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[Insights Secure – 2020] Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing

Practice: 19 December 2019
December 19,

[Insights Secure – 2020] Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice: 19

December 2019
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General Studies – 1

Topic: Role of women and women’s organization; social empowerment

1. Women may struggle to close the gender pay gap as technology reshapes the
global economy, with women’s jobs more likely to be replaced by robots while men
dominate emerging sectors. Examine. (250 words).

Deccan Herald

Live Mint

Why this question:

India has been ranked 112th in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index
2020, out of the 153 countries across the world. Overall gender equality is improving but
the number of women entering work is “stalling” and financial disparities are widening,
found the World Economic Forum’s annual index tracking gender divides in health,
education, economy and politics.

Key demand of the question:

The question wants us to analyse how the increase in the penetration of technology will
lead to increase in the gender pay gap due to lack of reskilling and upskilling. Further, you
must provide the solutions to tackle the same.

Examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we have to look into the topic (content words) in
detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in
question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and
their implications.

Structure of the answer:


Start by explaining the gender gap in India based on the findings of the report.

Social observers often contend that considerable progress has been made on some
But the arc of progress is not straightforward, and even though gender parity is an
official policy in various corporate and other settings, the outcomes remain
extremely poor in comparison with other countries.


Discuss about the challenges posed to gender pay gap by digitization and technology:

One of the biggest challenges to achieving equal pay – with women currently
earning about half as much as men – is getting more women into jobs in emerging
digital industries as business and trade go online.
As technology creates new jobs AI, engineering and cloud computing and renders
others, like retail, obsolete, women risk losing out as they are less likely to have
“disruptive” skills for careers with high job growth and salaries.
bad share of female voices in our legislative bodies have done little for overall
women’s welfare

Now talk about the implications of such challenges to women

Overall, women must wait 99.5 years to see parity with men on average across
health, education, economy and politics, said the authors, a slight improvement
from 108 years in 2018.
This means ensuring women have access to the most in-demand skills but also that
companies adopt diverse hiring practices and more inclusive workplace cultures.

Discuss the measures needed to reduce this gender pay gap.

Unless India undergoes a social revolution that puts the idea of equity at its forefront,
gender gaps would get harder to close.


Conclude with balanced way forward.

Topic: poverty and developmental issues; Social empowerment;

2. Modern sensibilities cannot take root in a nation that allows regressive beliefs
to thrive. Comment. (250 words)


Why this question:

Nearly 107 people have been killed in witch-hunting incidents in Assam since 2011,
parliamentary affairs Chandra Mohan Patowary told the Assembly during a discussion on
various issues related to the home department. Such killings are not uncommon in
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and some other states. The truth is that the markers of
modernity — literacy, equality and rights — are not universal.

Key demand of the question:

The question wants us to express our knowledge and understanding about the RTI act.
The recent proposed changes in the RTI act and how it could lead to subversion of the
objectives of right to information.


Comment – When asked to comment, you have to examine methodically the structure or
nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them as a whole in a

Structure of the answer:


Define the practice of witch hunting. Give the background of continued witch hunting
cases in India.

Witch hunting involves the branding of victims, especially women as witches,

where they are accused of possessing supernatural powers to harm others.
The victim is subjected to numerous forms of torture, beatings, burns, paraded
naked through the village, forced to eat human excrement and sometimes even
In some cases, their hair is cut off and the victim and their children are socially
excluded and even put to death.

Discuss the reasons for such victimization.

Discuss the problems faced and implications on women due to discriminatory acts like
witch hunting.

Women are being killed and specially targeted by being branded as witches.
Anything that happens abruptly, which does not favour a person or the family, is
attached to the cause that the woman (daughter-in-law/wife) is the witch.
She is the unlucky one, responsible for all the mishaps.

Discuss the failure to prohibit such practices despite presence of laws in states.

Provide measures to tackle the issue of witch hunting.


Based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue.

General Studies – 2

Topic: Information sharing and transparency in government, Right to Information.

