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1.What one place in Vietnam would you recommend to a tourist? Why?


Have you ever heard that travel is an investment in yourself?

Well, perhaps we all think that we are invincible and assume that we are going to live forever. But far
more too often, life reminds us that this is not the case. So, our lives are limited; take a vacation. All of
us need to take time off from work and recharge before taking on new challenges. Whether you are a
travel afficionado or not Now, I like to talk about the places in Vietnam that are worth crossing off the
bucket list.

My Son santuary

1. Briefly look at the synthesis of sanctuary ( which was considered as unesco world heritage site for it
outstanding Universal Value )

- constructed and continously envolved by Champa Empire from 4th to the 13th centuries CE.

- used to be religious and political capital of the Champa civilisation.

2. Why worth paying a visit

- If you are history appericate. It is the place to go, My Son ruin is regarded one of the foremost Hindu
temple complexes in Southeast Asia and is the foremost heritage site of this nature in Vietnam. Have
plethora numbers of relics, which can give a a comprehensice look of the envolment of the Champa
civilasaion in Vietnam. The tower temples have a variety of architectural designs symbolizing the
greatness and purity of Mount Meru, the mythical sacred mountain home of Hindu gods at the center of
the universe.

--= acquire insight about the history of Champa people in vietnam

- Have chances to immerse yourself with an alien cultural through the vibarant activities.

Kate Festival === is organized by the Cham people for 3 days at the first three days of the seventh month
in Cham people's calendar.

Therefore, it is a good opportunity for the visitors to explore the beauty in the Cham culture, from
architecture to costumes, instruments and traditional songs that are used to praise their kings in the

- Speciality and divine dishes. Nothing say the cuisine central region of Vietnam than the food in My Son
and Quang Ngai province.
On the whole, My Son sanctuary is worth visiting.

2.There are now more than 7 billion people on earth. What problems can overpopulation cause?


Ladies and gentlemen, Overpopulation, which is so called jam packed," has become a topic of broad
interest. And never before in history are there so many people on the earth right now. In fact, biologists
even coined the word for it: the outbreak. Panic! Oh no, the world is running out of resources to sustain
the growth of the human population; humanity is going to be extinct. While it is plausible that this can
be somewhat true, I personally assert that the doomsday is not very likely to happen. So, what are the
difficulties and hurdles that we have to face and tackle with the population boom?


Before delving into the main topic, we must have a firm understanding of the definition of
overpopulation. So what does it exactly mean? Well, in short, a population surge occurred when the
numbers of certain species exceeded the resources that they had at their disposal to sustain their
growth. As human beings, we have evolved at such a starling pace that right now on earth there are
approximately 8 billion occupants. And without adequate law or even enforcement, this plethora of
population is envisaged to escalate imperceptibly. Thus, what are the repercussions that the population
growth entail ?

The first aspect to reckon with is environment. There is no doubt that the demands on the earth will
inevitably increase as the population grows. Additionally, it will prompt the exploitation of forest land
and other natural habitats for agriculture and habitation purposes, placing a strain on the availability of
lodging and food. It is plausible to state that this is a trade-off for humanity at the expense of decreased
biodiversity and the rocketing in emissions and pollutions that compound the climate change. And
climate change, as we are all aware of global warming, is the driving culprit behind the catastrophic
disasters that we have to incur. An increase in global birth rates also pose a serious threat on the
viability of life on the earth, due to the fact that we have no clue about whether the capity of the earth
is adequate to handle the excessive numbers of ongoing population growing.

What's more, the population growth sparked a rise in social unrest.Given the fact that land is scarce due
to the population outbreak. The natural resources will soon be under tremendous pressure, which will
lead to worldwide conflicts and demonstrations. A war fought over the price hikes in food supplies that
occur in the Middle East countries is an unequivocal testament to the disruptiveness of the increasing
population to the global economy.

