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by zainab sambo epub download

LAURENWould you run into a burning building to save the ones you love?It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves. But many of us never get to know for sure.We can only hope that we have what it takes to sacrifice ourselves for what matters.Ever since the fateful day when my father was first diagnosed, I mulled that question over and over in my
mind. How far would I be willing to go to save him?He was the only family I had since my mother walked out on us. He was my entire world as far back as I could remember.And yet there was nothing I could do to save him from his deadly disease. At least not until I met… Him.Mason Campbell. The Devil in Armani.
Wealthier than the Queen of England herself, and twice as powerful.Everybody knew Mason Campbell.From the women who swooned over him to the men who fought for a chance to sit at his conference table.They said he was more dangerous than any criminal.They said his fortune was acquired through blood, violence, and deals with devils the
world over. I wasn’t sure how many of the rumors to believe.I knew he sounded like the kind of person I should stay far, far away from.But he was the only one paying a high enough salary to pay my father’s mounting medical bills.Which is how I came to be working for The Devil himself.Little did I know what would come to pass.That I would soon get
the chance to know for sure… Would I sacrifice everything to save the ones I loved?***“Ms. Hart. You’re late.”I stood on the doorstep of the most prestigious hotel in London, staring into the deadly silver eyes of my boss, the mysterious billionaire Mason Campbell.Like always, he looked like an angel fallen to hell in his perfectly-trimmed designer suit,
his bulging muscles threatening to tear through the fabric.Without so much as a hello, he turned and walked back inside, leaving me standing by the door with my heart threatening to explode.I followed him inside to the living room, which was luxuriously furnished and had a magnificent view from the balcony windows.I peered around the dark
shadows of the room. In the month since I’d started working at Campbell Industry, I’d never been called to his private hotel room so late at night.I half expected some goons to be waiting in the corner to put a bullet in my head and throw me in the Thames. But it appeared we were alone.He turned to give me his signature icy, calculating stare. It was
cold inside, but every part of me felt suddenly hot and sweaty.“Sit down.”I sat down reluctantly, perching on a sofa while Mr. Campbell stretched out with insolent ease in another chair.Crossing his legs, he stared at me, and his fingers slowly drumming on his thigh made my stomach tighten.I didn’t know what I expected when I came here.It was
bloody three in the morning!Normally, if my boss tried calling me that early, I would happily ignore it, no matter what he wanted.But my boss was Mason Campbell.And you didn’t say no to Mason Campbell. Not if you wanted to live a long and happy life.I inspected his face, hoping to find some clue as to why he brought me here.“Do you drink, Ms.
Hart?”He stood up and poured himself a drink from a crystal tumbler.“No,” I said, my mouth dry. I would have loved a drink, but I had a weird feeling this was some kind of test. And if I failed, I would probably never see the light of day again.Despite my answer, he poured me one anyway.He brought it over to me and slammed it down on the table in
front of me.Then, instead of returning to his chair, he sat down next to me on the couch.I grabbed my glass and stared directly into it. But I could feel his silver eyes staring hard at me. He held his glass, but he never took a drink.“Why do you think I hired you, Ms. Hart?”I tried to think of the reason. Why did this man, who could have anyone he
wanted, bother to hire me?My mind went crazy as the cold steel of his gaze penetrated me.“I…I don’t know, sir.” I didn’t want to bullshit an answer.Mason Campbell would see right through me.But being honest didn’t exactly help me.This man was used to being at the top. He was so powerful no one would dare anger him in any way. That meant that
he was used to having smart and intelligent people around him.I wasn’t sure if Mason hated liars or stupid people more.“Why did you hire me, sir?”He put his drink to the side, untouched, and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.I tried to ignore the bulge of his biceps through his shirtI tried not to look at how it was unbuttoned, and it gave me a
peek at his muscular chest.“I’m asking the questions tonight,” he said sternly.I took a sip and swallowed hard, choking on the bitterness of the alcohol.“Do you have a husband, Ms. Hart?” he asked me.Why did he want to know that?“Answer me,” he pressed.

“I don’t have all night.”“No,” I said, “I’m not married.”“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.I could feel my heart racing faster and faster.“No,” I said again.“How about a lover?” he asked.“Mr. Campbell. This is…this is getting very personal,” I stammered.“Yes or no,” he said, leaning closer to me until I could smell the alcohol on his breath.“No,” I
finally said, my voice shaking.“Very good,” he said.Very good?!Why the hell did he care?“So I can assume that you are fully committed to your work,” he continued.“You’ve made sure of that,” I shot back.“Well, you’re about to get a lot more committed,” he said.“What does that mean?”He stood suddenly, and as he walked away from me, I was finally
able to breathe for the first time since I got to his room.After a long silence, he spoke.“I have a proposition for you, Ms. Hart. One which you cannot refuse.”***ONE MONTH EARLIERThe sound of my alarm sliced through my dream like a knife, waking me with a jolt.For a while, I just lay in bed, staring up at the grey morning light seeping onto the
mold-stained ceiling of my apartment.I didn’t remember what I had been dreaming, only vague shadows, loud angry voices, and the beeping of medical instruments.I suppose it was to be expected that I’d have nightmares on a daily basis now.My father’s condition was worsening, his medical bills were stacking up on my kitchen counter, and now I
had an interview with the most powerful and dangerous man in the UK. It was a wonder I was able to sleep at all.At the thought of the interview, I felt like I was going to throw up. I forced myself to sit up.Today was the day. Today I was interviewing to work for The Devil of London himself.It took me ten minutes to get ready. I straightened my spine
and smoothed my worn-out gray skirt that reached my knees.My light blue blouse was tucked inside my skirt. My cheeks were rosy, setting off the sparkle in my hazel eyes which slanted slightly upward and were thickly fringed with lashes.You can do this, Lauren, I thought to myself.

