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A 6.00kg wooden block whose initial speed is 8.00m/s slides on a smooth floor for 4.50m
before it comes to a stop. (a) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction. (b) How much force is
needed to keep the block moving at constant velocity across the floor?
Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad
0 = Vf^2 + 2ad
-Vi^2 = 2 ad
-8^2 = 2(a)(4.5)
64 = 9a
*divide both sides by 9*
a= 7.11

F= (6.00)(7.11)
Answer: F= 42.7 N

ma = μmg
μ = a/g
μ = 7.11/9.8
Answer: μ=0.73

You need to move a 95.0kg sofa to a different location in the room. It takes 405N force to
start the sofa moving. What is the coefficient of static friction between the sofa and the
Given: m= 95.0kg, F= 405N, μ=?
ma = μmg
μ= ma/mg
μ= 405/[95(9.8)]
Answer: μ= 0.44

The record for the longest skid marks on a public highway was set in 1960 by a jaguar on
the M1 highway in England. The marks were 290m long. If the coefficient of friction is
0.50, how fast was the car going when the wheels became locked?

Given: d=290m, μ=0.50

ma = μmg
a= μg
a= 4.9

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad

Vi = sqrt of [2(4.9) (290)]
Answer: Vi = 53.3 m/s
Chichay, who has a mass of 45.0kg, starts down a slide that is inclined at an angle of 40
degrees with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction between her shorts and the slide
is 0.25, what is her acceleration?

Given: m=45 kg, θ= 40 degrees, μ=0.25

ma = mg sin (θ) - μ (mg cos (θ)
*divide both sides by m*
a = g sin (θ) - μ (g cos (θ)
a = 9.8 sin (40) - 0.25 (9.8 cos (40)
Answer: a= 4.42 m/s/s

A rope pulls a 63.0kg box up a 40-degree incline with a tension 500N. If the acceleration
of the box is 5.20m/s2, what is the coefficient of friction between the box and the floor?

Given: m=63.0kg, θ=40 degrees, a=5.20, T=500N

ma= T cos(θ) - μ[mg - T sin(θ)]
327.6 = 500 cos (40) - μ[617.4 - 500 sin (40)]
327.6 - 500 cos (40) = - μ[617.4 - 500 sin (40)]
*divide both sides by [617.4 - 500 sin (40)]*
Answer: μ=0.19

A force of 35.0N parallel to a concrete surface is required to start a 6.00kg block resting
on the surface to move.
(a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface?
(b) By maintaining this force, the block accelerates at a constant rate of 0.60m/s/s. What
is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

Given: (a): F=35.0N, m=6.00kg, (b): a=0.60m/s/s

a.) F = μmg
μ= F/mg
Answer: μ=0.60

b.) ma = Fa - μmg
6(0.60) = 35 - μ(6.00)(9.8)
3.6 = 35 - μ(58.8)
μ(58.8) = 35 - 3.6
μ(58.8) = 31.4
*divide both sides by 58.8*
Answer: μ=0.53

Relative to the force needed to keep a box moving at constant velocity across a floor, to
start the box moving usually needs ___________.
Answer: more force

Friction increases with _______.

Answer: weight

The coefficient of kinetic friction between two oiled surfaces is _________.

Answer: 0.03

The µ between wood and concrete is 0.6. The force needed to set a 40-kg crate in motion
on a concrete floor is _________.
Formula: Fnet = μmg
Answer: 235N

All of the materials below can help reduce friction except ___________.
Choices: Water, Sand, Lubricants, Ball Bearings
Answer: sand

A 50.0-kg sack of rice is pushed downward with a uniform speed across a horizontal floor
by a force directed 45 degrees below the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.25.
Find the magnitude of the force.

Given: m=50kg, θ=45 degrees, μ=0.25

0=Fcos(θ) - μ[ W - sin(θ) ]
0=Fcos(45) - 0.25[490 - F sin(45)]
-Fcos(45) - 0.25 F sin(45) = -0.25(490)
* divide both sides by -0.25 sin(45) - cos (45)*
Answer: 231 N
A 68.00-kg crate is dragged across a floor by pulling on a rope inclined 15o above the
horizontal. If µ is 0.50, what is the tension in the rope is required to start the crate

Given: m=68.00kg, θ=45 15, μ=0.50

Formula: 0 = T cos(θ) - μ[W - T sin(θ)]
0 = T cos (15) - 0.5[68(9.8) - T sin (15)]
0= T cos (15) - 333.2 - 0.5 [T sin (15)]
333.2 = T [cos (15) + 0.5 sin (15)]
*divide both sides by [cos(15) + 0.5 sin(15)]
T= 304.2 N

At an animal circus show, a 92.0-kg sea lion slides down a wet incline at an angle of 40
degrees to the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction between the lion and the slide is
0.04, How far will the lion travel in 0.950s starting from rest?

