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Republic of the Philippines


MAIN CAMPUS Tandag, Surigao del Sur


Section 4. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). -

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is the national
poverty reduction strategy and a human capital investment program
that provides conditional cash transfer to poor households for a
maximum period of seven (7) years, to improve the health, nutrition
and education aspect of their lives. Republic Act No. 11310)
To reflect from the reference given, it is indeed true that
one of the problem of our country is the provision of education to
everyone especially to the kids under a poor family since even you
will give them free education, miscellaneous fees are never free
and sometimes more costly. Thus, this program have been a very
helpful action that benefited the children beneficiaries and their
families. I believe that this program is commendable because it
recognizes the different nature of poverty while it seeks to
address various aspects of life status by providing cash transfers
to the beneficiaries with an aim to alleviate immediate financial
constraints faced by poor households, allowing them to invest in
their children's education and health.
Moreover, I have seen how the program have become an actual
success because of its conditionalities which are significant and
well researched and implemented. By requiring beneficiaries to
comply with certain conditions, such as ensuring regular school
attendance and health check-ups, the 4Ps program promotes
accountability and encourages positive behavior change. With its
system, the program helped break the cycle of poverty by empowering
families and emphasizing the importance of education and health.
Because based on studies, most of the Filipino people are greedy
and not disciplined where they don’t follow orders and system
resulting to commotion and disarray in the community.
However, like any social program, the 4Ps has its challenges
and areas for improvement. Sustaining the program's financial
resources over the long term is crucial to ensure its
effectiveness. Additionally, one of the horror that arises in this
social program is that unbiased social workers and improper
assessing skills where benefits are provided and given to those
who are not actually qualified to avail the program. This issues
resulted to a dire need for continuous monitoring, re-assessment
and evaluation to assess the program's impact and identify areas
where adjustments can be made.
In conclusion, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, or
4Ps, is a significant social development initiative in the
Philippines. I believe that the 4Ps initiative has the ability to
improve the lives of Filipino families permanently and contribute
to the greater growth of the nation with constant improvement but
Republic of the Philippines
MAIN CAMPUS Tandag, Surigao del Sur

most importantly its success will be positive with the guidance

and help from other Agencies and the Local Government Units.

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