But the encouragement did little to calm my nerves.I took a taxi and when I told him where he would take me, he looked shocked.He asked me again where he would take me, and I told him the address.“Are you sure that is where you want to go, ma’am?” he asked, unsure of himself.“Yes,” I said, growing annoyed.He didn’t say anything afterward, but
I would occasionally catch him looking at me through the rearview mirror as if he couldn’t believe I was going to such a place.He stopped the car across from Campbell Industry.When I was about to ask him why he wouldn’t drop me off near the building, he said, “Sorry, ma’am, but no taxi is allowed near the building. I have to drop you off here.”My
mouth shaped into an O, and I shook my head in disbelief.I walked out and readjusted my blouse. If anyone stopped to observe me, they would see nervousness oozing off of me.Campbell Industry stared down at me. It was a huge building that had about sixty floors.It was large, wide, and intimidating. If the rumors were true, though, the exterior was
nothing compared to what was happening inside the building.I carefully strode past a security guard at the entrance and into the building.I was met with a lot of people that were strolling around in their expensive, neat clothes and I felt self-conscious about what I was wearing.They seemed to be on edge, like they were holding the entire world on
their shoulders.I went directly up to the receptionist nervously. She was a redheaded woman, dressed elegantly in blue.Her hazel eyes sized me up, her expression filled with pure distaste.“The coffee shop is down the street, ma’am,” she said with a hint of a slight Italian accent.“What?” I asked, confused.She stared at me as if I were a dimwit.“Isn’t
that where you want to go?”“No. I’m here for an interview.”She raised her perfect eyebrow, her mouth curving up. “Oh?”Sizing me up again, she clicked her tongue before meeting my gaze again.I wanted to punch her face. She didn’t think I belonged here. How dare she!The receptionist inhaled dramatically before plastering on a fake
smile.“Twentieth floor.
Take a left and you’ll find yourself among the lot that are here for the interview.”My lips twitched.Was she insinuating that there were a lot of people for the interview and I had zero chance of getting it?Twat.“Thanks,” I gritted out.“Good”—she looked me up and down again, her smile turning upside down—“luck.”I was feeling a bit miffed, but I tried
to calm myself down and made my way into the elevator. My back hit the wall and I closed my eyes.Was this such a good idea after all?I wanted to leave, but I knew I had to stay. This was the only place with a good salary.I was doing this for dad. I shouldn’t be thinking twice about working here.Working here?

You don’t even have the job yet, and you don’t know if you’ll be the lucky one.Tightening my eyes, I hoped this interview would be a success. I couldn’t afford to mess it up.Dad’s life was on the line here.You will do great if you’d just calm down and believe in yourself.“Aren’t you going to get off?” I was startled by a man’s voice beside me.I realized
that I had reached the twentieth floor and I mumbled a quick apology to the older man in a gray suit and stepped out.The entire left wall was a huge window and I stared at the amazing view of London.I followed the instructions the receptionist told me and true to her words, there were a lot of people.There were so many that I wasn’t even able to see
the end of them.

And they all wore nice clothes.A group of girls spared a glance at me and I heard them laugh a little.Just because they were looking sexier than me and were dressed in nicer clothes didn’t mean I should be treated this way.I pushed my way through tons of bodies, trying to find a place to sit.I spotted an empty chair at the end of the room and made my
way to it. But before I could sit, a man beat me to it. He shrugged his shoulders at me and I glared back at him.I turned to go back to where I was, but before I knew it, I was being pushed by bodies in different directions.I found myself being pushed through a silver door at the end of the room.The door shut automatically. I panicked when it wouldn’t
budge at all. I tried again, but the same thing happened. It just wouldn’t budge.Bloody hell!I turned around to see where I was, and I found myself in a long, dim hallway with an elevator at the end of it.I heaved a sigh of relief. A way out. It slid open when I pushed the button, and I quickly hurried inside.I went to press the twenty-first-floor button, but
there was only one button in this elevator, with a Campbell logo on it.My face screwed up.Deciding that it would be best to go there rather than stay here trapped with no way out, I pushed the button.My heart started to race for some reason, and I found my hands shaking slightly. It felt stuffy in here and I felt like there was a presence of something
terrifying.What the hell was wrong with me?The elevator stopped and it slid open.
I got out as quickly as I got in. Maybe I would be able to breathe in here.What was this place?I scanned my surroundings and my jaw dropped.Literally.The office was gigantic and breathtaking.
Everything in here screamed wealth.The white leather seats were shining. I didn’t want to touch them in case I ruined them.And the view…it was just amazing.I gasped when my eyes caught a painting on the wall. I realized that it was the painting that had been the talk of the whole country after it sold to an anonymous buyer for a billion pounds.A
billion pounds.Holy fuck.There was a fireplace and a large flat-screen TV on the wall. Literally everything in the office was white. Even the pens were white.I heard the door being burst open and several footsteps.
Before I could even realize what was happening, I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder, pushing me roughly to the floor.And then I felt something cold and hard pressing into my forehead.
