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Chương 3 1. Loại trừ khoản đầu tư vào công ty con
2. Kế toán lợi ích cổ đông không kiểm
soát theo IFRS 3
3. Phân bổ chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý
KẾ TOÁN HỢP NHẤT KINH 4. Lợi thế thương mại sau ngày mua

11 2


Elimination of Investment Account
What the parent is paying for

Share of book Share of

Consideration excess of fair
value of
transferred by Goodwill
subsidiary’s + value over +
parent = net assets at book value of
acquisition identifiable net
date assets
Eliminated against
subsidiary’s share
capital, pre-acquisition

TƯ VÀO CÔNG TY CON retained earnings and

pre-acquisition other
equity items
• Investment account is eliminated
– To ensure that the investment account must be zero
– Substituted with subsidiary’s identifiable net assets and goodwill (residual)
– Rationale: Avoid recognizing assets in two forms (investment in parent’s
statement of financial position and individual assets and liabilities of subsidiary)
33 4


Illustration 1: Elimination of Investment Illustration 1: Elimination of Investment

Consolidation Consolidated Statement of financial
Illustration Parent Subsidiary
adjustments position

On 8 August 2010, Parent Co. bought 100% interest in subsidiary for Dr Cr

$200,000. At the date of acquisition, Subsidiary Co. had the following: Assets
Investment in
200,000 200,000 0

Share capital: $50,000 Goodwill (Note 2) 80,000 80,000

Other net assets
300,000 80,000 50,000 10,000 420,000
Retained earnings: $30,000 (Note 1)
500,000 80,000 130,000 210,000 500,000
Equity: $80,000

At acquisition date, Subsidiary Co. had an unrecognized intangible Share capital 100,000 50,000 50,000 100,000
asset had a fair value of $50,000. Tax rate was 20%
Retained earnings 400,000 30,000 30,000 400,000
500,000 80,000 80,000 0 500,000
210,000 210,000

5 6

Illustration 1: Elimination of Investment Illustration 1: Elimination of Investment

Note 1: CJE1: Elimination of investment in subsidiary
Increase in other net assets due to recognition of intangible asset 50,000 Dr Share capital 50,000
Dr Retained earnings 30,000
Decrease in other net assets due to recognition of deferred tax liability (10,000)
Dr Goodwill 80,000
Net increase in other net assets 40,000 Dr Intangible asset 50,000
Cr Investment in Subsidiary 200,000
Note 2: Cr Deferred tax liability 10,000
Goodwill is excess of the investment amount over the FV of identifiable net assets 210,000 210,000
Investment in Subsidiary 200,000
Book value of equity or net assets (80,000) Re-enacting CJE
Fair value of intangible asset 50,000
Book value of intangible asset 0 • Building blocks of consolidation worksheet are the legal entity financial
Excess of fair value over book value 50,000 statements of parent and subsidiary
Deferred tax effects (10,000) • CJE 1 has to be re-enacted at each reporting date as long as Parent has
control over subsidiary
• Each consolidation process is a fresh-start approach
Goodwill 80,000

7 8



Non-controlling Interest

• NCI only arises in consolidated financial statements where:

– one or more subsidiaries are not wholly owned by the parent
(IFRS 10)
• NCI are entitled to their share of retained earnings of the
KẾ TOÁN LỢI ÍCH CỔ subsidiary from incorporation
– No distinction between pre-acquisition and post-acquisition
ĐÔNG KHÔNG KIỂM retained earnings for NCI
SOÁT THEO IFRS 3 • Same applies to OCI
– NCI collectively have a share of accumulated OCI arising from
incorporate date to the current date
• NCI are normally a credit balance
– Share of residual interests in the net assets of a subsidiary
99 10
– Total equity (parent’s and NCI) = Assets – Liabilities

Reconstructing NCI on Statement of

Analysis of Non-Controlling Interests Financial Position

Share of book
Balance of Share of Incorporation Date of Beginning of End of current
value of current year
non- book value of Unimpaired date acquisition year
remaining (FV
controlling = subsidiary’s + + goodwill
– BV) of
interests at equity at attributable NCI have a share of NCI have a share of NCI have a share of
reporting reporting to NCI 1. Share capital 1. Change in share capital 1. Profit after tax
net assets at
date date 2. Retained earnings 2. Change in retained 2. Current amortization of
reporting date earnings fair value differential
3. Other equity
3. Change in other equity 3. Current impairment of
4. Fair value goodwill
differentials 4. Past amortization of fair
value differential 4. Dividends as a
• The analysis of non-controlling interests enables us to efficiently assess 5. Goodwill repayment of profits
5. Past impairment of
the balance of non-controlling interests goodwill 5. Change in other equity

