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Reproduction in Animals

Very Short Answer Questions

Q1. What are the types of reproduction?

Q2. Why reproduction is an essential process?

Q3. What are male reproductive parts?

Q4. Name the organism which produces the largest eggs.

Q5. Define sexual reproduction.

Q6. What is reproduction?

Q7. Why fission in amoeba called binary fission?

Q8. Name the organs that produce sperms and ova in males and females, respectively.

Q9. What do you mean by fertilization? What is the result of a fertilization?

Q10. What are the different stages in the life cycle of a frog?

Short Answer Questions

Q1. What are gametes?

Q2. Why an individual has some characteristics of father and some of mother?

Q3. Write down the type of fertilization in (a) Frogs (b) Hens (c) Humans (d) Fish.

Q4. What is the difference between the eggs of a hen and of a frog?

Q5. Why frogs and fish produce a large number of gametes?

Q6. Describe the male reproductive organs in brief?

Q7. What are the differences between development of young ones in frogs and in humans?

Q8. Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction.

Q9. What is binary fission? Name the organism in which the binary fission is a method of reproduction.

Q10. Explain the process of budding. Name the organisms in which budding takes place.

Reproduction in Animals Page 1

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