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Etapa Ensino Fundamental Língua

Anos Finais Inglesa

Can you analyze

women’ representation
in advertisements?
(Parte 2)
9º ANO
Aula 4 – 3º Bimestre
Conteúdos Objetivos

● Lexical: vocabulário ● Discutir as representações de

relacionado ao tema da gêneros em peças publicitárias;
aula; ● Apresentar a análise de peça
● Temático: recursos de publicitária realizada na aula
persuasão usados em anterior.
peças publicitárias.
5 minutos
Para começar

Na última aula, discutimos as representações das mulheres em

peças publicitárias.
Você já ouviu falar na expressão gender marketing?
20 minutos
Foco no conteúdo

What is gender marketing? Access on 7 de junho de 2023

Gender-based marketing means that an advertisement divides its

target groups into men and women, then crafts its messages based on
assumptions about male and female consumers.
For example, gendered marketing would include selling pink clothes for
girls and blue clothes for boys.
These marketing stereotypes have a long history.
Target: alvo
Foco no conteúdo
Nowadays, customers (especially the younger generation) have
become less receptive to gendered marketing.
The ads are more focused on using variables other than binary
gender to segment consumers. For example, many toy stores
categorize toys based on age, product category, and brand
instead of defining them as “for boys” versus “for girls.”

Insted of: em
vez de
Na prática
In pairs, discuss the questions below:
a. What does gender market mean?
b. According to the text, why are ads more focused on using
variables other than binary gender to segment consumers
Na prática
In pairs, discuss the questions below:
a. What does gender market mean?
Gender-based marketing means that an advertisement divides
its target groups into men and women, then crafts its
messages based on assumptions about male and female
b. According to the text, why are ads more focused on using
variables other than binary gender to segment consumers
Because customers (especially the younger generation) have
become less receptive to gendered marketing.
Na prática

c. Does the reinforcement of gender stereotypes in advertisement

bother you? Why?
d. In your opinion, why is it important to stop the reinforcement
of gender stereotypes in advertisement
e. Would you buy a product whose advertising reinforces
stereotypes related to gender?
Na prática
c. Does an advertisement focused on reinforcing stereotypes related
to gender bother you? Why?
Personal answers.
d. In your opinion, what is the importance of the ads stopping
reinforcing stereotypes related to gender?
Personal answers.
e. Would you buy a product whose advertising reinforces stereotypes
related to gender?
Personal answers.
Na prática
In pairs, analyze these two advertising campaigns:

Anúncio norte-americano das Anúncio norte-americano dos absorventes

vitaminas PEP, veiculado em 1950 Always, intitulado “Like a girl”. O anúncio foi
veiculado em 2014
Na prática

a. In what way does the first ad reinforce stereotypes related to

b. How does the second ad break the stereotypes related to
Na prática
a. In what way does the first ad reinforce stereotypes related to
This ad shows a husband stating that his wife is more
charming when she works more; in this case, when she does
the housework for him. The vitamin would make women more
willing to do this housework. It expresses a stereotypical and
misogynistic view that a woman should do housework and
also take care of her husband.
b. How does the second ad break the stereotypes related to women?
The second ad shows three women doing varied tasks, many
of them traditionally occupied by men. The ad reinforces the
idea that a woman can assume any role she wants.
Aplicando Time for a
Presenting your group’s
analysis of advertisement
Last class, in groups, you searched some ads
that used the image of women.
You chose one of them and analyzed how the
image of women is represented.

20 minutos
Aplicando Time for a
Now, your group must share your perceptions
about it with your classmates from the other activity!
• Choose the best form to present the
information to the class.
• Use media or other visual resources.
• Decide who is going to present each topic.
• Write a first draft of texts you may use in
your presentation.
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Discutimos a representação de gêneros em peças

● Apresentamos a análise de peça publicitária
realizada na aula anterior.
Tarefa SP
Localizador: 97502

1. Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com

seu login:
2. Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
3. Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
4. Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
5. Clique em “Procurar”.

Slides 1, 13 e 14 –
Acesso em: 7 jun. 2023.
Slides 4 e 5 –
differences-between-men-and-women/. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2023.
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 10 –
1950.html. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2023. Acesso em:
7 jun. 2023.

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