complete so it wasn’t very nervous
always be prepared, don't panic, and stay because we were together.”
alert because we don't know what will
happen one day.”

“We slowly accepted it, we slowly started “The experience we had with the severe
again then we called our frineds and typhoon taught us a lesson that next
asked if we could get a job and start right time, we should not just be complacent,
away so that we can start again because of course, although we can say
especially to us and other people as well that it is unexpected, but even if it is
whose houses has been destroyed. We expected or unexpected, we should
are also seeking help from the prioritize our safety. Then, at that time
government that maybe they could give here is someone who knows better that
us a little help to build a new house. And the typhoon is coming or there is
we slowly encourages each of our families someone who already knows the
not to be down. We need to be strong so intensity. We should be more prepared to
we can overcome this.” save more things and lives as well so that
what happened now will not happen
again. That served as a calling to us.”
Question 5 Question 6
“We didn't get any benefits and they didn't “There were no negative social impacts we
give anything to us because the typhoon have encountered in our barangay since we
didn't have much of an impact on our ere not affected that much.”

“Our barangay received a benefit ma'am, “The negative social impact that was
most specially from agricultural insurance happening in our place was to accept the
since I mentioned earlier that the effect of corruption that was given by the LGU. Is it
the typhoon was very severe in agricultural okay to drop a name, maam? Because the
plantation and our drum in the floating assigned person in our barangay
bridge was damaged. The BLGU supported healthcare in DSWD, we really consider it
the return and fixed our floating bridge. as the one who is really assigned in DSWD
Regarding agriculture, it was supported by to give assistance. The supplies were
insurance. The need for that is to just send a placed in that person’s house, are you
picture to them by proving that your crops familiar with who has the stronger
were damaged. But in regards to the attachment? Unfortunately, the person
personal things that were damaged, we did who was assigned to give those supplies to
not receive any refund but they gave us a everyone gave only to those people who
supply like food for a week.” were convenient to them. It is supposed to
give all the supplies but somehow they only
give one supply to the other people. So
because of that Typhoon Paeng, people
found a new way to scam or modus other
people to apply that for corruption in

“None because a lot of things were damaged “A lot of people was depressed and had
and lost in our place.” trauma because of the Typhoon Paeng”

“Of course, we didn't benefit because the “So far, it's not really negative because
typhoon hit the paddy fields, the banana almost all the barangays have helped each
crops were destroyed. Because of the other.”
typhoon, the rice fields were destroyed
instead of being harvested, which destroyed
the income of the owners.”
“We benefited from our government “What we encountered was the livelihoods
because they took action immediately, they of the people, especially the crops.
immediately did things like the river, Unfortunately, those who have other
immediately fixed the roads, narrow canal, wrappers have been cut off, so they no
the roads that were broken and there was a longer have a source of income. So a lot
broken water supply that was also fixed.” has been reduced. Human livelihood is

“Ahh yes, we receiverd helped from the “Negative impact? They say that some of
government, the LGU in the shortages, they them cut down the trees, that's why the
also gave us food packs.” flood is so bad in our area because there
are no trees, some of the residents here are
cutting trees.”

“Our town has benefited because the “The only negative thing is that the
residents have received it, especially those municipality seems to be lacking in
who have been affected. They received food, readiness, they lack equipment so they
clothes, water, that's all the basic needs of should provide an emergency that can be
the people they received.” used in each barangay, like in Mapurok,
they should have an emergency rescuer.
The municipality was not ready at that

“From what I have observed, the LGU has “One of the negative situations here in our
given a lot to our barangay, we have town is the river, when it rains heavily, the
received small things like relief goods, from water rises quickly and many homes will be
big things like they have helped us with the affected by the flood.”
evacuation. They also hold symposiums so
that the residents can learn what to do
before, during, and after the disaster. It gave
us the opportunity to know what to do in the
“Actually, no one has benefited our town “Most probably the land looks like it will
because the best thing to do is to pave the collapse because the landslide is very
way to buy in downtown. Just to not get strong so therefore it should be paved or
muddled, I just don't know to the barangay plant more trees because the land might
captain but that's the way it is, we don't have really collapse.”
any benefits, maybe it's just something.”

“We benefited with one kilo of rice, ma'am.” “That's why the branches are falling, it took
about a week for jeeps and motorcycles to
pass because big branches were falling on
the road.”

“In terms of mentality, there are probably “The negative social impact must be the
benefits because almost everything after that trauma and the loss of income during that
happening we have been prepared, but in time because of course their crops were
terms of what happened to the crops and destroyed because a typhoon passed
livelihood, maybe until now I have seen that through.”
they have not benefited as their livelihood is
also ruined after the typhoon.”

“If you base it on the agricultural setting, on “The only negative thing that happened to
the status of our barangay, there is no us is that the progress of the government's
benefit because Typhoon Paeng destroyed action is slow like there are many people in
our area. Our residence did not benefit need but the government's response is not
anything, however, the residents were able fast and active. People are waiting for what
to benefit something. We were able to learn should be done. Their response and action
a lot of things. We were able to realize how really needs improvement as it was very
good it is to help each other in times of need. slow.”
So the most important thing for us is that we
benefit from our experience and we have
gained knowledge for what will happen in
the future but hopefully it won't happen
“In our barangay, the LGU gave out relief “Actually, I can't seem to recall anything.”
goods to the victims of the typhoon.”

