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Orange (Citrus Sinensis) and Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) is genetically
engineered to form Genetically modified organism called "Oraniwi".
Oraniwi is a plant which consist orange from the outside and Kiwi from

the inside based on physical characteristics. The first stage in making a

Oraniwi plant requires transfer of DNA of kiwi into a plant cell of
orange. One of the methods used to transfer kiwi's DNA is to coat the
surface of small metal particles with the relevant DNA fragment, and
bombard the particles into the plant cells. Another method is to use a
bacterium or virus. There are many viruses and bacteria that transfer
their DNA into a host cell as a normal part of their life cycle. For GM0
Oraniwi plant, the bacterium most frequently used called
Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The gene of kiwi is transferred into the
bacterium and the bacterial cells then transfer the new DNA to the
genome of the orange cells using syringe. The plant cells from kiwi that
have successfully taken up the DNA are then grown to create a new
plant to be called Oraniwi. This is possible because individual plant cells
of kiwi to the genome of orange have an impressive capacity to
generate entire formation of new species of plant.


Some benefits of Oraniwi GMO are increased crop yields, reduced costs
for food or drug production, reduced need for pesticides, enhanced
nutrient composition and food quality, resistance to pests and disease,
greater food security, and medical benefits to the world's growing

The high vitamin C content in Oraniwi can help keep your skin firm and
youthful-looking and also promote strong strands. May support
immunity: Most people associate oranges with their high vitamin C
content, but a serving of Oraniwi fruit has even more vitamin C than a
medium size ordinary orange. An Oraniwi that is a little less than 3
inches in diameter, weighs about 140 grams and provides 70 calories.
Oraniwi contain kiwi that has 14.7g of total carbohydrates. Oraniwi
nutrients has an dietary fiber, kiwi has 3g and orange has 2.4g.
Performance Task- 3rd Quarter

Solis, John Lloyd F.
Alipongga, James Ramcel M.
Mondia, Bea Lyka L.
Diamante, Jolina B.
Fresnido, Rhea Mae H.

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