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PE&HEALTH11--------NOTES ON Intro to

SPORTS Personal Achievement: Individual sports provide a

sense of personal achievement and satisfaction. Athletes
Play-is an activity that is done for fun and enjoyment. have the opportunity to set personal goals, track their
Game-is an activity that involves rules and competition. progress, and celebrate individual milestones and
Sports-involve physical activity and competition. It is an accomplishments.
activity that requires physical actions and skills where
individuals or teams compete under a set of rules. Disadvantages of Individual Sports in the
Limited Team Interaction: Unlike team sports,
Individual Sports- are played by one participant on individual sports may lack the social aspect and
each competing side. camaraderie that comes with being part of a team.
Athletes may miss out on the teamwork and
Dual Sports- are played by two competing pairs. collaboration experiences found in team sports.
Limited Competition Opportunities: Individual
Team Sports- are played with three or more players. It sports may have limited competitive opportunities,
includes basketball, football, softball, and volleyball. especially at the local level, compared to popular team
However, there are some individual and dual sports that sports. This can result in fewer opportunities to compete
can be played in teams, depending on the tournament and showcase their skills.
and sponsoring sports organization. Lack of Support System: Individual athletes may face
Some sports can also be played indoors, outdoors, or challenges in terms of securing adequate training
both. facilities, coaching support, and financial resources. They
may have to shoulder the burden of expenses and
Individual sports foster a higher amount of discipline, logistical arrangements on their own.
self-confidence, focus, and passion. The individual player Increased Pressure and Responsibility: In
is solely responsible for winning or losing; succeeding or individual sports, athletes bear the entire responsibility
failing. for their performance. This can lead to added pressure,
In team sports, many variables are considered to stress, and high expectations to consistently deliver
determine the success or failure of the team. Although good results.
the qualities and skills are helpful, performance will not Risk of Isolation: Due to the individual nature of these
rely on a single talent. A team’s performance or success sports, athletes may experience feelings of isolation or
loneliness, particularly during training or competitions.
depends on the collective effort of all its players.
They may miss out on the social aspects and
Therefore, individual sports rely on the individual while
camaraderie that team sports provide.
team sports rely on teammates.

ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES OF EACH It is important to note that the advantages and
disadvantages of individual sports can vary depending
on the individual, their sport of choice, and the support
Advantages of Individual Sports in the Philippines: systems available in their specific context.

