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Fall 2017 Discussion Set (Week 12) Calculus II

1. ´Let F be a constant vector field in R3 , and P, Q ∈ R3 . Prove that 4. Consider the vector field
F · ds has the same value for any smooth path C from P to Q. −y x
F= i+ 2 j + 0k
x2+y 2 x + y2
defined on R3 with the z-axis removed. (See (g) in Problem 3.)
(a) Compute C F · T ds, where C is the unit circle x2 + y 2 = 1
on the xy-plane, and T is the unit tangent vector of C oriented
counterclockwise when looked down from the positive z-direction.
2. Let F = (y sin z)i + (x sin z)j + (xy cos z)k. Is F conservative?
(a) Show that F is a conservative vector field.

(b) Find a potential function for F.

(b) Let F = M i + N j + P k, and compute Py − Nz , Mz − Px , and
Nx − My . Do you have a contradiction to your conclusion in
part (a)? Why or why not?

(c) Find C F · ds, where C is a smooth path from (1, 1, π) to
(−1, 1, π/2).

5. Let F = x3 y 2 i + 12 x4 yj be the velocity field of a fluid, and C the closed

curve bounded by the curves y = x and y = x2 − x.
(d) Find D y sin z dx + x sin z dy + xy cos z dz, where D is a smooth
closed curve.

Using Green’s Theorem, find the circulation of F around C.

3. Which of the following regions are simply connected (i.e., any closed
curve in the region can be contracted to a point within the region)?
a) b)

6. Let F = (3x − y 2 )i + (x2 + y)j, and

 C a simple closed curve in R

c) d) enclosing a region of area 7. Find C F · n ds.

e) R2 with the origin removed f) R3 with the origin removed

7. Let C be the circle x2 + y 2 = 9 in the xy-plane. Find
‰ p
(3y − esin x ) dx + (7x + y 4 + 1) dy.

(Hint. Use Green’s Theorem.)

g) R3 with the z-axis removed

Fall 2017 Discussion Set (Week 12) Calculus II

8. Consider the vector field (b) C
f ∇f · n ds = π, where n is the unit normal vector of C oriented
y x outward.
F=− i + j
x2 + y 2 x2 + y 2
on the punctured plane R2 −{(0, 0)}. Let C be the unit circle x2 +y 2 =
1, and R the region inside C with the origin removed.

(a) Evaluate C F · ds. Is F conservative? Why or why not?

10. Let C be a simple closed curve in the xy-plane enclosing a region R.

(a) Apply Green’s Theorem to the vector field F = x2 i + y2 j to derive
the formula ‰
Area (R) = x dy − y dx.
2 C
(b) Let F = M i + N j. Does the equality
‰ ¨  
∂N ∂M
F · ds = − dx dy
C R ∂x ∂y
hold? Does this example contradict Green’s Theorem? Why or
why not?

(b) Apply Green’s Theorem to the vector field F = xi to derive the

formula ‰
Area (R) = x dy.

(c) Use Green’s Theorem to find D
F · ds, where D is the square
shown below:

(c) Apply Green’s Theorem to an appropriate vector field to derive

the formula ‰
Area (R) = − y dx.
(Hint. Use your answer to part (a).) C

(d) Let E be the closed curve shown below.

11. Let C be the closed curve consisting of the curve y = sin x, 0 ≤ x ≤ π,
and the interval [0, π] of the x-axis.

(a) Find C x dy − y dx.

Show that E
F · ds = 0.

(b) Find C
∇f · n ds, where f (x, y) = x3 − 3xy 2 + 5xy − 2x + 1.

9. Let C be the unit circle x2 + y 2 = 1 on the xy-plane, and f (x, y) a

real-valued function on R2 with continuous second partial derivatives
such that div ∇f = 0 and k∇f k = 1 everywhere. Prove the following: 12. Let F = (2x3 − x)i + (3x2 + y 3 − 2y)j. Find a simple closed curve C in
 R2 across which the absolute value of the flux of F has the minimum
(a) C f ∇f ·T ds = 0, where T is the unit tangent vector of C oriented value.

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