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Background of the Study

Teenage pregnancy has been described as a contemporary societal issue confronting

most nations around the world, affecting the lives of young mothers, their families, and

society at large. In the Philippines, teenage pregnancy has been a prominent problem,

with a considerable number of teenagers giving birth each year. Around 6% of Filipino

women between the ages of 15 and 19 were either pregnant or had just given birth,

according to the 2022 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), with a high

rate in Central Visayas, where Danao City, Cebu is located.

Teenage pregnancy can have detrimental effects on the woman and the unborn child,

including increased risk of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity, less prospects

for education and employment, and a higher incidence of living in poverty. Moreover, it

can have a long-term consequence on the adolescent's overall well-being, affecting

physical and mental health, and social and emotional development. As such, it is

necessary to investigate the factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy to come up with

effective interventions and policies.

Previous studies have found that family factors, such as parent structure, parental

style, and family communication, are significant predictors of teenage pregnancy.

However, there is still a lack of comprehensive studies that delve into the specific family

factors that may lead to teenage pregnancy in the Central Visayas context, particularly in

Danao City, Cebu. Additionally, most earlier works have concentrated on individual-
level factors, such as education, age, and socioeconomic status, and have overlooked the

interpersonal and environmental factors that may influence pregnancy.

Thus, the present study aims to address these literature gaps by investigating the family

factors associated with teenage pregnancy among adolescents in Danao City.

Specifically, this explores the mechanisms through which these factors influence

adolescent's risk of becoming pregnant and examines how families can support young

women to avoid teenage pregnancy.

Statement of the Problem

The present study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the family factors associated with teenage pregnancy in Danao City?

2. How do these family factors influence the incidence of teenage pregnancy

among adolescents in Danao City?

3. How can families support adolescents to avoid teenage pregnancy?


The primary purpose of this study is to identify the family factors that contribute to

teenage pregnancy in Danao City, and to understand how these factors influence

adolescent's risk of becoming pregnant. By investigating this, the study aims to inform

the development of efficient policies, interventions, and supports that address the specific

needs of adolescents and their families.hjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjkhjjhk

Theoretical Framework

Social learning theory, introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura, proposed that

learning occurs through observation, imitation, and modeling and is influenced by factors

such as attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions. The theory accounts for the

interaction of environmental and cognitive elements that affect how people learn.

The theory suggests that learning occurs because people observe the consequences of

other people's behaviors. Bandura's theory moves beyond behavioral theories, which

suggest that all behaviors are learned through conditioning, and cognitive theories, which

consider psychological influences such as attention and


According to Bandura, people observe behavior either directly through social interactions

with others or indirectly by observing behaviors through media. Actions that are

rewarded are more likely to be imitated, while those that are punished are avoided.


Learning occurs because people Learning occurs through

observe the consequences of observation, imitation, and
other people's behaviors. modeling.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the development of

potent preventative measures to prevent teenage pregnancy in Danao City.

Healthcare Professionals can create focused programs that address the specific needs of

adolescents and their families by identifying and understanding the family factors linked

to teenage pregnancy.

Families will be able to recognize the ways in which familial influences and support

affect adolescent women's risk of pregnancy, which can enhance the design of

interventions that promote their healthy family communication and relationships.

Society The study's findings may have relevance beyond its context. The study's mixed-

methods approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative data, will provide a more

comprehensive understanding of the family factors associated with teenage pregnancy,

making the study's findings more generalizable to other milieu.

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