It was the barrell of a gun. Holy shit.This totally happens in movies. There was no way this was real. No way was I on the floor with a gun to my head like a bloody criminal.I attempted to raise my head to see who was holding me at gun-point, but it was pushed back down. I winced and gritted my teeth.“State your reason for being in a private office
before I blow your brains out,” a deep voice barked out.Private office?“Speak! Now!”I shook in fear.“I…I got lost. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to be here.“I’m sorry. Please don’t shoot me,” I pleaded as I closed my eyes and prayed to God that I wouldn’t end up dead, staining the floor of this pristine office with my blood.“Get her up, Gideon,”
another voice said. A chill blasted me, making my heart beat fast in my chest. There was something brooding and dominant about the new voice, like a powerful force yearning to prove its fury.At his words, I felt the strong arms of the man named Gideon pull me to my knees, his gun still pressed against my temple.When I saw the man in front of me,
the one who was giving the orders to Gideon, I swear…I.Stopped.Breathing.His powerful pose was enough to force me to my knees, even without a gun to my head.He breathed hard, his broad, well-muscled chest rising and falling as if he’d just run a marathon.He was dressed in black from head to toe, wearing a suit that could barely contain his
powerful arms.His face was carved by the gods, with cheekbones that would make any man or woman jealous, a straight nose, and thick red lips.And his eyes.Oh, God, his eyes were pure silver.They were the most intense, yet cold eyes I had ever seen in my life.He raked his fingers through his dark hair, his silver eyes ready to devour any poor soul
stupid enough to glance his way.His glare was fierce enough to wipe out the existence of mankind.It was him. Mason Campbell. The most vicious, sexiest man alive.“Now,” he said, his voice rumbling like thunder before a storm, “you have ten seconds to explain why you’re in my private study.”Pro Tip!You can find discounts, promotions, and the latest
updates on our [Galatea Facebook]( group! Join our community today!Page 2LAURENI gulped, knowing that I was in deep, deep trouble.I fought to hold back the tears from my eyes, but I was fighting a losing battle.To my surprise, when Mason saw the droplets glistening at the corner of my eyes, he relaxed just slightly and motioned for Gideon to let
me go.I felt the cold steel of the gun leave my head, and Gideon lifted me to my feet.Mason looked me up and down, his gaze calculating. And then, with a curt nod, he brushed straight past me, taking a seat behind his desk. My breath was still caught in my throat as he started going through some files.He didn’t say anything for a whole minute, his
eyes just flicking back and forth across the papers.I stayed frozen to the spot, paralyzed.I was scared that if I stared at Mason Campbell, I would be turned into ashes or a stone. But also, I couldn’t look away.Finally, he raised his big, strong hand.“You can go,” he said.I exhaled, turning to go, clutching my bag to my chest.“Not you,” he said, pointing
at me.
“Him.”In an instant, Gideon disappeared from the room, leaving me alone in here to suffer whatever consequence he had in store for me.“You’ve disturbed my peace,” he said, his voice soft, yet cold and deadly.I wasn’t even aware he knew I was here.Making no attempt to hide his perturbation, Mason Campbell fixed his darkest look on me, the girl
who had dared disrupt his peace.My chest grew so tight I could barely breathe.Fear pounded through me.
The image of myself lying cold and dead in an abandoned place flashed through my mind.I nearly peed in my knickers.“Take a seat,” he said.With shaking legs, I was quick to sit down in one of the chairs in front of him.“Why are you here?” he asked without taking his eyes off the papers he was writing on.I shifted in my seat, willing myself to speak
before he got any angrier.I remembered full well what they said about Mason Campbell.The only wildly intense emotions he had ever experienced in his life were anger and the cold darkness of his own heart.They said he had a rage so fierce it chilled people’s bones.I had always thought that he couldn’t be as terrifying as everyone said…now I knew
that all the rumors were true.“I…I…,” I stammered in fear, the sentence I meant to say cowering behind my heart.Mason stopped writing and he suddenly glanced up at me. The powerful silver eyes that collided with mine made me gulp.He continued to bore holes in me with a decidedly pointed stare. “Careful what you say,” he said before tilting his
head. “Do I frighten you?”I licked my lips before speaking. “Is that a trick question?” I quietly asked. Not getting any answer in return, I added, “Y-yes.”He lifted a perfect brow.“Oh?”“I don’t want to say anything wrong that might end up in me lying dead in a ditch somewhere,” I said, my mouth spewing words like vomit.I didn’t even realize what I
had said until it had dawned on me. My eyes widened and I clapped a hand over my mouth.His jaw clenched.“You’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to, Miss…?” he warned, his silver-eyed gaze hard as ice, his deep voice equally cold.“Hart,” I answered, my voice shaking. “Lauren Hart.
And of course, you are Mr. Campbell.”“Miss Hart, I don’t much like repeating myself. Why are you here?” he pushed, his voice louder this time…louder, and laced with crackling anger and impatience.“I’m here for an interview. I didn’t mean to be here. I got pushed into a door and the only way out was through an elevator that brought me here. I’m so
sorry.“If you’d be so kind as to let me go, I’ll be on my way.”“I’m not kind.” He spoke as if he was disgusted by a word he wasn’t familiar with.“Of course. If you’d be nice enough?”Drawing himself to his full height, Mr. Campbell cocked a brow—a challenging one.“No difference,” he shot back.Irritation pumping through my veins, I met his heated gaze
with my cool one. “If you’d be so generous as to let me go? I don’t want to trouble you more.”“Do you own a dictionary, Miss Hart?” he asked without so much as a blink. “Are those the only words you know?”When I attempted to answer him, he cut me off. “It was a rhetorical question.”“Oh.”“Indeed,” he responded in a tone that had me wondering if
he thought I was a dimwit. “Pass me your resume.”I studied him for a long, uncomfortable moment. “You want to see my resume?”“I’m speaking English, aren’t I? Pass me your resume.”I quickly passed him my resume and he studied it.“Hmm. You attended Knight. Obviously, I wouldn’t expect you to get good grades.
