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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


(Akayin, Kalingain At Yakapin ang mga Bata tungo sa Paaralan)

Project Title: Project AKAY

(Akayin, Kalingain At Yakapin ang mga Batang Tapia tungo sa Paaralan)

Date / Project Duration: SY


I. Rationale

Filipinos have deep regard to for education. Education occupies a central place
Philippine political, economic social and cultural life. It has always been strongly
viewed as a pillar of national development and a primary avenue for social and
economic mobility. The 1987 Constitution likewise guarantees the right to
education of every Filipino. It provided that, “The State shall protect and promote
the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take
appropriate steps to make education accessible to all.” The right of every Filipino
to quality basic education is further emphasized in Republic Act 9155 or the
Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001. This law reaffirms the policy of the
State to protect and promote the rights of all Filipinos by providing children free
and compulsory education in the elementary and high school level. This pertains
to six years of free tuition fees for children aged 6 to 11. Along with the law, the
Philippine also response to World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) in
Jomtiem Thailand, which prescribed that Basic Learning Needs shall be met for
all by various means. Our country crafted and implemented the 10-year EFA
Philippine Plan of Action with the goal of “No Learner is Left Behind.”

II. Objectives:

The main objectives of the project are:

1. Ensures the right of all school-aged learners to enroll and be equally
provided with quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic
2. Map all out-of-school children, school-aged learners to
connect/reconnect them to relevant education programs such as
Formal School (Kinder, Elementary) and encourage them to stay in
3. Anticipate the number of enrollees for the coming school year.
4. Also seeks to locate, identify, and register out-of-school youth and
children, who are in conflict with the law, homeless, living with
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

disabilities, living in off-grid communities and geographically isolated

areas, and displaced due to natural disasters and armed conflicts.

III. Target Beneficiaries

 School-aged Learners
 Incoming Kindergarten Pupils
 Balik-aral
 Out of School Youth

IV. Methodology

A. Activities

a. Prepare the Child Mapping Tool that will be used to fill out personal
information of learners for the conduct of house to house visit within
the barangay.
b. Child mapping within the community.
c. Coordinate with the Barangay Daycare Center to anticipate the
numbers of incoming kindergarten learners.
d. Advocacy campaigns such as posting and giving leaflets.

e. Conduct of onsite early registration for incoming kindergarten, grade
1 learners, transferees and balik-aral.

f. Posting an advocacy campaign on the school official Facebook page.
g. Putting tarpaulin and info board for the process of enrolment.
h. Asking the help of Parents, PTCA, Barangay Officials and
Stakeholders who are willing to support our projects.

V. Management Team

Executive Committee
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Working Committee

Name Designation


VI. Project Cost

A. Purchase of Materials/ Equipment

Description / Estimated
Equipment Quantity
Specifications Amount
Printer Epson L3110 1 7500

Bond Paper A4 Bond Paper 1 Rim 250

Ink Black and Colored 4 1000

VII. Expected Outcome

Bring all the school-age learners and encourage them to stay in school.

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