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EARNEST PAKISTAN, uses a soi classification system modified fromthe unified Soil Classification system (USCS). Elements of the USCS and other definitions are proved on this and follawing page Sail descriptions are based en visual-nanual procedures {ASTM D 2488-93] unless otherwise noted KRW CLASSIFICATION OF ISO CONSTITUENTS GRAIN SIZE DEFINITION + MAJOR constituents compose more than 50 weight. of the soll MAJOR constituents are capitalized i, SAND) + Minor constituents compose 12 to 50 percent of the soil and precede the major constituents fe, sity SAND]Minor constituents. preceded by “slightly” conpose 5 to 12 percent of the sol fe, slightly SAND) + Trace constituents compose Oto percent ofthe soil ie, slightly sity SAND trace of gravel DESCRIPTION SIEVE NUMBER AND/OR SIZE FINES #2000 SAND «4200 to #40108 to 0am) -Fine #40 to #10104 to 2mm) “Medium #0 to 84 (2 fo Sm Coarse GRAVEL 46 to 3/4 inc to 1mm -Fine Yh to 3 inches (19 to 16m Coarse coBBLES 3 fo 1 inches (6 to 305mm) BOULDERS >"2inces (305m Unless otherwise noted, sand and gravel when present, range from fine to coarse in grain size, RELATIVE DENISTY / CONSISTENCY COARSE-GRAINED SOLS FINE-GRANED SOLS NSPT, RELATIVE NSPT, RELATIVE MOISTURE CONTENT DEFINITIONS SLOWS/ET. DENISTY SLOWS/ET. CONSISTENCY Dry Absence of moisture, dusty, dry a-§ Very loose Under 2 Very soft to the touch 4-0 Loose 2-4 Soft 10-30 Medium dense 4-8 Medium sift Moist Damp but ne visible water 30-50 Dense 8-5 Stitt Over 50 Very dense | 15-30 Very stiff Over 30 Hard Wet Visible free water, from below water table Plot No. 1532, Street No. 05, O.S - 5, Phase VIII, Bahria Town, Rawalpindi. Legend EARNEST PAKISTAN Geotechnical Division FIG. 5

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