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What is Creative nOnfiction
Creative nonfiction is a genre of writing
that uses elements of creative writing to
present a factual, true story.
Literary techniques that are usually reserved for
writing fiction can be used in creative nonfiction
such as dialogue, scene-setting and narrative

Difference between
Nonfiction and
Creative Nonfiction
Differences of the Two

Nonfiction Creative Nonfiction

Nonfiction writing focuses entirely on Same as Nonfiction but it has literary
technical writings; professionalism in techniques that was used in creating
a nutshell. stories: Plot, characters, settings and
What's your
signature writing?
Kara David's iconic writing focuses
entirely on the undiscovered treasures
of Philippines, stories of the minority
and a mixture of cinematic and
informative documentaries.
What is your signature
1. Facts - creative nonfiction must be rooted in facts. No

Pillars of Fact- part of the story can be made up or fabricated.

2. Extensive Research - both primary and secondary
Checking sources should be used throughout the research process. It
is the writer's responsibility to conduct extensive research
for the most accurate narrative possible.
3. Reporting - The writer should use said research to
accurately document events or personal experiences.
4. Personal Experiences or Opinions - personal
experiences or the opinions of others can help create a more
complete picture.
1. Storytelling/Narration - creative nonfiction should be told like
a story, meaning that inciting incidents, goals, challenges,
Writing Creative turning points and resolution are present.

Nonfiction 2. Characters - Every creative nonfiction piece should have a main

"character", even though they must be real and accurately
3. Settings - setting should be brought to life with vivid
descriptions and scenes filled with action and dialogue.
4. Plot Structure - The story should have a plot, with key events
that make up the story.
5. POV/Dialogue - Dialogue can really help build the narrative
and develop scenes and POV is important in this genre, as it
affects the entire storytelling process.

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