“We didn't get any benefits. But we just saw “When it rained heavily, we also
that the govenrment is more attentive to encountered neighbors who panicked, then
help us and then they are always there when gave fake news that they had to evacuate,
needed them.” but the government didn't announce

“Yes, we were able to benefit a little but to “Maybe the only negative social impact is
be honest it is not enough because of course that others will complain why did they only
there are many people who have suffered so received this, why do others have that, then
it is not that favorable to us because of others will say that they did not receive
course it is there are still other people who anything but why do others received that.
needs help so it should be balanced. The Regarding with the jobs that have been
things that the government gave us was offered to those who were hired, not all of
woods to build our house then they gave us the people were given the opportunity due
rice. They also gave out school supplies for to the large number of people, so others
the children. The government also provided can say that it is unfair. The negativity of
for roofs, nails, and other materials in people is very bad, of course because this is
building the houses. Then there was also the the time where we just try to make an
government's method in which we will be the effort to survive. Maybe this time it's not
one to build our own houses at the same enough, it's not favorable to each other, so
time they will pay us for those days when we that's why it caused miscommunication or
were building our houses so that we have misunderstanding to people.”
money and we worked hard for it and did not
receive it for free. They also gave us
Question 1 Question 2
“I think being calm. Because in cases “Since our barangay was not very affected,
like when there is a typhoon, the the only advice given to us by our relatives
approach should be calm because if you and neighbors is to stay safe as much as
panic, you won't be able to think possible.”


“The character trait that was improved “It is very important, ma’am, it seems that
in me was all about awareness, you you can feel that you are important to them,
should be aware of your surroundings. that they don't want to lose you, it seems that
For instance, it does not mean that the you have added energy, even though you are
rain will remain normal, there’s a already weak. When you read the chats of
possibility that the normal rain later on your relatives, you can tell that they love you
will be one of the typhoons. And in any very much. I them. That's why I have to
instance, we should be aware of survive, so moral support seems to be a factor
everything, it does not mean that it is in why we were able to survive this time.”
like that, it will still remain like that,
even that thing we do not know what
the capacity is, so be prepared for

“I became strong because of this “It's very important because we don't know
Typhoon Paeng.” what's going to happen next and if it's really
RSPNDNT 3 bad what's going to happen next.”

“My alertness level and self of mind “It is very important because of course it is
leveled up.” not possible what the quote says "no man is
an island" so, it is much better that the person
has a support system. So, it is very

“This is about being optimistic because “The support they gave was a real help, for
if you are in a situation where you are my relatives the words of wisdom really
very scared, very nervous and helped me mentally. If it was the government
traumatic, you must know what you are that helped us, they gave us rice and relief
doing and you must not panic.” goods. You cannot see why it is certain that
natural calamities can be consumed by us and
the government in the task force if they have
a risk, we can reduce the mortality rate so
that no one dies, no one drowns in the flood
because of the task forces to be able to help.”

“In every day of our life, we must be “If something happens to us in life, we should
prepared so that in case something just thank the government for what it has
happens to us, at least we know what given us. In every calamity that happens our
you should prioritize, what you should LGUs are always there. and in case what
bring, and what you need, for example, happens we should always be prepared.”
there is an announcement from the
government like that or we can hear
something on the radio that there is a
typhoon coming and at least we can
RSPNDNT 6 prepare.”

“It is my awareness that has improved, “It is very important, especially to the
you must be alert, you must be ready government, what they have given because
for what you must do, so you must without them, those affected by the typhoon
always be ready for anything.” will not be able to eat, if they weren't there,
there would be no evacuation area, that's the
place where they helped the most, they gave
the affected people a chance to eat and be
comfortable at that time.”

“One of the character traits that “At that time, my family had no one else to
improved in me is consciousness as well rely on but the support of our neighbors, our
as being cooperative where I learned to government and the people around us. During
help in our situation and I also became that time, we received helped from the
more active in the challenges around government in observing our situation and
me.” providing our needs such as relief goods as
well as other things that could help us.”
“Maybe, just being optimistic about the “Maybe the important thing is if I rate it to 1-
whole situation. Because if your 10 stars, maybe 7 stars.”
nervousness comes first then you have
nowhere to go. So being optimistic
should only improve.”


“You should be disciplined about what “Why are advices is important to us? When
is being reported in the news that if there is a typhoon, we already know what to
there is a typhoon or any incident you do.”
should really listen because if you don't
RSPNDNT 10 listen your life will be very dangerous.”