1. The Right to Information Act’s role in fostering a more informed citizenry and an
accountable government has never been in doubt ever since its implementation in
2005. Critically discuss. (250 words)

The Hindu

Indian Express

Why this question:

RTI has been a revolutionary legislation and has significantly increased the transparency
and accountability in government functioning. There have been persistent and growing
misgivings of the RTI Act. A change in the Act that seeks locus standi as a criterion could
dramatically increase the rejection rate of RTI which is around 4.7% now. Limiting RTI
responses based on locus standi of the applicants could create a chilling effect.

Key demand of the question:

The question wants us to express our knowledge and understanding about the RTI act.
The recent proposed changes in the RTI act and how it could lead to subversion of the
objectives of right to information.


Critically discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper

by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You
have to give reasons for both for and against arguments. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or
prefixed to a directive, all you need to do is look at the good and bad of something and
give a fair judgement.

Structure of the answer:


Write a few introductory lines about the RTI act- its aims and significance.


Discuss the present problems with the act and the need to rectify the same

seeking locus standi in order to respond to public requests could result in a chilling
effect as public authorities (PAs) could choose to deny information to general
citizens on subjective grounds.
Besides, information commissioners and public officials have the authority to reject
requests based on criteria that enable exemption from information disclosure
the persisting problem of vacancies in the CIC and State commissions — the CIC
has four vacancies and 33,000 pending cases.

Provide the various measures needed to strengthen the “Master key to Good Governance”.


Based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue.

Topic: Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate.

2. Refugee situations continue to increase in scope, scale, and complexity in the

“decade of displacement”. In light of this statement, the Global Refugee Forum is
an opportunity to translate the principle of international responsibility-sharing
into concrete action. Discuss (250 words)

Indian Express


Why this question:

The first Global Refugee Forum comes at the end of a tumultuous decade in which the
number of refugees has risen to over 25 million people worldwide. The Forum will
showcase impactful pledges and contributions and the exchange of good practices. At the
two-day event, member states of the United Nations (UN) are debating the response of
nations to the global refugee situation.

Key demand of the question:

The question wants us to write in detail about the Global refugee crisis and how the
Global Refugee Forum can help in international responsibility sharing and help reduce the
refugee crisis.

Directive word:

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about

the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important
aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Structure of the answer:


write a few introductory lines about the Global refugee crisis and increasing number of
refugees. Mention about the Global Refugee forum which was underway in Geneva with
UN members in participation.


Firstly, throw light on how the refugee crisis in on the rise across the globe.

According to the UN, by the end of 2018, there were around 70.8 million people
around the world who had left their home countries because of conflict and
Of these 70.8 million, roughly 30 million are refugees.
Globally, more two-thirds of all refugees come from five countries: Syria (6.7
million), Afghanistan (2.7 million), South Sudan (2.3 million), Myanmar (1.1
million), and Somalia (0.9 million).
Countries in the developed regions host 16 per cent of refugees; one-third of the
refugee population (6.7 million people) are in the Least Developed Countries.

Explain about the Global Refugee Forum, its mandate.

The first-ever Global Refugee Forum brings together refugees, heads of state and
government, UN leaders, international institutions, development organizations,
business leaders and civil society representatives, among others, at the Palais des
Nations, the home of the United Nations Office at Geneva.
Guided by the Global Compact on Refugees, the Global Refugee Forum is an
opportunity to translate the principle of international responsibility-sharing into
concrete action.
The Forum will showcase impactful pledges and contributions and the exchange of
good practices.

Mention about what measures can be taken to overcome the refugee crisis by various
stakeholders like international communities, individual countries, private companies,
NGOs etc.

Mention about any good practices if any.


based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue.

Topic: Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate.

3.The performance of United Nations Security Council has not been as envisaged
due to the long pending reforms called for by many emerging economies including
India. Critically Examine. (250 words)

The Hindu

The Wire

Why this question:

A special meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC) on Kashmir was not convened on Tuesday, diplomatic sources have confirmed.
The meeting was sought by China to discuss India’s decision to end the special status of

Jammu and Kashmir.

Key demand of the question:

The answer must discuss the role and significance of UNSC, need for UNSC reforms,
why India should be given permanent membership.


Critically examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we have to look into the topic (content
words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to
the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are
important and their implications. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or prefixed to a directive,
one needs to look at the good and bad of the topic and give a fair judgement.

Structure of the answer


Briefly explain the mandate of UN security council in general.


Discuss about the successes of UNSC since its inception.

