Relics of Stoics

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I. psychology
II. philosophy
III. sociology
IV. dynamics of
V. mental mana
VI. meditation
VII. affirmations
VIII. taoism
IX. drugs
X. masturbation
Wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could read people’s minds, see the future, and levitate objects with
your mind. Well, these are all possible, well besides the last one. Yes, you can read people’s
minds and see the future. How? It’s called psychology. Psychology is the study of the human
mind and its functions. There are studies out there showing that you can read minds and see
into the future. Yet, nobody knows about the powers of your mind. We won’t get into why
nobody knows about these powers.

Therefore, the first realm is the mind. The mind is far more powerful than we are made to
believe. And the first relic of the mind realm is psychology. Psychology is something you need to
start diving into. Go into deep rabbit holes, learn all you can, and find books on the subject.
Psychology and the things you can learn from it will change your life.

So how do you get from not knowing anything about psychology to using the powers of the
mind to lift objects? Well, you can’t, but how to you get started right now? Journaling. The best
way to learn about psychology is to learn more about yourself, and your mind. Grab a paper,
grab a pen, and start writing out your thoughts. Nothing is too stupid to write. Write about
everything. Write about what you did or are going to do today. Write about what you dreamed
about last night. Write about and describe the beautiful girl or handsome man you saw today.
JUST WRITE. Write about the thoughts about your thoughts. This is called meta cognition.
Metacognition is the process of thinking about one’s thoughts and learning. All it takes is writing
about what’s going around in your head whenever you need to.

Journaling can happen whenever you want it to. Have an idea or weird thought? Write it down
and write down the thought in its entirety. BOOM, you just journaled. This isn’t rocket science. A
big thing throughout this book, these things are all simple. NOT EASY, but simple. They don’t

take a lot of time and they don’t take a lot of effort. They are relatively simple.

Writing is beneficial in more ways than this. But learning about your own mind is a great place to
start with psychology. Watching YouTube videos on topics like crash course of psychology,
unconscious biases, how the brain works, body language, reading body language, manipulation,
sales, etc. All these smaller topics are all under psychology somewhat. They are all about
learning about how the brain operates, as well as using it to your advantage. Watching a 10-
minute video daily about psychology will start to slowly make you a “Master of Psychology”. It
won’t happen overnight, but after doing this for a while you will have a lot of broad knowledge in
the field. Then add in 10 minutes of journaling a day, and in 20 minutes a day, you will learn
incredible amounts of information about psychology and about yourself.

You may not be able to levitate objects, but you will be able to read minds. Psychology will teach
you about the body, the mind, and how they intertwine. Body language is a huge part of
psychology. Teaching you about what’s going on in people’s heads just by what their body is
doing. Which in turn is just like reading their mind. So, this is a power you can develop.

PROMPT: What is a thought you have constantly that

holds you back from achieving more? How can you
change it to be more positive?
ii. Philosophy
The second relic is philosophy. Philosophy can be "translated" to meaning "love of wisdom". A
topic created by the greatest minds to have ever lived. Minds that talk about the deepest topics
known to man and THEN making sense of it all. Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and
issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of
the world, a study of principles of conduct, and much more. Wouldn’t this help you in everyday
life? Being able to make sense of everything. Making sense of yourself, what you are doing, and

Philosophy can help with that. Everyone has different beliefs on this and on that. But we all need
more perspectives. And not ones that just confirm what you already know. (Confirmation bias,
something you will learn about in psychology). Hearing and reading up on things from some of
the greatest minds to ever exist- philosophers of ancient Greece, roman emperors, scientists,
etc. You learn and get to experience life in a different way. You get asked questions that really
pull you and wake you up to a different way of thinking.

Reading books of any kind opens your minds to other perspectives. (Which is why I believe
everyone should be reading, “Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t
read.”) But I won’t and couldn’t MAKE you read. Just saying that if you are reading this right now,
you should for sure be reading more books. Get off your damn phone ya sissy.

Reading up on philosophy and really developing my knowledge in the field has begun teaching
me how to control my mind better, teaching me how to think for myself, and how to do so
effectively. Philosophy is a topic everyone should study and know about. Like I said earlier, its
perspectives from some of the brightest minds mankind has ever seen. This is me telling you
that books, videos, articles, and so on about philosophy will change your life. Period.

Philosophy was the logical next part on my own journey once I started to understand more
about how my brain worked and how my mind was functioning in everyday life. Even looking up
quotes of men like Seneca, Aristotle, John Locke, Confucius, Plato, Friedrich Nietzsche, Socrates,
Immanuel Kant, etc. will give you a glimpse into the vast knowledge you can gain for philosophy.

Philosophy, added into your life after psychology, takes you from knowing about your mind and
your thoughts, to knowing about thoughts of everyone. Teaching you how to think now that you
know how you think. And boom, a very powerful frame change is added to your arsenal.


iii. Sociology
The third relic is sociology. Psychology will teach you how the brain works and functions, helping
you learn and control your own mind better. Teach you about your own mind and others minds.
Philosophy will open your mind to new perspectives and ideas. Sociology takes the previous two
relics and puts them to the test. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social
causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups,
organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts.

Sociology skills and lessons will help you move up at work, make better connections, make more
friends. Help with attracting the opposite sex. And so many more things. Just be learning about
and reading up on some of the best topics ever (at least in my opinion). Same as the other two, I
cannot give you all the sociology information I have learned over the past 6 years. I may be able
to make a crash course eBook on the topics in the future, but as of right now, the best way you
can begin your stoic journey is by looking up and learning about the topics yourself.

But I can say that watching YouTube, reading books, diving down some rabbit holes, and so on
will impact your life in a positive way. And doing so daily in all three subjects will be a GREAT ROI.
The cool thing about self-education and gathering knowledge is once you have it, you won’t lose
it. You are investing in yourself and that by itself has the greatest ROI of anything else on Earth.

However, you are influenced by your surroundings even if you think you aren’t. You are socially
influenced. YOU ARE, ACCEPT IT. What you wear, what you enjoy doing, how you talk, even what
you look like, ALL from outside influences.

“But I am a trailblazer”

Shut up and let go of your ego, everyone is influenced by others, we are social creatures by
nature, so just accept that you too are influenced by those around you. You are either
influenced by everyone and do what they do (sheep). Or you see what everyone is doing and do
the opposite because you know the majority of the crowd has no idea what the hell is going on.
For instance, 73% of the population is overweight or obese in the USA. A sheep goes with the
flow- eating out and laying around on their phones all the time making them fat and lazy.
Trailblazers do the opposite. Still influenced by outside forces, but not like some people are.
They workout and are active and eat good foods, not junk.


iii. Sociology PT ii
A great quote on this topic, “You are the culmination of the 6 people you spend the most time

SO, if you hang around 5 druggies, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 6 bodybuilders, you
will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th. Understand?

This should help you realize that who your friends are really matters. If you are around a bunch
of people with no goals in life, you will be the same. Choose your surroundings carefully.

What is one cool thing about this though? When you read, it’s just like hanging out with the
author, because you are getting a peak into their mindset, into their head when they were
writing the book. If you want to be like someone, consumer their content, and you will naturally
become more like them due to sociology and the influence outside factors have on us naturally.

Learn about sociology, and you will learn how to handle and change your surroundings to
benefit you.

Prompt: Sit and watch your surroundings for 10 minutes.

See if you can notice anything about how people are
You learned about how you work, how the greatest minds worked, and how your surroundings
influence you and hopefully changed them. These are all steps in the right directions. You now
(once you implement these things) have a clear understanding of your life, or at least a better
understanding of it.

