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Edustar Academy Scholarship Test

Model Question Paper

Class: VI Max Marks: 100

Date: Duration : 2 ½ Hrs

1. Before the invention of a light bulb, people used __________ to work at night.
a) generators b) oil lamps c) torches d) gas stoves

2. Paheli is running short of connecting wires to complete an electric circuit, she may use a


a) glass bangle b) thick throat c) rubber pipe d) steel spoon

3. In the circuit shown below, when the switch is moved to ‘ON’ position. Which bulb will glow first?

a) The bulb A will glow first b) The bulb B will glow first

c) The bulb C will glow first d) All of these

4. The path along which electric current flow is called __________.

a) switch b) an electric torch c) an electric cell d) an electric circuit

5. What does the filament of a torch bulb consists?

a) Two thick metallic wires b) A metal case

c) A thin wire d) Metal tip at the centre of the base

6. Identifying a north pole of a magnet requires __________.

a) marking of poles as north pole and south pole on another magnet

b) use of an iron bar

c) no marking of poles on another magnet

d) none
7. When the compass needle comes to rest, it indicates the__________ direction.
a) E-W b) N-S c) South d) East
8. Dropping a magnet from a considerable height may lead to __________.
a) increased magnetism b) decreased magnetism

c) loss of magnetism d) magnetisation of an object

9. ______ is the natural magnet that was used by an ancient mariner to guide their ships.

a) Bar magnet b) Lodestone c) Horse-shoe d) U-shaped magnet

10. In olden days sailors used to find direction by suspending a piece of_____________.

a) cylindrical magnet b) bar magnet

c) lodestone magnet d) ring magnet

11. The magnetic properties of a magnet cannot be destroyed by ___________.

a) hammering b) heating c) boiling d) dropping on a hard surface

12. When a bar magnet is brought near iron dust, most of the iron dust sticks__________.

a) near the middle b) equally everywhere

c) near two ends d) at the middle and ends

13. Magnets are used in scanning machines like __________.

a) MRI b) CT scan c) X-rays d) Sonographs

14. Two students while sitting across a table looked down on to its top surface. They

noticed that they could see their own and each other’s image. The table top is likely to

be made of __________.

a) unpolished wood b) red stone

c) glass sheet d) wood top covered with cloth

15. As the Sun rises in the Sky, the shadow of a tree __________.

a) widens b) lengthens c) darkens d) shortens

16. In a pinhole camera, what kind of object is used for a screen?

a) translucent b) transparent c) both a & b d) luminous object

17. The partially shaded, outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object is ________.

a) umbra b) penumbra c) both a&b d) image

18. When the distance between the screen and object increases then the shadow _______.

a) becomes larger b) becomes smaller c) remains same d) none of these

19. Which of the given changes is not reversible while burning of a candle?

a) Melting of solid wax b) Liquid wax changes into vapour

c) Wax vapour burns into flame d) All of these

20. The angle between an incident ray and the plane mirror is 30°.The total angle between

the incident ray and the reflected ray will be __________.

a) 30° b)60° c) 90° d) 120°

21. The optical, coloured appearance with energy detail of the object produced on a

polished surface when light from an object is reflected is __________.

a) shadow b) light c) an image d) ray

22. Which one of the following is incorrect?

a) Light enables us to see different objects b) Light itself is invisible

c) Light enables us to see the colours of nature d) Light has no natural source

23. In a torch, the cells are connected in a __________.

a) parallel combination b) random combination c) series combination d) circuit

24. Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

(i) Glass (ii) Copper (iii) Wood (iv) Silver

a) (i) and (ii) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (ii) and (iv) d) (i) and (iv)

25. Which does not belong in a closed circuit?

a) Dry cell b) Connecting wires c) Plastic rope d) Switch

26. In ancient Egypt, cotton and flax were cultivated near the __________.

a) river Congo b) river Nile c) river Limpopo d) river Ganga

27. On a large scale, cotton fabrics are made by _________.

a) charkha b) handlooms c) takli d) power looms

28. The processing of fibres from cotton bolls into cotton fabric has the

following sequence.

a) ginning -> knitting -> weaving b) ginning -> spinning -> weaving

c) combing ->yarning-> knitting d) ginning -> combing -> spinning

29. Boojho went to a cloth shop. There he found a fabric which was smooth to touch, had

vibrant colour and shine. The fabric could be:

a) cotton b) wool c) silk d) jute

30. Which set of substances is not used for making fibres?

a) Silk, chemicals b) Yak hair, camel hair c) Husk, bones d) Flax, wool

31. Beera is a farmer. His field has black soil and the climate is warm. Which fibre yielding

plant should he grow in his field?