Had only two jobs. Zero skills…” He talked to himself, carefully enunciating each word.His face scrunched into an odd mixture of pity and reproach.“When you came here, I do hope you knew you had zero hope of getting the job.“From what I’m seeing here, you aren’t qualified to work at Campbell Industry, Ms. Hart,” he continued, every fiber of his
being daring me to state otherwise.I met his gaze with a steely-eyed one, my anger ready to erupt in me.I pressed my lips together and hoped he wouldn’t notice the muscle jerking in my face. “What? I’m not getting the job?” I asked.His words had plunged like an expertly wielded knife straight into my heart. I knew when I came here that I had no
chance, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t hurting.This was my only chance of getting a perfect job with a good salary.I wanted to say that I wasn’t supposed to be interviewed by him, that it was a Mary Warner who called me for an interview for the Marketing job.
But I was a coward.“Are you going to cry?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.“No. I just—”“Good. Because I hate weak women who aren’t strong enough to handle the truth. Wipe your tears before you leave your DNA here.”I stiffened, a vein in my forehead beginning to throb.“Thank you for your time, Mr. Campbell.”My heart pounded in hot anger
as I made an attempt to get up and leave his bloody office and ugly personality.I rose from my chair and started to make my way back to the elevator when he spoke again.His voice alone had the power to make me stop in my tracks.“You are qualified for one thing, Ms. Hart. There’s a job opening that suits you just fine.”I turned back to face him and
found myself caught in his steely gaze.“Would you like to be my assistant?” he asked.I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.“Don’t let the word get to your head,” he continued. “You’re simply going to run my errands, answer my calls, and fetch my tea.”I drew a series of long, deep breaths until the tension in me began to
lessen.“Mr. Campbell, if you’d just—” I didn’t know what to say, so I couldn’t finish my sentence.“Take it or leave it. There is a line of people who would throw themselves at this job.”Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose and repressed the urge to throw back my head and scream.“But—” I beganHe looked away from me and glanced down
at the papers in front of him. “That will be all.
Have a good day, Ms. Hart.”Part of me was screaming that it was a good job and another was screaming that I didn’t deserve to be walked all over by the devil himself…The part of me that screamed louder won.“I’ll take it! I’ll take the job.” Clamping my lips together, I swallowed the bitterness rising in my throat and instead eyed him with
disdain.“Mr. Campbell, are you listening? I said I’ll take the job.” My entire body thrumming with agitation, I clenched my hands to white-knuckled fists.“I’ll see you on Monday at eight o’clock,” he said coolly, without even bothering to look at me. “Now get the fuck out of my office.”Pro Tip!You can find discounts, promotions, and the latest updates
on our [Galatea Facebook]( group! Join our community today!Page 3LAURENWaking up on Monday, I was overwhelmed by the prospect of taking on the day.Throwing on my best business casual outfit, I smiled at myself in the mirror. Confidence is key, isn’t that what they always say?As I taxied my way through the city, I couldn’t help but feel a great
sense of opportunity. A chance to change my path in life. A chance to pay those mounting hospital bills.A chance to save my father.But when I entered Campbell Industries… the building was empty.Unlike the day of my interview, the lobby of the office was unreasonably quiet.Silence permeated the space as I made my way to the elevators, trying to
keep my breathing steady. The sound of my heels against the marble floors echoed across the lobby.Something was definitely up.And when the elevator doors opened, I was met with the silver-eyed gaze of the Devil himself. After catching my breath from the shock of seeing him in this empty space, I realized I’d made a terrible mistake by not
addressing his presence”Good morning, sir,” I gasped, unsure if I should enter the elevator or catch a new one.”Feel free to join me, Ms. Hart. I don’t bite.”A slight smirk crossed his lips as he took in my appearance.Stepping into the elevator slowly, I distanced myself from his looming presence, attempting to stay out of his menacing gaze.Instead, he
turned my way and stepped forward, placing himself just inches away from my spot in the far corner of the elevator.”Uh, sir… I hardly think this is appropriate.”Leaning in, he ran his strong hand across my cheek, causing chills to cover my skin. My body was humming, despite my fears.Was this some kind of test? ~ “Oh, Ms. Hart. Do you really think I
hired you for a silly assistant position?”I gasped inwardly as his palm cupped my ass firmly, pulling my body into his against my will.