“Maybe being resilient because every “So during that time, I was the only adult in
time something happens no matter our house because my companions were
what you have to fight, every time you children and the others were seniors. So the
have to be okay, don't let it get to you support of my relatives outside is very strong
and don't panic.” and important because they told me that
since I'm the only one there, I should calm
myself and also who I am with, so if they
RSPNDNT 11 didn’t told me that advice, I will panic as well.
The advice and support they have given is so
important to us.”
“Being alert, vigilant, and attentive to “It’s very important because those advices
the news, reports, and things that we served as a fuel to move forward, to go on
should know.” with life because as what we have
experienced, it was already traumatic itself so
the words of encouragement really helped us
to make us realize and to give us hope that,
“There is still hope, we can handle it as we are
not alone, and there are people who helps


“Maybe the character trait that was “Most importantly, the advices from our
imporved upon my experience was parents was very important because of course
being a boy scout. It is because of we are just in one household so they have a
course the typhoon was so sudden that bigger impact on us as well as on the rest of
we didn’t even know that there is going the family. If there’s someone in the family
to be a typhoon, so maybe being a boy who’s been traumatized, they can give
scout and being prepared all the time.” advices and support.”


“Stay positive, be ready always, and “It was really a great help because of course
then just don't panic.” we can't survive only by ourselves as no man
is an island and the prayers from our
relatives, then the government's help in
providing relief goods and then after the
RSPNDNT 14 typhoon the government visited us to see if
we're okay if we need a medic or anything
“Maybe, kindness. Because it doesn’t “It is very important because of course we
mean that because other people didn’t didn't have anything at that time, we didn't
go through what you have experienced, even have water. Maybe if we didn’t receive
you should be selfish. So for me, it gives any help, we don't know if we are still alive
a positive reflection to me that it should right now or are we in the hospital or dead
be at times like that when I see because we got sick. So maybe something bad
someone, I should not just look at them, will happen to us if we didn't have their
I should also lend help even just a little support. We are thankful for their help
because I know that thrught that small because that's what gave us the strength to
help or action they can feel that be here today."
someone is there and they will
appreciate it a lot.”
Question 3 Question 4
“You should always be prepared whether “The issue at that time was that they
there is a typhoon or not. And don’t didn't hear anything or they didn't have
panic.” time for preparation because the relaying
of the message was insufficient. They
have no sufficient information. My
opinion about that or suggestion is that
the government should also
communicate with the people to inform
them so that the work will not be a
hassle after the typhoon and it should
not only be a responsibility of the
government but also a responsibility of
the residents of Alamada. They should be
well aware and they should always be
updated about the weather.”

“The most I have learned from everyone is “Maybe the first thing they should do is
that if there are other people in a to conduct a seminar or barangay that is
disaster, there is always someone to help. very prone to calamities like for example
Because at that time, I felt that very few landslides or anything that is a natural
people helped me, but I can't blame them phenomena. The second one, ma'am is
because most of the time I couldn't help that the LGU should check itself the
them when there was a typhoon, so I BLGU’s lack of equipments, for an
always thought there was a government instance, they need savings for ties
to support them, so what is the purpose because they are stuck in there due to
my help, so, I guess, it is a wrong mindset, typhoons, that is why the materials
if you are willing to help, even if it's a should be complete. And we all know the
little, you should help, if you want to give corruption here in the Philippines, and it
back what you gave.” can’t be stop, so therefore, they should
assign a person who should monitor on
those things that if it is already complete
and they should have a special fund on
those things. actually maam, there are
things for the calamity but recently, we
know that it was used from COVID. So
the fund right now should be in calamity
since covid cases were nothing much
compared before, this fund that is
intended for the cause of natural
typhoons should not be used for other
“You should always be prepared and “We should be given immediate action if
really rely on the Lord.” a natural disaster happens next.”

“You should always be prepared no “For me, I'm just giving my opinion, so I
matter what the disaster may be, you feel the easiest way the government can
should have bags, emergency bags ready do is to alert all the citizens because of
just in case you shouldn't panic if there is course not all have phones, not all have
a typhoon, even though it's not that signals, so they should visit the barangay.
strong you should always be ready, that's Every barangay should hold a symposium
what I learned.” on disaster risk so that everyone is ready
too in case of any disaster like typhoon or

“I've learned that you can't settle for less, “The best thing for the government to do
be prepared for this kind of situation, you is for natural calamities, they should
need to prepare more so that your really give us the right information, they
expectations can be lessened. Hoping should build a task force, that's what is
that there will be no more broken things, important and also they should have
there are no broken appliances, but campaigns, disaster risk and also the
usually what happens in a calamity is officials should not just be officials but
because there are broken things, so the also the residents of barangays and
next one is you need to be prepared municipality of alamada they should
more to prevent it, to get your know the basics when it comes to natural
expectations better, so this is it.” calamities. Basic meaning they know how
to prepare, like first aid kit and also they
prepare things not just their things but
also for themselves and also not only the
officials know about basic life support,
the residents of Alamada should know
when it comes it's a disaster that we
don't know that something will happen
to our family member. so, now we know
how to help, like basic life support, first
“Always be prepared, you're already “They should be able to inform the
prepared in case a typhoon hits our town, people ahead of time,just like our
so at least I know what to prepare for.” neighbor here. They don't have radio,
how will they know if there is an
incoming typhoon? The DRRM should
inform the barangay that "oh those
dangerous areas, you should stay away
here because it's dangerous if the
typhoon comes, don't wait the typhoon
before you evacuate because its
dangerous, so it should be 1 week
advance before the area is informed that
they will be affected by the typhoon.”