a) Jute b) Cotton c) Coconut d) Wool

32. Which of the following materials did people use in ancient times for making clothes?

a) Leaves of trees b) Newspaper c) Metal foil d) Animal skins and furs

33. Paheli wants to present her friend gift made up of plant fibre, which out of the following

will she select?

a) Jute bag b) Woollen shawl c) Silk saree d) Nylon scarf

34. Janu wants to make yarn from fibre at home, which of the following will he use to carry

out the task?

a) Power looms b) Handloom c) Charkha d) Knitting needles

35. The rearing of silkworms for the production of silk is called __________.

a) floriculture b) sericulture c) apiculture d) moriculture

36. Pick the change that can be reversed from the following.

a) cutting of tress b) melting of ghee c) burning of candle d) blooming of flower

37. Paheli mixed flour and water (i) made of dough (ii) rolled the dough to make a

chapatti (iii) baked the chapatti on a pan (iv) dried the chapatti and ground it in a

grinder to make powder. Identify the changes (i) to (iv) as the changes that can be

reversed or that cannot be reversed.

a) (i) (iii) (iv) are irreversible and (ii) reversible

b) (ii) (iii) (iv) are irreversible and (i) reversible

c) (i) (ii) (iv) are irreversible and (iii) reversible

d) (i) (ii) (iii) are irreversible and (iv) reversible

38. While lighting a candle, Paheli observed the following changes ; (i) wax was melting (ii)

candle was burning (iii) size of the candle was reducing (iv) melted wax was getting

solidified. From the above, the changes that can be reversed are?

a) (i) and (ii) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (iii) and (iv) d) (i) and (iv)

39. An iron ring is heated, which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) The ring expands b) The ring almost come to the same size on cooling

c) The change in this case is reversed

d) The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed

40. A cloth made from the stem fibres of flax plant is called _________.

a) nylon b) husk c) rayon d) linen

41. Which statement out of the following is incorrect?

a) Use of Charkha was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi as a part of the Independence


b) In India, jute is mainly grown in Kerala and Punjab

c) To make fabric, the fibres are first converted into yarns

d) Sufi saint Kabir was a weaver

42. Which one of the following is a natural non-periodic change?

a) Heartbeat of human beings b) Low and high tides

c) Eruption of volcanoes d) Sunrise and sunset

43. Two changes are stated below:

(i) a piece of iron, becomes red when heated strongly

(ii) a piece of paper gives bright yellow flame when heated strongly.

Which of the above changes is a physical change?

a) (i) only b) (ii) only c) both (i) and (ii) d) neither (i) nor (ii)

44. Plaster of Paris hardens when applied over a bandage. This process is __________.

a) reversible b) irreversible c) physical d) natural

45. Metal rim is fixed to the wooden cart wheel by __________.

a) heating metal rim b) heating wooden wheel

c) cooling metal rim d) cooling wooden wheel

46. Which part of the jute plant is used for getting jute fibre?

a) Flower b) Stem c) Fruit d) Leaf

47. On heating, the colour of the zinc oxide changes from white to yellow. This is an

example of ________.

a) reversible change b) chemical change

c) irreversible change d) periodic change

48. If you want to dry your wet shirt as fast as possible, which of the following is the best


a) Put it in a cool, shady place b) Roll it and put in a room

c) Stretch it out in a sunny place d) Fold it and put in a suitcase

49. The process of heating of milk at high temperature and rapidly cooling to kill bacteria is

called _______.

a) pasteurisation b) bacterial infection c) chlorination d) fusion

50. When a wooden stick is burnt, what new products are formed?

a) Coal b) Ash c) Heat energy d) All of these

51. The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at ________angles.

a) straight b) right c) acute d) none

52. The value of 35+|-35| is __________.

a) 70 b) 0 c) -70 d) 35
53. Which of the following is same as 2 5?

2 3 3 17
a) 3 b) 2 – 5 c) 2+5 d)
5 5

54. What is the place value of the third digit to the right of decimal point?

a) Tenths b) Hundredths c) Thousandths d) Tens

55. If the length of a rectangle is doubled and its breadth is halved then its area _________.

a) remains same b) becomes half c) doubles d) becomes one-fourth

56. The expression obtained when x is multiplied by 2 and then subtracted from 3 is _____.

a) 2x-3 b) 2x+3 c) 3-2x d) 3x-2

57. Find the property: 3 x 42 = (3 x40) + (3 x 2) = _____________________.

a) commutative b) associative c) distributive d) none of these

58. Sum of four angles of a quadrilateral is __________.

a) 180° b) 200° c)300° d)360°

59. Which of the following is a pair whose sum is 8 and difference is also 8 ?

a) -4, 4 b) -8,8 c) 0,8 d) 5,-3

60. An angle whose measure is greater than 90° cannot be a/an _________ angle.

a) obtuse b) reflex c) straight d) acute

3 3
61. The sum of 4 and 3 4 is __________.