I took a moment to appreciate how muscular his arms and chest were.“You’re all mine. From here on out, I own~ you.”~Pushing him off forcefully, I was practically gasping for air as the elevator doors opened on the top floor.When a gap appeared in the doors, I gazed out at the empty office of Mason Campbell, just as I remembered it on the day I
interviewed. ~With one key difference.My father’s hospital bed was parked in the far corner of the room, his monitors blinking and his heart rate keeping steady time.”Dad?” What the fuck was going on here?Racing to his side, I grasped his hand as his tired eyes met mine.”Oh, Lauren,” he looked like he’s on the verge of tears as he pulled me
close.”You need to trust him. You must follow his requests. He’s going to save me. He’s going to protect you.”When I turned towards Mason, he was gone.Except… the office door was slowly opening, white light flooding the space. And in walked a gorgeous woman, dressed head to toe in diamonds.What kind of fever dream was this?As I gazed at the
woman entering the room, I took a step towards Dad.”Hello, darling,” murmured the woman as she approached me. Is she…That’s when it hit me. “Mom?”It couldn’t be.But as I reached towards Dad to get his attention, his heart rate monitor flatlined. His blue-eyed gaze glazed over as he stared down the woman he called his wife.I scream.And I woke
up still screaming, my body drenched in a cold sweat.I couldn’t believe I just experienced a full-fledged nightmare about my first day at Campbell Industries. And what was it all about?The fear of Mason Campbell definitely stemmed from my panic and general attraction to the man. But why was my father involved? And my mother?The stress of
starting this job and the pressure of taking care of Dad was definitely getting to me.Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I’m actually really excited for the day. Or at least, I was. Prior to that weird dream.Nerves and excitement were pulsing through me.I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to work for Mason Campbell.I
kept pinching myself, thinking it must be a dream. Or maybe a horrible nightmare.When I told Beth, my best friend and roomie, she had the audacity to laugh in my face and called me a liar.She didn’t believe I could ever talk to Mason, that I wasn’t important enough to exchange words with him and be in his presence.If I said I wasn’t deeply insulted I
would be lying.She was talking as if Mason was a god who could not be approached. But let me tell you something: Mason wasn’t a god or an angel.He wasn’t someone who would give out candy to kids and say nice words that would make anyone feel warmth in the stomach.He was the Devil.Mason was someone who would snatch candy from little
kids and eat it in front of them.He was someone who would push you in front of a moving car.He was someone who would say a few words and make someone have a heart attack or leave a scar in their heart.There was one good thing about him though. He was a pretty sight; that I couldn’t deny. Dreaming about him was enough to raise my heart
rate. I can’t imagine what being in his actual presence would do to me.Why were beautiful men rude, cold, and heartless?Anyway, Mason was the biggest wanker of them all.The wanker straight out said I wasn’t smart. He dared make fun of my school.It was all lovely compared to what he had said about me having zero experience. I could only
imagine how awful it was going to be to work for him.Maybe he had been in a bad mood the other time? Maybe he really wasn’t that bad and I had misjudged him.However he was, I was going to be the best assistant he had ever worked with. I wouldn’t give him a reason to lash out at me and sneer down at me.I needed this job. I must admit, the
paycheck was worth the stress of working for him. I’d pay down my father’s hospital debts in no time and get him the best care while I still could.He would be okay. I just knew it.And I had a good feeling about this job.Putting the dream behind me, I got up quickly, dressed, and put on a happy, brave face.Not bothering to wake Beth and tell her I was
leaving because the bitch might say something I wouldn’t like, I grabbed everything and left our flat.In my opinion, what I was wearing was the best thing I could find in my closet.I could totally wear a nice dress for a wedding or a special occasion, but I couldn’t believe I was wearing it to work.Neither could I believe the hostility I saw when I stepped
foot in Campbell Industries. I was just grateful that the place was as busy as ever. After my weird premonition with the empty lobby, I was happy to see everyone, even if they weren’t happy to see me.Apparently, word had gotten out that I was the boss’s new assistant.That hadn’t happened in a while.Ignoring the few glares I got, I pressed my sweaty
finger on the button that would take me to Mr. Campbell’s floor.When the doors slid open, I was ecstatic to see that I wouldn’t be alone in the elevator. No, today was off to a much better start than it had been in the dream.The minute the door slid open, I walked out, my steps nervous. If my legs had a mind of their own, they would have bolted right
out of there and left me legless.When I stepped foot in the office space, I didn’t know where the hell I would go. I couldn’t just barge into Mr. Campbell’s office and demand to know where my desk was.Besides, I didn’t think he was here yet.“Lauren Hart?”I turned at the sound of my name and came face to face with a beautiful woman. She was so
gorgeous and she dressed so well. I was envious of her.All I wanted to do was pull her hair and ruin her skirt and blouse. I wanted to mess this woman up and I didn’t know why.Oh, I knew why. She looked so much better than me.God knows what she saw when she looked at me.I know what I see when I look at myself.She seemed to be twenty-four or
twenty-five.“Yes?” I answered politely. I even put a smile out there.Did she smile back? No.“My name is Jade. I’m a little surprised to see you here so early, though it’s a good thing. Mr. Campbell doesn’t like when his employees come late to work.”I wanted to say, “Haven’t you come a bit earlier than me, bitch?” But instead, I smiled again.“I’m sure
no one does. It’s a good thing I’m always an early riser. Mr. Campbell doesn’t need to worry about me coming late.”“Hmm.” She nodded her head as she chewed on her pen and decided to give me a once-over, clearly not liking what she saw.“No one told me what Mr. Campbell’s new assistant looks like, but I’ve got to say I’m a little disappointed.“I
