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Name:Keira Elleonora Tjhoa



I. Apparatus, Materials and Tools

No List of Apparatus Quantity

1 - -

No List of Materials and Tools Quantity


II. Work Procedure

1. Siapkan semua alat dan bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan
2. Bolongi bagian bawah mineral cup menggunakan cutter agar bagian bawah telor
dapat masuk dan terkena air dengan mudah
3. Kelupasi cangkang bagian bawah pada telur mentah, tetapi jangan sampai selaput
pada telor pecah atau robek hingga lapisan selaput ukuran nya agak besar.
4. Lalu pada ujung telor yang lancip , buatlah lubang kecil sebesar diameter sedotan
yang akan digunakan menggunakan jarum pentul
5. Setelah itu , gambar garis pada sedotan dengan ukuran per 1cm hingga 8 cm
6. Sebelum memasukan sedotan pada telor , nyalakan lilin untuk merekatkan sedotan
pada telor
7. Saat sedotan dan telor sudah direkatkan dengan lilin yang meleleh, bagian bawah
telor dapat di masukan ke dalam mineral cup yang sudah di bolongi , hingga selaput
pada telor menyentuh atau terendam air di dalam mineral cup nya.
8. Amati dan tunggu hingga cairan telur naik ke atas sedotan selama 30 menit

III. Result Table

No Duration Length Figure

1. 10 menit 1.5 cm
Name:Keira Elleonora Tjhoa

2. 16 menit 3 ,1cm

3. 20 mnt 4,2cm

4. 30 mnt 6,8 cm

IV. Discussion
Observational data were analyzed with a qualitative description, namely describing the
result of experiment and relating them to the relevant theoretical and research bases.

Passive Transport
Passive transport in biology refers to the movement of substances across a cell membrane
without the cell expending energy to facilitate the process. This movement occurs due to
the natural physical properties of molecules and the concentration gradients across the
membrane. Passive transport plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of various
molecules and ions inside and outside of cells.

Osmosis refers to the movement of solvent molecules (usually water) through a selectively
permeable membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher
solute concentration. This movement occurs to equalize the concentration of solute on
Name:Keira Elleonora Tjhoa

both sides of the membrane. Osmosis is a fundamental concept in biology and chemistry
and plays a crucial role in various natural and artificial processes.

In this process, water flows from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher
solute concentration within a cell or structure, driven by the concentration gradient. This
can lead to swelling or expansion (lisis in animal cell) of the cell or structure as it takes in

V. Conclusions

In this experiment, the egg represents an animal cell, and the water acts as the hypotonic
solution. Osmosis occurs as water molecules move from the area of lower solute
concentration (the water outside the egg) to the area of higher solute concentration (the
egg's contents).As water enters the egg, it creates a pressure against the eggshell, causing
the egg to swell and increase in size. This demonstrates the process of osmosis, where
water moves to balance the concentration of solutes on both sides of the eggshell.

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