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Academic Year 2023-24

First Mid Term
Class Two (02)
Social Studies and General Knowledge
Name: __________________________________ Total Marks: 20
Complete the following words. Marks: 05



1. E N __ I __ O N __ M E __ N __

2. E __ R __ H

3. M __ N M __ D E

4. S __ N L __ G __ H __

5. L __ V __ N G

Answer the following questions. Marks: 04

1. From where we get water?
i. __________________________________________________________________




2. What is an environment?
i. __________________________________________________________________




3. Identify from the following which of these are social elements and which are natural
element of our environment.
Marks: 06

Tree, Hills, Animals, Plants, School, River

a. __________________________________________________________________







4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.

i. Everything around us is our _________________________.

ii. Things made of nature belong to __________________________.

iii. There are _________________________ kinds of pollution.

iv. We use ____________________ for agriculture.

v. Polluted environment is _______________________ to our health.

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