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THE SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST “PEOPLE OF GOD” Christians are referred to in Hebrews 4:9 as the people of God. Peter in | Peter 2:9, 10 would say that only after our conversion are we the people of God. Ina very special sense are we the Lord's people. He bought us and thus we belong to Him (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). He did not force us to be His people. We responded to His invitation. Being His people, there are many responsibilities that come our way. Please note with me four of these, 1.) PEOPLE OF PURPOSE: The people of God have a noble purpose “SSA REe= in this life. Man's primary mission does not have to do with pleasures and treasures. Solomon said long ago that to fear God and keep His whole of man (Ecc. 12:13). The commands was the New Testament plainly bears this same purpose in essence. We are here to please God (I Thes. 4:1) Our labors are to have judgment day in mind and being acceptable to the Lord (2 Cor. 5:9, 10) Life is not bound up in possessions (Lk. 12:15) and we are not to be laying up treasures on Earth, but in heaven (Mat. 5:16). Our affections and labors are to be geared toward the spiritual (Jn. 6:27; Col. 3:1,2). God loves all and all have September 3, 2023 potential for heaven. The choice is now yours and mine. Four our citizenship is in heaven, and fro it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). The people of God have a great, high, and noble purpose while here “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory. whom IT formed and made.” ISAIAH 43:7 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. MATTHEW 6:33 Want to make a prayer request, comment, suggestion, or praise report? Please scan the QR Code above or contact us through the information provided at the back of this bulletin. "People of God” (continued) 2.) PEOPLE OF PURITY: The people of God have the awesome responsibility of living pure lives. “Keep thyself pure" were the words of Paul to Timothy (I Tim. 5:22). Jesus said the pure in heart would see God (Mat. 5:8). The Hebrews penman wrote that unless we are holy we will never be privileged to enter heaven and be with the Lord (Heb. 12:14). Those dominated by sins of the flesh shall not enter heaven according to Gal. 5:19-21. The Bible closes by saying no sin can go to heaven (Rev. 21:27 and the ungodly will be on the outside (Rev. 22:15). The Bible is our standard and Jesus our pattern. Let us live lives of purity. 3.) PEOPLE OF PRAYER: It is imperative that the people of God be a people of prayer. In prayer, we honor God (Mat. 6:9-12), ask petitions. (Mat. 7:7-11), offer thanks (Phil. 4:6), and make confession of sins (I Jn 1:9; Acts 8:22; Lk. 18:13). Are not these vital to our spiritual lives? Jesus got up early to pray (Mk. 1:35) and at times prayed all night Lk. 6:12). We are taught to continue in prayer and be dependent upon prayer (I Thes. 5:17; Col, 4:2): There are so many areas of concern in our lives that demand prayer. Yes, we are to be people of prayer. 4.) PEOPLE OF POWER: God expects His people to be a people of power. God has granted us the means to be strong (I Tim. 1:7). We can be strong in Christ (Eph. 6:10, 11). We are to add self-control and moral courage to our faith (I Pet. 1:5-7), It takes power for us to endure. We must overcome discouragement and maybe even persecution. We must not grow weary. We must say "no" to sin. Yes, we are to be a people of power. God's people have a unique future heaven for the faithful. Let us face our responsibilities. Fare as people of God, THIS WEEK’S BIBLE READING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3: EZEK 22-23 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4: EZEK 24-27 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5: EZEK 28-31 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6: EZEK 32-34 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6: EZEK 35-37 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: EZEK 38-39 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: EZEK 40-41 WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST! | 4NVOUNCEMENTS: SS |. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: + The next PIBC would be on June or July 2024. + Sitae Terry and Mary Allen Contad. * Teenagers Class + Benigno Sablan. every Sunday & * Michael Dy. morning at 9AM. + Thanksgiving for Sis. Arlene. Also, the comfort & Strength of Sis. Arlene & her family for the untimely passing of her niece Divine ES Grace and Divine’s boyfriend Clester from a motorcycle accident. ONGOING PRAYER LIST: * Sis. Sonia’s eyes. Those who are on the sick * Sis, Andy’s asthma, list and recovering Y especially: * William Hart and his family Lucy and Zoe for spiritual guidance + Maria Martin, Sitae and protection. Terry, Mary Allen . i a ki a B Conrad, Joe Hill, Kim Jay and Dianne Tabora who are looking for a job. eee + Sis, Andy's friends, Emma & Ver, who are looking for jobs. Melba Byrd, Candy Tabora, Penny Harland, + Lourdes Kalen and Steffanie Norita’s health. Dana Tyler, Alice _ Y. Nearhery, Michelle vankirk, Lourdes Hart Cabrera, Daniel Mensah, Jun Del Rosario, Amir Saranglao. + Those who are struggling with their ‘mental health, 7 especially Sis, Christina Sakaziro and Bro. Michael Dy. ‘+ Those who are in the middle of wars, conflict, and natural disasters. Please refer to the NKJV version of the bible to find the answers. + Those who are struggling financially and spiritually. * The safety of those who are traveling, especially Sis. Merle, Bro. Gary, and Bro. Arnel. + Sis, Nenita's papers. + Those who are forsaking the assembly and becoming unfaithful to the church. » ie SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 500549 Saipan, MP, 96950 Church Phone: (670) 235 - 2270 Email: Website: Facebook: Minister: Manuel Cabaluna 285 - 6170 Preacher: Gary Byrd 789 - 2245 Missionaries: Dave Combs 789 - 0024 ASSEMBLY TIMES ‘Sunday Morning Bible Class ... 9:00 AM. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship . Wednesday Bible Study .... Assisting in Worship: Sunday Morning: Evening Worship: Announcements: Boyet Announcements: Singing: Ruel Opening Prayer: Boyet Lord's Supper & Giving: Willy Assisting: Jun, CJ Preaching: Bible Reading: Willy Lord's Supper & Giving: Preaching: Dave Closing Prayer: Ruel Singing: Opening Prayer: Closing Prayer:

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