“What I really learned is to always watch “So what should be done is first, there
the news, update the weather, so that should be more emergency boats like
you can at least be ready if there is a that because the river is too high at that
typhoon, and then you know what to do time, so the affected people don't have a
during the typhoon.” ride, so to make it faster, there should be
boats to rescue them, then second, they
should always be there updated the
weather forecast so that they can
immediately inform the people who are
near the river and inform the whole
residents of the municipality in Alamada
that a typhoon is coming.”

“One of the important lessons that I “During that time, when we were the
learned from this incident is to be aware evacuated, we were brought to our
of what is happening around you o that barangay and they helped us and gave us
the next time it will happen again you symposiums/seminars which helped us to
will know what you can do in the be aware. In my opinion, my advice to
situations you are in.” the government is that they should do
this in other barangays as well before the
typhoon starts because at least others
will be aware of what to do during and
after the typhoon ends.”
“Maybe, just always be ready and expect “Maybe they should be ready always and
for the worst.” give support like a lot of cans because
what happened was the cans was short,
it was given only good for one day but
the typhoon took three days for 1 week,
because, of course the roads are being
destroyed, so, there are no stores that
can buy foods so maybe they will just
prepare a lot of foods to give to the
citizens next time.”

“I learned from the typhoon that people “There should be a warning or

should be very alert about what should announcement so that the people can
be done, especially the government. And prepare and then there should be stocks
we know what should be right and what of rice and canned goods so that if
not to do.” people do not have enough food, the
government is there to provide them.”

“Not all of us expected to experience the “The only thing that can help us is to
typhoon, so after that, of course, because always announce through social media or
there were no stocks left during the text messages when there is a disaster
typhoon, what we learned is that even if that could hit our area because during
there is no typhoon, there should always that time there were no heads up, no
be some stock left, even if it is just canned announcement was made, and that’s
goods or noodles just in case it happens why we are all unprepared.”
again that we are not prepared, we will
be able to save food for a few more
“I believe the disaster risk reduction ”The most important thing I have learned
response should be imrpoved. I think is to help people. Like we're not the only
there's really a need for a lot of victims. We have suffered through
improvement because there are a lot of hardships, but there are also people who
people who are not really aware. Not have had more difficult experiences and I
everyone has a television to be be aware believe one of the most important things
of what’s happening, nor a radio to know I have learned is that if we don't help
the updates. I think that one aspect each other, who will? How would we
should be improved so that people can be survive if you see, no one helped us at all.
alerted, be informed about the status, for It is really important to help others,
example if there is a typhoon, they can be especially since it's just your barangay.
alerted about the status and what should That's what they say, "Members of the
be done and also the other thing that community makes the community".
they should improve is rescue boats and
rescue staffs because based on our
experience it was very lacking in terms of
equipment, vehicles, helping people, and
disseminating information.”

“After typhoon Paeng, one of the things I “Maybe the advice I can give is more on
learned is to always be prepared because disseminating the news because of
we don't know when there will be another course in our barangay there are only a
a calamity, of course, we should always few workers there so maybe we need to
pray to the Lord for our safety.” increase the man power because if there
is an emergency they can act quickly and
of course improve the infrastructures like
bridges and drainage because of course
when it rains it is the number one thing
that will be affected by the typhoon. And
the barangay must be calamity proof.”

“Be ready because of course we don't “They need to announce if there is a

know what will happen tomorrow so we typhoon coming or if it is strong then
should be ready for whatever happens.” they should be ready to do something
with the water just like the canal so that
the water can be drained more easily and
then the town needs to unite.”
“Be prepared as always and you must be “Maybe they should give more solid
understanding then cooperate so that not information that this is the speed of the
only one or two can be saved. You should typhoon and they made us aware of that.
cooperate so that we can all survive or Then maybe the evacuation center so
succeed in these problems. Also, maybe that during the typhoon we can move
there should be more projects from the immediately and be safe and maybe the
government to do maybe plant some government should do something so that
trees in our area so that next time it our area will not be too affected. That's
won't be so bad because there is a what I said before that we need to plant
prevention of the typhoon. We shoul not trees, there should be proper waste
abuse our nature, like throwing garbages management so that we don't get
everywhere, doing illegal logging and complacent so that next time we can say
stuffs. That's why it came to me that we that our nature has been protected
should not abuse. We need to take care because we took care of it.”
of our nature because we will be affected
if we neglect it.”
Question 5
“I was not depressed that time but I felt sad
for other people. I was sad for their situation
because they have lost their homes and I was
sad for the students who are going to school
because they were afraid to travel back
because the bridge might collapse. I was
saddened for the people who were severely
affected, for those who lost their families,
and for the students who were having
problems on how can they continue to go to
school during that time.”

“The most depressing part for me, maam

was after the typhoon Paeng. It's because I
saw my parents' agricultural crops that were
destroyed, the corns, rice that was damaged
by a typhoon. I saw my parents being
bothered to borrow money just for their
plantation and then they borrowed money
again to recover their plantation, that’s why I
was sad for them. I am not sad for myself,
because I’m just still a kid that was still fed by
them, but I was sad for them because we
have no more money left, we have nothing to
harvest, where do we get money? So from
that time, I feel so bothered about where we
get the money, that was the most depressing
moment for me.
“Things were washed away and the plays
were lost on the road.”

