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Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an

Integrated Vision – Caspeele, Taerwe & Frangopol (Eds)

© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1

Parametric identification and damage assessment of real buildings

G.S. Wang & Y.R. Li

Department of Construction Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

F.K. Huang
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Tamkang University,
New Taipei City, Taiwan

ABSTRACT A Frequency-Domain recursive hybrid Genetic Algorithm was developed by the author in 2015.
The time history of the measurement is divided into a series of time intervals, and then the model of equivalent
linear system is employed to identify the modal parameters of the system for each time interval. The differential
equation can be transformed into the frequency domain by finite Fourier transform and the response in the
frequency domain can be solved by algebraic equations instead of differentials equations for each time interval.
In this paper, this new identification strategy is applied to the identification of two real buildings to monitor the
change of modal parameters. The parameters of these structures are identified using the response records of the
structure under the attack of earthquakes of different intensities. By employing the Maximum Softening Index
and Approximate Story Damage Index, we can determine the damage states of these buildings.

1 INTRODUCTION proposed method called the MV method. The numer-

ical study showed that the hybrid strategy performs
Nowadays, many civil structures in Taiwan area, better than the GA alone. Wang & Lin (2005) applied
including buildings and bridges, are installed with the real-coded GA to structural identification prob-
Strong-Motion Systems. Consequently, identification lems. The validity and the efficiency of the proposed
of either linear or nonlinear structural behaviors of GA strategy were explored for the cases of systems
these buildings, using the data collected from the with simulated input/output measurements. Moreover,
accelerographs installed on them, has become an the strategy was also applied to the real structure.
important discipline due to the increasing need to esti- Genetic algorithms (GAs) are global search techniques
mate the behavior of a system with partially unknown for optimization. However, they are inherently slow,
dynamics. In addition to updating the structural param- and are not good at hill-climbing. In order to speed up
eters for better response prediction, system identifica- the convergence to the optimal solutions, a hybrid GA
tion techniques also facilitate the monitoring of current identification strategy that combines Gauss-Newton
state or damage state of the structures. way as the local search technique was also proposed
Most of the identification methods are calculus- and verified by the author (Wang 2009).
based search method. A good initial guess of the The parameters of some real buildings may be
parameter and gradient or higher-order derivatives of altered with the change of the amplitude of vibration,
the objective function are generally required. There and the identified parameters may not reflect the real
is always a possibility to fall into a local minimum. state of the structure if we only use a model of a linear
On the other hand, genetic algorithms (GAs) are opti- system to represent the structure. Consequently, a new
mization procedures inspired by natural evolution. system identification method called recursive hybrid
They model natural processes, such as selection, re- genetic algorithm, which can identify the change of
combination, and mutation, and work on populations parameters, was developed for the purpose (Wang,
of individuals instead of a single solution. In this Tsai & Huang, 2013). The time history of the mea-
regard, the algorithms are parallel and global search surement is divided into a series of time intervals, and
techniques that search multiple points, and they are then the model of equivalent linear system is employed
more likely to obtain a global solution. Many GA appli- to identify the modal parameters of the system.
cations have been performed on a variety of optimiza- In the implementation of the recursive hybrid GA in
tion problems in engineering area. More applications the time domain, numerical integration is essential for
have been on structural identification. Koh et al. (2003) solving the differential equation in the time domain.
proposed a hybrid strategy of exploiting the merits This integration procedure may result in a remarkable
of GA and local search operator. Two local search computational time. In order to accelerate the identifi-
methods were studied: an existing SW method and a cation process, a recursive hybrid GA in the frequency

domain is developed. The differential equation can
be transformed into the frequency domain by finite
Fourier transform. The numerical time for solving the
algebraic equations can be reduced tremendously com-
pared to the time for solving the differential equation.
The proposed algorithm has been explored by com-
paring the results of the predicted response with the
measured response for both the simulated SDOF linear
system and the simulated MDOF linear system with or
without noise contamination (Wang & Huang, 2015).
In this paper, this new identification strategy will first
be applied to the identification of the office build-
ing of National Center for Research on Earthquake
Engineering (NCREE) located in Taipei subjected to
4 sets of earthquake including the Chi-Chi earthquake.
Then, the algorithm will also be applied to the iden-
tification of building of the Shih Hsien Elementary Figure 1. Structure of hybrid GA.
School located in Chai-Yi City. Based on the identifi-
cation results, damage assessment will be performed displacement and velocity for each time interval as
thereafter. well. The differential equation can be transformed into
the frequency domain by finite Fourier transform and
the response in the frequency domain can be solved by
2 HYBRID GENETIC ALGORITHM algebraic equations instead of differentials equations.