What comes next is learning about power and the dynamics of it.

A great author wrote the book The 48 Laws of Power, and if you are a big reader, you should go
grab this book. This is a topic I can give you a whole lot of information about. One of the best
books ever talking about power has 48 rules, and heres the rules. With a small summary of why
this rule is important.

But the laws are:

Law 1: Never Outshine the Master: Ensure that those above you always feel superior. Go out of
your way to make your bosses look better and feel smarter than anyone else. Everyone is
insecure, but an insecure boss can retaliate more strongly than others can.
Law 2: Never Put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies: Keep a close eye on
your friends — they get envious and will undermine you. If you co-opt an enemy, he’ll be more
loyal than a friend because he’ll try harder to prove himself worthy of your trust.
Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions: Always hide your true intentions. Create a smokescreen. If you
keep people off-balance and in the dark, they can’t counter your efforts.
Law 4: Always Say Less than Necessary: Say little and be ambiguous, leaving the meaning to
others to interpret. The less you say, the more intimidating and powerful you are.
Law 5: So Much Depends on Reputation — Guard It with Your Life: Nurture and guard your
reputation because reputation is integral to power. With a strong reputation, you can influence
and intimidate others.
Law 6: Create an Air of Mystery: Be outrageous or create an aura of mystery. Any attention —
positive or negative — is better than being ignored. Attention brings you wealth.
Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You, but Always Take the Credit: Get others to do your
work for you. Use their skill, time, and energy to further your ambitions while taking full credit.
You’ll be admired for your efficiency.
Law 8: Make Other People Come to You — Use Bait if Necessary: Make your opponent come to
you. When you force others to act, you’re in control. Bait them, then attack.
Law 9: Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument: Demonstrate your point rather
than arguing. Arguing rarely changes anyone’s mind, but people believe what they see. They’re
also less likely to be offended.
Law 10: Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky: Avoid miserable people. The perpetually
miserable spread misery like an infection, and they’ll drown you in it.
Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You: Make your superior dependent on you. The
more she needs you, the more security and freedom you have to pursue your goals.
Law 12: Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim: Use honesty and
generosity to disarm and distract others from your schemes. Even the most suspicious people
respond to acts of kindness, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation
Law 13: When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest, Never to their Mercy or
Gratitude: When you need help from someone in a position of power, appeal to their self-
interest. They’ll be glad to help if they’ll get something in return, and you’ll get what you want
without seeming desperate or irritating.
Law 14: Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy: Be friendly, sympathetic, and interested to get people
to reveal their deepest thoughts and feelings. When you know your opponent’s secrets, you can
predict his behavior and control him.
Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally: Crush your enemy completely. If you leave even one ember
smoldering, it will eventually ignite. You can’t afford to be lenient.
Law 16: Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor: Once you’ve become well-known, don’t
wear out your welcome. The more you’re seen and heard from, the more you cheapen your
Law 17: Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability: Throw others off
balance and unnerve them with random, unpredictable acts. You’ll gain the upper hand.
Law 18: Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous: Never isolate
yourself when under pressure. This cuts you off from information you need, and when real
danger arises you won’t see it coming.
Law: 19: Know Who You’re Dealing With – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person: When attempting to
deceive someone, know who you’re dealing with, so you don’t waste your time or stir up a
hornets’ nest in reaction.
Law 20: Do Not Commit to Anyone: Don’t commit to any side or cause except yourself. By
maintaining your independence, you remain in control — others will vie for your attention. You
also have the ability to pit the sides against each other.
Law 21: Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber Than Your Mark: Make your intended
victims feel as though they’re smarter than you are, and they won’t suspect you of having
ulterior motives.
Law 22: Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power: When you’re weaker,
surrender rather than fighting for the sake of honor. This gives you time to build strength and
undermine your victor. You’ll win in the end.
Law 23: Concentrate Your Forces: Focus your resources and energies where you’ll have the most
impact or get the most benefit. Otherwise, you’ll waste limited time and energy.
Law 24: Play the Perfect Courtier: Learn the rules of the society you’re playing in, and follow
them to avoid attracting unfavorable attention. This includes appearing like a team player and
being careful about criticizing diplomatically.
Law 25: Re-Create Yourself: Create a powerful image that stands out, rather than letting others
define you. Change your appearance and emotions to suit the occasion. People who seem
larger than life attract admiration and power.
Law: 26: Keep Your Hands Clean: You’ll inevitably make mistakes or need to take care of
unpleasant problems. But keep your hands clean by finding others to do the dirty work, and
scapegoats to blame.
Law 27: Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following: Offer people something
to believe in and someone to follow. Promise the world but keep it vague; whip up enthusiasm.
People will respond to a desperate need for belonging. Followers line your pockets, and your
opponents are afraid to rile them.
Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness: When you act, do so boldly — and if you make mistakes,
correct them with even greater boldness. Boldness brings admiration and power.
Law 29: Plan All the Way to the End: Make detailed plans with a clear ending. Take into account
all possible developments. Then don’t be tempted from your path. Otherwise, you risk being
surprised and forced to react without time to think.
Law 30: Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless: Make difficult feats seem effortless and
you’ll inspire awe in others and seem powerful. By contrast, when you make too much of your
efforts, your achievement will seem less impressive and you’ll lose respect.
Law 31: Control the Options: Get Others to Play with the Cards You Deal: To deceive people,
seem to give them a meaningful choice. But sharply limit their options to a few that work in your
favor regardless of which they choose. Your victims will feel in control, but you’ll pull the strings.
Law 32: Play to People’s Fantasies: Conjure up alluring fantasies in contrast to the gloomy
realities of life, and people will flock to you. Spin the right tale and wealth and power will follow.
Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew: Everyone has a weakness, a hole in his armor. Find it
and it’s leverage that you can use to your advantage.
Law 34: Be Royal in Your Own Fashion: Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One: Act like royalty
and people will treat you that way. Project dignity and supreme confidence that you’re destined
for great things, and others will believe it.
Law 35: Master the Art of Timing: Anticipate the ebb and flow of power. Recognize when the
time is right, and align yourself with the right side. Be patient and wait for your moment. Bad
timing ends careers and ambitions.
Law 36: Disdain Things You Cannot Have: Ignoring Them Is the Best Revenge: Sometimes it’s
better to ignore things because reacting can make small problems worse, make you look bad,
and give your enemy attention.
Law 37: Create Compelling Spectacles: In addition to words, use visuals and symbols to
underscore your power. What people see makes a greater impression on them than what they
Law 38: Think as You Like But Behave Like Others: Don’t make a show of being different, or
people will think you look down on them and will retaliate against you.
Law 39: Stir Up Waters to Catch Fish: Always stay calm and objective. When you get angry, you’ve
lost control. But if you can make your enemies angry, you gain an advantage.
Law 40: Despise the Free Lunch: Use money and generosity strategically to achieve your goals.
Use gifts to build a reputation of generosity, and also to obligate people to you.
Law 41: Avoid Stepping Into a Great Man’s Shoes: If you succeed a great leader or famous
parent, find or create your own space to fill. Sharply separate from the past and set your own
standards — or you’ll be deemed a failure for not being a clone of your predecessor.
Law 42: Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep Will Scatter: Trouble in a group often starts with a
single individual who stirs the pot. Stop them before others succumb to their influence.
Law 43: Work on the Hearts and Minds of Others: Win others’ hearts and minds. Play on their
emotions and weaknesses, and appeal to their self-interest. You’ll have them eating out of your
hand, and they’ll be less likely to turn on you.
Law 44: Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect: Seduce people by mirroring their emotions
and interests; create the illusion that you share their values. They’ll be so grateful to be
understood that they won’t notice your ulterior motives.
Law 45: Preach the Need for Change, But Never Reform Too Much at Once: Talk change but
move slowly. Evoke revered history and cloak your changes in familiar rituals. Too much change
is unsettling and will spark backlash.
Law 46: Never Appear Too Perfect: To forestall or mitigate envy, admit to a flaw or weakness,
emphasize the role of luck, or downplay your talents. If you don’t recognize and nip envy in the
bud, it will grow and the envious will work insidiously against you.
Law 47: Do Not Go Past the Mark You Aimed For; In Victory, Learn When to Stop: When you’ve
won, don’t let emotions push you past your goal. The moment of victory is dangerous because if
you press your luck, you’ll blunder into something you haven’t planned for.
Law 48: Assume Formlessness: Be flexible, fluid, and unpredictable — formless — so your
opponents can’t get a fix on you and can’t figure out how to respond.

