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Scoring Criteria for Categories of the Areas of Strategic Implementation

1 Health Literacy

Provide a 1-page narrative briefly illustrating the organization’s profile, as well as its program or initiative. Include in the narrative the (1) community’s needs/problems that the program/initiative addressed,
(2) objectives of the program/initiative, and (3) corresponding strategies to meet the objectives.

0 1 2 MOV

Reach No documented proof of the Campaign only has EITHER Campaign has BOTH offline ● Proof of reach in the community (Event documentation,
campaign presented an offline or online presence and online (website, FB page, documentation of installation, turnover ceremonies, sign-up sheets,
TikTok account, etc) presence townhalls, etc)
● Proof of online presence - active accounts on Facebook, Instagram,
TikTok, YouTube, etc.

Community Marginalized sector/s of the Key sectoral partners are Key sectoral partners are ● Documentation of meetings and consultations, e.g. minutes of
Empowerment community are not involved in involved in certain parts of actively involved in the entire meetings, online meeting documentation, attendance sheets, etc.
the planning of the campaign project management of the project management of the ● Surveys of feedback, insights, comments, suggestions from target
campaign campaign audience and community members who participate in the
intervention/activities through established feedback mechanisms and
makes periodic changes to the intervention as needed

Impact Campaign identifies target Campaign identifies target Campaign identifies target ● Documented proof of impact in the community, such as improved
indicator to gauge impact indicator to gauge impact, but indicator to gauge impact, and health literacy survey scores, uptake of services in health centers, etc
has not met target is able to meet this target

Scalability and Campaign does not have a Campaign has a guide / Campaign has a guide / ● Shows sustainability through LGU support – ordinances, adoption
Sustainability guide / playbook to allow it to playbook for replication in playbook for replication in into development plans, investment plans, etc.
be replicated in other areas other areas, but materials are other areas, and materials are ● Documented sustainability of advocacies through adoption of
not yet readily available to readily available to scale up or community members
scale up or replicate replicate ● Ease of replication

Innovation Does not use emerging Uses emerging technology, or Uses emerging technology, or ● Proof of use of emerging technologies or novel strategies in
technology, nor does it use a uses old technology but with a uses old technology but with a implementing the project or initiative
novel strategy with old novel strategy, but has not novel strategy, and has ● Overcomes obstacles in implementing, such as cost and
technology; has not overcome demonstrated overcoming demonstrated overcoming human/personnel requirement through narrative reports
obstacles in implementation obstacles in implementation obstacles in implementation
2 Healthy Settings

Provide a 1-page narrative briefly illustrating the organization’s profile, as well as its program or initiative. Include in the narrative the (1) community’s needs/problems that the program/initiative addressed, (2)
objectives of the program/initiative, and (3) corresponding strategies to meet the objectives.

0 1 2 MOV

Reach No proof presented of the provides proof of intervention provides proof of intervention ● Proof of reach in the community attendance sheets; soft copies of
intervention / program being installation, and at least has installation and also proof of communication materials distributed; minutes; policies passed and
implemented limited use by the community widespread use by the disseminated; reports; photo/video documentation of events, meetings,
(<50% community population community (50% or more are orientations, etc.
are using) using the

Community Marginalized sector and the Key sectoral partners are Key sectoral partners are ● Documentation of meetings and consultations, e.g. minutes of meetings,
Empowerment NGO/CSO are not involved involved in certain parts of actively involved in the entire online meeting documentation, attendance sheets, etc.
in the planning of the the development process of development process of the ● Surveys of feedback, insights, comments, suggestions from target
initiative the initiative initiative audience and community members who participate in the
intervention/activities through established feedback mechanisms and
makes periodic changes to the intervention as needed

Impact Initiative does not present Initiative can present baseline Initiative can present baseline ● Regular data collection and analysis is conducted and results are
baseline data to gauge impact health information to gauge health information to gauge presented to stakeholders
impact, but target impact impact, and target impact
result is not met result is met