expected much more. But I guess he took pity on you. If I were him, I would take pity on you too.”Scratch messing her up, I wanted to bloody murder her and bury her six feet under where her corpse would rot to bones and skull.Were the boss and employees all the same? They all act like they are better than everyone.I smiled widely.“I guess he saw
something he didn’t see in anyone else. I must be lucky then.”The murderous look on her face gave me a little bit of satisfaction.“Whatever. Follow me and I will show you to your desk.”I followed behind her closely, my eyes glaring daggers at her back.The minute she turned, I plastered a sweet smile on my face.She pointed to a desk that had a white
laptop on it. The desk was pushed far up against the wall, beside a large double door.“You’re going to be sitting over here,” she said.“You can put one personal thing on your desk because Mr. Campbell doesn’t like too much of personalization. Your job is to answer the phone and complete his tasks. Do you understand?”“Yes.”“Very good. Welcome to
Campbell Industry. Let’s see how long you last.”I bit my tongue and forced breath through my nose.“I assure you it’ll be longer than you will.”I watched her eyebrow twitch but she didn’t say anything. She walked away, leaving me to settle in.It didn’t take thirty minutes before Mr. Campbell walked in like a storm ready to suck you away into its
vortex.His face held no emotion and those stone-cold eyes could end your existence.I stood transfixed, unable to tear my eyes away from the sheer muscling of his arms, chest, and legs. The way his blue Armani suit clung to his body like a second skin. Just like in my dream. But up close and personal.There was something perfectly lethal and predatory
in his movements as he walked.My heart pounded with fascination.He was a powerful man, incredible in every way, and the mere sight of him now, in his glory, nearly brought me to my knees.It was as if I was seeing him for the first time.Everyone nodded good morning to him, but he ignored them and walked past with grace such as I had never seen
in anyone as he went into his office.He was so rude.I stayed at my desk for a few minutes before I gathered my courage and approached his office.I knocked on his door once, twice, and I got nothing in return.I knocked again, loudly this time.“What?” His voice was deep and thunderous. It felt as if it rumbled mightily inside the building.Swallowing
bile that had risen in my throat, I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I walked inside his cold office and closed the door behind me.“Good morning, sir,” I greeted him, my heart pounding in my chest.Mr. Campbell slowly raised his head to look at me.He appeared more frightening than I could have imagined, and I couldn’t control the shudder
that shook my body when those silver eyes were fixed on me. There wasn’t anything familiar about his stare.I sucked in my breath.His gaze roamed over me, an almost lazy action. I sensed boredom.
I sensed annoyance and an almost icy distance that set him apart.Our eyes stayed locked for one long, nerve-shattering moment.A hundred feelings went through me in that instant. It was as if everything else in the world stood still.This man…he was frightening. And I might have accidentally sold my soul to him.“Yes? Can I help you?” he barked.I
stared at him, unable to understand what he meant by that. Was I not allowed to come to greet him until he needed me?Before I could say anything, he fired more questions at me.“How did you get here? Who let you in?” He pressed an intercom and spoke into it. “Who let this woman in?
Do I pay you to let any stranger come into my office? You’re asking me what woman? You’re fired!”He was raising his voice at the poor woman on the other side of the phone.“Please, Mr. Campbell, you hired me to be your assistant.
Lauren Hart, remember?” I asked in a choked, pleading voice.My heart was pounding loudly and I couldn’t seem to move. My deepest instinct warned me not to anger this man any further. He was like an unforgiving storm, a force not to be reckoned with.Mason raised his eyebrows as he sized me up, pointing his pen at me in realization.“You
certainly look different. Not as bad as you did the other day. It’s progress.”“Yes, sir,” I answered, fighting to keep my tone light and simple. “I’ll try and live up to this company’s expectations.”Finally moving his eyes away from me, he retorted, “I don’t see how that is going to be possible, Ms. Hart.”I watched him scribble something down on a piece of
paper. “Take this.”I quickly moved to take the paper from him; our fingers would have touched in the process if he hadn’t let go of it immediately before it happened.“That’s my email and the password. Answer all my emails. Ignore ones that aren’t relevant. Don’t schedule a meeting without consulting me first.“Do not, under any circumstances, Ms.
Hart, make any of my emails go public.“Keep my emails private. If I find out you’ve discussed them with anyone, family or friend, I assure you, you will very much regret it.”My heart began to beat fast, and I hated the fact that he could evoke this anxiety in me. And he was doing it intentionally.Of course he was.“Every morning by exactly nine a.m.,
you’ll get me my tea, not coffee. I like it black. It shouldn’t be too cold or too hot. All the files I need to sign should be at my desk before I get here.“You don’t come into my office, and no visitors are allowed from twelve to one. You get my lunch from Rosiere restaurant. It’s a one-hour drive and I don’t care how you get there. Just ask for my
usual.“Keep in mind that I need it hot and on my table by two. If it turns cold, I’ll deduct the price from your salary.”Is he serious? God, he’s so bossy.Look at him sitting there, stating his orders like he owned the earth or something.Like he owned me.~The effects from my dream this morning were still having an impact on my day. Bummer.God, if this
man did own the world, we’d all be doomed.I hadn’t spent long in his presence but I could tell the world would suffer at his hands.“Are you listening to me?” He looked outraged. Anger emanated from his face, his gaze traveling over me critically.Something dark flickered across his expression that had my stomach churning.Swallowing, I nodded my
head.His eyes narrowed. “You don’t nod. You speak when you’re spoken to. Do you understand?”“Yes, sir.” I looked down before looking up at him.The fierce expression on his face filled me with terror. He continued with his cold and unforgiving tone.“I took it upon myself to give this to you.” He threw what looked like a manual at me. “Read it.
