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‘Science has made life better but not easier.’ Discuss.

Science is ubiquitous in our daily life and has changed many aspects of our living. Modern
science has discovered different types of wonders enlarging human comforts, it has given man
powers that are only for God, given eyes to blind, ears to deaf, and limbs to the crippled, making
life better by providing us with artificial wings that we are unable to get naturally. The application
of science has also brought about many conveniences. From using a calculator to operating a
washing machine, we are surrounded by numerous innovations that make our lives easier. With
that, science has undoubtedly made life better and easier.

Some may say that science has made life better but not easier as drawbacks of science have
complicated human life. Through science, there have been increased cases of scientific fraud
which include cybercrime where people end up losing a lot of money through computer crimes.
According to an annual report released by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), there
were 16,117 cases of cybercrime in 2020, up from 9,349 cases recorded in 2019. Cybercrime
accounted for 43 per cent of all crime in Singapore, with the COVID-19 pandemic being a key
factor in online threats. The top category of cybercrime relates to online cheating, with 12,251
cases. This trend is attributed to the rapid growth of e-commerce, the proliferation of community
marketplace platforms and social media platforms. While the application of science has made
life better by providing a more convenient way that people can enjoy goods and services, it
complicates our life as it is now less safe and direct to do so. This also affects the
socio-economic fabric of the people, causing a burden to society. Therefore, science has made
life better but not necessarily easier.

However, this myopic view fails to recognise that the very intention of any scientific research is
for making one’s life better and easier, it is only misuse and abuse of science that seems to
make life more complicated. Though scientific fraud such as cybercrime indeed has complicated
human life, it has brought about more benefits that improve man’s living standards. For
instance, there are no lines to wait in or cashiers to track in online shopping. Online shops give
us the opportunity to shop 24/7, and also reward us with a ‘no pollution’ shopping experience.
Convenience is the biggest perk, it opens the doors to products and services that may not be
available at a nearby brick-and-mortar store. Furthermore, online shopping eliminates many of
the challenges individuals with disabilities face when shopping at physical stores. For the 13.3
per cent of people with disabilities in Singapore, just finding reliable transportation for shopping
is a big challenge. One survey found individuals with disabilities are twice as likely to lack
transportation as their non-disabled peers. Scarcity of accessible parking, lack of elevators, and
high product shelves are shopping challenges that affect those having difficulty walking,
climbing stairs, or who use a wheelchair, cane, or walker. Online shopping eliminates many of
these common challenges, giving those with disabilities equal access to shopping. As such, the
application of science has improved human standards of living by providing a more convenient
and easier lifestyle.

Advances in medical science have provided cures for a wide range of debilitating diseases,
newer and more effective methods of cure and treatment are now available helping humans to
live longer, healthier and with more satisfaction. Thanks to medical research, there have been
numerous remarkable breakthroughs in medical treatment and care of various diseases. In the
18th century, people suffered greatly from diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria and polio.
Through intensive medical research, scientists discovered that these were caused by bacteria,
viruses and other microbes. This discovery made it possible to isolate the organisms and
develop vaccines to prevent disease occurrence. Medical science hence saved numerous lives
and improved human living, by giving us a healthier body, making life better. These medical
breakthroughs are not outdated. To date, vaccines have saved millions of lives across the globe
and have virtually eliminated diseases that once threatened humankind. Not only so, the
advancement in medical science has also made medicine more accessible. According to a
statistic found by the world health organisation, 94% of the world’s population do have access to
essential health services. From the COVID-19 vaccine to normal painkillers like Panadol,
science makes treatment nearer to humans, making it simpler to maintain health. Science
discoveries have helped improve the lives of millions of people in the world, we can now provide
better care and disease management allowing people to live longer.

On a personal level, scientific knowledge factors into our everyday decision-making, helping us
to make better decisions. Science has implications for issues we face every day while it does
not dictate which choice is the right one, it does give us important background knowledge to
inform our decisions. One hundred and seventy years ago, hand-washing was not an everyday
ritual even for doctors. However, since then, biologists have developed the germ theory of
disease, and research has shown that hand-washing prevents the spread of infection. A 2005
study found that promoting handwashing among children in low-income areas could reduce the
incidence of diseases like pneumonia by fifty per cent. Though washing one’s hands might
seem like a simple habit today, it is so commonplace only because scientific knowledge has
emphasized its benefits. Everyday applications of scientific knowledge, apart from the
ubiquitous technology people constantly use, are many and diverse. An understanding of solar
radiation can prevent a painful sunburn, an awareness of inertia is part of safe driving and a
grasp of number theory and statistics saves money on lottery tickets. Scientific knowledge
maximizes individual comfort, saving us a lot of trouble.

To conclude, though the drawback of science has resulted in several inconveniences to

humans, it is largely the misuse and addiction of science that causes so. Science has influenced
most aspects of everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, transportation, leisure activities
and more, improving human life at every level, from individual comfort to global issues. The
application of science has brought about numerous benefits, improving living quality, making our
life better and easier.

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