These rules give you a good foundation on how to gain power in your everyday life.

Use them carefully, and use them for good, not evil.

The first four relics should change the way you see the world. They should open up your mind to
what is possible. To what you can do with the powers and knowledge in your mind.

There is always more to learn, look at life through a lens of opportunity. The world is wide open
for you to go and attack it. Use psychology, philosophy, sociology, and the dynamics of power as
your guide.

Never stop learning about these topics, do so and your life will never stop improving.

Now onto relic number five...

This next section is the most important. This next section will change your life. This section is
about the mental power you already possess. I don't care who you are, your mind possesses
great power. I like to call it Mental Mana. Mana is said to be pervasive supernatural or magical
power. And yes, that may sound crazy but your brain has this mana. How did i discover this

5 years ago I was using medication at the highest dosages for anxiety and depression. I was
suicidal multiple times, and didn’t have anything in my life that could keep me happy. As well as
not feeling good enough in my body. I was mentally at rock bottom. I felt like I was always at rock
bottom. Could never raises my vibration. Couldn't do anything to improve. This is when my self
development journey started. I started with psychology, then philosophy, so on and so forth (the
first four relics). As I learned about myself, about life, and about others, my life started to change
drastically. My anxiety that I had for 3 years vanished, the depression I had for 3 years and made
me not want to be on this earth anymore faded. And I stopped all my meds cold turkey. HOW
did I do this you may ask? Well, I discovered the power of my mind. I started waking up early,
working out, reading, drinking more water, getting outside more. And each activity I added into
my days made my mental health better and better. Taking care of my body and mind and look
what happened. My life took a 360 and now I feel better physically and mentally than I ever have.

The best part? This is possible for everyone. You can turn your life around just like I did.

THIS IS MENTAL MANA. Your brain has the power to get you ANYWHERE and I mean anywhere
you want to go. It has the power to attract exactly what you want into your life (Law of
Attraction). Your brain is WAY more powerful than you know. The mind is where everything
starts out. Our brain attaches labels to everything. The most used labels, "good" and "bad". "I
had a super bad day today" or "i had a great day today". When really, we just had a day, and
based on our perception of what happened we attach a label to the day. Want to have more
good days? Attach the "good" label to each and every day.

My daily affirmation is "its a great day to have a great day". Adopt this and use it every morning. I
haven't had a bad day in years because i have realized that no matter what, the day was good.

How can this be? You HAVE to have SOME bad days don't you? No, you don't at all. Well what if
you twisted your ankle playing pick up basketball and cant lift tomorrow now? Well, i learned that
i need to be more careful and my body gets a needed break. See what i am saying? The biggest
take away from mental mana is that YOU DECIDE what each and every moment, day, week,
month is like. Want it to be good? Attach that label to it.


By doing this, your days will start to get better and better, until you no longer have any bad days.
The mind is incredibly powerful, the best way to learn its powers, push yourself to the limits. This
is the best way to feel and know what your brain is capable of.

It is a daily battle with yourself to learn the ends of it.

Meditation is THE BEST WAY to unlock your mental superpowers, help make you calmer, and put
you back in the drivers seat of your own life.

Most people just closed this book, undownloaded it, and will never return. Because they don't
want to get into meditation.

To that I ask, WHY???

Meditation is the easiest thing ever. No you don’t have to sit in silence for a whole day at the top
of a mountain Would you benefit from that? OMG yes, but is it needed, no. What you need, is to
let thoughts come and go and become the watcher for 10 minutes a day.

Yes, you read that right, 10 minutes a day. Simple, not easy.

When you wake up, grab your coffee, go outside, and sit down in a comfy spot. Sip on your
coffee and let thoughts come and go. Don’t entertain them, dont try and not think a single
thought. Just be the watcher. Watch the thoughts come and go, let them in, invite them in, don’t
judge them, just let them come and go. Like clouds in the sky, like waves in the ocean. Come and

BOOM!!! You just meditated. Yes its okay to smile. It is an awesome thing. Meditation isn't what
most people think it is. There are numerous ways to meditate. The easiest? Sit in a comfy spot
and let thoughts come and go. Its not always criss cross apple sauce, eyes closed, sitting like a
monk and humming. You can meditate right now. Just start letting your brain roam around. But,
please note that this is not the most efficient way to do so, its just one strategy i suggest for
beginners. You can look up ways t meditate, there are so many ways, you just need to find
something that works for you.

Your brain, like I said earlier, is a powerful thing. Use it to your advantage.

Another part of meditation is breath-work. Right now, sit in silence and listen to your breath, feel
where one breath ends and another begins. Don't force a breath, don't change your pace of
breath, just notice your breath and listen to it.

Want to add in breath-work to your daily life? When you wake up, take 10 deep and fast breaths,
this will actually help you wake you by getting your heart rate increasing.

And do the opposite before bed. 10 deep breaths where they are slow in and even slower out.
You will fall asleep no problem after a couple sets of these, trust me.

It will improve your mood, help gain intention for the day, and start you off on the right foot.
Damn what a great way to start the day.

Meditation is powerful in controlling your mind, and starting to unlock that mana.

One step closer to unlocking your full potential.

These two relics are one in the same- affirmations and music. They go hand in hand. Why?

What is an affirmation? Its a word or phrase used to affirm something, a positive thought. You
can use them to get your subconscious mind to think in a new way, typically a better way. To
help your brain create new shortcuts (heuristics) and ways of thinking. Affirmations are
incredibly powerful for the brain.

Earlier, I said one of mine is "is a great day to have a great day". This has made my brain always
think that its a great day. It is ingrained into my head. I say it daily, and now my brain
automatically thinks its a great day, full of new opportunities and experiences to be had.

Because affirmations are thoughts and saying you use daily to get your brain and body on the
same vibrations, you can use them to program yourself into a better mood. After a month of
using affirmations people see a mood boost naturally. PLUS, how hard is it to say 10 sentences?
it would take you 1 minute max.

What most don’t understand is that the same goes for music.

When you sing, you are affirming and attracting those things into your life. Because of this, the
music you listen to programs your subconscious mind to think in alignment with the lyrics you
are ingesting. The old saying "you are what you eat" comes into play here. I know you aren't
eating music, but you are ingesting it. And the kind of music you listen to DOES impact you.
Music about sex, drugs, alcohol, and committing crimes- programs your mind to think in those
ways. This is why Bob Marley songs make people feel so good, you listen to his music enough,
you program yourself to be more relaxed.

