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Doreethy Mae L. Manalo MKTMGT 1105

Part I
Directions: Choose an object that you have difficulty in using. Make a plan to change the form of this object to make it
more functional.


As I look around, I realized that I've been having a difficulty in using watercolor paint ever since I was in elementary
especially because of its watery characteristic. Therefore this is my plan to change the form of watercolor into a
watercolor pencil to make it more functional and will give more benefits and easiness not just for myself but as well as
to everyone. First, set out the goals and objectives to be aimed throughout the plan. Outline the difficulties and effects
of using the watercolor paint to know what to change and what to add. Asses thoroughly the possible pros and benefits
of the new form of the watercolor paint . List down the materials to be used for the making of the new form. Layout its
possible new shape, texture, color, and form. Then, gradually sketch or illustrate (digital or traditional drawing) the new
structure of the watercolor paint. Start the physical making of the aforementioned watercolor pencil as the new form of
watercolor paint. I've come up with this concept because I know that I'm not the only who was struggling in using the
watercolor paint and we all know that watercolor paint is too watery for simple or basic papers. Therefore, with
watercolor pencils, it will be more convenient and control to paint in color. Unlike paints, all you need are the watercolor
pencils of your choice as well as it will be less messy for you to color your illustration.

Part II
Discuss the very important takeaways that you have learned from the lessons discussed.


From the previous discussion, I've acquired some learnings wherein I've been able to fully grasp and
be aware of what Humanities and Arts are, how do we relate art in philosophy, its contributions to people
in general, culture and society as a whole, and most of all the appreciation of these contributions to life
itself. First and foremost, I've learned that Humanities study and explore more on human culture as well as
experiences. It is a very broad concept since it is not just limited to arts but also tackles a lot of academic
disciplines. Including the study of literature, philosophy, religion, art, and many more. Also, I've been able
to assimilate the real meaning of Art. One of the most important keynotes to remember is that art is the
beautiful outcome of our endless imaginations, experiences as well as emotions. Philosophers Kant, Plato
and Aristotle also have different perspective about art. Therefore, always remember that appreciating art
also aids us to cherish other individuals and embrace our uniqueness.

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