Genetic algorithm is a stochastic search technique 3.1 Identification model of a MDOF system
based on natural selection and genetics, developed
by Holland (1962). Genetic algorithms model natural In this section, we will develop the identification
processes, such as selection, recombination, mutation, model of a multiple degree of freedom system with
migration, and competition. The algorithms work on multiple outputs or measurements. The motion equa-
populations of individuals instead of a single solu- tion of a MDOF system subjected to a single excitation
tion. In this way, the search is performed in a parallel can be transformed into modal equation through mode
manner. However, better results can be obtained by superposition as
introducing multiple subpopulations. Every subpopu-
lation evolves over a few generation isolated (like the
single population GA) before one or more individu-
where usm is the modal displacement in mode m at the
als are exchanged between subpopulation using the
sth DOF, and Psm the effective participation factor in
mechanisms of migration and competition. The mul-
mode m at the sth DOF associated with the ground
tipopulation GA models the evolution of a species in
motion üg
a way more similar to nature than single population
GAs are inherently slow and are poor at hill-
climbing. In order to compensate the computational
inefficiency in hill-climbing when the solution yielded
by GA approaches the optimal value, a local search
operator, the Gauss-Newton method is merged to the in which [M ] is the mass matrix, {φm } the mode shape
GA strategy. This method is performed after com- in mode m, and {l} the ground influence coefficient
pleting the evolution process of every 10 genera- matrix with elements 0 and 1. The finite Fourier trans-
tions. Accordingly, a new hybridization of a GA with form of relative response of usm , u̇sm , and üsm over a
Gauss-Newton method is formed. Figure 1 shows the finite record length of T or each non-overlapping time
structure for such a hybrid GA. interval can be defined as


The method employed here is called the Frequency-

Domain recursive hybrid Genetic Algorithm. In this
method, the time history of the measurement is
divided into a series of non-overlapping time inter-
vals, and then the model of equivalent linear system
is transformed into frequency domain to identify the
modal parameters of the system and the difference of

where Usm (ω) is the finite Fourier transform of the
modal displacement in mode m at the sth DOF. Trans-
forming equation (1) into frequency domain by using
the terms defined in equation (3∼5), yields

where Usm (ω), the Fourier transform of the relative
displacement, is denoted as Usm (ω) for simplicity.
The parameters vsm and dsm are the differences in the
mth modal velocity and displacement at the sth DOF
between the beginning and the end of the record seg-
ment of duration T . The measured response in this
paper is the relative acceleration and the associated
Fourier transform of üsm can be derived as

Combining the above modal contributions will yield Figure 2. Structure of frequency-domain recursive hybrid
the following measurement expression for the trans- GA in the for MDOF system.
formed relative acceleration
into non-overlapping time intervals or time windows
by setting the number of time instants or sampling
points, na, in the beginning. In order to account for the
effect of the difference of velocity and displacement
between the beginning and the end of the each inter-
val, vsm and dsm are also implemented as the parameters
In order to optimize the system, error function in to be identified in addition to the system parameters
term of transformed response for each measurement 2
2ξm ωm , ωm and Psm . Then the model of equivalent lin-
is defined in such a way that it is quadratic in terms of ear system in the frequency domain and the recursive
the parameters. hybrid GA is employed to identify the parameters of
the system and the differences of displacement and
velocity for each time interval. The response in fre-
quency domain can be computed using equation (7).
The best five individuals or system parameters are
replicated and used as the individuals of the initial
population of next interval. This process will be con-
tinued until the measurements of the rest of the time
where Y (i, j) and V (i, j) are the Fourier transforms of
interval are implemented. Figure 2 shows the pro-
the measured response and identified response for the
cedure of the proposed Frequency-domain recursive
ith sampled frequency with respective to the jth mea-
hybrid genetic algorithm where the red dashed box
surement. The Notations Re and Im represent the real
represented the evolution process of hybrid genetic
and imaginary parts of the response. If there are K
algorithm illustrated in Figure 1.
measurements, the root mean square error function,
denoted as the error index, E.I ., is expressed as a
function of the error indices of the measurements

