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A.Match the utterances with their responses

1.We need a new trash can a. I guess so. She really likes greeting people

2. Mila is humble girl b.You’re right. She is kind and helpful

3.The X-men movies was very interesting c. I don’t think so. This one is still good. We just have to
wash it

4. What if we go swimming this afternoon? d. I beg to differ. In my opinion it’s a bit boring

5.I like Mrs.Susi. She is very nice e. I was just going to say that. The weather is fine

B. Identify the expressions below and then place the expressions into the correct coloumn!

I totally disagree I don’t really agree I am with you I think so I could agree with
with you you
C You’re Right I’m not sure about Of course you are Sorry, that’s Of course not
it right impossible

No Agreemen Disagreement
C. Complete the conversation below

1.Jessica: Hey, look at this cake. It looks so yummy

Sasa: “…………with you. Let’s try one

Jessica: Ok

Sasa: “What do you think? For me, it is too bland

Jessica: “I…………... I think it’s perfect

Sasa: Really? But I can't taste any flavour

Jessica: Yes, but you can eat it with these special creams. You can choose what cream to add on this

Sasa: “Ohhh.. I see. I just tried blueberry cream. It so delicious”

Jessica: …………. I agree with you.

Sasa: “I think we can also add honey on this cake

2. Teacher: This year, I want you to decorate our class with a ‘flower theme’ do………………………..?

Tanya: I ……….. with you, mam. I think it will make our class look soft and calm.

Brian: I’m sorry, but I ………… with that, mam. Teacher: Why, Brian?

Brian: I think we should decorate it with ‘warrior theme’, because this month we will celebrate our
Independence Day, mam.

Teacher: That’s a very good idea, Brian. I ……….agree with you. What about the others, do you agree
with Brian’s idea, students?

Students: Yes, we are ………., mam.

Teacher: Good! Then let’s start working.

Quis of Vocabulary

1.Trash can : 8.Celebrate:

2.Humble : 9. Warrior:

3. Wash : 10. Flavour;

4.Bland :

5.Weather :

6. Decorate :


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