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IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

The Speaking Test

The Speaking test is a crucial part of the IELTS and is designed to assess your verbal
communication skills in English. Here’s a comprehensive overview to give you a clear
understanding of what to expect.

The Speaking section is divided into three parts:

Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)

Long Turn (3-4 minutes)

Discussion (4-5 minutes)

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

First, the examiner will introduce themselves and ask you to introduce yourself.

This part involves questions about familiar topics such as your hobbies, work,
studies, daily routine, and family.

It serves as a warm-up phase to make you more comfortable.


Offer more than just short answers. Elaborate by providing some details or

Speak clearly and maintain a steady pace.

Part 2: Long Turn

In this part, you will receive a task card that presents a topic with prompts.

You have one minute to prepare and jot down notes.

You are required to speak on the topic for 1-2 minutes.


Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

Make efficient use of the one-minute preparation time by jotting down key points.

Try to address all the prompts provided on the task card.

Monitor the time, but don’t be overly concerned if the examiner interrupts you after
2 minutes.

Part 3: Discussion

Here, the examiner will pose questions that are connected to the topic from Part 2.

These questions tend to be more challenging and may encompass opinions,

arguments, or societal concerns.


Give in-depth answers with pertinent examples or explanations.

If needed, take a brief moment to organize your thoughts before answering.

Speak naturally and be cautious of sounding too rehearsed.

Don't hesitate to ask the examiner for clarification if a question is unclear.

General Tips:

Prior to the test, practice speaking English with friends or through language
exchange programs.

Focus on communicating your thoughts clearly rather than on using extremely

sophisticated vocabulary.

If you make a minor error, quickly correct yourself but don’t get sidetracked by it.

Remain composed and try to regard the conversation as enjoyable.

Keep in mind that the IELTS speaking test not only evaluates your language skills but
also your ability to communicate your ideas effectively. Aim for clarity, conciseness,
and logical progression in your responses. Good luck!

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

‫‪IELTS with Ahmed Salem‬‬
‫‪WhatsApp group‬‬

‫ينقسم قسم المحادثة إلى ثالثة أجزاء‪:‬‬

‫المقدمة والمقابلة (‪ 5-4‬دقائق)‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫التحدث الطويل (‪ 4-3‬دقائق)‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫المناقشة (‪ 5-4‬دقائق)‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫الجزء األول‪ :‬المقدمة والمقابلة‬

‫أوالً‪ ،‬سيقدم الممتحن نفسه ويطلب منك أن تقدم نفسك‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫يتضمن هذا الجزء أسئلة حول موضوعات مألوفة مثل هواياتك‪ ،‬وعملك‪ ،‬ودراستك‪ ،‬والروتين‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اليومي‪ ،‬وعائلتك‪.‬‬
‫يعمل كمرحلة إحماء لجعلك أكثر راحة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫قدم إجابات أكثر من كونها قصيرة‪ .‬قدم تفاصيل أو أمثلة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تحدث بوضوح وحافظ على سرعة ثابتة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫الجزء الثاني‪ :‬التحدث الطويل‬

‫في هذا الجزء‪ ،‬ستتلقى بطاقة مهمة تحتوي على موضوع مع دعوات للتحدث‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫لديك دقيقة واحدة للتحضير وتدوين المالحظات‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫عليك التحدث عن الموضوع لمدة ‪ 2-1‬دقيقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫استخدم وقت التحضير الذي يبلغ دقيقة واحدة بحكمة عن طريق تدوين النقاط الرئيسية‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حاول معالجة جميع النقاط المذكورة في بطاقة المهمة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫راقب الوقت‪ ،‬ولكن ال تقلق إذا قاطعك الممتحن بعد مرور دقيقتين‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫الجزء الثالث‪ :‬المناقشة‬