1 9 1
a) 4 2 b) 2 c) 4+ 2 d) All of these

62. If measure of a side of a regular octagon is 6cm, then its perimeter is __________.

a) 48cm b) 36cm c) 54cm d) 56cm

63. The bisector of an angle always divides it into two __________.

a) acute angles b) right angles c) equal angles d) obtuse angles

64. The solution of the equation -1=-3-x is __________.

a) 4 b) -4 c) 2 d) -2

65. The number of obtuse angles in the figure is ______________.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

66. The greatest negative integer lying between -7 and 4 is ________.

a) 4 b) 3 c) -1 d) -6

67. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal

b) Diagonals of a parallelogram are not equal

c) A parallelogram is a quadrilateral

d) None of these

68. 0+(-1)+2+(-3)+4+(-5)+6+(-7)+8 equals to __________.

a) 4 b) 5 c) -3 d) -5
69. What is perimeter of the given figure?

a) 17m b) 68m c) 43m d) 96m

70. Which amongst the following decimals has the

greatest value?

a) 3.42 b) 3.24 c) 3.042 d) 3.399

71. can be expressed as __________.

4 3 2 5
a) 2 3 b) 6 5 c) 6 5 d) 6 2

72. Find the area of a square sheet of paper whose perimeter is 60cm.

a) 225cm² b) 125cm² c) 226cm² d) 169cm²

73. 0.7+7.7+0.007+0.07 is equal to ________.

a) 7.777 b) 8.477 c) 7.707 d) 8.747

74. The equivalent of 100 in decimals is ________.

a) 0.005 b) 0.05 c) 1.05 d) 5.1

7 4
75. Ram has a box of chocolate which is full. Ravi has a box which is full. Whose box
8 5

has more chocolates and by how much?

3 3 9 9
a) Ram, b) Ravi, c) Ram, d) Ravi,
40 40 10 10

76. Which of the given plants have two or more edible parts?

(i) banana (ii) pumpkin (iii) lady’s finger (iv) brinjal.

a) (i) and (ii) b) (ii) and (iii) c) (iii) and (iv) d) (i) and (iv)

77. Rearing and management of fishes in large scale is called ________.

a) agriculture b) apiculture c) pisciculture d) horticulture

78. Which of the following is not an ingredient for preparing dhal?

a) Pulses b) Fruit c) Oil/Ghee d) Salt

79. Honey bees are often seen sitting on flowers. Why do they do so?

a) They like flowers b) They lay eggs on flowers

c) They suck nectar from flowers d) All of these

80. Which part of the mustard plant is edible?

a) Seeds and flowers b) Leaves and flowers

c) Seeds and leaves d) Stem and roots

81. Which of the following is not the primary function of stem?

a) Conduction of water b) Photosynthesis

c) Formation of branches d) Bears flowers and fruits

82. After keeping the plants indoors, it is important to keep them in sunlight, because food

in the leaves is prepared in the form of ________.

a) carbon dioxide b) red pigment c) chlorophyll d) sugar

83. The absorption of water by the roots of the plants is due to the __________.

a) gravitational pull b) suction pressure c) transpiration d) pollination

84. Which of the following is not a correct match?

a) Petiole: attaches leaf to stem b) Lamina: green flat part of leaf

c) Margin: gives shapes to the leaf d) Veins: transpiration

85. When we perform an activity to test the presence of starch in leaves, why do we boil

the leaf in spirit alcohol?

a) To soften the leaf

b) To stop the process of photosynthesis occurring in leaf

c) To remove the green colour of leaf

d) To stop the release of water vapour from the leaf surface

86. Select the correct statement.

a) Oxygen is absorbed during photosynthesis

b) Stem is modified to manufacture and store food in some plants

c) A leaf attaches to the stem with the help of its margin

d) Number of sepals and petals are same in all flowers

87. The bones at the joints are held together by __________.

a) ligaments b) tendons c) muscles d) none of these

88. The movement of the lower jaw makes it possible for us to ________.

a) talk b) chew food c) think d) both (a) and (b)