“Just nervous because it might flood and the

things get wet. Of course, you should spend a
money again because you have to buy your
things, it's just that I was nervous about
going down”

“The thing that really depressed me is that I

saw my family crying because it was raining
so hard and with that it feels so sad because
we don't know what will happen in the
future because the water might come in, the
water will go high over our heads and the
events can be depressing because there are
people who are affected that you know,
there are animals that have drowned so it's
very depressing.”
“I'm still depressed because of course we lost
our properties, how we can overcome what
we lost, so it was the worst depression that
happened to me, we had absolutely nothing,
we were completely exhausted.”

“What made me depressed was that I could

see people who had a hard time, especially
those who were really affected. You see
some hard work in the countryside, some
farms have been destroyed, their animals are
gone, for me that's the saddest thing and it
seems like you can be depressed when you
see people who after making sacrifices just
disappear. It's just too painful to look at.”

“Of course, it took us a long time to recover,

it took weeks before we recovered, maybe
one of the things that made us depressed
was how we recovered, how we saved our
things, and how we returned our things to
our house.”
“That time when we saw in the upper
barangay that there was a landslide. It is very
depressing to see that they are really
affected especially in the lower extremities
parts of our barangay.”

“What really depressed me was that the

road was really full of branches, so we
couldn't pass. so that's where I really felt

“The only thing that can help us is to always

announce through social media or text
messages when there is a disaster that could
hit our area because during that time there
were no heads up, no announcement was
made, and that’s why we are all
“What made me depressed the most that
time was the situation of everyone, in our
barangay, most especially the people who
are very unfortunate like those whose houses
were destroyed, those people who lost their
loved ones. Those were the things that can
alter our brain chemistry.”

“Actually, maybe for me personally, it was

the time when no subsidy was received.”

“Maybe because there were damages in our

house which is adding costs and expenses, of
course we also have to consider a lot of
things but because of the typhoon the costs
have increased.”
“What makes me very depressed is when the
rain was so strong. We were inside the
house, there was heavy rain, it is flooding,
the house is floating, there are others who
are drowning because of the drift of water,
they have been swept away, it is difficult to
help them, it is difficult to chase them away.
The trauma of seeing someone else's blood
because they were hit by the tools. That’s
what makes me depressed the most.”
Question 1 Question 2
“My reaction was just normal because “Well, I think the recovery process was okay
in Alamada, whether there's a typhoon during that time because the response of the
or not, it's just normal for the government in Alamada was also fast to help
residents." those affected by the typhoon.”


“If I ask now, ma'am, if I ever hear of “So after the typhoon Paeng was destroyed,
Typhoon Paeng, I can only say to the right after the typhoon, the barangay officials
devil.” were there with us, they scattered around to
see if there were any casualties, then after
they carried it, they reported that the BLGUs
would hire people to clean the canals. support
those who have lost a motor, lost a bucket,
drum, etc. There are reports that are being
made together with the list, and then after
that, the barangay councilor who is in charge
of agriculture arrived, he made the offer and
he went to the DAR, which is said to have a
serious effect on agriculture, so at that time,
the BLGU was one of the administration who
helped to clean up our town, but we also did
our part of it, like we cleaned our houses, the
road, whatever was destroyed, and whatever
it is possible for the accident to happen. The
RSPNDNT 2 water that was left behind was removed to
avoid Malaria or dengue. So, step by step,
even if it's a small thing that BLGU is doing,
we can see the improvements over and over
again. For example, for this day it is clean and
clean, then for the next day, the supplies will
arrive. But if I were to rate, if our barangay
has recovered, there is still nothing. There is
also a broken concrete bridge that has not
been able to be fixed until now. There are also
motorcycles that have not been returned or
have not been given a refund, but maybe the
motorcycle does not have insurance, so I can
consider that there is nothing wrong with it
but those small problems have been already
solved. That’s it, the only problem was
regarding the engineering. For example,
when our concrete bridge is broken it is not
fixed, so the motorcycle that has an umbrella
“I was shocked and nervous.” “The flood was immediately recovered when
the government took action and helped us.”
“When the typhoon hit us, we just “Everyone helped each other, so the people in
overcame it, it's a disaster. I don't even the barangay gave aid, cleaned the road, at
feel sadness, but sometimes you just the evacuation centers, so we just helped
feel sad because you think about the each other.”
rice fields, the houses that were
destroyed because of the typhoon.”

“My reaction is that when I know that “First is that we can't even restore some
there is a typhoon, I am very nervous livelihoods, some crops, bananas that fell
because I think about what will happen down so that's the saddest part for the
in the future, so we think about what residents there. What was done here was
will happen with our families, back to basics, replanting, cleaning, and
housemates and also neighbors, it is changing the government officials so that
normal to feel nervous because natural their expectations can be elevated if natural
calamity is scary, they are really calamities occur.”
traitors, we don't know if suddenly
something happens that we don't want
to happen, that's how I feel.”