"Three Little Birds" is a great song to help program yourself to relax.

Being conscious and intentional with the music you listen to can have a bigger impact than you
think on your daily life moving forward.

If you listen to music, those lyrics get into your head, you may even sing them- and singing the
wrong lyrics can actually effect you in a negative way.

The music you listen to has a direct reflection on the thoughts you have and the vibration you
operate on.

CHOOSE YOUR MUSIC WISELY. To show you the power of music, go and listen to the song by
Bob Marley I mentioned above 3 times in a row. Check your heart rate before and after you
listen to it. Yes. The music you listen to effects you, start being more intentional with what you let
into you.

Music and affirmations will change your life. Find 10 phrases or songs and start taking them in
viii. taoism
First off, no I am not saying you need to become a taoist I am saying there is benefit in learning
from taoism. Taoism holds that humans and animals should live in balance with the Tao, or the
universe. Taoism loves the concept of water. And this is the reason I have fallen in love with

There is a philosophical question, "Can a man ever step in the same river twice?"

Powerful thought provoking question. No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the
same river and he's not the same man. And wow does that get your brain going. Water is forever
flowing, and moving. So when the man comes back to the same river, the river is not the same
water, and he has grown and learned so he no longer is the same man.

It is okay to stop and think about this question for awhile.

My love for the concept of water is vast. Water not only represents humility, gentleness, and a
mind in perfect repose, but it is the element that gives birth to all life. Water is calm and
harmless, but water is also agitated and dangerous. It is fluid. Water coming down the mountain
side has no one path it follows, it takes the path in which it must. Water in a cup takes the form
of the cup. Water is fluid and powerful when it comes to thought.

The great and late Bruce Lee was a big fan of water as well. He once said, "Empty your mind. Be
formless, shapeless, like water." And this is all true.

Water is waves that swallow a ship, but water is also the element of life. Going with the flow.
Being like water.This thought series has had the biggest impact on my daily life.

SHIT WILL HAPPEN. That’s okay, just go with the flow.

Being water, or at least more LIKE water. Because water if put in a glass will take the form of the
glass. When it is rushing down a mountain, it will move down the mountain side, but it doesn’t
have a specific path in which it NEEDS to travel to get down, it just does what it can to reach the

Water is fluid, water is many things.

Most importantly, water is whatever it needs to be. It gives life, it takes life, it can be beautiful, it
can be dangerous.

Being like water entails being YOU, and just going with the flow and adapting to whatever life
throws at you.

Want to be more like water? Start going with the flow. Use this information wisely, you can
change your mindset instantly be adopting the "be like water" mentality. Don't worry about the
outcome, just let life flow.
Drugs are any substances that change your state of being, a substance that gives you
physiological effects when taken in or introduced to the body. In my opinion, most drugs aren’t
worth trying. I use caffeine daily. For obvious reasons. I also use nicotine daily. I use caffeine and
nicotine for the same reasons, to increase brain function. Is the combination the best for you?
No. But I have found great success in using them when I am trying to focus and get shit done.

Am I recommending them to you? No. Just giving you different perspectives. I will say caffeine is
great and I highly recommend, but nicotine isn’t for everyone, especially if you have addictive

Alcohol, I stay away from as much as possible. Alcohol is so bad for you. Studies have shown it’s
the worst drug out there for you. Besides the upper class TERRIBLE ones: meth, heroine, etc.

Heres a thought: when you get a cut what do you do to sterilize the wound? You put alcohol on
it. TO STERILIZE IT. Imagine what that’s doing to the innards of your body. Also alcohol when
drank takes primary breakdown in the liver, so all the fat and carbs in your body that still need to
be broken down will now be stored instead of broken down.

Alcohol is the worst drug on earth for you, yet society always talks about drugs AND alcohol, as if
they are different. They are not, alcohol is a drug. Level up, and stop drinking it so often. You
didn’t have a hard day, you are just an idiot who wants to fuck up your body because you don’t
know how to handle stress correctly. You can drink I guess, but don’t do it 4 days out of the
week. You are doing your mind, body, and soul a disservice.

There is no reason to turn to alcohol to celebrate a week completed. One day a week of drinking
is “fine” (t really isn’t but whatever). But don’t be going out Thursday, Friday, Saturday and then
brunch Sunday. No, just no.

Be better. Don't be a sheep. I will say this more later, but society is said to be around 70% obese
or overweight. And what does most of society do most weekends, go and get fucked up.

I am just trying to open your eyes a little bit.

"Liquid courage"... you really need to drink alcohol to be able to approach a member of the
opposite sex. Grow the hell up. You need to build the confidence to do so without being on any
kind of drug. Be so high on life that you can walk up and have a great conversation with anyone,

You cant talk to people sober because you don't have the skills to do so, this is something you
can develop, which is what i would recommend. Not going and getting into a new state of mind
by using drugs to get you out of your shell.

This is just a little piece of the pie, but really think about why you drink. Then tell me what
benefits alcohol has.
Why is this a new trend? The nofap group of people, the semen retention people, and the get rid
of porn people?

Heres the short answer. They are actually right with this new trend. They are trying to help you
grow as a person.

Porn and masturbation do have negative effects on your body and brain. They reduce your
confidence, your sex drive, and they make it harder for you to have quality sex when you actually
do get with a girl. And it is very harmful to your dopamine receptors. It fucks up your dopamine
levels in your brain and makes it harder to produce the correct hormones in your body when its
actually time to get down and dirty. Getting rid of masturbation completely isn’t always the right
answer, maybe it is for you. But porn should be limited as soon as possible and eliminated

When you masturbate to porn, you start to need bigger breasts and bigger butts to get off. You
start to desensitize yourself to these things. The girls all have plastic surgery or something done
to look more attractive. This makes it so when you get with a girl that isn't "perfect" like the girls
in porn, you wont be able to get up as easily.


You use masturbation as a coping mechanism, so when you finish, you cant get back up for
round two. This occurs because your body is used to going to bed, carrying on with your day,
etc. as soon as you are done.

Jacking off may be good in the moment but in the log run it can have devastating effects on your
mental well being and mental state.

And honestly, look at yourself from third person, you are using your own hand to get off into a
sock or towel. Thats disgusting. Have someone else do it for you. Better for you and a lot more

The first step to ending an addiction is admitting you have one. Porn can be addictive. And
should be quit asap. You will feel the difference in your life when you get rid of the wasted
energy of jacking off and watching porn regularly.

Your semen creates life. Think about it for a second. And you are wasting that life energy by
finishing into a tissue.

Save that energy. Channel it into your daily life.

I would know, I used to do both nightly before bed.

Now I am growing a business, more confident than ever, and have more drive than ever (socially
and sexually).
Why is this a new trend? The nofap group of people, the semen retention people, and the get rid
of porn people?

Heres the short answer. They are actually right with this new trend. They are trying to help you
grow as a person.

Porn and masturbation do have negative effects on your body and brain. They reduce your
confidence, your sex drive, and they make it harder for you to have quality sex when you actually
do get with a girl. And it is very harmful to your dopamine receptors. It fucks up your dopamine
levels in your brain and makes it harder to produce the correct hormones in your body when its
actually time to get down and dirty. Getting rid of masturbation completely isn’t always the right
answer, maybe it is for you. But porn should be limited as soon as possible and eliminated

When you masturbate to porn, you start to need bigger breasts and bigger butts to get off. You
start to desensitize yourself to these things. The girls all have plastic surgery or something done
to look more attractive. This makes it so when you get with a girl that isn't "perfect" like the girls
in porn, you wont be able to get up as easily.