On top of that, the outbreak of humans, or Homo sapiens, is the key to mass unemployment. When a
country incurs overpopulation, it's just a matter of time before it wreaks havoc on the labour market, as
it begets an unprecedented level of fierce rivalry that we've never seen before. Therefore, do a great
disservices fro the livelihood of thousand residents and make their job oppurtunities not wholly

Now of this things seem scary and panic, but i'm adament that overpopulation is not really a doomsday
of humanity. We have now have the resources to support the growing human population, but we
currently failing to distribute those resources equiptably and changing that should be our top priority.
Thank you !

3. Talk about an important decision that you have had to make in your life.

Talk about an important decision that you have had to make in your life.

Life going to challenged you at some point, it's gonna hand you something unfair, it's going to stripped
something from you, it's going to impede your plans, when this happens, we often have few choices:
deny, cope or thrive. I'm here today to tell you my story, about the adversity that have change the
course of my life.

Date back to when i was about say 8 years old, at that time i was enroled and studied at a small primary
school, you know at that time the school curriclum place a heavy emphasis and foreground the
importance of science subjects like maths, or literature as a part of intrinsic subjects at school. At that
time, even though that i have gave my best shot, trying to make a progress at those subjects but i end
up stuck in the rut, especially when it comes to mathematics, every math lessons at school is just like a
battle uphill, though i have aplied myself into it, but it seems like i have no head for maths. The learning
expectations and the wish to surge ahead at academic achievement really undermines my study
performances. While other of my mates are elavate by leaps and bounds, i was being hold back by my
autosuggestion, get drowned out by my own negative thoughts. I was obbesive with being a
perfectionist. It was not until i had taken up a cource about the developing yourself. I strike me as a
shock that after all, in this world nothing perfect really exist.

4. Do you want to go abroad for further study? What do you want to learn? Why?

5. Facebook and other social media websites are becoming extremely popular. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of using social media?

Social networks and future tech on the whole always comes with two things promise and unintended
consequences. And, today, there are both advantages and unxpected consequences that i want to

6. What is your ideal career in the future? Why?

7. Choosing the right career and preparing well for it is very important. What do you think you should

8. Some people think that having a lot of friends is important. What is your opinion? Why do you think

There is an old saying: "Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are  ". How much do
you guys believe in that? So, let's cut to the chase. Today, I'd like to talk about the paramount
importance of friendship and why they are they hold an exceptional place in our life stories.

9. Should physical exercise be a required part of every school day? Why?

i'd like to start right now with a quick gauge right now from the audience. Can you named the only
subject in school currculm that promotes physical and emotional health, helps children learn better and
cultivates the character tyhat they neeed to be productive adults. Yeah, i think some people nail it. It's
physical education. And i believe that PE should be a core subject just like math, English, science and

10. Why should all high school students be required to wear uniforms?
So, let's me ask you, what is it uniform mean to you. Is it make you feel pround. Maybe it's make you
feel tense, make you feel uneasay. It's make me feel wonder, is school uniform really mandatory to
every students.

11. People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want

something more or something different. Do you agree with the statement? Use specific reasons to
support your answer.

So, before we delve into the talk, I'd like to get a quick gauge right now from the audience. How happy
are you with your life? I mean, are you really satisfied with the life you're living, the thing that you
actually have? Happiness and satisfaction are very abstract notions that can be understood from
different frames of mind. Numerous people assert that the only way we can thrive is to keep chasing
and never be satisfied with what we have. Some are adamant that no, this is flawed. We're never happy
if we constantly look for the thing that we're missing. Both viewpoints are justifiable, but I personally
lean towards the former. So, in this presentation, I'd like to untagle why a lot of us are never satisfied
with our lives.

12. “Many hands make light work”. Do you agree or disagree with the

statement? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

There an old saying that " if everybody moving toward together, then the success take care of itself" .
Unity is mandatory for every one of us as citizens of the global village. And, I totally agree with the
aforementioned statement that "many hands make light work."

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