Viral Thread Guide

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Viral Thread


Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

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Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

The topic of your thread is extremely important and is often

Primarily, the topic of your threads should be categorized

under your buckets or sub-categories of your Twitter page.

With this said, you can talk about specific details of certain
aspects of each sub-category - you don’t have to be broad.
In fact, your followers will appreciate more intricate and
detailed explanations of the message that you’re trying to

In essence: Stay within your niche and focus on one detail or


Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

The hook is a huge part of what gets your audience to even
bother opening your thread.

To do this, you’re going to have to be a little click-baity, if you

will. Don’t hate me for it. It is what it is.

There are many headline checkers and tools of that sort on

the internet that you can use for thread hooks as well as
email subjects and more.

Here is the free one that I use:

The key when coming up with hooks is to create mystery and

intrigue, while still giving the topic you’re going to talk about.

For example, if you’re creating a thread on optimizing

testosterone, you’re hook could be: 7 supplements that
literally TRIPLE your Testosterone…

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

The picture to your thread is massively important as well. You
don’t always absolutely need one, but I see that 99% of the
high performing threads have captivating images on the first
tweet below the hook.

Find images that are high-quality, high-resolution, and

visualize a dream-state that your audience might want or a
pain point that your audience might have.

To find free images that look great and are usually high
quality, here are the websites I use in order of preference (1
being the most preferred):

1. Pinterest
2. Unsplash
3. Instagram
4. Google

Here are some examples of images that have done extremely

well on threads:

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

Now that you have your reader’s attention, you have to
deliver insightful or somehow useful information and do it
while maintaining their interest.

Talk in detail about your topics and your personal

experiences with them as well as general advice or pitfalls.

Throughout your thread, make use of bulleted lists, emojis,

and images.

These things will help your audience stay engaged

throughout the thread.

As an advanced tip, I recommend alluding to the next tweet

and creating some intrigue in the tweet prior. You can use
ellipses (the three dots …) to do this or some other

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

Now that you’ve delivered your information, it’s time to finsh
the thread.

If your thread was particularly long, roughly 15 medium-sized

tweets, it might be a good idea to have a tweet at the end
summarizing what each point was. Fit this into one tweet and
one tweet only after all of your information.

After your summary, if you have one, it’s good to include one
final tweet at the bottom of your thread thanking your
audience for reading.

Also include that if they enjoyed it to follow you and retweet

your thread.

Below is an example:

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

In this case I also quote-tweeted my top tweet in the thread

at the bottom. You don’t have to do this, but it looks nice.

This is automatically done with the automation porogram I

use, HypeFury, which I mention in The Twitter Hustle guide.

Viral Thread Guide Hustler Mentality

If used correctly, threads will hands-down bring you the most
followers to your account.

Use these as guidelines, but most importantly, don’t be afraid

to experiment and try new things that you think might work
better for your audience.

Now you have all the information to write killer threads!

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