You use masturbation as a coping mechanism, so when you finish, you cant get back up for
round two. This occurs because your body is used to going to bed, carrying on with your day,
etc. as soon as you are done.

Jacking off may be good in the moment but in the log run it can have devastating effects on your
mental well being and mental state.

And honestly, look at yourself from third person, you are using your own hand to get off into a
sock or towel. Thats disgusting. Have someone else do it for you. Better for you and a lot more

The first step to ending an addiction is admitting you have one. Porn can be addictive. And
should be quit asap. You will feel the difference in your life when you get rid of the wasted
energy of jacking off and watching porn regularly.

Your semen creates life. Think about it for a second. And you are wasting that life energy by
finishing into a tissue.

Save that energy. Channel it into your daily life.

I would know, I used to do both nightly before bed.

Now I am growing a business, more confident than ever, and have more drive than ever (socially
and sexually).
I. Cardio
II. Lifting
III. Nutrition
IV. Stretching
V. Water
VI. Drugs
VII. Barefoot
VIII. Grounding
IX. Sunlight
X. Hygiene
Cardio everyday is important.

Our bodies are made to move. And today, most people work at a desk and are sitting all day
long. After work what do we do? We go home and sit or lay down on the couch and watch TV
until bed. First off, this is not how you will be living anymore. There is so much more in life than
sitting at a job and sitting at home on your couch.

Cardio may not be something you wanted to see in this ebook. And thats okay. But the cardio
you are thinking of and the cardio I will be talking about are not the same. Want to start feeling
and looking better.

GO ON MORE WALKS. I take 30-45 minutes a day to just go walk around town. I go to the gym
and lift, and then i come back home, get some coffee in me and go for a short walk.

It must be so simple its hard. Because nobody goes on them. It is so easy, get your butt out of
your chair, and put one foot in front of the other. Get out of breath easily? Then go on shorter

This isn't saying you need to instantly go on 5 mile walks everyday. Start with a half mile walk,
then push it to 3/4 of a mile. Next week go for a mile walk. Week after that double it.

I walk for 2.5 miles a day, I have a perfect circuit I walk each day. Around my block, and it ends
up being 2.5 miles on the dot.

This is suppose to be enjoyable. Like podcast, bring your headphones along. More of a music
person? Listen to your favorite mix.

There is no need to overcomplicate things. Cardio is any form of movement. But you and
everyone around you need to start getting more active.

Start going on a daily walk. Morning walks are a lot of fun, xar watching as you walk is also a way
to make the walk seem easier.

I am in great shape and you won't see me running 10 miles to try and lose some LBs. Just start
small, start simple. Walk.

Your body was made to move. Start allowing it to do what it was made to do. MOVE!

Your body AND mind will thank you. It will supply you with more clarity, energy, and activity to
your days.

Whether you are male or female, hot girl walks ARE IN. Go for one. You wont regret it.
ii. lifting
This topic is my favorite.

Life isn't easy. Never has been, isn't today, and won't ever be. Accept that and your life will take a
turn in a positive direction.

What does that have to do with lifting? Once again, our bodies are made to move.

And our bodies are able to move. So why wouldn't we do so. Makes me think of another quote:
"The person who doesn't read, has no advantage over the person who can't read".

There are people out in the world with less arms and legs than you. And want to know what's
crazy? A lot of them workout. They lift weights.

You need to as well. If you don't move your body, you are wasting away.


Lifting weight after the initial learning period is a lot of fun. You see muscles in the mirror, you
see abs, you look good naked, and people always come to you and tell you you are looking good.
There are so many benefits from lifting.

Why don't many people do it? Because they are lazy. They don't know what they are doing. They
are scared of being judged. They don't like being inexperienced. They don't want to workout
around people. The list of excuses is never ending. They are too busy (this one's my favorite).

These are all lame excuses holding you back from what you could be.

Lifting weights is easy (if you need help, reach out and DM me)

Best part about lifting weights, if you are doing it correctly, you get to enjoy eating more food as
well. Fueling your body to perform in the weight room.

You get to push your body, push your mind, and level up to the most powerful version of
yourself. Ask yourself- "Why am I not working out?"

Thats a terrible excuse. Yes, the one you just said in your head. Everyone has time, everyone can
do it, and everyone is able to level up and make their life better.

What more do I need to say? Lifting is for everyone. Benefits: Look and feel better, get stronger,
live a better life, have more sex, have regulated hormone levels, look better in clothes, do I need
to keep going?

Whatever your excuse is, it's exactly that, an excuse. Get over it and start lifting weights.
Want to see results in the gym?

Need to eat big and lift big.

Want to recover better?

Need to eat big and sleep hard.

When it comes to the world of nutrition, you can find help online almost anywhere. So I don't
need to help you with that (but I can if you want me to).

But this is what I will say about nutrition.

The way your body looks in my opinion is 50/50.

Can't look GREAT without both. You can workout hard, but if you eat shit, you still won't have a
great body.

If you eat great but don't workout, same thing.

You need both. Some will agree and some won't. But that's what I think.

Want to look great from the two? Eat a lot of eggs, steak, chicken, rice, potatoes. Make all your
own food, stop eating out so much. Eat fruits: bananas, apples, strawberries, cantaloupe,
watermelon, etc. Track how many calories you eat (easy place to see what you are doing wrong).

Tracking your food is the easiest way to diet. Because when you eat shit you will see how bad
the foods you eat are. And should naturally make you eat better.

Secdong thing about nutrition: We both know you know exactly what you should and shouldn't
eat because like I said earlier, you can find free nutrition programs all over the internet.

It's not that you don't know what to eat, it's that you know what to eat, but you still choose to eat
the opposite.

So grow up, stop eating like a little kid, and start taking care of your body. You wont get different
results doing the same thing you have been doing.

To change you need to change. Feel me?

Be intentional with what you eat, what you consume is what you become. So be intentional.
iv. stretching
Why is stretching important?

Since people don't move the ways we should, the average human has a lot of tight muscles that
can fuck up their days.

If you go for walks and workout you still need to stretch too.

Why stretch?

To help your body move better, to keep your muscles and joints healthy, to reduce injury, and
much more more.

Being in a seated position all day will tighten your hips, hamstrings, and damn near your whole
body. So daily, to counteract this, you want to be stretching your whole body.

Here is a beginner full body stretching routine that I used when I started out, do each stretch for
about 15-30 seconds and then flow into the next position:

Flow 1- Down dog, cobra, child's pose, cobra, down dog (repeat 5 times)

Flow 2- standing toe touch, ATG squat, standing toe touch, ATG squat (repeat 5 times)

Flow 3- pigeon left leg, pigeon right leg, scorpion stretch back and forth 10 times (repeat 5 times)

This list is great for several full body stretches.

If you are just starting out, great place to start, and then when you start to learn more, you can
move into stretching what feels tight.

Full body has always been my go to when it comes to stretching- it STRETCHING EVERYTHING.

Stretching will help your performance in the weight room.

Progressing into yoga is great for the advanced people reading this, getting movement and
stretching is important.

Big thing too: When you are about to workout, don't static stretch, make sure you stretch
through full ROMs and are always controlling the movements.

Stretch daily. Do it for a week/month and you will see dramatic improvements to your health.
v. Water
Your body, brain, muscles, EVERYTHING IN YOUR BODY, Is somepart water.

