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Ques.1How does an elephant walk across a river--cautiosly or carelessly?Can you think why?
Ans.1An elephant walks across a river cautiously because of his heavy weight .First of all, he
tests the riverbud at every step and he launched in river with slow progress.

Ques.2 How should one move ahead upon seeing signs of danger?
Ans.2 One should move cautiously by using his mind .

Ques.3 How can one effectively manage things in crisis situation?

Ans. Every person has a mind with unlimited capacity.To use his mind, one can effectively
manage things in crisis situation.

Ques.4 How does a purposeful person look at the things?

Ans.4 A purposeful person always thinks positive and see the bright side of a thing.

Ques.5 What do you think are some qualities of a successful person?

Ans.5 A successful person is one who can rise above controversies through higher thinking and
remain composed when facing the hurdles of life.Calmness,tolerance and patience are the
qualities of a successful person.


Ques.1 How was Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam able to actualize his potential?

Ans.1Facing difficulties with a positive attitude,Abdul kalam actualize his potential.To find out his
hidden treasure,he started a process of brainstorming.

Ques.2 Write any two qualities which helped Dr.kalam to become a famous scientist and the
president of India.
Ans.(i) Modesty.      (ii) Patience

Ques.3 What do you think are your potential qualities that can help you to succeed?
Ans.3 Yes,our potential qualities like honesty, integrity, courage,self-awareness and
wholeheartedness can help us to succeed.

Ques.4 How do you think you can actualize your potential?

Ans.4 We can actualize our potential by recognising our unique qualities, setting our goals to
keeping them in mind, and striving peacefully and realistically.

Ques.5 Write down three qualities that you have using which you can succeed.
Ans.5 (i)Patience (ii) Tolerance (iii) Hard work

Explain these term.....Lesson.1

A) Power of the mind...It is composed of your attention,your mental images and your thought.

(B) Carefulness in Trials and Tribulations.... Difficult Experiences, problems. Passing through
many difficulties the people who get success are those who,using their mind patiently and learn
from failures.
C)Composure in Crisis situation...By maintaining composure,the best leaders remain calm,cool
and in control.

D) Remaining patient and tolerant...Tolerance is the ability to accept and live with people who
are different from us,treating them with respect and dignity.


Explain these terms...

From ore to steel....Ore refers to raw material like our hidden qualties.It is through our own
efforts that we can convert this ore into a steel-like personality

Potential haves and Actual haves.....

Potential haves is an endless processing that gets closer and closer to our goals but never
reaches it ,but Actual haves is a completed infinity. It exists in totality. It is definite and complete
process to get our goals.

Silver Spoon and Incentive Spoon....

There are many people who were born in wealthy family, called born with silver spoon in his
Where as many people born in poor family and later by their potential,they become honourable
in society.

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