Quantitative measurement of structural damage during

earthquakes has always been a challenging problem to
the structural engineers. Various damage indices have
been proposed with the objective of quantifying the
3.2 Recursive hybrid genetic algorithm
structural damage in prototype and real structures sub-
In the new method, the excitation measurement and jected to seismic excitation. These indices make use
the response measurement are automatically divided of different parameters such as drift, natural period

of structure, energy absorption and cyclic fatigue in Obviously, the value of ASDI(l, j) can be easily
estimating the damage level. obtained based on only one set of modal parameters (ωj
and φ j ). The value of the ASDI(l, j) is shown between
0 (no damage) and 1 (collapse) in terms of the modal
4.1 Maximum softening index parameters of the jth mode.
Dipasquale and Cakmak (1990) define the maximum
softening for the one-dimensional case, where only
the fundamental modal frequency is considered. The 5 IDENTIFICATION AND DAMAGE

5.1 Identification and damage assessment of

NCREE building
The first building identified here is the office build-
ing of National Center for Research on Earthquake
where Tund is the undamaged natural period and Tm
Engineering (NCREE) located in Taipei, Taiwan. This
is the maximum natural period during the excita-
building is a 6-story reinforced concrete structure.
tion duration. The maximum softening demonstrates
Thirty channels of seismographs are installed. Seis-
a measure of combination of both the stiffness degra-
mographs on the basement will be used as the input
dation and plasticity effect.
ground motion, and those on the third floor and the
six floor (or the top floor) be used as the measured
response. Four sets of strong motion records collected
4.2 Modal assurance criterion
during earthquakes occurred on July 11 of 1998(with
Modal assurance criterion (MAC) indicates correla- magnitude of 5.07), Chi-Chi earthquake on September
tion between two measured mode shapes from two 21 of 1999 (with magnitude of 7.3), 1022 earthquake
different states (Dipasquale & Cakmak, 1989). Let φA or Chia-Yi earthquake on October 22 of 1999 (with
and φB be the undamaged and damaged mode shapes, magnitude of 6.4) and 614 earthquake on June 14
respectively, MAC is then defined for mode j and k as of 2001 (with magnitude of 6.3) are analyzed. This
follows: building seems to experience no visible damages under
the attacks of the earthquakes. However, the dynamic
parameters may be altered even though the damage of
the structure is slight or invisible.
To get knowledge of the damage state of the struc-
where N is the number of coordinates included, and i ture, single-input-multiple-output model is utilized
is the coordinate of column vector associated with the to perform the identification of modal parameters
specific mode shape. In other words, (φA )ij denotes of the structure. Through spectral analysis, estima-
the ith coordinate of the jth column (mode) of φA and tion of frequencies is made and rational ranges of
(φB )ik the ith coordinate of the kth column (mode) these parameters can be obtained when performing the
of φB . MAC values vary from 0 to 1, i.e., 0 for no recursive hybrid GA identification procedure in the
correlation and 1 for full correlation (no damage). If frequency domain. Modal damping ratio, modal fre-
the mode shapes φA and φB are identical, then MAC quencies, and participations factors can be obtained
will be 1 indicating full correlation. Thus, MAC can be on the basis of either longitudinal (L) or transverse (T)
used to detect existence of damage by identifying these measurements. As a result, by monitoring the variation
values alterd from their original values for individual of the identified parameters, the damage assessment of
modes, i.e., j = k. the structure will be performed and the damage state
of the structure will then be evaluated.
We can study the variation of the identified param-
4.3 Approximation story damage index eters by plotting them in the same figure. Figure 3
shows the change of the modal frequency for the
We can define the damage of a building as the reduc- motions recorded in the longitudinal direction during
tion in percentage of story stiffness before and after these earthquakes. From the plot of the fundamental
damage. However, for most buildings, the floor mass frequency, we can see that the modal frequency main-
distribution is generally uniform and the approxi- tained at a range between 22.9 rad/sec and 24.6 rad/sec
mate value for the lth story damage index (ASDI(l, j), during the struck of the first earthquake (EQ before
Approximation Story Damage Index) can be written 921). During the struck of the Chi-Chi earthquake, the
as (Wang Lin, & Yen, 2007) fundamental frequency maintained at 24.53 rad/sec
and then dropped to 23.86 rad/sec in the middle of
the earthquake. One month later, the fundamental fre-
quency during the 1022 earthquake went up to about
27.13 rad/sec in the beginning. Finally, the fundamen-
tal frequency during the 614 earthquake decreased to
about 23.856 rad/sec in the end, which is about 3%

Figure 3. Variation of modal frequency in the longitudinal Figure 5. Variation of maximum softening index in the
direction for NCREE building. longitudinal direction for NCREE building.