Why don't you drink water?

Honest question for you to answer yourself. Why don't you drink water?

If you do, GREAT.

If you don't, answer the question to yourself.

Doesn't matter how big or small, busy or not busy, you should make sure you are getting in
close to if not a whole gallon of water in a day. For the way some of you live, even more.

Water does so much for us. Gives us life for one.

But it also helps clean out everything for us, the more water you have in your the better your
body runs as a whole. The better you think, the better you feel, and there is so much more.

Drink more water, enough said.

Drink water when you work out. Drink water when you eat, drink water whenever you can.

It will pay you back dividends. It can even help with mental health, yes WATER can help.

Get in your gallon a day and you will see a big change in your health and fitness.

Hopefully you already are. But water is important, especially with the food and other liquids
people put into themselves in today's age.

Less other liquids, and more water.

Water, water, water. Cannot say it enough.

It's very simple, just drink more water.

vi. drugs
This is a page that will make a lot of you mad.

And I couldn't care less.

Ready to get your feelings hurt?

Drugs aren't the way. And guess what is the drug most of society chooses? Alcohol.

Yup, there it is.

Alcohol is a drug. Society has made it okay to 3-4 times a week destroy your body with this
incredibly harmful drug: alcohol.

Do you fall victim?

Do you fall victim to the trap society has made you fall into? Where you work your butt off all
week and then it comes the weekend and you spend the whole thing destroying your body with
ingesting large quantities of alcohol.

My best wishes for you is that you haven't fallen into the trap.

If you have, how do you get out?

Discipline and the gym. May sound crazy but hear me out.

When you want your body to be the best body ever. Alcohol will cease to have an attraction and
draw you towards it.

Finding passion and purpose is the way to get rid of alcohol, or any drug in that case out of your

Drugs have no value to you. People will get mad and name benefits of different drugs and why
they are okay to do.

These are bullshit excuses people use to stay in their same old ways.

If you truly want to improve your life, cut out the drugs and especially alcohol. Cutting out
alcohol keeps the momentum going. Never slowing you down.

Everytime you drink, it takes your body 3-4 days to get all caught back up. So what happens
when you drink 3-4 days of the week.

You guessed it, your body never catches up and is in a state of stress and rebuilding all the time.

Wonder why more than 70% of the population is depressed and overweight? Go back to the top
Your feet are NOT suppose to look the way they do.

Our feet have literally started to look like our shoes.

Look at your foot. Seriously. I bet it is shaped like a shoe. Is that inherently bad? I mean not
100%, but are our feet supposed to be like that? I don't think so. How to fix this?

Be barefoot as much as you can.

When I am not at work, or in a place that I need shoes on, I am barefoot.

I sleep barefoot, no socks when sleeping. I walk my dog barefoot, I do anything around the
house or yard barefoot. Its awesome.

Since being barefoot more for about a year now, I have noticed my legs feel better all the time,
even after a rough workout. I have gotten more mobile in my ankles and knees. Don't have lower
back pain anymore and can move around a lot better. My favorite benefit I have seen though, is
that I have felt more connected to nature and become a lot more calm and level headed.

Basically what I am saying, is be barefoot more- big lesson for you.

Here is some scientific evidence on being barefoot more:

-Strengthens the muscles in your feet and makes you run faster
-Develops and encourages toe strength and health (which is important because your feet are
your connection to the Earth and the center for your movement)
-Reduces risk of ankle or knee injuries
-Supports your full leg muscles and your Achilles tendon
-Improves the connection with your brain
-Helps you absorb impact better (longevity) and keeps your arch healthy
-Improves balance and proprioception
-Less impact on your heel and can improve chances to keep your feet pain free
-Reduces back pain

Do I need to continue?

Hopefully not, hopefully you get the point.

So take those shoes off, let them dogs eat.

viii. Grounding
Last page I mentioned being barefoot and its benefits, one of the benefits I saw the most was
my connection with nature improved. Being barefoot helps with grounding you.

So now we are going to talk about how awesome grounding is.

Well what is grounding?

It's a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that "ground" or electrically reconnect
you to the Earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how
electrical charges from the Earth can have positives effects on your body.

Lots of my topics go hand in hand. Meditation, barefoot, sunlight, and grounding are topics that
get grouped together often.

When you ground yourself, you need to get out into nature, let it consume you. Let your breath
out go to nature, and your breath back in be from nature. Connect with nature physically,
mentally, and spiritually.

We are consumed by our electronics, and a lot of people don't touch plants or anything nature
for years on end. People that live in cities are always touching concrete, plastic, etc. NEVER being
in contact or being with themselves out in nature.

Science shows that that grounding affects the living matrix, which is the central connector
between living cells. Also, electrical conductivity exists within the matrix that functions as an
immune system defense, similar to antioxidants. Through grounding, the natural defenses of the
body can be restored.

How can you "ground"? Three ways you can start to ground yourself are:
-Walking barefoot
-Laying on the ground or in the grass
-Submerging in water

It's not a highly studied subject. But from personal experience, benefits are worth it. Some
benefits are unexplainable as well, it's just a feeling or an energy.

Highly recommend, even if you don't agree with me. Go out into nature for 3-5 hours and you
will come back more relaxed.

Go out to a cabin in the woods for a weekend.

Oxygen, fresh air, nature- you will come back a new person.

Do it once. That's my recommendation.

ix. Sunlight
This one is one of my new favorite things.


I mean think about it... What gives us life?

If you are still thinking, it's the SUN.

Also a thought, seasonal depression occurs because the sun goes away. So wouldn't that tell us
something about the benefits it gives us?

Everyday, I walk shirtless in the sun. I get minimum 2 1/2 miles a day, which equates to about 45
minutes minimum in the sun daily.

And since I've started doing this, I have gotten stronger, leaner, and happier.

The sun creates life though. It gives life to plants. And whatever diet you follow, you are eating
either something the sun gave you, or something that eats what the sun gives you.

See the trend? The sun gives you life.

Plus getting in the sun early helps with your circadian rhythm. Waking you up and giving you

But the "clinical" health benefits of sunlight include generating the production of vitamin D,
supporting bone health, lowering blood pressure, preventing disease, and promoting good
mental health.

When I was struggling mentally, I was inside all day.

The sun LITERALLY makes you feel better physically and mentally.

What more could you want. The sun is awesome.

So many benefits from the sun, so get out there more. Go for a walk, lay and read a book under
it, lather up in oil and bake in it. I don't care what you do in it, but just get out into it as much as
you can.

Your mind and body will thank you.

x. Hygiene
When it comes to looking and feeling your best. There is a saying that gets thrown around a lot
in the sports world.

"Look good, feel good, play good"

Well I think it contributes to the real world as well. You need to take care of yourself. If you look
better, I believe you will feel better.

Brush your teeth, floss whenever you brush your teeth, shower, and make sure you don't smell
like shit. However, you want to do that, let me know. If you want to instantly look better, right
now go and watch some Youtube videos on how to make yourself look better.

My tips? Or what do I do?

Shower, brush your teeth, floss, daily vitamins, stretch, workout, go on walks in the sun, less skin
care products you use (in my opinion) the better, smile more often, drink alcohol less often and
water all the time. Do all of these things for a week and you will literally feel better.

Is it a science? No. But it has helped me tremendously. I feel and look better than ever.

Taking care of your teeth is VITAL. Good teeth say a lot about a person. Bad teeth do as well...

What do people first notice about you?

Teeth, hair, outfit, how you carry yourself, your physique, and your eyes.

