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Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the box provided

after each number.

1. He is best known as a natural philosopher in the field of chemistry.
a. Robert Boyle b. Jacques Charles c. Isaac Newton d. Michael Faraday
2. He is a French and a first chemist to ascend in a hydrogen balloon with Nicholas Robert in 1783.
a. Robert Boyle b. Jacques Charles c. Isaac Newton d. Michael Faraday
3. Boyle’s law states that ________.
a. the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure c. the temperature of a gas varies inversely with pressure
b. the volume of a gas varies directly with pressure d. the temperature of a gas varies directly with pressure

4. Charles’ law states that ________.

a. the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature in Kelvins
b. the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvins
c. the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvins
d. the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature in Kelvins
5. As the temperature of a fixed volume of a gas increase, the pressure will ______.
a. varies inversely b. decrease c. not change d. increase
6. The general formula of Combined Gas Law is: ___________.
a. V2P2T1 = V2P2T1 b. V2P1T1 = V1P2T2 c. V1P1T2 = V1P2T1 d. V1P1T2 = V2P2T1
7. What is the kinetic energy of the gas?
(R = 8.314 )
mol x K
a. 4.99kJ b. 9.98kJ c. 49.2kJ d. 98.4kJ
8.A vessel is filled with a gas at a pressure of 76 cm of mercury at a certain temperature. The mass of the gas is
increased by 50% by introducing more gas in the vessel at the same temperature. The resultant pressure in cmHg is:
a. 76 b. 152 c. 114 d. 1117
9. A gas mixture consist of 2 moles of oxygen and 4 moles of Argon at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational
modes, the total energy of the system is _____.
a. 4RT b. 5RT c. 15RT d. 11RT
10. Which of the following parameters is the same for molecules of all gases at a given temperature?
a. Mass b. Speed c. Momentum d. Kinetic Energy
11. Which of the following molecules are classified as carbohydrates?
a. nucleotides b. fatty acids c. amino acids d. sugars
12. Polysaccharides are _____________.
a. lipids b. carbohydrates c. proteins d. nucleic acids
13. Which molecules are most closely related to proteins?
a. nucleotides b. fatty acids c. amino acids d. sugars
15. Which molecules are most closely related to lipids?
a. nucleotides b. fatty acids c. amino acids d. sugars
16. Glucose + Fructose = ______________
a. Table sugar b. Maltose c. Lactose d. Galactose
17. The energy storage in animal is called ______________.
a. Cellulose b. Glycogen c. Starch d. Glucose
18. Cellulose: plant cell wall; Starch: energy storage in _________
a. plants b. animals c. Cellulose d. Cell wall
19. It is the most abundant and important organic molecules.
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Nucleic Acids d. Lipids
20. The basic building blocks of proteins is called ________.
a. Atom b. Amino acids c. Molecules d. Polypeptide
21. A gas occupies 1.56L at 1.00atm. What will be its volume at a pressure of 2.50atm?
a. 0.59 L b. 0.60 L c. 0.61 L d. 0.62 L
22. If a gas at 25.0oC occupies 3.60L at a pressure of 1.00atm, what will be its volume at a pressure of
a. 1.44 L b. 1.45 L c. 1.46 L d. 1.47 L
23. A gas has a volume of 5.00L at 127 0C. what will be its volume if its temperature increases to 277
a. 6.84 L b. 6.85 L c. 6.86 L d. 6.87 L
24. A 600.0mL sample of nitrogen is warmed from 77.0 0C to 86.0 0C. Find its new volume if the
pressure remains constant.
a. 0.62 L b. 0.64 L c. 0.66 L d. 0.68 L
25. A gas has a pressure of 4.00atm at 30.0 0C. What will be its pressure if the temperature increases to
79.0 0C?
a. 3.64 b. 4.65 atm c. 5.66 atm d. 6.67 atm
26. Determine the pressure change when a constant volume of gas at 1.00atm is heated from
20.0 0C to 30.0 0C.
a. 0.03 atm b. 0.04 atm c. 1.02 d. 1.03 atm
27. If you initially have a gas at a pressure of 12atm, a volume of 23L, and a temperature of 200K, and
then you raise the pressure to 14atm and increase the temperature to 300K, what is the new volume of the gas?
a. 29.57 L b. 29.58 L c. 29.59 L d. 29.60 L
28. A gas takes up a volume of 17L, has a pressure of 2.3atm, and a temperature of 299K. If you raise
the temperature to 350K and lower the pressure to 1.5atm, what is the new volume of the gas?
b. 30.51 L b. 31.51 L c. 32.51 L d. 33.51 L
29. How many moles of CO2 are in a 5.6L sample of CO2 at STP?
a. 0.25 mol of CO2 b. 0.30 mol of CO2 c. 0.35 mol of CO2 d. 0.40 mol of CO2
30. How many moles of Cl2 are in a 10.0L sample of Cl2 at STP?
a. 0.45 mol of Cl2 b. 0.55 mol of Cl2 c. 0.65 mol of Cl2 d. 0.75 mol of Cl2
31. What are the coefficients that will balance the skeleton equation? AlC 3 + NaOH →Al(OH3 + NaCl?
a. 1,3,1,3 b. 3,1,3,1 c. 1,1,1,3 d. 1,3,3,1
32. In every balanced chemical equation, each side of the equation has the same number of __.
a. Atom in each element b. molecules c. moles d. coefficients
33. When the equation Fe + C12 → FeCl3 is balanced, what is the coefficient for Cl2?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
34. What are the missing coefficients of the skeleton equation below?
Al2(SO4)3 (aq) KOH (aq) → Al(OHaq) K2 SO4 (aq)
a. 1,3,2,3 b. 2,12,4,6 c. 4,6,2,3 d. 1,6,2,3
35. The combination above is an example of what type of chemical reaction?
a. combination b. decomposition c. single displacement d. double displacement
36. The type of reaction that takes place when one element reacts with a compound to form a new compound and
a different element is a ________ reaction.
a. combination b. decomposition c. single displacement d. double displacement
37. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Nucleic Acids d. Molecules
38. Which of the following is a balanced equation representing the decomposition of lead (IV) oxide?
a. PbO2 → Pb + 2O b. PbO2 → Pb + O2 c. Pb2O → 2Pb + O d. PbO → Pb + O2
39. A chemical reaction is a process in which:
a. products change into reactants c. substances change state
b. the law of conversion of mass applies d. all of the above
40. Chemical reactions _______________.
a. occur only in living things c. create and destroy atoms
b. produce new substances d. only occur outside living organisms

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