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Literary Assignment: Burn by Patrick Ness


• There are three parts to this test. One requires you to answer a question about the
setting and structure of the novel; one section asks something about the characters of
the book and one about its themes and plot.

• Only answer one question per section! In the end, you will have answered three
questions only.

• Your total number of words in answering these three sections should be no fewer than
200 words.

• You may use your novel

• You may use any hand-written notes

• You may use a dictionary

• You are graded on the quality of your answer, so pay close attention to the question.

Part 1: Setting/structure

1. ’What you must remember through all of this,’ Kazimir said, ‘is that you are not
special,’ (p131). How does Kazimir’s explanation of the prophecy contrast with Mitera
instruction to Malcolm in chapter 6?

2. In the first half of the book a dragon attack leaves a gold filling behind. In the second
half of the book a gold filling is, once again, the only thing left behind of a human shape -
again found by the dragon that was once Veronica Woolf. Discuss what differences and
what similarities exist between these two events and how this influences your
interpretation of the novel.

Part 2: Characterisation

3. The novel explores power in all its manifestations. The most interesting character is an
FBI agent known as Woolf: her metamorphosis is really surprising and she really enjoys
her power as a dragon. Compare her to one other character who has or gains power in the
novel and what this reveals about their personalities.

4. Why does Malcolm’s lie (in the second half) to Sheriff Kerby about being Agent Woolf
convince Kerby? And what does this tell us as a reader about the kind of person that Kerby
Part 3: Themes/Plot

5. One of the themes emerging in the novel is an exploration of the balance between trust
and mistrust and the challenge of detecting truth from lies. What does Kazimir’s exchange
with the sheriff at the beginning of the novel add to your thoughts on this subject?

6. Discuss how Sarah’s relationship with Jason is extra significant and tragic to her
because she her parents were in a mixed marriage.

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