All but the last you can improve.

So do your best to make them all look the best. To help your teeth- brush and floss often. To
improve your hair- take care of it, you don't need to wash and condition daily, products from my
experience do more harm than good. To improve your outfit- find clothes that fit you good and
highlight your strong features. To improve how you carry yourself- build confidence (I can help
with this as well). To improve your physique- walk and workout, the two W's.

Hopefully these help, these are all things I did in my "glow up" to look and feel better on a day to
day basis.
I. Happiness
II. Success
III. Passion
IV. Purpose
V. Drive
VI. Direction
VII. Ikigai
VIII. Mentorship
IX. Taoism
X. Buddism
I. Happiness
The soul relics are all big and broad topics. In a short and bite sized ebook, there is no way I
could tell you guys everything about each topic. I will just be giving you key points to hopefully
improve the area.


Happiness is not something you can buy. It's not something you can borrow from a friend, or
rent from the store. Happiness is a choice. You wake up and you choose to be happy or not.

Happiness is a mindset. It isn't something you can go out and get. Its comes completely from

It comes from within, not without.

Cant find it in another person, place or thing. Don't get me wrong, they can make you happy. But
feeling happy, and BEING happy are very different things.

It wont happen right away, but when you start waking up and choosing to be happy, you will
actually start to be happier. When you change your mindset and start seeing the good in
everything and being more optimistic, happiness will start to come into your life.

Being a stoic is very similar to conjuring up and bringing happiness into your life.

When you:
-Stop comparing
-Stop arguing
-Stop complaining
-Stop being the victim

And START realizing that this life is your responsibility, if you want to be happy, start being
happy. I was diagnosed with depressed, anxiety, and was suicidal for several years. I made the
mental switch and started taking responsibility for my own happiness. And you can to. All it takes
is making the switch. Anyone can do it, especially if I made the switch and was able to crawl out
of that dark hole, you can do it too.

Life is beautiful: we have music, art, sunrises and sunsets, a beautiful sky above us at all times,
the ability to create, write, draw.

WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT. Once you make the mindset switch, you can achieve
anything, do what you want, enjoy life more, and BE whoever you want to be.

But it starts in your head. Make the change. Flip the switch. If I can do it, so can you.
Want to know how to be successful? Here's a quote that I know word for word that pushes me
daily to be successful and gives you a damn good explanation on how to get to it:

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a
very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and
keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it
ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how
much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now you know what
your worth, now go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take a hit, not
point fingers saying, you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards
do that and that ain't you. You're better than that."

Know where that's from? Its from Rocky.

It's getting to a point where you take all responsibility for where you are at. Blaming nobody but

Here's a big thing though- SUCCESS IS DEFINED BY YOU.

Nobody else can decide what success is for you. Success is different for everyone.

Step 1 is deciding what it is to you. Make a lot of money? Have a lot of friends? Wake up happy?
Whatever it is for you, you need to decide and then go after it relentlessly.

Here is the exact way to become successful:

1. Define success for yourself
2. Write down what success is for you (For example, Success for me is becoming financially free
and getting back my time)
3. Make it into a goal (I want to be financially free by age 30)
4. Break down your goal into smaller pieces
5. Write down the way to get to that goal
6. Write down the exact steps anyone would need to take to reach this goal
7. Now you have a goal, and exactly how to get there, your final step, start where you are at
and follow those steps.

Success is different for everyone. But once you find what it is for you, break down how to get
there. Then all you have to do is figure out what you need to do everyday to get there. WHEN
YOU KNOW THAT, the rest is simple. Do exactly what you know you need to do.

The last and final step is action. You have your plan, you know how to do it. If you really want to
be successful, then follow the plan.

Success is a formula, and here is the formula that will change your life.

Success = Hard work + Perseverance + Consistency + Patience

The last page was about success. Whatever it is for you, you can't get there if you don't have
passion. I gave you the equation. But you won't be able to work hard, everyday, no matter what,
for a long period of time if you don't have passion.

Passion is when your soul has a flame. You have a flame. How brightly is it burning right now?

Well without that flame burning brighter and brighter day after day.

With success and passion. Success is the goal you have and the vehicle you use to get there.
Passion is the fuel.

Find what you want, lay out the road to get there, and fuel your car and get on your way.

Finding things you are passionate about will help you find what success is for you. When you do
something, and you enjoy every second of it, that is something that helps fuel your flame.
Finding that thing, or those things will help make success easier.

If you don't want to do something, it'll be harder to do what it takes to get the job done. Granted
discipline and doing what you need to do even when you don't want to do it will help you get
anywhere. But don't we want to wake up happy everyday? Finding and working towards success
within a space you are passionate about will make the rest of it easier.

What are you passionate about? How do you find what you are passionate about? We will talk
more about this in the IKIGAI section but here's a good place to start.

-What do you enjoy doing?

-What do you do for free?
-What is something you can do all day?
-What are your hobbies?
-What do you do in your free time?
-If money wasn't a problem what would you do all day?

Answer those questions and you have a list of things you are passionate about. Or a list of
possibilities of what you could be passionate about.

Passion gives you energy. You can literally feel the power it gives you. Use it. Because once
passion is there, so it motivation.

And with motivation at the starting you can build discipline.

Passion can be turned into discipline.

Find your passion and you find an easier way to success. I say it's easier because you enjoy it. If
you enjoy it it feels easier.
Good thing is, passion and purpose go hand in hand.

Your purpose and your passions usually intertwine somewhere. And you will learn this in the
next section. The intersection is your ikigai.

The difference between a passion and a purpose though is a passion is what you are doing-
such as writing an ebook talking about how I improved my life. The purpose is deeper. It's the
"why" behind your passion. Why are you passionate about doing the thing.

Does it make you happy? Does it help others? Is it the thrill of the challenge it brings you?
PUshing you to your limits?

Whatever it is, your purpose is deeper than your passion.

Once you find your passions, you can feel exactly why you do them. That underlying feeling is
your purpose.

My purpose I have come to discover is to push myself to the limits, mentally and physically. And
in the process of doing that, helping others discover the power they have within themselves as

That's my purpose. When you take a step back and look at what I am passionate about, you can
see they go together.

I am committed to helping people unlock their inner power, that is already there, but they dont
know is there.

That is why you are reading this ebook. I have been at the bottom mentally, I discovered there is
more power, I made it out, now I want to lift others out of darkness as well.

My purpose is lifting others, my passion is everything the MIndset of Stoics Twitter account is
about. Spreading the message.

Finding your purpose and mixing it with your passion will change your life. It's not the easiest to
find, but it becomes easier when you know where to look.

Now you do, and I hope and pray you are able to look within and see that you also have more
power within your body and within your mind than you previously thought.

Find your passion.

Find your purpose.

Find out what life has out there for you. This is the power of finding and cultivating your
What do these things all have in common? What can finding what we previously discussed help
you with?

Well, overall, to hopefully bring more meaning to your life. But what do these things help you

I think they help you have a reason to keep going.

DRIVE. Drive is an innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need

Passion and purpose, happiness, discovering what is out there for you, finding what more you
have inside you, all these things should help drive you.

Drive and motivation.

Basically, things that help get you out of bed.

Having something driving you helps make life move smoother.

So this one is a short page, what drives you? What motivated you?

Have more of it in your everyday life.

Direction is way more important than speed.

From all the other sections in the soul realm of this ebook. Hopefully, you have come to one
conclusion: what you are doing is important.

