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Bible - “Word of God in the words of

- First step in understanding God. men”

- Readers are gradually prepared
and equipped with the necessary In composing the sacred books
knowledge, consideration, attitude, - God chose men and while
and skills in comprehending the employed by Him they made use
Bible. of their powers and abilities, so
- Best-selling book of all time that with Him acting in them and
- 25 million copies are sold every through them; they as true
year (Bandstra, 2009:6) authors, consigned to writing
- Some merely equate it as a book everything and only those things
of morals and sermons for the which He wanted.
- Others turn to it hoping to find Divine Dictation Theory
wisdom and guidance. - the Holy Spirit simply "dictated" on
- Some readers simply find it as an the human authors the content and
ordinary literature, an ancient one. the manner of writing the Bible.
- 73 books in total, while Protestants - the human authors are
only consider 66 books. stenographers, and recorders of
what was dictated upon them,
Etymological Meaning devoid of any room for human
- Greek = ta biblia (“the books”) freedom and creativity, as well as
- Latin = biblia (“written expression originality of literary approach and
of God’s revelation”) style.
- A collection or a library rather than
a single literary composition. CRITIQUE:
- the Bible-reflects a rich variety of
Writers stories and uniqueness of human
- The great number of authors and experiences, reveals diversity of
editors who composed and edited contexts and circumstances, and
them from different generations displays multiplicity of mindsets
and settings for various audiences. and perspectives

Divine Inspiration Negative Assistance Theory

- For centuries, the Catholic Church - "The Holy Spirit acts upon a
has consistently taught that the human author in such a way as to
Bible is truly the Word of God. preserve him from error"
Vatican Il, through its document, - "The human authors were alone
Dei Verbum, states categorically responsible for the writing of the
the role of the Holy Spirit in the books"
composition of the Bible.
- Committed to writing under the CRITIQUE:
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For - God's involvement in the Bible
holy mother Church, relying on the cannot be strictly limited to
belief of the Apostles (John, avoiding error during the entire
Timothy, Peter) both the Old and composition of the sacred text.
the New Testaments in their - Both God and human authors
entirety, with all their parts, are worked together from the start to
sacred and canonical because its completion in communicating
under the inspiration of the Holy the truth of God, and his message
Spirit, they have God as their to mankind.
author and have been handed on
as such to the Church herself. Subsequent Approval Theory
- With God through the inspiration - By a Benedictine monk by the
and guidance of the Holy Spirit name of D. B. Haneberg in mid-
and the Freedom and Creativity 1800s
of Humans Authors, The Bible
was formed.
- "that inspiration took the form of advanced scientific inquiry but it
the church's approval of the work was precisely because the Bible
at the time of its canonizations" was written within a specific era
- In other words, the Bible only and context - with all its strength
become the Word of God after it and limitation, and influenced by
was declared by the Church as the prevailing historical and
inspired; thus, it was the Church scientific mindset and perspective
that truly made it to be the Word of at that time.
God by reason of its gift of - the Bible was made from the
infallibility. perspective of faith by its writers
who intended to share their faith-
CRITIQUE experiences by conveying the
- "was expressly disapproved by unmistakable truth of God's
Vatican I: "These [OT and NT presence and loving intervention at
books] the church hold to be work within the flow of time and
