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VT21 ​- ​Writing ​- v.


Goodbye ​2020​! 
A Year Like No Other? What were people curious about in 2020? Learning still matters!

You have warmed-up and reflected on 2020 by exploring and watching what we searched
for in 2020!

Before you start writing your letter, you have made a list of things that happened to YOU and
in SWEDEN in 2020. What do you think trended 2020? Persons, games, things that
happened to you and in Sweden.

Watch Google — Year in Search 2020: to inspire you if you need it.

What Should We Remember From ​2020​?

Take a moment to reflect on your personal 2020? Not a
perfect year, but will we learn from it? What went well? What
could have been better?

For this first assignment, ​write a letter​ to your post-2020 selves.Think that you are writing to
YOU in 30’s 2051 and YOU are 45 years old and you can’t remember what
happened in 2020. This letter will remind you of all the things that you went through, felt,
saw, did, learned about, ate, drank, wore, lost, got and decided.Think and reflect on things a
bit. The list you wrote can help you, but I want the letter to be in paragraph form, with a good

The letter needs to be written in English as a document and between ​150 - 300 words.

You have instructions on how to write a basic letter in English. Use that as a guide to know
where certain parts of a letter need to be. Follow that format.

Once you are done with your letter, check your spelling and grammar and​ turn it in to me
via Classroom. The due date will be in the Classroom assignment.​ You must turn it in
on time, otherwise it will affect your grade. Always read the instructions properly. With any
questions ask them via chat when we have our online lesson or send an email to me.

Good Luck!
VT21 ​- ​Writing ​- v.2-4

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