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Enigmatic gift (Gift or Test)

 By Tijani Ibrahim oladeji

We sleep we wake we take the control

Of a thing we are offered which is unknown.
Is it a gift from Nature? Still unknown.
Or a test for Our Race? We still don’t know.

Life seems to be hard,

It becomes a canard.
Life is so glittering like gold.
But one has to work so hard, to achieve one goal.

We keep on working but things never change.

We felt it’s a challenge we all must face.
We realized we have to set a pace,
For the upcoming, and let them win the game.

It’s so short, like they say.

Also narrow, a way.
These make it so hard, to get to harbour
With little labour and more knowledge of how to sail, to get to the terminus.

All claim life is harsh and hard,

But none wants quit and depart.
All wanted to know which is the right path,
So All threw it like a dice.

We spoke to ourselves,
And no one could hear us.
We spoke to our heart,
Since no one would help us.

When will these stop?

We asked ourselves.
What is all these about ?
A Gift or a Test?

Thanks for reading

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