sacred and canonical, not because history.
having been carefully composed - the Bible must be regarded as a
by human industry, they were faith-testimony that instructs divine
afterwards approved by her wisdom and directs man to his
authority, nor merely because, ultimate destiny after being created
having been written by the Holy in the image and likeness of God.
Spirit, they have God as their - Readers are constantly reminded
author and have been delivered by not to take a very literal
the Church as such to the church interpretation of the biblical text.
herself" - Great attention must be dedicated
in pursuing the religious message
Inerrancy of every account and careful study
- If the Bible is truly the Word of must be observed in discerning the
God, would it be truthful to claim message of the Bible.
that the Bible contains no error?
- If God is its primary author and Canonicity
God himself is the perfection of all - Canon = Hebrew work “qaneh”
truth, then all that Scripture claims which is a measuring stick
to be true must necessarily be - A measure, rule, norm, or standard
CRITIQUE - the list of inspired books.
- Modern critics to biblical study
raise doubts and even objections Three-part division
to the "scientific errors in the Bible - followed by the Jews
- like the claim of an immovable - Pentateuch (Torah), Prophets
world” (Neviin), and Writing (Kethuvim)
- "which tends to interpret the words
of the Bible at face value - Jews
literalistically rather than literarily - Even to this day, still hope for their
according to the type of writing unnamed Messiah to come,
used to express the author's whereas the Christians center their
intent" faith in Jesus of Nazareth, the
- the Church made it clear that the risen Christ.
authors of the Bible did not intend - the New Testament which is
to hand down a scientific treatise centered on Jesus and his
of the universe, or a message is not essential for the
comprehensive history textbook. Jews.
- On the other hand, Christians put
Bible as Faith-Testimony their trust and faith on Jesus as the
- there are scientific or historical ultimate fulfillment of the promise
accounts which may be difficult to of salvation foreshadowed in the
reconcile with the findings of Old Testament.
The Tanak
- Or Tanakh Three promises
- Jews - Posterity (Descendants), Property
- an acronym derived from the initial (Promised Land), and Protection
consonants of the three sections - the liberation of the Hebrews from
into which Scriptures are divided: Egypt led by.Moses and their
Torah, Nevi'im, and Kethuvim" wandering in. the desert, and
finally, their approach in the
Torah (Law) promised land.
- implies a rule of life and teaching
to be followed by the people of Nevi’im (Prophets)
Israel - the rise of persons and
- when Moses received the Torah messengers who are dedicated to
from Mount Sinai, all of Israel are communicate the word of God
bound to observe what Moses - giving warnings and
promulgated as the basis of their condemnations for their sins and
way of life and their relationship violations committed, pronouncing
with God. judgment and punishment for sin.
- First Five Books: Genesis, Exodus, - Starts with the succession of
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua, conquest of and
- started from the calling of settlement in the promised land
Abraham, the gradual fulfillment of - The establishment of monarchy
God's promises and unification of the twelve tribes
of Israel
- the Northern kingdom's protest
- against the forced labor and heavy
taxation demanded by king
Solomon of Judah.
- But history revealed the sinful
ways of Israel, their hearts
hardened by sin and pride; thus,
consequences followed.
- Israel amended its history of sin
and infidelity, returned to their
homeland (after the liberator Cyrus
of Persia decreed their freedom
from Babylonian rule), renewed
their relationship with God and
rebuilt their shattered nation and
unfulfilled dreams.