Figure 4. Variation of modal frequency in the transverse Figure 6. Variation of maximum softening index in the
direction for NCREE building. transverse direction for NCREE building.

lower than the value 24.6 rad/sec yielded during the

first earthquake.
Figure 4 shows the change of the modal fre-
quency for the motions recorded in the transverse
direction during these earthquakes. The modal fre-
quency stayed at around 21.47 rad/sec∼23.83 rad/sec
during the struck of the first earthquake. The fun-
damental modal frequency decreased to 21.9 rad/sec Figure 7. Variation of MAC index in the longitudinal
under the struck of 921 earthquake. During the 1022 direction for NCREE building.
earthquake, the fundamental frequency went down
to 21.62 rad/sec. Finally, the fundamental frequency
decreased to 21.53 rad/sec at the end of the last earth-
quake. In conclusions, the modal frequency decreased
from 23.83 rad/sec to 21.53 rad/sec.
The maximum softening index DM is evaluated
using the results of the identified modal frequency of
in the longitudinal direction. The parameter identified
at the beginning of the earthquake on July 11, 1998 is
implemented as the undamaged frequency or the base-
line frequency. The maximum softening index of the Figure 8. Variation of maximum softening index in the
transverse direction for NCREE building.
first mode, DM , is then evaluated and plotted in Fig-
ure 5. To compare the results with the intensities of the
earthquake, red line shows the PGA value in the longi- values of the MAC(1,1) in the longitudinal direc-
tudinal direction. The result seems to follow the usual tion during the four earthquakes considered. The
trend of increasing maximum softening index (dam- MAC(1,1) index varied between 0.9978 and 1 which
age) with increasing excitation amplitude since that the is very close to 1. From this result, the index seems to
structural stiffness will decrease with the increase of be not able to reflect the amplitude of the excitation.
the measured response amplitude. The index increased Figure 8 illustrates the values of the MAC(1,1) values
to 6.1% at the end of the Chi-Chi earthquake. Finally, in the transverse direction. The MAC(1,1) index var-
this index returned to 0.86%. ied between 0.9995 and 1. Again, the index seems to
The result in the transverse direction is illustrated be not able to reflect the amplitude of the excitation.
in Figure 6. The index of the first mode increased to TheASDI index can be evaluated using the results of
8.16% at the end of the Chi-Chi earthquake. Finally, identified modal frequencies and the identified effec-
this index returned to 9.29% at the end of the 614 tive participation factors of the top floor and the third
earthquake. floor in the first mode. ASDI(1,1) reflect the damage
The MAC index can be evaluated using the results state of lower floor level from the first floor to the third
of identified effective participation factors of the top floor since we don’t have the effective participation
floor and the third floor. Figure 7 summarized the factors of the second floor to calculate the term φ in

Figure 9. Variation of ASDI index of the third floor in the Figure 12. Variation of ASDI index of the top floor in the
longitudinal direction for NCREE building. transverse direction for NCREE building.

Figure 10. Variation of ASDI index of the top floor in the Figure 13. Variation of maximum softening index in the
longitudinal direction for NCREE building. longitudinal direction for SHES building.