Given: m=92.0kg, θ=45, μ=0.04, t=0.950s

Formula: ma= mg sin(θ) - μ (mg cos (θ)
a = g sin (θ) - μ (g cos (θ)
a = 9.8 sin(40) - 0.04[9.8 cos(40)]
a = 6.00 m/s/s

d= Vi(t) + at^2/2
d= at^2/2
d= [6.00(0.950)^2] / 2
Answer: d= 2.71m

A 40.0-kg sled is pulled along a horizontal surface by a 130-N tension force of a rope
directed 37 degrees above the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is 0.20, what time is
required to increase the sled’s speed from zero to 4.00m/s?

Given: m=40.0kg, T= 130N, θ= 37 degrees, μ= 0.20, Vf= 4.00 m/s, Vi= 0 m/s

A paramedic pushes along the floor a gurney carrying a patient with a mass of 50.0kg.
The paramedic applies a force of 200.0N on the gurney whose mass is 18.0kg. The
opposing friction force between the floor and the wheels of the gurney is 20.0N. Calculate
the resulting acceleration of the gurney and the patient.

Given: m1=50kg, m2=18kg, Fa= 200.0N, f= 20N

Formula: ma = (F - f)
*divide both sides of formula by m*
a = (200 - 20) / 68
Answer: a = 2.65 m/s/s
A 1400-kg car is skidding to a stop along a horizontal surface. The car decelerates from
26.5m/s to a stop in 4.25s. Assuming negligible air resistance, determine the coefficient
of friction between the car tires and the road surface.

Given: m= 1400-kg, Vi= 26.5 m/s, Vf= 0 m/s, t= 4.25s

Formula: Vf = Vi + at
0 = 26.5 + a (4.25)
-a (4.25) = 26.5
*divide both sides by -4.25*
a= -6.24

ma = μmg
*divide both sides by m*
a = μg
μ = -6.24 / -9.8
μ = 0.64

A particle is in equilibrium state when it is at _________ if originally at rest or has a

constant __________ if originally in motion.
Answer: rest, velocity

A box of weight (w) is suspended by two ropes. The magnitude of ___________.

Answer: the vector sum of the tensions in both ropes must be w.

In which of the following items is the center of gravity located at a point where there is no
Choices: Discus, Boomerang, Billiard Ball, Tennis Racket
Answer: Boomerang

"A point at which the entire weight of an object is concentrated toward the earth".
Answer: center of gravity

In a tug-of-war between two athletes, each pulls on the rope with a force of 200 N.
What is the resultant tension in the rope?
Answer: 0 N

A chandelier is hung from a ceiling. Two cable holds the chandelier with tensions 600 N
and 900 N respectively. The 600 N force is 35 degrees with the horizontal. What is the
angle on the other rope if the mass of the chandelier is 100kg?

Given: m=100kg, T1 = 600 N with θ = 35 , T2 = 900 N,

Formula: arcsin [ (W - T1y) / T2]
sin-1 = [ 980 - (600 sin (35)) / 900 ]
Answer: 45 degrees
The system in figure below is in equilibrium with the string in the center exactly
horizontal. Find the angle of T1 and T2

T2 - T1 sin 35 = 0 T1 cos 35 - W = 0
T2 = T1 sin 35 T1 cos 35 = W
*divide both sides by sin 35* T1 cos 35 = 40
T2 = 48.8 sin 35 *divide both sides by cos 35
T2 = 28 N T1 = 48.8 N

T3 sin θ = T2

T3 cos θ - W = 0
T3 cos θ = W
T3 cos θ = 50

Arctan ( T3 sin θ / T3 cos θ)

Arctan ( 28 / 50)
Θ = 29°
90 - 29
Answer: Θ = 61°
A box is suspended by two ropes. One makes an angle 30° with the vertical and is under
a tension of 50.0N. The other rope makes an angle of 37° with the horizontal. Find the
tension in the second rope and the mass of the box?

-T1x + T2x = 0
T2 cos (37) = 50 cos (60)
*divide both sides by cos (37)*
Answer: T2 = 31.3

T1 sin (60) + T2 sin (37) = W

50 sin (60) + 31.3 sin (37) = W
W = 62.14
*divide by 9.8*
Answer: m=6.34 kg
The arrangement shown in the figure below is in equilibrium. Find the mass of the object,
if TA is equal to 90.0N.

Ay - W = 0
A sin θ = W
90 sin 55 = W
W = 73.7
*divide by 9.8*
Answer: m = 7.52 kg
A bird sits on a telephone wire midway between poles 15.0m apart. The wire sags by
40.0cm. The tension on the wire is 80.0N, what is the mass of the bird?

T1 sin θ + T1 sin θ = W 80 [2 sin (3)] = W

80 sin (3) + 80 sin (3) = W W = 8.37 N
*divide by 9.8*
Answer: m = 0.85 kg

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