“I'm nervous, that's the only thing I feel “They gave us meat and pork food, then
that I'm nervous because of course financial. Then they gave us a safe area so
"there's a typhoon, how strong is the that we can't go back to our area since it's
typhoon that's going to hit our place, dangerous, so they gave us a location for our
can we still be helped if that's the case, safety in case the typhoon arrives.”
so I hope we don't get lost the livestock,
our plants are destroyed and we were
supposed to be able to handle that's


“I can say that it is very memorable for “So I can describe that they are helping even
me. You can see that they are really though there are some people who are really
trying to help themselves lacking. Trucks have already picked up the
residents, delivered them to the evacuation
RSPNDNT 7 area, fed them, and put the children in a
comfortable place.”

“The last typhoon that we have “After the typhoon stopped, it was very
experienced was quite a long time ago difficult for us, but that was the time to prove
when I was very young. So my reaction that bayanihan or helping each other is still
was that I just didn't think about it and I alive in our barangay and that there is still
thought it was normal, it was just rain cooperation even in this situation."
RSPNDNT 8 and strong wind, but when I was in the
situation, it was very difficult for me.”

“Actually I didn't have a scared reaction “The first time our barangay did it, they just
because of course it's normal in the swept, they swept then that's all I saw
Philippines to have a typhoon but my because of course there was a lot of dirt
reaction is that it's normal.” scattered around that's why they swept”
“I saw the homes and people who are “The branches that fell on the road were the
no longer in their homes and people first to be removed, and the roads that were
who have no homes and those who destroyed were immediately acted upon.”
have nothing to eat. I felt sad there.”

“At first, I was angry with the “We just helped each other. We slowly
government because they didn't give us cleaned the streets, the outside of our houses,
a heads up. What if the typhoon was and everything that the typhoon destroyed.
stronger than that? It seems that I was The recovery of our residence is fast because
very disappointed in our government we were all united.”
RSPNDNT 11 during that time because we were not
told and no rescuers or even relief
goods came to us during that time.”

“Well, traumatic experiences will really “We were able to survive the aftermath of the
flashback. Like that scenario in the typhoon as what I have said earlier, because
aftermath of the typhoon. When you of teamwork. Helping each other was really
leave the house, "OMG, is this really the number one that helped our residence
happening?" The scenesof the recover. Also, because of the support of our
aftermath just flashbacks in my mind.” government, but as what I have said earlier
their response was still very lacking. But we
were able to survive because of camaraderie.
Helping each other is really important in times
like what happened to us.”


“So far, personally, it was normal “From what I saw in our residence, of course I
because from my experience, I've never am also thankful to our neighbors. We just
been able to experience something like worked together to clean the roads because
this, actually Typhoon Paeng was my of course there is a lot of garbage. It's good
recent experience.” that our barangay captain also has the
RSPNDNT 13 initiative so we were able to recover quickly.”
”I feel pity towards other people and if “The government has announced the areas
there is a place that will be hit by a that need help and then those who want to
typhoon, especially if the government help are cooperating. Then our barangay was
doesn't help you.” united, so it was easier for our barangay to be
recover after the typhoon.”

“I can say that we were there because “They slowly gave out aterials and things that
we felt that and it is very scary. We will help us build our houses so that it can be
were very scared that we can still built easily. For the students they gave
remember what kind of experience we uniforms then they provided relocation so
went through. It caused a lot of trauma. that we can start a new life especially in those
When I heard about that, I can say that dangerous areas.”
we should be prepared next time so
that what happened to us does not
happen again.”

Question 3 Question 4
“Maybe it's normal to feel hopeful “In barngay Mapurok, the government
because eventually everyone can recover. provided financial assistance to the
Although there are others who took a victims. However, in our barangay there
long time to recover because the effect on were none because we were not affected
them was severe, there were also others that much.”
who were extremely positive that they
will recover on time. So, we can't lose
hope because we have nothing else to
cling to but the hope that everyone can
recover and that everything will be fine.”

“As of that time, I didn't feel any hope. I “So far we don't have any rescue,
always felt like it was the end of the world although the water is very high but it's
for me. Maybe after a few days, when just flowing, it didn't even reach our
help arrived from the DAR, I felt hope roofs. But there are other people who
about our agriculture plantation with have been evacuated to the schools
mom and dad. Because they are very there, so the rescue that is being given is
depressed and left with nothing to say.” right facilities, beddings and supplies of
food and provided loads and if ever they
can afford to stay at home and the
location is still quite okay, they said that
we don’t have to go to the evacuation in
our elementary school, because they said
that the people will also be full there, so
if it's still ever safe at home, we don’t
have to evacuate.”

“Yes, there is no fear in relying on the “Yes they are being rescued and there
Lord.” are also in the barangay who are
“Ahh, we must not lose hope. So, no “I heard there are rescue teams, there
matter what the disaster is, there should are rescue teams that guide those who
still be hope to stand up.” need to evacuate to the evacuation
center. After the typhoon, there were
government employees who helped with
the aid, and guided us on how to stand
up after the challenge of the typhoon.”

