Being Peaceful Inside Myself For A Peaceful Life

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Reflect on the questions:

1. What does peace look like?

Peace is like a wreath of olive leaves. When I see colors, the one that brings me a
peace of mind is the color sky blue. It is the same as the color of the ocean when
there are no ripples and waves on its surface and it becomes inviting for one to sail
on it. If I were to draw peace, I would draw a dove with a twig of olive leaves on its
beak. This is the same as the dove that came back to Noah, signaling that the flood
is over and peace reigns once again on the land.
2. What are the values associated with peace?

Peace is associated with trust and honesty. When these values are present in a
person, he seldom encounters problems and has what is called as peace of mind.
Trust and honesty so to speak are the building blocks of peace. When nations no
longer trust each other because of deceit, then there would be war instead of peace.

Reflect on the questions:

1. What does peace sound like?

For me my peace sounds like the chirping of the bird early in the morning. Hearing
their chirping brings tranquility into my senses, what a wonderful way to start once
I would love to hear love songs and jazz music when I think of peace. They blocked
out all the negative vibes that I encounter each day.
If I were to express the peace that I am feeling right now, I would either play the
piano or the flute because the sound made by these musical instruments are
soothing to the ears.
I would hum my favorite song if I were to sing a song. “Imagine.” This song by John
Lennon encourages the listener to imagine a peaceful world void of materialism,
borders separating nations, and religion.
2. What are the values associated with peace?

Respect and care are the values associated with peace. When we respect and care
for our fellowmen there would be no conflict. For by doing so, we are accepting them
for who they are and are ready to help whenever they need us.

Reflect on the questions:

1. What does peace smell like?

Peace smells like a sampaguita. The simplicity of its aroma connotes the days when
I used to be a young child by my mother’s arms. These are the moments when I felt
peace. My mom loves flowers especially smapaguita.

As I grew up, I made sure to have a flower garden myself. Whenever I come home
stressed from work and school, I just roam around it and smell the flowers. Then I
would feel peaceful.

2. What are the values associated with peace?

Reflect on the questions:

1. What does peace feel like?

There is peace in my heart when I feel loved. Knowing that someone cares for me
then peace reigns. This world is full of stress and troubles, if you feel a comforting
hand by your shoulder or a simple hug then you know that there is peace.

When my neck is not stiff, my shoulders relax, my tummy full and my head void of
worries then I know peace abounds around me.

Whenever I walked across my garden, I feel peaceful inside. Imagining a world

where everyone is in agreement and no borders separating one from the other.
2. What are the values associated with peace?

There is Peace

There is peace whenever there is love

A simple hug, an innocent smile
Brings peace after travelling for miles

There is peace whenever there is joy

Happiness from talking to a friend
Knowing that she is a shoulder to
Cry on in the end.

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