Discussion Model of Communication

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 384-322 BC
 A Greek philosopher and writer
 Born in Stagira, northern Greece
 Studied physics, logic, mathematics etc.

Aristotle model of communication

 Considered as the first model of communication which was proposed before 300 B.C
 His model is the most widely accepted models of communication
 The main focus is the speaker and its speech
 Speaker-centered model
 This model is used to developed public speaking and create a propaganda (spreading info or
 For the disadvantage of this model
 There is no concept of feedback
 There is no concept of noise or a barrier

For the components of the model of Aristotle there are only four elements

Speaker – he is the center of the communication process

Speech- basically it is about persuading something or someone or influencing someone for that
information he is about to give
Audience- the listener during the speech
Effect-could be a positive or negative it depends upon the influence of the speaker to the audience


For instance, a politician (speaker) gives a speech to get votes from the civilians(audience) at the time of
election(occasion). The civilians only vote if they are influenced by the things the politician says in his
speech so the content must be very impressive to influence the mass and the speaker must design the
message very carefully.


Speech-speech to get votes from the civilians (he must prepare a speech to get the votes of the civilians)

Audience – civilians at the time of election

Effect – vote the politician (if the speaker has a very influential speech then the effect could be like
voting that politician.
Shannon-Weaver Model

CLAUDE ELWOOD SHANNON – was American mathematician and electrical engineer who laid the
theoretical foundations for digital circuits and information theory, a mathematical communication

 Created in 1948 when Claude Elwood Shannon wrote an article entitled “A Mathematical Theory
of Communication” in Bell System Technical Journal with Warren Weaver.
 The Mathematical Theory later came to be known as: Shannon-Weaver’s Model of
 Known as the “mother of all models” because of its wide popularity
 The model is also known as “Information Theory” or the Shannon Theory because Claude
Shannon was the main person who develop the theory
 Many believed this mathematical theory of communication was mainly developed by Claude
Shannon alone and Warren Weaver had a minimal role.
 It is often simply called the Shannon Information Theory in Science disciplines.

 Shannon develop the theory to improve understanding of communication via telephone and
eventually improve the quality of phones
 It was later used as a general theory of communications
 The model’s primary value is in explaining how messages are lost and distorted in the process

WARREN WEAVER – was an American scientist, mathematician, and science administrator. He is widely
recognized as one of the pioneers of machine, translation, and as an important figure in creating support
for science in the United States.

Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication

Sender (information source)

Encoder – (transmitter) the machine that converts the idea into signals that can be sent from the sender
to the receiver.

Channel (medium) the infrastructure that gets information from the sender and transmitter through to
the decoder and receiver.

Noise – interrupt the message

Decoder –

Receiver(destination) the end point

Feedback – (the response) this was not originally proposed by Shannon and Weaver in 1948. Norbert
Wiener came up with the feedback step in response to criticism of the linear communication.

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