89. The hinge joint allows movement in __________.

a) all directions b) one plane only c) two plane only

d) depends on where the joint is located in the body

90. How many muscles work together to move a bone?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

91. Underwater divers wear fin-like flippers on their feet to_______.

a) swim easily in water b) look like a fish

c) walk on water surface d) walk over the bottom of the sea

92. Boojho comes across an animal having a stream-lined and slippery body, What is the

habitat of the animal?

a) Water b) Desert c) Grassland d) Mountain

93. Choose the set that represents only the biotic components of a habitat.

a) tiger, deer, grass, soil b) rocks, soil, plants, air

c) sand, turtle, crab, rocks d) aquatic plant, fish, frog, insect

94. Which one of the following is an incorrect statement about excretion?

a) Excretion takes place in plants

b) Excretion takes place in both plants and animals

c) Secretion is one method of excretion

d) Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only

95. Choose the odd one out from below with respect to reproduction.

a) Eggs of hen b) Seeds of plants c) Buds of potato d) Roots of mango tree

96. Earthworms breathe through their __________.

a) skin b) gills c) lungs d) stomata

97. Although organisms die, their kind continues to live on earth. Which characteristic of living organisms

makes this possible?

a) Respiration b) Reproduction c) Excretion d) Movement

98. Which of the following parts of our body help us in movement?

(i) Bones (ii) Skin (iii) Muscles (iv) Organs

a) (i) and (iii) b) (ii) and (iv) c) (i) and (iv) d) (ii) and (iii)
99. Which of the following are characteristics of living beings?

(i) Respiration (ii) Reproduction (iii) Adaptation (iv) Excretion

a) (i), (ii) and (iv) only b) (i) and (ii) only

c) (ii) and (iv) only d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

100. Which of the following cannot be called as a habitat?

a) A desert with camel b) A pond with fish

c) A jungle with wild animals d) Cultivated land with grazing cattle


Model Question Paper

Answer Key

1. b) Oil lamps

2. d) Steel spoon

3. d) All bulbs will glow together

4. d) Electric circuit

5. c) A thin wire

6. a) Marking of poles as north pole and south pole on another magnet

7. b) N-S

8. c) Loss of magnetism

9. b) Lode stone

10. b) Bar magnet

11. c)Boiling

12. c) Near two ends

13. a) MRI

14. c) Glass sheet

15. d) Shortens

16. a) Translucent

17. b) Penumbra

18. b) Becomes larger

19. c) Wax vapour burns into flame

20. d) 120

21. c) An image

22. d) Light has no natural source

23. c) Series combination

24. c) (iii) and (iv)

25. c) Plastic rope

26. b) River Nile

27. d) Power looms

28. b) Ginning -> Spinning -> Weaving

29. c) Silk

30. c) Husk, bones

31. b) Cotton

32. d) Animal skins and furs

33 a) Jute bag

34. c) Charkha

35. b) Sericulture

36. b) Melting of ghee

37. a) (i), (iii), (iv) are irreversible and (ii) reversible

38. d) (i) and (iv)

39. d) The ring change its shape and the change cannot be reversed

40. d) Linen

41. b) In India, jute is mainly grown in Kerala and Punjab

42. c) Eruption of volcanoes

43. d) Neither (i) nor (ii)

44. b) Irreversible

45. a) Heating metal rim

46. b) Stem

47. b) Chemical change

48. c) Stretch it out in a sunny place

49. a) Pasteurisation

50. d) All of these

51. b) right

52. a) 70
53. c) 2 + 5

54. c) Thousandths
55. a) remains same

56. c) 3 – 2 𝑥

57. c) distributive

58. d) 360°

59. c) 0,8

60. d) acute

61. d) All of these

62. a) 48 cm

63.c) equal angles

64. d) – 2

65. c) 4

66. d) – 1

67.c) none of these

68. a) 4

69. b) 68 m

70. a) 3.42
71. c) 6 5

72.a) 225 cm2

73.b) 8.477

74. b) 0.05
75.a) Ram 40

76. a) i) and (ii)

77. c) Pisciculture

78. b) Fruit

79. c) They suck nectar from flowers

80. c) Seeds and leaves

81. b) Photosynthesis

82. d) Sugar
83. b) Suction pressure

84. d) Veins : transpiration

85. c) To remove the green colour of leaf

86. b) Stem is modified to manufacture and store food in some plants

87. a) Ligaments

88. a) both (a) and (b)

89. b) One plane only

90. b) Two

91. a) Swim easily in water

92. a) Water

93. d) Aquatic plant, fish, frog, insect

94. c) Secretion is one method of excretion

95. d) Roots of mango tree

96. a) Skin

97. b) Reproduction

98. a) (i) and (iii)

99. a) (i), (ii) and (iv) only

100. d) Cultivated land with grazing cattle

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