Who you are is just as important as who you are not. Matthew Mcconaughey once said:

"Process of elimination is the first step to our identity, AKA: where you are not, is as important as
where you are.

It is just as important where we are not as it is where we are. Look, the first step that leads to
our identity in life is usually not, I know who I am. The first step is usually, I know who I am NOT.

Process of elimination. Defining ourselves by what we are not is the first step that leads us to
really knowing who we are. When you stop doing what you are not, you inadvertently find
yourself spending more time and in more places that are healthy for you, that bring you more
joy. Why? Because you just eliminated the who’s, the where’s, the what’s and the when that were
keeping you from your identity.

Decrease your options. If you do this, you will have accidentally, almost innocently put in front of
you what is important to you by process of elimination. Knowing who we are is hard. So give
yourself a break. Eliminate who you are not, first, and you’re going to find yourself where you
need to be.

Don’t leave crumbs and the beauty of delayed gratification.

What are crumbs?

The crumbs I’m talking about are the choices that we make that make us have to look over our
shoulder in the future. They come in the form of regret, guilt and remorse.

You leave crumbs today, they will cause you more stress tomorrow. And they disallow you from
creating a customized future in which you do not have to look over your shoulder.

So let’s flip the script. Instead of creating outcomes that take from us, let’s create more
outcomes that pay us back, fill us up, keep your fire lit, turn you on for the most amount of time
in your future. These are the choices I’m talking about. And this is the beauty of delayed
gratification. Tee yourself up. Do yourself a favor, make the choices, the purchases today that
pay you back tomorrow.

Get some ROI. You know what that is? Return on Investment. Your investment. You. Customize
your future. Don’t leave crumbs."
I have mentioned this in earlier parts of this ebook. Here is what ikigai is exactly, if you havent
ever heard of it.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being.'

'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai' describes value or worth.

Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. In everyday life, we often forget to experience the
moment we are living in properly.

Ikigai is different for all of us.

One thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.

When we spend our days feeling connected to what is meaningful to us, we live more fully; when
we lose the connection, we feel despair.

Finding out what meaning is for yourself will help drive the vehicle of your life.

Check out this visual describing what it is:

This section is easy.


Everyone needs to have one in my opinion. They help you find everything described in this
section so far. They help you make less mistakes by teaching you their mistakes and giving you
the lessons they have had to learn the hard way.

After finding what you want to do with your life. Your passion, purpose, ikigai, etc.

Look for someone in the field you want to go into.

I have mentors in each field I have interest in.

It's easy to find them. Some you will have to pay for, they will be worth more to you as well
because they feel as if they are getting good value from helping you as well.

Some will do it for free, but it will be harder to get their time and commitment, mentorship from
them will be based on convenience.

Mentors are vital to success in my opinion, they help speed it along. Mentors raise your
confidence and problem-solving abilities. A mentor may share information about his or her own
career path, as well as provide great guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role

Worth every penny.

They help your life flow better.

Can't recommend them enough. I have a couple and they have done me wonders.

You should find one too.

(I am a life coach and a mindset coach, if you are really interested in finding someone to make
your life easier, DM @mindsetofstoics on Twitter/IG and lets chat about it.)
IX. Taoism
Typing in summary of Taoism into Google will help you with learning, just as what i did when i
started learning about it.

Taoism is a philosophy coming from China. In Taoism, there isn't a set of rules or beliefs you
must follow. It's more of a school of thought, a set of ideas about reality. Does that make sense?
Hopefully, it does. Taoism is 50% of the major schools of thought that shaped early China. The
other half being Confucianism.

Here's the basics of each from what I have learned: Confucianism is all about: righteousness,
personal ethics, morality, family relations, good and strong character. We can see it as more of a
social order. A set of guidelines and expectations on how to play the social game. Taoism is its
opposite. The yin to its yang. Taoism is about freedom, chaos, and flowing with nature. One must
flow with the Tao and live as one with nature.

In Yin and Yang, we could see Confucianism as the light, representing order and discipline. We
can see Taoism as the dark, representing chaos and natural action. At the center of Taoism is
the concept of the "tao", meaning the way of nature. Lao-Tzu says in the first chapter of the Tao
Te Ching: "The Tao that can be followed is not the eternal Tao". Tao is everything and nothing.
You are it. And it is you. It's too close to be seen and too obvious to be understood.

This, according to Taoism, is how you get out of your own way and live a life of flow
We can translate Wu Wei as "Not forcing" or "Effortless action". This is what the sage or master
of Taoism strives for. To be completely in flow with the Tao. Spontaneous action. Living entirely
in the Now.

But Wu Wei can be misinterpreted: Does it mean to always be passive and lazy? Never working
or striving for something greater? Living a passionless life simply observing on the sidelines? Not
exactly. It's taking the attack route of: Nothing matters. I'm going to die.
Might as well do nothing and accept everything. This is where the misconceptions about Taoism
come from. It does not mean to be lazy, passive, and spiritless. This is far from what Lao Tzu
meant by "effortless action". For one simple reason: The person who does this "cultivated
passivity", still has a result in mind. Real Wu Wei cannot be cultivated and cannot be imitated or
prescribed. If there lies a passion for something within you, that is the path of least resistance. It
isn't about doing less work, but about flowing with the natural course of nature. Like water!

Water always takes the path of least resistance, yet it can be one of the most destructive forces
in nature. Water fits the shape of the object it is placed into. It takes the form of the surrounding
environment. It doesn't fight back, it just is. Being more like water is strange to say, but it's an
incredible way to look at life.

I know that is a lot to take in. At first it is, do some of your own research. It will all begin to make
more sense.


X. Buddhism/ATLA
Here is a question for you. Do you believe in karma? If you do, you have a small belief in the
teachings of Buddhism.

But this isn't my main point.

I learned most of my Buddhism lessons through ATLA. And one episode specifically. Where Zuko
learns about redirecting lightning.

Fire is the element of power. [Draws the firebending insignia in the dirt.] The people of the Fire
Nation have desire and will, and the energy to drive and achieve what they want. Earth is the
element of substance. [Draws the earthbending insignia.] The people of the Earth Kingdom are
diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring. Air is the element of freedom. [Draws the
airbending insignia.] The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly concerns and found
peace and freedom. Also, they apparently had pretty good senses of humor! [Smiles broadly but
returns to a more serious demeanor when Zuko doesn't react at all.] Water is the element of
change. [Draws the waterbending insignia.] The people of the Water Tribe are capable of
adapting to many things. They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them
together through anything.

It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it
becomes rigid and stale. [Divides the four insignias into separate sections.] Understanding
others, the other elements, and the other nations will help you become whole. [Draws a circle
around the insignias.]

It is the combination of the four elements in one person that makes the Avatar so powerful. But
it can make you more powerful, too. You see the technique I'm about to teach you is one I
learned by studying the waterbenders.

Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy. A waterbender lets their defense become their
offense, turning their opponent's' energy against them. I learned a way to do this with lightning.

If you let the energy in your own body flow, the lightning will follow it. You must create a pathway
from your fingertips, up your arm to your shoulder, then down into your stomach. The stomach
is the source of energy in your body. It is called the sea of chi.

This episode opened my eyes to life overall. We must learn from many different places. Wisdom
is everywhere, and we must collect as much as we can.

These aren't exact teachings of Buddhism, but Avatar teachings are similar.

Combination of the two and the thinking behind it, is exactly how I wanted to end my opinions
and learnings in this ebook.

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daily philosophy, stoicism,
psychology, sociology, and
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