“Yes as what I can say being optimistic is “This is what the government officials did
very important that's why you should be in what happened to yes they have a task
looking forward in a positive way because force that was given an evacuation area
if you are burden inside you can't go which is good but I think they should
inside you cannot make it all throughout make the task force more courageous
because you feel burden inside so that's because at that time the task force was
the only thing you should do is look very small so hassle to the part of the
forward so that in the end it will be residents because there is only one like
positive.” the rescue boat only five can enter which
is not good because there are more lives
that will be compromised so it would be
better if the task force is many of them
so that in one rescue they can evacuate
many and save and also the government
is very busy because they are giving free
foods to the evacuation center that is
being given, water, so that's why the
government is very fast to rescue at that
“Yes, of course that time they didn't let us “Yes they have rescue teams that are
back to our area, we feel it that at that provided, our LGU provided a rescue
time, at the same time, we did something team aside from the rescue team they
wrong because we didn't listen to them provided an area to evacuate and
because of our pride and we don't want provided food.”
to leave our area, the municipal councilor
explained that if they have
announcements, we should believe them
and at least we won't be in trouble if
something happens, if something
happens to our properties. so, now, we
don't stay in the danger area anymore. so
we were given a free area where we can

“I can say that there is hope because I can “There is, but I always say that what they
see that the people are helping sent is not enough, so they should add
themselves to survive and the more.”
government is helping the residents to
survive the typhoon so I can see that
there is hope.”

"Actually, no. We were worried that time "At that time, we were already working
and we were just thinking about how to together. The workers from the LGU also
survive and whether or not there is still a arrived and they were extending help as
chance to survive, but it really depends on well. Our barangay served as our
the mindset. In our case, our family really evacuation center and the government
has the mindset that we will survive and also sent relief goods and small things
we still have hope.” that helped the families."

“As for us, it's not that strong and we “No rescue team reached, it seems they
don't have really affected, we have hope, made the rain stop before they arrived
I'm really hopeful that we can overcome like they provided support like every
it, not that the effect is worse but its far team but throughout the typhoon there
worse than before.” was no rescue team.”
“Yes, there is still hope because the “Yes, there are rescue teams, they came
typhoon in our barangay area is not too to us, but they are helping and
strong.” prioritizing those who were badly

“My mindset at that time was very “Sadly, nothing. We were not given any
positive. My family also took strength relief goods or whatever.”
from me, so yes during that time I
thought that there was hope.”

“Actually, I cannot describe it because at “Yes, there were rescue teams that time.
that moment or situation what we felt There were rescue teams that helped the
was that, “Lord, we offer everything to victims, they informed, "Ma'am, we need
you. Please, watch over us.” But by to evacuate." They led to proper
having faith in God there’s always hope evacuation centers, provided proper
so I believe there’s really hope. We just shelters that are safe as well as they
offered everything to God and God really provided food and blankets to the people
heard our prayers because we were able but as I have said earlier the
to survive and manage to go on with life.” government's response is not perfect
because nothing is perfect but I think
that one aspect should be included.”

“Yes, of course. We have hope because “Actually, there were rescue temas, but
we are praying to the Lord that everyone as I mentioned earlier, it is probably
will be safe from the calamity.” much better to increase or improve the
man power because we can't predict the
calamity, how strong it can be, but so far,
there were people helped us and they
respond quickly.”
“Yes, because of course we trust in the “Yes, during the typhoon, there were also
Lord that he will not leave us, we also rescue teams that go around and check
trust in our government that we will not the area to see what is needed and
be forgotten. So, yes, just trust.” whether or not the situation worsens and
they also check if there is someone who
needs to be evacuated.”

“Our mindset was blank at that time. “Yes, there were also search and rescue
What matters to us that time was to teams that were sent by the LGU and the
survive and save our family and that no barangay that also sent to rescue teams
one will be injured or hurt.” to save the people in our barangay.”
Question 5 Question 6
“They should be alert and fast when it comes “For the residents of Alamada, they should
to disseminating information because as I be updated on the weather if there is a
mentioned earlier the information they gave typhoon or anything. For the government,
was insufficient.” they should be well-rounded when it comes
to the challenges that nature presents like
typhoon or anything like a natural disaster.
They should be responsive all the time to
protect the residents of Alamada because
that is the main purpose of the government
which is to protect the residents.”

“Maybe the BLGU can provide a siren to be “The number one thing to be prepared for
greeted when the water signal is high or it is to carry a go pack or easy go pack. The
can be used if there is a fire and if only we ready packs are already there in case of
can increase the BLGU fund for those things calamities. The flashlight, coat and
because Alamada is really a typhoon area whatever else is there, just like a camping
but the Typhoon Paeng is a terrible bag, as long as it is filled with supplies for
experience that not everyone expects. In case the necessities for evacuation and if
there is a typhoon that will hit, there is a possible, the files that are important to put
place to prepare” it in a high place, especially when It's easy
to get wet, especially our important
documents because in case the water
overflows, it's not so bad that you can still
get it because it's upstairs in your house.”

“They should also be prepared anytime; we “My only advice is that we should be
should not wait to reach the serious event.” prepared anytime because we don't know
what the weather will be like if there is an
earthquake or whatever, we should not be
“Because not everyone can use social media, “Sense of mind, always alert, must always
not everyone has a TV, not everyone has a be ready, for example, even if there is a
signal, maybe the easiest way is for the typhoon coming "even if the climate is hot,
government officials after the barangay to the typhoon may not be that strong." It
have an alert system when there is a should not be like that, you should really
typhoon. And they are the ones who go from believe in the weather forecaster and the
house to house to those in the barangay "hey government officials who have been told
there's a typhoon, it's so strong, we shouldn't that if you need to evacuate, should
stay here, we need to evacuate so that there evacuate, then always be alert to your
are fewer victims and less damage from the surroundings putting in mind that "maybe
typhoon" something will happen" so it's just a sense
of mind and people should never lose hope
to overcome others disaster.”

