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BAKIL, Aliza A.

August 29, 2023

Ateneo De Zamboanga University

College of Nursing

What is Your Planning Style? Individually write a plan for the current year. How would
you describe your planning? What type of planner are you? Write a brief essay that
describes your planning style. Use specific examples.

“If you don’t challenge yourself you will never see what you can become”. Throughout
my life, I have encountered the chance to experience the position of being a leader, as a
student. A student leader is nevertheless faced with several obstacles in the learning
environment that encourage hands-on experience. I am a type of leader who is always positive
and cheers others on to achieve their goals, and also as a whole team. There are different
types of planning but after reading the materials, I believe that strategic planning is where I fit
the most. Based on the reading materials that I’ve read. Strategic planning, according to
DeSilets and Dickerson (2008, p. 196), "helps to separate daily management activities and
operations from break-through initiatives that can take the organization or unit to the next level."
When working in a group, I make sure that everyone is willing to cooperate effectively and that
everyone's time is dedicated to the achievement of the shared objective. similar to how I
consistently manage my work with my teammates. I make sure that we have a clear purpose,
that we have established a shared objective, and that we will work to attain that goal. I also
make sure that when making choices, every group member's initiative is taken into account. I
usually start by concentrating on the aims and purposes of the particular activity I am working
on, and only then do I move on to consider the likelihood or probability of achieving those goals.
Realistically, we all have our own skills and shortcomings that might sometimes make us
capable of accomplishing something but other times render us incapable. Because of this, as a
strategic planner, I make sure to take into account any outside variables that may have an
impact on the viability and accomplishment of my objectives. This includes the manpower on
hand, the financial capability and its restrictions, even my own creative side, and most
importantly, team work.
My current plan for this year. Goal: (a) Must obtain 3.5 above grade in every subject. (b)
obtain highest and passing scores in every examination. (c) review 1 book every month to
prepare myself for the board exam but prioritizing my health. Objectives: (a) Lessen mental
health issues and cramming (b) Be a top student (c) Open the door to future opportunities (d)
Prepared for the future board exam.
To accomplish my objectives without compromising my overall daily functioning or mental
wellness. Even when I have important goals at the end of the year, I want to be able to take
care of myself. I want to maintain my independence so that I can go out alone, enjoy a cup of
coffee, play online games, go to the gym, eat outside, movie dates, etc. Since I don't want to
look back and regret anything, the goal of all of this is for me to test my ability to bear pressure
BAKIL, Aliza A.
August 29, 2023

since as a future nurse, I will eventually have a lot of tasks to complete in the real world,
including saving lives and providing appropriate care for sick patients.
My planning has a mission (objectives) and specific goals as a way to accomplish those
objectives. I have strong planning because I have unique viewpoints and talents that help me
make decisions that will help me comprehend the issues I'm facing and apply the best solution
to my issue. It has to do with how I'll succeed academically and how I'll be able to do it. It covers
both short and long-term goals, such as achieving 3.5 above grade in every topic, receiving
good grades and passing all subjects, and being ready for the upcoming board licensure exam.
It also includes skills for handling high pressure situations and becoming adaptable in my
decision-making. I truly want to graduate with latin honors and get ready to ace the board exam
as a student nurse. I have more opportunities coming up. One day I'll realize that there are
people waiting for me who need my knowledge to live longer or to feel better, especially when
they're sick. I therefore have a mix of short-, medium-, and long-term objectives. I used SWOT
analysis to examine both internal and external aspects in relation to my goals. External
variables like threats and weaknesses could prevent me from becoming an honor student and
prevent me from being ready for the board exam. The time provided for the precise strategy I
wish to follow is mentioned in my plan. In a way that is suitable and convenient for me and my
team, I want to determine the order in which those goals should be achieved so that the
organization can realize the stated vision. Instead than relying on or concentrating on what is
less significant, leaders can develop or plan long-term through strategic planning by setting
ambitious goals. It functions as a sort of future road map. Even considering the range of
possibilities available to achieve a target involves strategic planning. Beyond utilizing individual
knowledge, strategic planning aims to foster a supportive atmosphere that can manage the
transition from the current difficulties encountered to a more resilient, wiser, and intelligent
group. Strategic planning is very effective in smaller firms, organizations, and companies as
well. It can also be applied to a person's personal objectives. To avoid cramming on the
deadline during the pandemic when I was left with no obligations or assignments, I can state
that I am utilizing strategic planning when I try to manage my online gaming. This way, I can
study books in advance. As a result, I could concentrate on my goal of playing online games for
30 to 60 minutes only when I had no other obligations for the year 2020. Another example,
Planning for the PNLE 2024 is another illustration. There are many things to catch up on, and
the exams are only a year away. I am aware that managing my schedule and getting a decent
night's sleep would be challenging, but I also understand the need of maintaining concentration
on my objectives. However, there is no guarantee that I will finish writing and studying, and I am
aware that this is a weakness and a threat to my goal. However, if other unforeseeable
occurrences do happen, I will remain flexible and resilient to find a solution as soon as possible
to prevent more issues with my goals. And I always remember the quote of Tonny Robbins,
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

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