Scalability and Intervention implementation Intervention implementation Intervention implementation ● Shows sustainability through LGU support – ordinances, annual
Sustainability does not have a guide / has a guide / playbook for has a guide / playbook for resource allocation, adoption into development plans, investment plans,
playbook to allow it to be replication in other areas, but replication in other areas, and etc.
replicated in other areas materials are not yet readily materials are readily available ● Documented sustainability of advocacies through adoption of
available to scale up or to scale up or replicate community members
replicate ● Ease of replication

Innovation Does not use emerging Uses emerging technology, or Uses emerging technology, or ● Proof of use of emerging technologies or novel strategies in
technology, nor does it use a uses old technology but with uses old technology but with implementing the project or initiative
novel strategy with old a novel strategy, but has not a novel strategy, and has ● Overcomes obstacles in implementing, such as cost and
technology; has not overcome demonstrated overcoming demonstrated overcoming human/personnel requirement through narrative reports
obstacles in implementation obstacles in implementation obstacles in implementation
3 Healthy Governance

Provide a 1-page narrative briefly illustrating the organization’s profile, as well as its program or initiative. Include in the narrative the (1) community’s needs/problems that the program/initiative addressed, (2)
objectives of the program/initiative, and (3) corresponding strategies to meet the objectives.

0 1 2 MOV

Advocacy No advocacy target set Partner has set sectoral Partner has set and achieved ● Attendance sheets; minutes of meetings; documentation of policy
targets, but its targets have not its sectoral targets updates; reports; photo/video documentation of events, meetings,
been met orientations, etc.

Community Partners is not involved in the Key sectoral partners are Key sectoral partners are ● Promotes or advocates for inclusive policies and practices such as
Empowerment development of the policy, consulted for development of actively involved in the entire gender, age, ethnicity and ability
standard, or research certain sections of the policy, development of the policy, ● Mobilizes community members to engage in local governance processes
standard, or research standard, or research ● Mobilizes community members to achieve the defined goals of the

Impact Partner’s efforts have not led Partner’s efforts led to Partner’s efforts led to the ● Documentation towards the advancement of passage of bills,
to any advancements in the advancements in the passage passage of bills into law, or implementation in LGU’s, etc.
passage of bills into law, or of bills into law, or nearing implementation of policies in
nearing implementation in implementation in LGUs and LGUs and the like
LGUs or the like the like

Scalability and Partner is not accredited by an Partner is accredited by an Partner is accredited by an ● Accreditation documents
Sustainability LGU or NGA LGU or NGA, but has no LGU or NGA, and has a ● Signed partnership agreements
formal partnership agreement formal partnership agreement
with them regarding the policy with them regarding the policy

Innovation Does not use a novel idea or Uses a novel idea or strategy Uses a novel idea or strategy ● Proof of use of emerging technologies or novel strategies in
strategy with the policy, with the policy, standard or with the policy, standard or implementing the project or initiative
standard or research; has not research, but has not research, and has ● Overcomes obstacles in implementing, such as cost and
overcome obstacles in demonstrated overcoming demonstrated overcoming human/personnel requirement through narrative reports
implementation obstacles in implementation obstacles in implementation
4 Citizenship

Narrative (Present the organization’s profile, and its relevant programs, activities and projects. Include the following information: (a) community’s needs/problems that the program addressed, (b) objectives of
the program, (c) corresponding strategies to meet the objectives ):

Criteria Description Links to MOV

Data - before and after information to show the improvement

due to the interventions

Promotion of People’s Participation What are the inclusive policies pursued related to gender, age, ethnicity and ability?
and Empowerment (40%) How are the community members mobilized to engage in local governance processes and
achieve the defined goals of the organization?
How is the exercise of civil and political rights protected and promoted to maximize the use of
available democratic spaces?

Positive results and impact (20%) How does the organization demonstrate persistence or stick-to-itiveness to achieve the defined
goals of the organization?

Innovation (20%) What is the new approach to solving adaptive challenges such as new ways of engaging
stakeholders or implementing solutions?
How did new strategies or approaches help overcome challenges or obstacles to achieving the
defined goals?

Sustainability (20%) Is there support from LGUs through ordinances and plans?
Is there ownership among community members and stakeholders?
Can the program easily be replicated in other areas?

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