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Bretzke’s Method is defined as a key to aspect of lived morality is not just ‘doing’ the right things and

avoiding the wrong things, but more fundamentally living in right relationships – first with God and the
rest of God’s children, and finally with the whole of God’s creation. Each one of us had experience a
struggle of making the right moral decision. This happened as a result of our fallen human nature. We
tend to be easily confused in life and can easily fail to grasp the mind and the will of mind. So, what
should you do?

For the application of Bretzke’s method through my personal experience, wherein I am troubled in
making my decision and what is the right action to do. I worried myself if I can offend our Lord and I
might disappoint Him. To let go of these worries for they may be the result of a scrupulous conscience. I
am concerned of doing things that are morally right. Being mindful of my actions and the consequences
that I might face. Decision making is not that easy at all. You must not only focus on one side but to look
on the other side so that you can arrive at the right path. Do not overthink and complicate things. Stay
focus and be cautious. Don’t pushed yourself too hard. I seek for reasonable advice of others whom I
trust. I asked guidance from the Scriptures and from our Church, I prayed and gave myself to God and
His holy Will and I trust my conscience. I work through this process and leave the rest to the Lord for I
believe that everything’s going to be okay. Whenever I’m with God, there’s always an assurance and I
feel secured.

Living in a morally complex world does not only mean that it is about yourself but it includes your
relationship towards the people in the society. How you handle your role as an individual in building a
relationship with others. We should not only serve our Lord but including His people. When it comes to
morality in a social relationship, I always look up to the decision making that I should not harm other
people. According to Confucius, “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.” I
always remember this golden rule whenever I create a decision making that involves the other people.
This is a basic principle that I should always made sure that I put myself in their shoes and I asked myself
on how others wanted to be treated. You must be aware of your words and actions. Always reflect to
yourself. Controlling your emotion is one of the best ways not to be involved in a chaotic situation. Don’t
be in a situation that you can harm others and also yourself. It’s better to live in a peaceful life without
any grudges, conflicts and misunderstandings with other people.

Know that your conscience is a sanctuary to which the Lord must be invited. You must welcome Him
with all your heart. When God is invited, He will be with you and dwell there to teach you all things.
During this time, be one with God and acknowledge His presence. Afterwards, if you have truly sought
the Lord and His holy will, act as your conscience commands. Listen to it, trust it and act on it. Do not
have any second thoughts or acting it without analyzing the situation properly. Don’t hesitate to ask
advices from other people especially from God. Don’t deal it with your own but be ready to open to

Assessing Bretzke’s Method, I can truly say that I applied this method during decision making. There
might be laws of God and laws of the land but a higher percentage belongs that I should obey God’s law.
Most of the time, I stand with the Catholic teachings since I have a concrete relationship with God and I
have a strong faith on Him. I am enrolled in a Catholic institution since my pre-elementary years until
even now that I am in college. Grounded with the catholic teachings and on how should I grow up as a
true follower of God.

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