- Joshua, Judges, I and Il Samuel, I
and Il Kings (6 books)
- Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea,
Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah,
Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,
Malachi (15 books)

Kethuvim (Writing)
- collection of writings and literary
works contextualized after the exile
in Babylon.
- does not tell us stories or
prophecies to be fulfilled but offers
us a way of life guided by
righteousness and wisdom.
- Provides maxims or short sayings, • God called the dome "sky"
like the Proverbs, on how to order
our lives according to God's Third Day
commandments • "let the dry land appear"
- Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song
• God called the dry land "Earth"
of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and the waters were gathered
Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, together calling it “Sea”
Ezra-Nehemiah, I and Il Chronicles
(13 books) • Then the earth brought forth
- Day-to-day basis and real-life
Fourth Day
Protestant reformation • separate day to night (let them be
- 16th century led Martin Luther to for signs and for seasons and for
separate from the Catholic Church. days and years)
- Luther also determined his own • greater light = rule the day
biblical canon which followed the • lesser light = rule the night - and
Palestinian canon of the Jews. the stars
- have sixty-six books (OT and NT).
- NO Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Fifth Day
Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.
• God created sea monsters and
every living creature that moves
Catholics (birds)
- followed the Alexandrian canon
which was written in Greek and
Sixth Day
used by. Christians mostly outside
Palestine. • living creature of every kind
- have seventy three books (OT and • cattle, creeping, and wild animals
NT) • he created human kind to his
image and likeness
- the divine communication Seventh Day
- recorded by human authors and • REST!!
applied throughout centuries.
- speaks to us of God’s assurance of Enuma Elish
love and promise for salvation • Babylonian Creation Epic
which was revealed in Jesus Christ
• 12 tablets written in Akkadian
• recovered from Henry Layard from
• most familiar books of the Bible the ruins of Nineveh
• "genesis" means "origin" or "birth"
• The first book in the Bible because Major points in the story
it deals with questions pertaining to
1. Everything started in the state of
the beginning of the cosmos, primordial chaos
plants, animals, and humankind
2. Apsu ( freshwater of springs and
rivers) and Tiamat (salt water)
Six days of creation and the Sabbath mingled together.
First Day
3. From them, created Gods into
• "let there be light" being- Lahmu (silt) and Lahamu
• God separated the light from the (slime, mud)
4. From the newly created God,
• God called the light day and the emerged new names Anshar
darkness night (whole sky), Kishar (whole earth),
Anu (sky god), and Ea (son of Anu,
Second Day
god of storm and father of
• God separated the waters from the Marduk)
5. Apsu and Tiamat were annoyed by
the noise made by the increasing Six Days of Creation
number of Gods. • First, an Announcement ("God
6. Apsu, with Mummu (his minister), said");
went to his wife, Tiamat wanting to • Second, a Command ("let there
kill their children but Tiamat didn’t be");
want to. • Third, a Report ("And so it was" or
7. Wise Ea acted cleverly by making "God made");
an incantation, a magic spell that • Fourth, an Evaluation ("It was
would bring Apsu to sleep, and very good"); [and]
Mummu to daze. He then killed • Fifth, a Placement in a temporal
Apsu. framework (first day, and on and
8. A group of angry gods then on...)
complained to Tiamat with these
she went on to avenge for her GOD’S CREATION IS INTRINSICALLY
husband through spawning AND NATURALLY GOOD
9. Marduk challenged Tiamat Epic of Atrahasis
spreading his net and catching her • Mesopotamian Epic
then eventually killing her. • man was created for the sole
10. From the two eyes of Tiamat came purpose of carrying the toil of the
two rivers of Mesopotamia; the lower gods.
Tigris and the Euphrates; from her
• Quite pessimistic, human beings
liver, the pole star; from her spittle,
are simply slaves of the gods
the clouds, rain and fog; from her
tail, the Milky way; from her crotch,
Anthropomorphic Presentation of God
the support of the sky
• Yahwist tradition
• human-like portrayal of God who is
Chaos and Order
intimate with human beings - He
• The concept of primeval chaos
even walked with Adam and Eve in
before creation was a common
the garden, talked to them, and so
mythical understanding among the
on and so forth).
ancient people:
In Genesis
• in Hebrew is adam is the soil
• we have the formless void and
• was vivified by God’s breath (in
darkness which covered the deep
Hebrew is ruah)
• adamah eventually reminds the
adam to return to adamar
In Babylonian Myth
• unlike the Mesopotamian concept
• we have chaos and waters which
of man who was doomed to labor
mingled together
for the gods as slaves, the
Israelite concept of man is far
more positive, and even,
• religious culture of the ancient
special. Man was tasked by God
Near East
"to have dominion" over all
• ancient Mesopotamians feared the
creation, and the power "to name"
gods because of their capacity for
the creatures
violence and vengeance.
• "God created everything for man"
man was elevated by God, willed
from the start, to be God's
• only believing in one God like
• We find a God in Genesis who in the essential conviction that our
freely, deliberately and lovingly varied expressions always speak the
create and sustains. his creation. holy wild our gratuitous, loving Creator.

God creating both male and female

• female is inferior because she was
taken from the ribs of a man
• essentially refers to the unity,
complementarity, and equality of
man and woman, willed from the
very start by God



God’s Creation
• must never be understood as a
one-time event, but an ongoing,
sustaining creative act of God
• God was ultimately the cause of
everything, and from Him
everything received its life and

• Explained WHO
• Writers were more concerned on
narrating religious beliefs rather
than taking down notes on the
historical details of their life
• A testimony, a tribute to an all-
powerful, loving God who, out of
his immense gratuitous love,
exploded with so much goodness,
and love, and desired that every
creature, especially man, be made
sharers of the Divine life.

God's chief steward, and caretaker of

the entire creation. Having created in
the image and likeness of God, we are
then left with the inescapable and
imperative vocation of caring for
everything that God created--these
include ourselves, the people around
us, the environment, and the rest of all
creation. Also, and let our care find
expression in our passion and
advocacies, in Children's Protection
Program, Care for the Adults. and
Elderly, Campaign Against Iresponsible
Mining, and so many others, anchored

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