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Laboratory activity was held during our class hours. Materials used during this laboratory activity
are 10mL test tube with cork, 100mL beaker, hot plate or stove, medicine dropper or glass pipette with
aspirator, distilled water, evaporating dish, egg white, bean extract, 1% starch solution, onion juice, potato
juice, glucose solution, vegetable oil, biuret reagent, IKI solution, Benedict’s reagent and brown paper.

For proteins test using Biuret Test we label and mark (4) clean test tubes at 1 cm level, then we fill
each test tube to the mark with the following specimen. For test tube 1 we put distilled water, test tube 2 the
egg white, for the third test tube the bean extract and for the fourth we put 1 % starch solution. After that we
put 5 drops of Biuret reagent to each of the test tubes with cork and we swirl it well to mix. We record the
final color and observe if a pinkish-purple color appears to the solution then proteins is present.

Xanthoproteic test was also perform. For each test tube we put 3 mL of distilled water, egg white,
bean extract and 1% starch solution, after that 1 mL of HNO 3 concentration were added. Each test tubes
were placed in water bath (note: white precipitation to yellow should appear) after that adding of 4 mL of
NaOH was added. Let it stand for 5 minutes, for positive result yellow color are present.

For the test of carbohydrates, IKI test were performed. Five test tube were label and mark at the
level of 1 cm. Each test tubes were fill with distilled water for test tube 1, 1% starch solution for test tube 2
and for test tube 3 is the onion juice, potato juice for the fourth test tube and glucose solution for the last
test tube. Iodine solution were added to each of the tubes. Color change was observed and recorded.

Test for sugars the Benedict’s test was performed. First we prepare a boiling water bath. 5 test
tubes were label and mark following the procedure in testing the presence of starch. We put Benedict’s
reagents to each of the tubes. Tubes were then heat in a boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Green to red color
can be observed when simple sugars are present.

Brown paper bag test was perform for the test for lipids. For this activity we label small piece of
square brown paper. For brown paper 1 we place a small drop of distilled water, for the second brown
paper, a small drop of vegetable oil was place. We observe the immediate effect. We wait for at least 15
minutes for the paper to dry, each substances were evaluated if the substance penetrates or evaporates
the paper.

Results and Discussions:

Presence of protein molecule is observed by a pinkish-purple color in the solution that we perform.
In Biuret and Xanthroproteic test, both the egg white and bean juice shows positive result for protein.
Distilled water and 1% of starch solution embedded a negative results.
For starch molecules blue black color should appear to show positive results. 1% starch
suspension, potato juice and glucose solution presents a positive results while negative results was present
in distilled water and onion juice.

Indication of sugar was presented by green to red color after heating the solution. Positive results
shows in 1 % starch suspension, potato juice, and onion extract and glucose solution. Meanwhile distilled
water shows negative result.

Penetration of substance in brown bag paper shows the presence of lipids. Distilled water shows
negative result because distilled water just evaporates in brown paper. While vegetable oil absorbs in
brown paper and shows positive results.

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