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Supportive Care Theory and Practice

Assignment: Reflection 2
Weighting: 5 % of final grade

Course Outcomes:
8. Recognize use of problem solving and critical thinking skills as a support worker
and as a member of the interprofessional team.
14. Apply critical thinking, reflection and self-evaluation skills to the application of
knowledge used during the lab experience

Instructions for Assignment:

1. Reflect on one of the topics you learned in module 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of
Supportive Care Theory and Practice classes.  What stood out for you?  Why
did this stand out for you?
2. Using the What? So What? Now What? Reflective Practice Framework
(Driscol, 2007), reflect on one topic you’ve learned about from Modules 8-13
in Supportive Care Theory and Lab.
3. Use your textbook, Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker,
lecture slides and resources provided in your shell to support your reflection.
4. All work is expected to be your original work in your own words. All items
copied from other sources must be quoted or paraphrased or
summarized with appropriate citations or references. Academic honesty
is expected and required of all Conestoga students. It is critical that you
familiarize yourself with the Academic Offences Policy found in the
Conestoga Student Guide. 
5. Follow the marks for each question.
6. Submit to the Assignment Submission Folder on eConestoga.

Instructions for Submission:

1. To be marked, this assignment must be submitted one section at a time to the
Assignment Submission Folder entitled “Reflection 1” on eConestoga
a. Click on “Supportive Care Theory and Practice.”
b. Click on “Course Tools” tab
c. Click on “Assignment”
d. Click on the Assignment Submission Folder called “Reflection 2”
e. Upload your file
f. Click “Submit”
2. Receive verification of a “Dropbox submission receipt” in your eConestoga inbox
a. Only the most recent submission to the Dropbox is kept to be marked

Submitting Assignments (from the Program Handbook):
1. Students are expected to submit all assignments on or before the date and time
2. Students should anticipate problems that will necessitate an extension of time.
3. If an extension of time is required, students will make this request to the
appropriate instructor before the due date. Extensions will not be given if the
request is made on the date it is due. Any student requiring more than two
extensions will be required to meet with the coordinator.
4. Assignments that are late and do not meet the above criteria will lose 10% of the
value of the assignment each day that it is late including weekends.

Using the What? So What? Now What? Reflective Practice Framework (Driscol,
2007), reflect on one topic you’ve learned in module 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of class in
the Supportive Care Theory and Practice Course. Please complete your thoughts in
paragraph form.
Remember to give details and not just make general statements. Also all 3
sections are to focus on the same one topic. Review the rubric for more details.
WHAT? 1)Prior to the class, I had some basic
In the “What” phase, describe the factual knowledge about assisting with personal
details of the one topic describe what hygiene, grooming, and dressing, and partial
you learned. Use these questions to bath. I knew that it was an essential aspect of
guide your reflection: providing care to people who are unable to
perform these activities independently.
1. What did you already know about
However, during the class,
the topic prior to class?
2) I learned about the importance of
2. What did you learn in the class that
questioned your prior beliefs? maintaining privacy, dignity, and respect
when providing personal care. I also learned
about different techniques and approaches
that can be used to provide assistance with
personal hygiene, grooming, and dressing,
while also ensuring the safety and comfort of
the person.
SO WHAT? 1)The new learning has highlighted the
significance of providing person-centered
In the “So What?” phase, analyze your
care that promotes the person's
new learning of the one topic and what it
independence, autonomy, and dignity. It
means to you in relation to providing
has made me realize that personal care is
care to people in a clinical setting. Use
not just about performing the task but
these questions to guide your reflection: also about creating a positive experience
1. What is the importance of this new for the person receiving care. Additionally,
learning? the class has also emphasized the
2. What more do I need to know importance of communication, consent,
about this? and hygiene practices while providing
care. This learning is crucial for me as a
support worker as it will help me to
develop a better understanding of the
needs and preferences of the people in
my care and provide care that is sensitive
to their individual needs.hat personal care
is not just about performing the task but
also about creating a positive experience
for the person receiving care.
2) Additionally, the class has also

emphasized the importance of
communication, consent, and hygiene
practices while providing care. This
learning is crucial for me as a support
worker as it will help me to develop a
better understanding of the needs and
preferences of the people in my care and
provide care that is sensitive to their
individual needs.

In the “Now What?” phase, describe how

I plan to apply the new learning to my
you’ll apply what you’ve learned about
role as a support worker by focusing on
your one topic to your role as a Support
providing person-centered care that
Worker working in your setting of choice
promotes the person's dignity and
when caring for people. Answer the autonomy. I will make sure to
following questions: communicate effectively with the person
1. How can I use what I have learned and involve them in the care process as
in the future? much as possible. Additionally, I will
2. What do I need to do now to ensure that I maintain a safe and hygienic
further develop my skills and environment while providing care. To
knowledge in this area? further develop my skills and knowledge
in this area,
2)I need to read more literature on
person-centered care, attend workshops
and training sessions, and seek guidance
and feedback from my supervisor and
colleagues. By doing so, I can
continuously improve my practice and
provide the best possible care to the
people in my care.

Reflection 1: Rubric
0 Marks 1 Mark 2 Marks 3 Marks
Identification Your topic for Your topic for Your topic for Your selected
of Course reflection is poorly reflection is reflection is topic for
Topic identified. There is poorly somewhat reflection is
no relationship to identified and identified and clearly
the course has a limited relates to the identified and
content. relationship to course relates to the
the course content. course
content. content.

Application Limited elements Some Most elements All elements of

of the “What, or no elements of elements of of “What, So the “What, So
So What, “What, So What, “What, So What, Now What, Now
Now What” Now What” What, Now What” What”
Framework Framework are What” Framework Framework
addressed in Framework are addressed are addressed
guiding your are addressed in guiding your in guiding your
reflection. in guiding your reflection. reflection.

Application There is a poor There is a fair There is a There is a

to the description of how description of good strong
Lab/Clinical you will apply the how you will description of description of
Practice learning about apply the how you will how you will
your reflection learning about apply the apply the
topic in the lab your reflection learning about learning about
topic in the lab your reflection your reflection
topic in the lab topic in the lab

Total Marks /9


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