Personal Growth and Development: Individual Advantages of Dual Sports in the Philippines:
sports provide opportunities for personal growth and
development. They promote self-discipline, self- Increased Social Interaction: Dual sports require
motivation, and self-reliance as athletes are solely interaction and cooperation between two players or
responsible for their performance and progress. pairs. This promotes socialization, teamwork, and the
Flexibility and Convenience: Individual sports offer development of communication skills, fostering
flexibility in terms of training schedules and locations. interpersonal relationships.
Athletes can practice on their own time and at their Balanced Competition: Dual sports often involve
preferred venues, making it more convenient for them to evenly matched opponents, creating a balanced and
pursue their sport. competitive environment. This can lead to exciting and
Independence: Individual sports allow athletes to rely closely contested matches, enhancing the overall
solely on themselves for success. They have control over sporting experience.
their training methods, strategies, and decision-making, Skill Development: Dual sports provide opportunities
fostering independence and autonomy. for players to develop specific skills relevant to their
Skill Mastery: In individual sports, athletes can focus sport. They can focus on improving techniques,
on mastering specific skills and techniques relevant to coordination, and strategy that are specific to the
their sport. This specialized training can lead to a higher dynamics of playing in pairs.
level of proficiency and expertise.
Adaptability and Versatility: Dual sports often Diverse Skill Sets: Team sports require players with
require players to be versatile and adaptable to different different skill sets to come together and contribute their
situations. They must be able to adjust their strategies strengths to the team. This allows individuals to develop
and tactics based on the strengths and weaknesses of and showcase their unique abilities while learning from
their opponents and their own partner. and complementing their teammates.
Enhanced Decision-making Abilities: Dual sports Leadership Development: Team sports provide
require quick decision-making and critical thinking as opportunities for players to develop leadership skills.
players must make split-second choices on when to Captains and team leaders emerge, taking on
attack, defend, or coordinate with their partner. This can responsibilities and guiding their teammates towards
improve cognitive abilities and decision-making skills. success.
Increased Competition and Exposure: Team sports
Disadvantages of Dual Sports in the Philippines: often involve regular competitions, tournaments, and
leagues, providing players with more opportunities for
Dependency on Partner: In dual sports, the exposure and recognition. They can showcase their skills
performance and success of a player are dependent on and compete against other teams, fueling their
the skills and capabilities of their partner. If there is a motivation and passion for the sport.
lack of coordination or compatibility, it can hinder
individual and team performance. Disadvantages of Team Sports in the Philippines:
Limited Competitive Opportunities: Dual sports may
have limited competitive opportunities compared to Dependency on Team Performance: In team sports,
more popular team sports. This can result in fewer individual success is often dependent on the overall
chances to compete at local or national levels, which performance of the team. If the team is struggling or
may impact the overall growth and exposure of the facing challenges, it can affect the motivation and
sport. morale of individual players.
Potential Conflicts and Communication Issues: Potential for Conflict and Disagreements: The
Dual sports require effective communication and dynamics of team sports can sometimes lead to
coordination between players. Misunderstandings or conflicts, disagreements, or differences in playing styles.
conflicts between partners can negatively impact Resolving conflicts and maintaining team harmony can
teamwork and overall performance. be a challenge, impacting overall performance.
Inequality in Partner Pairings: Depending on Inequality in Playing Time: Depending on the team
availability and skill level, it may be challenging to find structure and coaching decisions, players may face
suitable partners for dual sports. This can lead to inequality in playing time. Some players may receive
imbalanced pairings, affecting the competitive balance more opportunities and playing minutes, while others
and enjoyment of the sport. may have limited chances to contribute on the field.
Limited Spectator Appeal: Some dual sports may Pressure and Expectations: Team sports often come
have limited spectator appeal compared to team sports. with high expectations from coaches, teammates, and
The lack of a larger team dynamic and variety of players fans. The pressure to perform well and meet these
may result in fewer spectators and less overall interest in expectations can create stress and anxiety for individual
the sport. players.
Reliance on External Factors: Team sports can be
It is important to note that the advantages and influenced by external factors such as coaching
disadvantages of dual sports can vary depending on the decisions, team funding, and organizational support. If
specific sport, the players involved, and the support these factors are lacking or inconsistent, it can impact
systems available in the Philippines. the overall development and success of the team.

Advantages of Team Sports in the Philippines: It's important to note that the advantages and
disadvantages of team sports can vary depending on the
Teamwork and Collaboration: Team sports foster specific sport, team dynamics, and the support systems
teamwork, collaboration, and cooperation among available in the Philippines.
players. They provide opportunities for individuals to
work together towards a common goal, promoting unity Important Aspects to Consider in Learning Sports
and camaraderie.
Social Interaction and Bonding: Team sports offer a 1. History- the inventor of the sport, country of origin,
social environment where players interact, build and development of the game.
friendships, and form strong bonds with their 2. Court Dimensions/Venue- where the games are
teammates. This promotes a sense of belonging, mutual played (indoor, outdoor, both), size, different designs for
support, and shared experiences. male or female, and safety procedures for the players.
3. Equipment and Gear- proper protective gears,
uniforms, and outfits which also involve safety of players
and the officials.
4. Technical and Tactical Skills- technical skills are
the basics of playing the game (example: basketball-
dribble, shoot, pass) while tactical skills are the
strategies to take advantage during the game.
5. Rules of the Game- set of rules on how the game is
played, violations, penalties, how to score points, how
many players are allowed, etc.
6. Officiating- officials of the game, their duties and
their responsibilities of calling for violations, penalties,
points, etc. and regulating fair play.

Activity for May 19, 2023

Instructions: Group yourselves according to your

groupings for Daily Sweepers. Each group must search
for the 6 things to consider in playing sports ( History,
Court Dimension/Venue, Equipment and Gear, basic
Technical and Tactical Skills, Basic Rules of the Game,
and Officiating) of the following sports.


Your output will be submitted on Friday, next

week, May 26 ,2023. Print it on a long size bond
paper. Please include your Group number and the
names of the members of your group.

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