Discuss about the various concerns/challenges plaguing the UNSC:

Expansion of UNSC.
Asia’s inadequate representation
Do away with Veto power
It doesn’t represent the current balance of power.
South America and Africa have no representative at all.
Changes in geopolitical realities since UNSC formation.

Now discuss the following:

What are the current proposed reforms?

What are India’s demands?
Why India should be given a permanent seat in the council?


Conclude with a way forward.

General Studies – 3
Topic: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact

1. As the Prime Minister advises states along the river to shift focus from Namami
to Arth Ganga, it is clear that the Ganga cannot be restored by only pollution-
abatement measures. Discuss. (250 words)

Down To Earth

Why this question:

Recently, the Ganga Council headed by Prime Minister (PM), in its first meeting held on
December 14, 2019, floated a plan to promote sustainable agriculture in the Gangetic
plain by promoting organic clusters in a five-km stretch on both sides of the Ganga basin
in Uttarakhand, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.

It is a good policy move, considering the cumulative use of pesticides has doubled in the
last one decade and most of it runs off in our rivers. For the short-term, the five-km stretch
is fine, but the government should eventually plan to stretch it to cover more area in the
basin. Agriculture along the entire riverbed should be organic.

Key demand of the question

The question is about analysing the significance of Namami Gange programme and the
achievements made by it. One has to further discuss the challenges faced and measures
needed to set the problems straight.

Directive word

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going

through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to
give reasons for both for and against arguments .

Structure of the answer


In a few introductory lines brief upon the background and mission objectives of NMCG.


The question must discuss the following points:

The successes of NMCG so far:

Namami Gange has completed 114 projects and about 150 projects are in progress,
while about 40 projects are under tendering, of which 51 sewage projects were
approved before May 13, 2015 — the day Namami Gange was approved by the
Union Cabinet.
Till April 2019, 1,930 MLD of sewerage treatment capacity in 97 Ganga towns has
been developed, whereas the sewerage generation in these towns is 2,953 MLD.
It is further projected that the sewerage generation would touch 3,700 MLD by

The failures, challenges facing in the revival of Ganga

The industrial pollutants largely originate from tanneries in Kanpur, paper mills,
distilleries and sugar mills in the Yamuna, Ramganga, Hindon and Kali river
Then, there is the huge load of municipal sewage which contributes two-thirds of
total pollution load.
Water in India is a state subject and water management is not a truly knowledge-
based practice.
The management of the Ganga lacked basin-wide integration and is not very
cohesive between various riparian states.
Further, there is a greater challenge of upgrading the water supply and wastewater
treatment infrastructure in the designated smart cities and of providing clean water
supply to all rural households by 2024 under the Jal Jeevan Mission.

Critical steps needed to overcome the challenges:

Promote only decentralised sewage treatment plants (dSTP) at the colony level.
Develop and restore local storages (ponds, lakes, wetlands) as permanent solutions
to both floods and droughts.


Give a balanced way forward.

General Studies – 4

Topic: Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application in

administration and governance.

1. Disputes are best resolved when you know what you want, can communicate it
clearly, understand what someone else wants, and come to favourable terms for
everyone. Elucidate. (250 words).
Ethics by Lexicon

Get pocket

Why this question:

The article discusses in detail the importance of emotional intelligence in life of every
person. People who exhibit emotional intelligence have the less obvious skills necessary
to get ahead in life, such as managing conflict resolution, reading and responding to the
needs of others, and keeping their own emotions from overflowing and disrupting their

Key demand of the question:

The answer must discuss why emotional intelligence is of prime importance in life, how
empathy can be more effective than anger at the personal and professional level.


Elucidate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the
particular context. You must be defining key terms where ever appropriate, and
substantiate with relevant associated facts.

Structure of the answer


In a few introductory lines appreciate the need for Emotional intelligence.


Define – empathy and emotional intelligence

Discuss how emotional intelligence is necessary for the people interaction, dispute
resolution in daily life. Emotional intelligence as the ability to accurately perceive and
manage your own emotions and understand and navigate those of others, thus enhancing
your ability to influence, manage conflicts, lead others and build relationships.

Elucidate on the four pillars of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and

relationship management.

Provide for a case study/example to conclude better.


Conclude by re asserting significance of such virtues.


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