Follow it if you want to be here in a week.”“I promise I won’t disappoint you,” I said quietly.“I don’t care if you disappoint me, Ms. Hart. I’d be pleased to see that you did. It would only prove what I think about you. Don’t think you’ve officially made it into Campbell Industry.“You are on trial. Any mistake will get you out of here quicker than you can
blink. As I said, you are not the only one who would love to have this job.“Many people would. People with more talent than you.” He entwined his fingers in front of him. “And don’t you get it into your head that you’re anything special.”Sonofabitch.A reply sprang to my lips, but he silenced me with his raised hand.“That will be all.”I turned around and
quietly left the office.I knew Mason Campbell was a lot of things, and a rude man was one of them, but I never knew he was this rude.Without making any eye contact with anyone, I walked over to my desk.I sat down, counting to ten before I moved my attention back to the employee manual I was given.At exactly eight fifty-five, I rushed to get Mr.
Campbell’s tea.I paused, trying to remember if he told me how much sugar he wanted in it, or if he wanted any at all.I took a major risk and didn’t put sugar in his tea. This could either save me or get me kicked out of the company.When he gave me permission to enter his office, I did so as calmly as I could.I kept the tea in front of him and waited to
be asked to leave.
Mr. Campbell took his time to finish up on his laptop before picking up the tea.I sighed in relief when he didn’t start screaming about the lack of sugar.“You may go,” he said icily.He still hadn’t looked at me.“You’re welcome, sir,” I said, turning to leave the office.His voice stopped me from moving.“What did you just say?” There was disbelief in his
tone, anger, a wave of terrifying anger that had my legs shaking. “Are you being sarcastic with me, Ms. Hart?”I shook my head, trying to point out the exact moment my senses left my body. I wasn’t being sarcastic. How could I be when I knew I had a boss like him?It was simply an instinct that had made me say it.“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean any
harm.” I couldn’t count how many times I had apologized from the moment I first met him.And something told me there was more to come.He narrowed his eyes, trying to break me down and prove I was weak and not capable of handling the pressure.
At least, that was what I thought he was doing.“Don’t test me again. Or you’re going to regret it.
Understood, Ms. Hart?”I let out a low breath, and nodded slowly.“You may go.”I dashed out of there, breathing properly when I was out of his glaring stare.A low chuckle began and I rotated around to look at the culprit.A tall, lean guy was staring at me, his lips curved into a smirk. He had short dark hair at the sides, and the spike in the middle was a
bit long and messy.When he saw me looking, he crossed over to my space. “Congratulations,” his deep voice said with a hint of a joke.“You survived two visits to his office. Calls for a celebration.”I couldn’t help but smile for two reasons.One, because I knew he was probably telling the truth, and two, because I knew I would like him. He had the
friendliest face I’d seen in the office.Doing a little curtsy that earned another chuckle from him, I said, “Would you like to engrave that on a cup and deliver it to my desk?”“Oh, clever. You’re going to drive your own satisfaction.
Sold.”I extended my hand, my smile getting wider.“I’m Lauren. Lauren Hart.”Ginger-haired guy released one hand from his cup and shook my hand.“Nice to meet you, Lauren. I’m Aaron Hardy. It’s really nice to see someone coming out of the boss’s office without a tear.”“You could say that I’m brave.”He nodded, tilting his head to the other side to
study me.“Or stupid. Why did you take the job?” he asked, and before I could reply, he cut me off with an exclamation, “Aha! I think I got it. It’s the paycheck, isn’t it? It’s always the paycheck.”I rolled my eyes. “Something like that. I need the money.”“Ahh.”“You’re awfully nice to me. How is that possible? Everyone either hates me or is yet to hate
me. They are all so uptight. Like people, please, take a chill pill.”He laughed, his shoulders shaking. “Trust me when I say they’re jealous of you. Mr. Campbell doesn’t usually hire—excuse my choice of words—someone like you.“He likes his employees with high class, people who wouldn’t embarrass his company. But they think you might be special to
him.”I snorted. “That’s so stupid. He hates me.”“He hates you just as much as he hates everyone,” Aaron said. “It’s not personal.”“I wonder why.”“And that, my dear Lauren, is what we all keep wondering,” he said, winking at me.“Let’s get back to work before we have to stay back for an hour after work.”I stepped beside him, looking surprised.“Are
you serious?”“Nope,” he replied, popping the “p.” “He’s not that much of a bastard.”I stopped walking, giving him my best “are you kidding me” look.He turned around and shrugged. “Okay, maybe he’s a bastard.”“A grade-A bastard if you ask me,” I said.Someone cleared their throat and I froze in shock, my heart going a mile a minute.It was Aaron’s
chuckles that seemed to snap me out of it.“Oh my God.” He doubled over with laughter. “You should have seen your face. You thought it was him.”“It isn’t?”“No, but you should be careful with your words.”A green-haired girl smiled at me, swinging her arm around Aaron’s neck.“Is this the new girl?”I stood straight, pushing my shoulders up, and
stared straight into her eyes.She chuckled.“Damn, girl, I don’t bite,” she said, amused at me trying to stand my ground.I immediately relaxed, figuring that she meant no harm.