• Another method of arriving at the non-controlling interests is to build up

the balance chronologically through the consolidation process

11 12


Reconstructing NCI on Statement of

Financial Position
Accounting for NCI under IFRS 3

• At each reporting date, group will re-create NCI account • Equity on the consolidated statement of financial position must
in the consolidated financial statement by recognizing include both the interests of equity owners of the parent company
and NCI of partially owned subsidiaries
the sequential build up:
– As of acquisition date • NCI is an equity item and must be separately shown from the equity
– From acquisition date to beginning of the current of the owners of the parent company
• Asset and liabilities of the subsidiary must be reported in full
– During the current period

13 14

Ví dụ : Ngày 01/01/N công ty M mua 80% tài sản thuần của

Ví dụ: Ngày 01/01/N công ty M mua 80% tài sản thuần của công công ty C với giá 4.000 triệu đồng. Vốn CSH tại ngày này của
ty C với giá 4.050 triệu đồng. Giả sử tại ngày mua GTHL của TS công ty C là 5.000 triệu đồng, trong đó Vốn đầu tư của CSH:
thuần của công ty C bằng với GTGS của nó. Vốn CSH tại ngày này 3.800 triệu đồng, LN sau thuế chưa phân phối: 1.200 triệu đồng
của công ty C là 5.000 triệu đồng, trong đó bao gồm: Giả sử tại ngày mua GTHL của TS thuần của cty C = GTGS của nó,
Vốn đầu tư của CSH: 3.800 triệu đồng trừ lô hàng hóa có GTHL là 50 và GTGS là 40. Thuế TNDN 20%
LN sau thuế chưa phân phối: 1.200 triệu đồng 1. Bút toán loại trừ khoản đầu tư của Công ty Mẹ
vào Công ty Con tại ngày mua ?
Bút toán loại trừ khoản đầu tư của Công ty Mẹ vào Công ty Con tại
ngày mua và tách Lợi ích cổ đông không kiểm soát? 2. Bút toán tách Lợi ích cổ đông không kiểm soát
tại ngày mua?

15 16


Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill

• IFRS 3 Para 19 allows NCI to be measured in either of two ways • Under the fair value basis:
– FV is determined by either the active market prices of subsidiary’s
Non-controlling interests equity share at acquisition date or other valuation techniques
– FV per share of NCI may differ from parent because of control premium
paid by parent (e.g. 20% premium over market price to gain control)
– NCI comprises of 3 items:

Measured at Fair Measured as a Non-controlling

value at acquisition interests
proportion of the
date (include recognized amounts of
goodwill) the identifiable assets as
“ Fair value basis” at acquisition date
Share of
Share of book value unamortized Goodwill attributable to
of net assets FV adjustment NCI
(FV – BV)

17 18

Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill

• Under the fair value option: • Under the 2nd option:

– Journal entry to record NCI at fair value (re-enacted each year): – NCI is a proportion of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets (i.e. not full
fair value)
Dr Share capital of subsidiary
– NCI comprises of 2 items:
Dr Retained earnings at acquisition date
Dr Other equity at acquisition date
Dr FV differentials (FV – BV) Non-controlling
Dr Goodwill (Parent & NCI)
Dr/Cr Deferred tax asset / (liability) on fair value adjustment
Cr Investment in subsidiary
Cr FV differentials (BV – FV)
Share of
Cr Non-controlling interests (At fair value) Share of book value unamortized
of identifiable net assets of FV adjustments
(FV – BV)
19 20


Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill

• Under the 2nd option: NCI measured as a

– Journal entry to record NCI (re-enacted each year): NCI measured at FV proportion of the
acquiree’s identifiable
Dr Share capital of subsidiary net assets
Dr Retained earnings at acquisition date
Book value of net assets
Dr Other equity at acquisition date
Dr FV differentials (FV – BV)
Dr Goodwill (Parent’s goodwill only)
Dr/Cr Deferred tax asset / (liability) on FV adjustment Fair value – Book value of
net assets
Cr FV differentials (BV – FV)
Cr Investment in S subsidiary
Non-controlling interests Goodwill
Cr (NCI % × FV of identifiable net assets)

21 22

Illustration 3:
Non-Controlling Interests’ Share of Goodwill
Allocation to Non-controlling Interests