Figure 11. Variation of ASDI index of the third floor in the Figure 14. Variation of maximum softening index in the
transverse direction for NCREE building. transverse direction for SHES building.

equation (12). Similarly, ASDI(2,1) reflect the damage Three-component seismographs are installed on the
state of upper level from the third floor to the top floor first floor, third floor and the top floor of the building.
since we can use the effective participation factors of Accelerograms collected during earthquakes can be
the third floor to calculate the term φ in equation utilized to monitor the change of the structural param-
(12). Figures 9 and 10 summarized the values of the eters. Same four sets of strong motion records are
ASDI(1,1) index and ASDI(2,1) index in the longitudi- analyzed. Single-input-multiple-output model is also
nal direction during the four earthquakes considered. utilized to perform the identification of modal parame-
The average value for each earthquake is computed ters of the structure. Again, by monitoring the variation
and plot as a red dashed line in the figure for the of the identified parameters, the damage state of the
following discussion. ASDI(1,1) index and ASDI(2,1) structure will then be evaluated.
index increased to 7.4% and 5.53% under the attack of The maximum softening index of the first mode,
Chi-Chi earthquake and dropped to 1.96% and 1.72% DM ,1 , in the longitudinal direction is plotted in Fig-
under the attack of the 1022 earthquake. These two ure 13. The index is 14.73% during the Chi-Chi
indices became 4.1% and −0.91% under the attack of earthquake and decreased to 10.33% during the 1022
the last earthquake. Figures 11 and 12 summarized the earthquake. The index reduced to 4.82% at the end of
values of the ASDI(1,1) index and ASDI(2,1) index in 614 earthquake. The result in the transverse direction
the transverse direction. These two indices increased to is illustrated in Figure 14. The index of the first mode
15.65% and 11.56% under the attack of the last earth- increased to 19.74% at the end of 1022 earthquake.
quake. This result indicates that the building has slight Finally, this index returned to 11.97%.
damage in this direction. Figures 15–16 summarized the values of the
ASDI(1,1) index and the ASDI(2,1) index in the
longitudinal direction during the four earthquakes
5.2 Identification and damage assessment of Shih considered. The value of the ASDI(1,1) index and
Hsien Elementary building the ASDI(2,1) index increased to 16.96% and 3.09%
under the attack of the 614 earthquake. Figures 17–18
The other building identified here is the six-story rein- summarized the values of the ASDI(1,1) index and
forced concrete building of the Shih Hsien Elemen- ASDI(2,1) index in the transverse direction. These two
tary School (SHES) located in Chai-Yi City, Taiwan. indices increased to 27.07% and 19.18% under the

Fourier transform. The numerical time for solving the
algebraic equations can be reduced tremendously com-
pared to the time for solving the differential equation.
The algorithm has been applied to the identification
of buildings of NCREE and Shih Hsien Elemen-
tary School. The damage assessments were performed
based on the identification results:
1. From the identification results of National Earth-
Figure 15. Variation of ASDI index of the third floor in the quake Engineering Research Center office build-
longitudinal direction for SHES building. ing, we can see that the fundamental frequency
in the longitudinal direction during the 614 earth-
quake decreased to about 23.856 rad/sec in the end,
which is about 3% lower than the value 24.6 rad/sec
yielded during the first earthquake. In the trans-
verse direction, the modal frequency decreased
from 23.83 rad/sec to 21.53 rad/sec
2. The maximum softening index DM for the office
building of NCREE was evaluated using the results
of the identified modal frequency. This index in
Figure 16. Variation of ASDI index of the top floor in the the transverse direction is 9.29% after the struck
longitudinal direction for SHES building. of the 614 earthquake. This indicates a quite slight
damage state. The values of the ASDI(1,1) index
and ASDI(2,1)index in the transverse direction.
increased to 15.65% and 11.56% under the attack of
the last earthquake. These values also indicate that
the building has slight damage in this direction.
3. The maximum softening index DM for the SHES
building was also evaluated using the results of the
identified modal frequency. This index in the trans-
verse direction is 11.97% after the struck of the
Figure 17. Variation of ASDI index of the third floor in the last earthquake. This also indicates a quite slight
transverse direction for SHES building. damage state in this direction . The values of the
ASDI(1,1) index and ASDI(2,1)index in the trans-
verse direction. increased to 27.07% and 19.18%
under the attack of the last earthquake. These values
again indicate that the building has slight damage
in this direction.
4. The MAC index seems to be not able to capture the
damage state of the structure since the values are
very close to 1.

Figure 18. Variation of ASDI index of the top floor in the

transverse direction for SHES building.
attack of the last earthquake. This result indicates that
the building has slight damage in this direction. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Cen-
tral Weather Bureau of Taiwan and Prof. C.C. Lin
of National Chung-Shin University for their effort to
collect the accelerograms.

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