No sign of disdain.“I’m Athena.”I raised a brow.She grinned. “My mom is weird.”I smiled. “Lauren. You have green hair and you’re not fired.”I knew for a fact that Mason would never, ever hire someone with green hair.“That’s because he can’t fire me. I’m his auntie.”“What? But you don’t look like a day over—”“Twenty-three?” Athena asked.
“Yeah, I get that a lot.
He’s older than me, but I’m his aunt blah blah. His mom is my half-sister.”“Wow.”She must be the only person he would be nice to.Athena stared at my dazed face. “Oh, honey, just because I’m his auntie doesn’t mean I don’t get his shit too.”“Yeah, but you’re, like, the only person he respects,” Aaron said.She shrugged like it wasn’t that much of a big
deal. I never thought Mr. Campbell was capable of respecting anyone.His enormous ego the size of the earth wouldn’t be able to handle such a thing. For a man who demanded respect everywhere he went, it was an odd thing to hear.“Let’s go,” Aaron said, “I’ve been assigned to make sure you get to his next meeting early.”My eyebrows shot
high.“No shit, really? So he’s decided that I’m not capable of being on time and he’s assigned a babysitter?
And you’ve been given the dumbest task of escorting me to the meeting?”He drew himself up to his full, lean height, a teasing smile on his face.“I’m messing with you, Lauren. He doesn’t have that time or the energy to do that. I just don’t want you to get fired. You don’t know what will happen if that happens.”I’d heard rumors that you’d be lucky to
ever work again…“Oh, I think I have a fair idea,” I said. “But that’s just stupid. Why on earth would he have so much influence on people?”“You underestimate the power of Mason Campbell, Lauren.”I walked beside Aaron to the conference room and to my surprise, someone had already beaten me to it.Jade.She was sitting on the chair close to the
boss’s seat.I stifled a laugh, but I guess I didn’t try hard enough. She looked up and glared at us.“Guess someone is more eager than you to please the boss,” Aaron commented.“Don’t try too hard, Jade. It will only be a complete waste.”“Shut up,” she fired at him.I didn’t say anything and found a seat at the end of the table and slipped into it. Aaron
took the chair next to me.At exactly eight o’clock, people began coming in and filling in all of the empty chairs until there was one left.At exactly three minutes past eight, Mr. Campbell walked in. We rose from our seats and when he sat down, we followed suit.I tried so damn hard to stay clear of his sight. But not enough, since I could still see his face
clearly.He wasn’t smiling and he wasn’t frowning either. He looked serious and determined. Everyone else gave all of their thoughts and attention to him. Power, leadership, and authority were his.I looked away from his penetrating gaze and focused my attention on the view outside.“Ms. Hart.”It was just so beautiful. I could stare at it all day.“Ms.
Hart.”“Lauren,” Aaron hissed, elbowing me in the ribs.“Ouch, what?” I glared at him, rubbing the place he had elbowed me. It hurt. I hoped he didn’t bruise me. Then I noticed all eyes were on me.I wanted to hide under the table.“Not paying attention during your first meeting.
What else do you intend to show us in one day, Ms. Hart?” he mocked.Mr. Campbell’s eyes were on me, his hands crossed in front of him as he regarded me.His dark blue Armani suit somehow made him appear broader and taller than ever.The very air seemed to hum and sizzle with the power of his presence: forceful and vital, so very bold and
demanding.My pulse suddenly beat rapidly at his attention, yet I was determined he didn’t know the effect he had on me…or did he?I raised my chin and I stared back with what I hoped was the gaze of someone cool and confident.“Sorry. It won’t happen again.”I was glad I didn’t stammer and show a sign of weakness.A beat of silence.“Ms.
Willow.”Jade was quick to answer. “Yes, sir?” She sounded annoyingly sweet. She looked like a dog who had seen a treat.God, couldn’t she at least try to look less excited?“Exchange seats with Ms. Hart.”Her face fell in shock. I was just as surprised as she was.Jade slipped out of her chair and Aaron had to elbow me again before I got out of my chair.
With every step I took, the knot in my stomach tightened.I would have much preferred to stay where I was.The fact that all eyes were on me, especially Mr. Campbell’s, made me uneasy.My steps slowed but I didn’t stop moving.I took Jade’s chair.I was out in the open for everyone to see. I wanted to sink down to the floor and disappear.Athena was
there as well.
Her brows shot high up in surprise, then she winked at me.I glanced at Aaron, who wore an easy smile.I knew that everyone in the room was startled by Mr. Campbell’s decision, though they did not say so out loud.And Jade was giving me a penetrating death stare…I looked up at Mason Campbell. His gaze was still fixed on me, somehow making me
feel totally insignificant, but also like the only person in this entire room.When the meeting wrapped, Mason Campbell stayed seated while everyone else flowed out of the room.Attempting to make a quick escape, I moved in front of Athena to block me from his penetrating eyes. But that didn’t last very long.He cleared his throat and his low voice
growled above the din, “Ms. Hart.
A word.”I turned abruptly, trying to stop my hands from shaking as I stood before him.“Not paying attention will not be tolerated here at Campbell Industries. I won’t tolerate your gaze wandering, no matter how desperately you struggle to focus.”A smile crossed his lips as he stepped closer, closing the gap between us.“It is your job to remain at my
side through all business meetings and beyond, if need be. You’re all mine. From here on out, I own you.”I was in for a lot more trouble than I had expected…and this was only day one.Pro Tip!You can find discounts, promotions, and the latest updates on our [Galatea Facebook]( group! Join our community today!

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