The FV of NCI that owned 10% of Subsidiary A as at 31 Dec 1. Allocation of the change in equity from date of
20×1(Acquisition date) was $25,000. The financial statements of acquisition to the beginning of the current period
Subsidiary A as at acquisition date are as shown below. Subsidiary A
had unrecognized intangible assets with fair value of $40,000. Tax rate Dr Retained earnings (NCI % × in RE from acquisition date to
beginning of current period)
is 20%. Determine NCI’s good will as at acquisition date. Cr NCI (B/S)

Subsidiary A’s Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 20×1: • No distinction between pre-acquisition or post-
acquisition profits
Net assets 160,000
• To transfer the NCI’s share of subsidiary’s retained
Share Capital 140,000 earnings to NCI
Retained Earnings 20,000
Equity 160,000

23 24


Allocation to Non-controlling Interests Allocation to Non-controlling Interests

2. Allocation of current profit after tax to NCI (P/L)
3. Allocation of dividends to NCI
Dr Income to NCI • Reverses the profit and loss effects of dividends in
Cr NCI consolidated income statement
• Attribution of profit to NCI is not expense item and should not be • A repayment of profits by a subsidiary
shown above the profit after tax line
• Reduces the NCI’s residual stake in the net assets
• Without attribution, retained earnings of the group would be over- of the subsidiary
stated and NCI’s share of equity would be under-stated
• The same attribution principle applies to Other Comprehensive
Income (OCI) – NCI are attributed their share of OCI arising during a
period Dr Dividend income (Parent)
 Examples: Revaluation surplus or deficit on property, PPE and Dr NCI (Equity)
intangible assets etc.
Cr Dividends declared (Subsidiary)

25 26


Phân bổ chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý
Tại ngày mua:
• Khi điều chỉnh giảm Khoản đầu tư vào công ty
con, đồng thời đã ghi nhận:
- Chênh lệch tài sản thuần của công ty con giữa
GIÁ TRỊ HỢP LÝ - Các Tài sản, Nợ phải trả tiềm tàng chưa được
ghi nhận tại công ty con trước ngày mua
(sau ngày mua) - Tài sản thuế hoãn lại/ Thuế hoãn lại phải trả
xuất phát từ việc điều chỉnh, ghi nhận các
khoản mục trên
- Lợi thế thương mại 28


Phân bổ chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý Phân bổ chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý
Vào những năm sau: Vào những năm sau:
• Việc xóa bỏ ghi nhận TS, NPT của công ty con • Việc ghi giảm Khoản đầu tư vào công ty con,
(do đã sử dụng, đã thanh toán,..) sẽ được xác chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý ngày mua và phân bổ
định trên cơ sở GTHL tại ngày mua. Vì vậy: sau ngày mua được lặp lại mỗi khi lập BCTCHN
- Giá trị phân bổ, trích khấu hao, Giá vốn hàng cho đến khi:
bán của các tài sản được xác định theo GTHL - Thanh lý khoản đầu tư vào công ty con; hoặc
tại ngày mua - Mất quyền kiểm soát công ty con
- Giá trị khoản nợ phải trả khi thanh toán được
xác định theo GTHL tại ngày mua

29 30

Illustration 2:
Phân bổ chênh lệch giá trị hợp lý Amortization of Fair Value Differentials
Vào những năm sau: • P Co. paid $6,200,000 and issued 1,000,000 of its own shares to
– Phương pháp mua chỉ ghi nhận giá trị hợp lý tại ngày acquire 80% of S Co. on 1 Jan 20×5
• Fair value of P Co’s share is $3 per share
• Fair value of net identifiable assets is as follows:
– Tài sản thuần trên BCTC riêng ghi theo GTGS, vì vậy
Book value Fair value Remaining useful life
việc phân bổ, trích khấu hao hay thanh lý sau ngày mua Leased property 4,000,000 5,000,000 20 years
được điều chỉnh trên sổ hợp nhất: In-process R&D 2,000,000 10 years
Other assets 1,900,000 1,900,000
Giá trị ghi sổ GTHL của
+ Điều chỉnh =
Liabilities (1,200,000) (1,200,000)
chi phí đã chi phí trên
chênh lệch chi Contingent liability (100,000)
ghi nhận BCTC hợp Net assets 4,700,000 7,600,000
phí (FV – BV)
trên BCTC nhất Share capital 1,000,000
riêng Retained earnings 3,700,000
Điều chỉnh trên sổ hợp Shareholders’ equity 4,700,000

nhất 31 32


Illustration 2: Illustration 2:
Amortization of Fair Value Differentials Amortization of Fair Value Differentials
Additional information: Consolidation adjustments for 20×5
• Contingent liability of $100,000 was recognized as a provision loss CJE 1: Elimination of Investment in Subsidiary
by the acquiree in legal entity financial statement on Dec 20×5
• FV of NCI at acquisition date was $2,300,000
• Net profit after tax of S Co. for 31 Dec 20×5 was $1,000,000
• No dividends were declared during 20×5
• Shareholders’ equity as at 31 Dec 20×5 was $5,700,000

