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Read the passage and answer the following questions: /5

1. What miserable thing happened to Nabee (SAW) after the boycott? /1




2. Why did the Quraish continue their torture and hardships on Nabee (SAW) and
Muslims? /1




3. Why did Nabee (SAW) go to Taif? What did the people of Taif do to him? /1




Isl-Std: Yr III Mock Test Term II (2022-23)

4. What was the response of Nabee (SAW) to the people of Taif? What do you learn from
this? /2


Read the passage and answer the following questions: /8

1. Why did the Quraish decide to boycott Banoo Hashim? /1




2. Where did the family clan of Nabee (SAW) live during the boycott? /1


3. How long did the boycott last? Specify the years. /1


Isl-Std: Yr III Mock Test Term II (2022-23)

4. Why was the boycott very hard for the Muslims? /2




5. Sequence the following events from 1 to 6 as the story of Rasulullah’s (SAW). /3

1. Allah commanded Nabee (SAW) to preach Islam openly.
2. They refused to accept Islam and continued to torture him.
3. Umar & Hamza (RA) accepted Islam
4. Nabee (SAW) invited the people of Quraish towards Islam
5. Muslims migrated to Abyssinia.
6. Muslims started to pray openly in the Ka’bah.

Read the passage and answer the following questions: /5

Isl-Std: Yr III Mock Test Term II (2022-23)

1. How does belief in life after death help us to become better Muslim? /2



2. What will be the condition of people when they come out from their graves? /1




3. Differentiate the pious and evil people based on what you learned from the life after
death. /2

Pious People Evil People

4. Ahmad was very upset and he told his close friend Muhammad that “all my efforts
and hard work are gone wasted. I always try to be good with my friends but in return they
cheat me.” Write few lines to provide support to Ahmad in the light of the lesson “Life
after Death. /2




Isl-Std: Yr III Mock Test Term II (2022-23)

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