‫هنا‪ ،‬سيطرح الممتحن أسئلة مرتبطة بالموضوع من الجزء الثاني‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تكون هذه األسئلة عادة أكثر تحديًا وقد تشمل آراء‪ ،‬حجج‪ ،‬أو مخاوف المجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫قدم إجابات معمقة مع أمثلة أو توضيحات ذات صلة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫إذا كنت بحاجة‪ ،‬خذ لحظة وجيزة لتنظيم أفكارك قبل اإلجابة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫تحدث بطريقة طبيعية واحذر من ان تبدوا كأنك تحفظ األجابات‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.‬‬

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

.‫ في طلب التوضيح من الممتحن إذا كانت السؤال غير واضح‬Q‫ال تتردد‬ 

:‫نصائح عامة‬

.‫ قم بالتدريب على التحدث باإلنجليزية مع األصدقاء أو من خالل برامج تبادل اللغات‬،‫قبل االختبار‬ 
.‫ركز على التواصل بوضوح بدالً من استخدام مفردات معقدة للغاية‬ 
.‫ صحح نفسك بسرعة ولكن ال تنشغل بذلك‬،‫إذا ارتكبت خطأ طفيف‬ 
Q.‫ظل هادًئ ا وحاول أن تعتبر المحادثة ممتعة‬ 
‫ بل يقيم أيضً ا‬،‫ضع في اعتبارك أن اختبار المحادثة في اآليلتس ال يقيم مهاراتك في اللغة فحسب‬ 
‫ حظا‬.‫ حاول التواصل بوضوح واختصار وتطور منطقي في ردودك‬.‫قدرتك على التواصل بفعالية‬


In the IELTS Speaking test, it's important to use a range of vocabulary

to demonstrate your language skills. However, it's also important to use
vocabulary that you are comfortable with and can use accurately. Here is
a list of some reliable vocabulary that can be versatile and effective
across various topics in the IELTS Speaking test:

 Significantly: to indicate something is considerable or important.

 Trend: a general direction in which something is developing or
 Enhance: to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.
 Efficient: working in a well-organized and competent way.
 Impact: the effect or influence of one thing on another.
 Factor: a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result.
 Cultural diversity: a range of different societies or peoples with
different origins, religions, and traditions.
 Globalization: the process by which businesses or other organizations
develop international influence or start operating on an international

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

 Challenges: demanding tasks or situations that require effort to be

dealt with.
 Innovative: featuring new methods; advanced and original.
 Perspective: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding
something; a point of view.
 Sustainable: able to be maintained at a certain rate or level;
conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural
 Contribute: to give something, especially money, in order to provide or
achieve something together with other people.
 Networking: interact with others to exchange information and develop
professional or social contacts.
 Opportunity: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do
 Engage: to participate or become involved in.
 Access: the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place.
 Collaboration: the action of working with someone to produce
 Benefits: an advantage or profit gained from something.
 Alternative: one of two or more available possibilities.
 Analyze - examine in detail
 Categorize - classify or sort into categories
 Evaluate - assess or judge the quality or value of something
 Interpret - explain the meaning or significance of something
 Demonstrate - show or prove something clearly
 Illustrate - provide examples or visuals to explain or clarify
 Elaborate - expand or provide more details
 Contrast - compare and highlight differences
 Compare - examine for similarities and differences
 Comprehend - understand or grasp the meaning of something
 Distinguish - recognize or differentiate between things
 Inquire - ask for information or investigate
 Examine - inspect or scrutinize in detail
 Investigate - conduct a thorough examination or research
 Emphasize - give special importance or focus to something
 Suggest - propose or recommend an idea or solution