Q1 : Prepare the consolidation adjustments for P Co. for 20×5

Q2 : Perform analytical check on balance of NCI as at 31 Dec 20×5

33 34

Illustration 2: Illustration 2:
Amortization of Fair Value Differentials Amortization of Fair Value Differentials
CJE 2: Depreciation and amortization of excess of FV over book value
CJE 3: Reversal of entry relating to provision for loss

Note: Contingent liability was already recognized in CJE 1. The

recognition by the acquiree in its legal entity financial statement
Under dep. by Under amort. by
results in double counting; hence this reversal entry is necessary
Dep exp:
$50,000 CJE 4: Tax effects on CJE 2 & CJE 3
Amort exp:
Dep. of
Amort. of $200,000
$200,000 $250,000 R&D
property $0
Based on
Based on Based on FV
book value
Based on FV
book value
35 36


Illustration 2: Bộ môn KẾ TOÁN TÀI CHÍNH

Amortization of Fair Value Differentials

CJE 5: Allocation of current year profit to non-controlling interests (NCI)



37 38

Goodwill Impairment Test Goodwill Impairment Test

1. Carrying amount:
• IAS 36: Goodwill has to be reviewed annually for impairment loss – Net assets of the cash-generating unit
– It includes entity goodwill attribute to parent and NCI
– Reviewed as part of a cash-generating unit (CGU)
2. Recoverable amount:
• CGU is the lowest level at which the goodwill is monitored for – IAS 36 allows the higher of the below two metrics to determine
recoverable amount:
internal management purposes and
+ FV less cost to sell (an arms-length measure)
− Uses market based inputs or market participants’ assumptions in the
• Not larger than a segment determined under IFRS 8 Operating valuation process

Segments + Value-in-use (VIU)

− Present value of future net cash flows
− Uses internal or entity-specific input to determine the future cash flows
– Goodwill will be allocated to each of the acquirer’s CGU, or group − VIU likely to be more discretionary as assumptions about future cash flows
are required
of CGUs
39 40


Goodwill Impairment Test Goodwill Impairment Test

Steps for impairment test
3. If carrying amount > recoverable amount
– Impairment loss is first allocated to goodwill Determine the carrying amount of the CGU
– Then to other assets in proportion to their individual
carrying amounts Determine the recoverable amount of the CGU
– Impairment tests to be carried out on annual basis;
regardless of whether indications of impairment exists Recoverable amount: Higher of fair value or value in use

– Impairment once made is not reversible, as it may result

in the recognition of internally-generated goodwill which If carrying amount ≤ If carrying amount ≥
is prohibited under IAS 38 recoverable amount recoverable amount

Allocate impairment loss

No impairment loss to goodwill first and
balance to other net assets
41 42

Illustration 4:
Goodwill Impairment Test Goodwill Impairment Test
NCI as a proportion of
NCI at FV at acquisition Company × has 80% ownership in a CGU with identifiable net assets of
identifiable net asset at
date $6 million as at 31 Dec 20×1. The recoverable amount of the CGU as
acquisition date
an entity was $5 million as at that date. Determine the impairment loss
Goodwill on consolidation Includes NCI’s goodwill Excludes NCI’s goodwill
of goodwill in the CGU under two alternative measurement basis:
Goodwill has to be
Goodwill is allocated to grossed up to include
cash-generating unit NCI’s share (a) NCI measured at FV at acquisition date. Goodwill recognized by
Carrying amount of cash- without further adjustment CGU was $1.2 million
generating unit Notionally adjusted (b) NCI measured as a proportion of FV of identifiable net assets at
goodwill acquisition date. Goodwill recognized by CGU was $1 million
= Recognized
goodwill/parent’s interest
Impairment loss is shared
between parent and NCI Impairment loss is borne
Impairment loss on the same basis on only by parent as goodwill
which profit or loss is for NCI is not recognized
allocated 43 44


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