“I think in order to improve some alarm “My advice is don't panic, prepare yourself
systems, the first thing is that if there are if you know there is a natural disaster
more officials, more people and more because it is very traumatic, promise and
leaders in different barangays who are always be optimistic, don't just be
assigned to do the basic things when it optimistic, presence of mind because mind
comes to natural calamities.” is important. And coordination with the
family and neighborhood and government
are very important and please listen to the
“For our government, so far they have a “What I want to say is that if this is the
program that I heard is located in case case, even if something does happen again,
there's a calamity that happens in the we should prepare for it every day. Even if
barangay they can provide support, so for there is a typhoon, flood, earthquake or
me I can feel their support.” other calamity in the barangay, at least we
know what to do. always be prepared and
pray to the Lord to watch over us in our
daily life.”

“The only thing is to add more people and “Don't panic and just pray, watch the news
more equipment to help during the flood.” and then always be ready and always calm

"Perhaps it is right that they give seminars to “The advice that can I can give is that they
others and put up signages especially in should not lose hope. They should just stay
areas that are prone to floods because at composed no matter what happens. Keep
least the people will be alerted. There should the good mindset in them because if you
be signage that the water is high and they get worried you won’t know what to do,
should be aware that they have to and then you will panic. It's important to
evacuate." keep a positive mindset and be composed."

“We shouldn’t really expect a strong typhoon “My advice is to always be ready.
like typhoon paeng, but they should prepare, Sometimes situations are far worse than
like can the school be evacuated, should they before then be optimistic throughout the
prepare food, bedding, and everything, duration of the storm. Being negative only
because since it happened in Samoa, it was leads to negativity and lastly feeling
the worst, and they didn't prepare anything. hopeful. Every rain there is always a
maybe just evacuation support” rainbow.”
“What should be done is that the “That's why you should really listen to the
announcement should be alert in every government's announcements because if
barangay like they should prepare their you don't listen it might be too dangerous
belongings if they are going to evacuate to so if they say that you need to evacuate
the evacuation center.” you should immediately go to the
evacuation center.”

“They should always update the current “The only advice I can say is that whether
weather status. They can also post through there is a disaster or not, we should always
Facebook because almost all of us have be prepared, we should know what we
social media accounts. There should always should do when there is a disaster. We
be relief goods prepared just in case the so- should always be prepared. Let's listen to
called disaster happens to us again because the radio or be aware of all the things we
during that time there were no such things have to get information from.”
that came to help us from the government.”

“I believe in order to improve the alert “First and foremost, it is to listen. Because
system of the government I think they should way back when Typhoon Paeng strucked
recruit more people to do those things. They our residence, there were people who
should recruit more people then train them won't agree, they won't listen that we need
because that time there were not enough to evacuate. They won’t listen that we are
people to do the rescuing, to do the relaying at a dangerous place because of how fast
of message or information. I believe the water rises. They don't want to leave
recruiting more people will really help. Man their belongings, their houses. For me, the
power is really needed like volunteers. Also, most important thing people can do is to
they should improve their equipments and listen to the instructions, to the
their vehicles in order to reach unreachable announcements, and to the things that
families and places because there are places need to be done, that we should stop being
that cannot not easily accessed like they stubborn because we can have material
can't easily go to that place.” things back, but we only live once. Also,
people needs to be vigilant, be alert and
finally is to help others.”

“For me, personally, maybe not changes, just "So based from my experience, one of my
increase maybe and man power that is what advices is to always prepare clothes, foods,
I can suggest. Increase man power even in especially water, and the number one thing
local barangays and be alert of course if is to pray to the Lord. That's the only advice
there is a calamity.” I can give. Also, don't panic because once
you panic, you cannot think properly. You
should just be calm in case there are
“Maybe, they just need to fix the canals so “My only advice is that do not panic and
that the water can drain more easily then then always be ready. Always double check
plant more trees. They should do a tree if you have your medicine kit, then if you
planting program for the children as well so have ready-to-go foods, then trust the Lord
that our area will not be hit by typhoons and just pray. It's more important that you
again.” don't panic because it's bad if you panic
because you won't be able to think

“Maybe they will do more search and rescue “My only advice to people is not to be
warrants so that the people will be alarmed. complacent, don't be stubborn, "Ah, it's just
Maybe there should be cars that can move a typhoon. It will just rain s little" because
people easily can get them quickly to safety we don't know what will happen to us with
and maybe the evacuation center should be our stubbornness, then we should be
there and prepared ahead of time far away prepared and responsible enough to think
so that during the typhoon there won't be straight or properly. Listen to what the
too many people that needs to be evacuated government says. One of my advices is that
people should be rescued a day before or two we should help each other, we should not
days before the typhoon.” be too greedy, we should understand each
other and not fight because in that event
fighting ids not a solution. What will help
us is our positivity, let's work together, let's
be united so that we can successfully urvive
this hurdle in our life.”

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