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

 Recommend - advise or suggest as the best course of action

 Advocate - support or promote a cause or idea
 Dispute - argue or debate a claim or assertion
 Predict - forecast or estimate a future event or outcome
 Modify - make partial or minor changes to something
 Influence - have an effect on the character or development of
 Contribute - provide or give something to a cause or effort
 Transform - change in form, nature, or appearance
 Preserve - protect or maintain in its original or existing state
 Impose - enforce or establish by authority
 Generate - create, produce, or bring about
 Alleviate - reduce or make less severe
 Stimulate - encourage or prompt activity or development
 Substantiate - provide evidence or proof for a claim or idea
 Facilitate - make a process or action easier or more efficient
 Implement - put into effect or action
 Incorporate - include or integrate something as part of a whole
 Promote - support or encourage the progress or growth of something
 Foster - nurture or encourage the development of something
 Reinforce - strengthen or support an idea or behavior
 Evoke - bring forth or elicit a response or feeling
 Manifest - display or show a quality or feeling
 Perceive - become aware or understand something through the senses
 Compose - create or write something, especially music or literature
 Acquire - gain or obtain something
 Adapt - adjust or modify to fit new circumstances or conditions
 Innovate - introduce new ideas, methods, or technologies
 Reveal - disclose or make known
 Resolve - find a solution or come to a decision
 Utilize - make use of or employ something effectively
 Sustain - maintain or support over time
 Exhibit - display or show in a public setting
 Procure - obtain or acquire through effort or action
 Attain - achieve or reach a goal or objective

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

 Remember to familiarize yourself with the definitions and synonyms of

these words and practice using them appropriately in your spoken

 Remember to also make use of descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and

different verb forms. Make sure to practice using these words in
sentences and in mock speaking sessions. Being comfortable with a
range of vocabulary will help you perform more confidently in the
IELTS Speaking test.


Finally, here are some important grammar rules and tips to keep in mind
for the speaking exam in IELTS:

 Use a variety of sentence structures: Try to incorporate different

sentence types such as simple, compound, and complex sentences to
demonstrate your language proficiency.

 Use a mix of verb tenses: Show your ability to use different verb
tenses accurately and appropriately. This includes present, past,
future, present perfect, and past perfect tenses.

 Subject-verb agreement: Ensure that the subject and verb in a

sentence agree in terms of number (singular/plural). For example, "He
likes" (singular) vs. "They like" (plural).

 Pronoun usage: Use pronouns correctly, ensuring they agree in number

and gender with their antecedents. Avoid excessive repetition of
nouns by using pronouns appropriately.

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

 Articles (a, an, the): Pay attention to when to use definite (the) and
indefinite articles (a/an). Use the appropriate article based on
whether the noun is specific or general.

 Prepositions: Use prepositions correctly to indicate relationships in

time, place, and manner. Pay attention to common prepositions such as
in, on, at, by, with, etc.

 Word order: Follow the standard word order in English sentences

(subject-verb-object) unless using specific sentence structures such
as questions or inverted sentences.

 Modal verbs: Utilize modal verbs (e.g., can, could, may, might, must,
should) to express ability, possibility, obligation, or advice. Use them
appropriately based on the context.

 Conditional sentences: Demonstrate your knowledge of conditional

sentence structures, including first, second, and third conditionals, to
express hypothetical or unreal situations.

 Linking words: Use linking words and phrases (e.g., moreover, however,
therefore, in addition) to connect ideas and create coherence in your

 Avoid run-on sentences: Ensure that your sentences are not overly
long or complicated, as this can affect clarity and coherence. Use
appropriate punctuation to avoid run-on sentences.

 Paraphrasing: Showcase your ability to rephrase or paraphrase ideas

instead of using the same words repeatedly. This demonstrates a
broader vocabulary range.

 Avoid slang and informal language: Use formal and appropriate

language for the speaking test. Avoid excessive use of colloquial
expressions or slang.

 Practice sentence stress and intonation: Pay attention to the stress

and intonation patterns in sentences to enhance your spoken fluency
and convey meaning effectively.

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

IELTS with Ahmed Salem
WhatsApp group

 Fluency over accuracy: While accuracy is important, fluency and the

ability to express ideas clearly and confidently are equally crucial.
Don't be too focused on avoiding all mistakes.

 Remember to practice these grammar rules and tips in your speaking

practice sessions to become more comfortable and confident in your
language skills for the IELTS speaking exam.

Practise as much as possible and build up your vocabulary by keeping a record.

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