Lesson Plan (Contagion) Vers. 2

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Lesson Plan: "Exploring the Pandemic Experience through the Movie Contagion"

 To analyze and discuss the important learnings about infectious diseases and pandemics portrayed in the movie
 To impart these important learnings to students and help them understand the real-world implications of such

Duration: Two class periods (90 minutes each)


 Projector or Smartboard to screen the movie Contagion

 Copies of the movie Contagion (if available)
 Pen/pencil and paper for note-taking
 Whiteboard or flipchart with markers
 Handouts with discussion questions (optional)


1. Familiarize yourself with the movie Contagion and its key themes, characters, and plot points.
2. Prepare discussion questions and prompts to facilitate class participation and engagement.
3. Ensure that the movie Contagion is accessible to your students, either through screening or through individual
access to the movie.


Day 1: Introduction and Movie Screening

1. Begin the class by introducing the movie Contagion and its relevance to the topic of infectious diseases and
2. Engage students in a short brainstorming session, asking them to recall any recent real-life pandemics or
outbreaks they are aware of. Write their responses on the whiteboard/flipchart.
3. Provide a brief overview of the movie's plot and characters, highlighting its depiction of a deadly infectious
disease outbreak.
4. Explain that the movie contains valuable insights into the nature of pandemics and the impact they have on
5. Screen the movie Contagion, ensuring students have an opportunity to actively watch and take notes on key
points, characters, and events.

Day 2: Discussion and Analysis

1. Begin the class by briefly recapping the movie Contagion, highlighting the main characters and events.
2. Divide the class into small groups or pairs to facilitate discussion.
3. Provide handouts with discussion questions related to the movie, or assign groups specific aspects to focus on
(e.g., the spread of the disease, societal responses, individual character arcs).
4. Allow time for students to discuss their assigned questions or aspects, encouraging them to refer to specific
scenes or events in the movie.
5. Bring the class back together and facilitate a whole-class discussion, guiding students to share their insights,
thoughts, and interpretations.
6. Address any misconceptions or questions that arise during the discussion, providing additional information and
clarifications as needed.
7. Summarize the important learnings that emerged from the movie and class discussion, emphasizing their
relevance to real-world pandemics and infectious diseases.
8. Distribute the writing assignment instructions, which will involve summarizing the important learnings in a
report format.

Assignment: Writing the Report

1. Explain the writing assignment to students: They will write a comprehensive report, summarizing the important
learnings from the movie Contagion and the subsequent class discussion.
2. Provide guidelines for the report:
3. Maximum length: 5 pages of short bond paper
4. Font: Arial, size 10
5. Double spacing
6. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion
7. Use headings and subheadings to organize the content
8. Cite specific scenes, events, and character arcs from the movie
9. Encourage students to reference their notes and the class discussion while writing the report.
10. Provide a clear deadline for submitting the reports.
11. Offer assistance and guidance to students who may need additional support in writing their reports.


1. Assess students' participation in the class discussion, taking note of their engagement, critical thinking, and
ability to articulate important learnings.
2. Evaluate the comprehensive reports based on their organization, clarity, inclusion of relevant movie references,
and ability to summarize the important learnings effectively.
3. Provide constructive feedback to help students improve their understanding of the topic and their written
communication skills.

Note: Adapt the lesson plan as needed to suit the specific needs and abilities of your students.

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